MJ Fantasy All For One And O...


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MJ Fantasy All For One And One For Love
Captain of the Musketeers Michael Jackson Makes His Decision
The Musketeers, The Dutch Infiltrators and A Woman Saved...
A Love Burns While Things Heat Up For War...
The Grand Ball Changed It All....
Love Unquenched and the Threat of War
Heartache and Jealousy Explosive Combinations
The Dutch, War and Protecting Michelle
Captain Michael's Mortally Wounded.....
Michael Lives...A Love Realized Forever.....

Can Michelle Save Michael?

125 4 0


Athos was going to get Michelle. She had to know about Michael. Had to be told that he loves her and never stopped. She needed to be here with him for both their sakes. He raced on his horse to the House of Wilson to get Michelle; Only she could save Michael now he believed and he was going to do all he could to save his friend. Arriving at the castle. Athos jumped off his horse and ran to the door.


Mr. Wilson: Athos? What is wrong?

Athos; Where is Michelle? It’s imperative I take her with me.

Mr, Wilson: Michelle’s not here. She is in the fields with the horses The Northern field. Why? Why is it imperative?

Athos runs off to get her, calling over his shoulder. “All will be explained soon sire!!” Disappearing around the side of the castle heading to the field.

Michelle was in the North field at the farthest end of the property with the horses when she looked up and saw someone running towards her. She mounted one of the horses bareback and rode to the man running. She recognized the Musketeer uniform and heard him calling her name.

Michelle; What is it? Is it the Dutch? My father? Athos? Why are you here?? What’s going on?

Athos; breathing heavily from the running. It’s Mi…Michael…He’s…he’s been mortally wounded. I know you h..have your …differ…differences but…I..I think only you.. c..can save him!! Please!!! Please come with me!!

Michelle; But Michael doesn’t love me! Tears start falling.

Athos: Michelle he does.

Michelle reaches down grabs Athos helps him mount the horse and they ride back to her house where he transfers to his own horse and they ride off together. Michelle’s father comes out calling after her but she keeps racing back with Athos to the palace.


Michelle and Athos arrive at the palace and he grabs her hand and takes her running into Michael’s quarters. There wre lots of the Musketeers in the room trying to help Michael. His fever raged on and the one name that he continually called for was Michelle. She heard him mutter it in his delirium. She fell to his side and cried.

Michelle; Michael, Michael my love, I am here. I’m right here. What are you doing to help him?

Musketeer One; We gave his some kelp and grass root for the fever and pain.

Michelle; Oh god NO!! You don’t treat a fever this way. Get me oats, hay. Alcohol, ice and goats milk with salts. Quick!! Sssshhhh…Michael, I’m here. She had tears in her eyes as she caresses his burning head.

The Musketeers ran out to get these things at once for her in hopes she could do what they could not. Michelle used the rag they had to wipe his face. She dipped it in the ale the men had with them drinking. And rubbed his face with it..the alcohol from the ale would start to soak into his skin and fight the fever..She then checked his dressings on his wound.  Looked up at Athos.

Michelle; Athos, Can you get me a sewing needle and some fishing line you use, some burlap and some hemp. I also need guaze, bandages clean rags and some mud.

Athos. Mud?

Michelle; yes, make sure its from the stream of the palace property it’s the cleanest. The soil has natural elements that will help him heal.

Athos; Okay done…Porthos will you get half the list of things and I’ll get the mud right away?

Porthos. Yes at once.

The two men leave to retrieve the needed items to save Michael. Once they had collected what Michelle had asked for they returned to Michael’s quarters. More Musketeers had gathered to watch her try to save their captain. RosePierre told the King what was happening and he wanted to come see for himself.

Michelle set to work to try to save Michael. All the while talking softly to him telling him she loved him and she was here. After she was done doing all she could she buried her face in her hands and cried. Resting her head on his chest she cried. Every one left the room but the king at first until he saw the look of love and heartache on her face for this man the Captain of the Musketeers Michael Jackson he still wanted to make a play for her. To seduce her, but after seeing that look, he knew nothing he tried. No charms, persuations or anything would get her to come with him to his bedchamber and be a lady in waiting. He quietly left the room and told RosePierre to let him know no matter the time of any changed in Michael’s condition. Athos, Porthos and Aramais stayed in the far corner of the room. Aramais prayed over and over for Michael’s recovery. Michelle cried herself to sleep on Michael’s chest.


Michelle’s father is besides himself with worry. It’s been two days since he has seen Michelle when she rode of with Athos of the Musketeers. He goes outside and hitches up the team to the carriage and rides to the palace to see what is happening with his daughter. As he approaches the gates he sees Porthos and calls to him.

Mr. Wilson. PORTHOS!!

Porthos turning to see who it is that has called him. He sees Mr. Wilson Michelle’s father and stops to speak with him. Hello Sire. How may I help you?

Mr. Wilson; I am looking for Michelle. She took off with Athos two days ago and I have not heard from her since. Is something wrong?

Porthos; looking down sadly. Yes. Sire. It is Michael. He was mortally wounded and we had hoped that Michelle being with him would help him. See he is delirious with fever and in his delirium he has only called out one name over and over. Michelle; He has called for your daughter Michelle. Michael Jackson loves your daughter Michelle Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson; Oh, well, I…I um …I didn’t know. Michelle never spoke of him really except in her diary that her sisters got a hold of and read then hurt her more talking about him. I didn’t know it was that serious between them. Please give Michael my best and tell Michelle I will be at home with her sisters. To take all the time she needs for Michael.

Porthos; I will Mr. Wilson, thank you.

Mr. Wilson get back into his carriage and leaves for home once more. Part of him was angry at Michelle for not telling him about Michael and how serious they were. Part was happy she had a love. and yet still he was sad that this love of hers may die. So many emotions running through his head and heart. But right now, he knew that he had to be supportive of his daughters heart and feelings for his young man. Michael Jackson who is the captain for the Musketeers is a good man and honest loving man he knew, so he felt his daughter could not have choosen a better man.

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