No scrub

By twerp2340

34K 685 216

Faze blaziken fanfic More

First time meeting him
First date
Beach day with faze
Fan meet up
The sparks fly
Cod and cuddles
A/N: new cover
Beach fun
Picture day
Looking at my gf instagram
Adventure is out there!
Nothing new
Whats that?
Going back to Cali
A whole lot a fluff
Much better
Get over it
School days
I need an answer
A death in the family
Thank you
Surprise 2.0
Christmas fun pt.1
Christmas fun pt.2
Its just a bump in the road
Screaming match
Somthing new
Telling the other
Some unexpected news
Telling everyone
Oh hi there
Finally home
Me missing you
Best friends brother ( one shot)
Friendly face
The first day of planning maybe the last
Sudden spark of happiness
Tinder dates
Its a girl
A little miracle
๐Ÿ’œThank you so much๐Ÿ’œ
Hey guys
The End Of All Things

I do

403 8 3
By twerp2340

Nichole's p.o.v

It's now two months before the wedding and I think the invention I sent out are cute.

The date is December 2, 2017. I'm excited I can't wait. Clem has been a handful. Her favorite word is "No", and she has my sass. But in the good news she's walking around just fine. Everytime I see her do something new i get a flashback of when I first saw her. She was so tiny. Now she's a hot mess like her mother. Lucas hates that she takes after me so much. But also loves it cause when I'm trying new things for my YouTube she's right there watching me do everything and asking some questions. Even though it's not the best I still answer when she points at it and starts to talk. But she loves sitting with Lucas when he films. I always get so upset when I'm alone watching a movie and have no one to cuddle. Thor is attached to Clem. Like I lost my dog to my daughter. I think I spoil Clem to much. Like she has so many clothes and shoes. But all of them aren't from me. Kara got her two pair of Jordan's, Chianne got her three new outfits. Oh but her daddy got her a small replica of my makeup desk, oh and her own Xbox controller, and a faze shirt with her name on it. I made my way to the office to see Lucas editing and Clem and Thor playing beside his desks.

"Hey babe"
"I'm going out with Kara, do you need anything?"
"You sure"

I looked down at Clem.

"You wanna go with mommy and aunt Kara"

She looked up and smiled.

"Ok go get ready"

She got up and walked to her room with Thor right behind her. By what I mean get ready is for her to pick her clothes that's she wants to wear and shoes. But most the time I have to pick something cause she doesn't know what to wear. I made my way behind Lucas and draped my arms around his neck.

"Can we do something tonight"

He turned his head and smirked.

"I haven't expected this offer after all the times you say no"
"Well I'm pretty sure that Kara will take Clem, and then me and you can have some alone time"
"I don't know I'll think about"

I smirked as I leaned down and placed small kisses on his neck and nibbled on his sweet spot. I slid my arms down and played with the hem of his shirt. I slightly grazed his noticeable bulge in his basketball shorts. I leaned up from his neck and whispered in his ear.

"Are you going to think about it now"

I stood up straight and walked out his office to hear a loud groan and I started to laugh. I walked into Clem's room to see her sitting on the floor playing with Thor. They have a bond that is unbreakable.

"Did you pick something out"
"Ok. Will you get daddy to help you brush your teeth"

She nodes and runs out of the room to ask Lucas to help her brush her teeth. While that was happening I looked through her closet to find something for her to wear. I fount the cutest outfit ever well in my opinion. Once she came back I undressed her and helped her out in her outfit. I put her hair in a bun and tied a red bandana around her head. I smiled. She's so beautiful.

I left her alone to play for a bit while I went to go get ready. I went into my shared bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. I put on light makeup and then went through my closet and picked a outfit out. It's pretty hot outside so I picked some shorts and my favorite crop top. That shows my tattoo that Clem loves to point out all the balloons. I smiled and got dressed.

I walked to Clem's room to see her drawing a picture. I walked beside her and squatted beside her.

"What are you drawing"
"You mommy"

She nods and keeps drawing. I looked at the photo to see a figure that had black hair and a nose ring. Then I saw balloons all around. I smiled and kissed her head. And stood up and walked into the office. Lucas was still editing his video and he looked so tired. I pulled his chair back and sat on his lap.

"Take a break"
"I'm almost done"
"Lucas you look tired"
"I'm fine"

I raised an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms.

"Don't cross your arms at me"
"Then don't get sassy with me"
"I'm not getting sassy"
"Lucas your acting worse than Clem when she argues"

I heard a giggle and saw Clem standing in the doorway.

"Daddy's getting in trouble"
"Yes daddy is getting in trouble so I'm going to punish him later on tonight when we get home"

I smirked as I saw Lucas shift and turn red. I climbed off his lap and picked Clem up and went downstairs. I placed her down. I made her a bag of snacks and clothes jut incase Kara can take her. I looked at my phone to see Kara texted she's five minutes away. I looked at Clem and held my hand out for her to take. She looked at me and and grabbed my hand.

"Lucas we're heading out"

Clem and I walked out of the house and waited on Kara. I grabbed her car seat out of my car. By the time I got the car seat out Kara pulled into the drive way. I opened the back car door and put Clem's car seat in and buckled her up.

> time skip <

I just finished reading to Clem and she was sound asleep. Yeah Kara couldn't take her tonight because her and Nord have something planned tonight. So I made sure to shut her door all the way. I started to walk towards my shared room with the love of my life. I looked in and saw Lucas already asleep. The fuck I'm getting some dick tonight. It's been a year and some months. I swear. I walked into the room and jumped on Lucas. He woke up startled and I smirked.

"You remember our talk earlier today"
"Well it's been a year and some months Lucas. And I want your dick. So your going to give it to me"
"What about Clem"
"I have music playing and I read her a hole book. She'll sleep most of the night and that gives us time. Because let's be honest it might take us only thirty minutes"
"Your lack of me not making it longer is sad"
"I mean we haven't had sex in forever"
"Yeah but that doesn't mean I can't please you still"
"We'll see about that"

I was going to say something but Lucas had already flipped me over and smashed his lips against mine. I kissed back instantly with so much need.

( sorry you kinky people I don't wanna write smut my dude. There will be some at the end of the chapter)

I heard the door open and then I felt something crawl in the bed. I opened my eyes to see Clem under the blankets in front of me. I smiled and pulled her close to me. Then I drifted back to bed.

~time skip to the day of the wedding~

I ran around the house trying to get most of the things I needed. Thank god Chianne took Clem I would have offed my self if I would have to worry about her right now. I'm so stressed out. I think I've cried three times today. I'm excited so I don't have cold feet I've been waiting on this da what seems like forever. I grabbed my keys after I gathered everything and left to head to the house where I'm getting that which is near the field we're getting married in. Yep our guest might get cold. But then we're heading into this nice hotel that's decked out in winter wonderland shit and it looks amazing. I rushed inside and saw Clem already and everyone else ready then there's me a fucking mess my eyes are still red and puffy. I want to die.

"I'm going to hang myself"

Everyone looked over at me and smiled.

"Your just saying that because your nervous"

I rolled my eyes at Kara and sat in the chair to get my hair done honestly I don't even know what she's doing. I said surprise me and that's what I'm getting. I really didn't want make up but for pictures so I don't look washed out I did my regular makeup. But you know that wasn't enough for the stylist. It took about three hours for my hair and makeup. My hair took forever because she didn't know what to do. Until Kara and Chianne told her what to do.
They wouldn't let me see my makeup until I had my dress on. And honestly I was getting mad. I wanted to see what I looked like. I could tell that the women was almost done and when she told me to close my eyes I did as I was told and she turned the chair. I opened my eyes and I front of me was a completely different looking person.

"Holy hell I look hot"

Everyone laughed. I can do this. I'm ready. I started to snack on some food because I was starving. And honestly I've been working out and eating healthy to loss my baby weight and to get in shape that I had to go back and pick a different dress because the other one didn't fit. But honestly I feel in love with the dress I picked this time around. I looked at the clock and saw it's time for me to get dressed.

Game of thrones yes winter kinda. But I love it. So if anyone says anything they can fight me. It's my wedding not there's. I wonder how Lucas's day has been.

Lucas's p.o.v

I can't do this I'm to fucking nervous. I've been waiting for so long for this moment but I'm afraid I'll mess it up. I've. Even vloging the whole day. I mean who wouldn't want this amazing moment captured.

"How's it going guys it Lucas or faze blaziken. Today is going to be a stressful and nerve racking day. I can't explain what's going on in my mind right now all I want to do is see Nichole. I haven't seen her in two days. And it kills me. But honesty it's worth it in ready to see her. I can't wait for her to actually be my wife. I've always pictured this moment. And now that it's here I'm absolutely terrified. But I'll catch you guys a later.

I sat the camera down. I looked around my dressing room you could say and sat down in the chair and looked in the mirror in front of me. I look like absolute shit. I have bags u see my eyes and I'm breaking out worse than ever.  God I'm going to have to put makeup on. Cause I know for sure that Nichole wouldn't want me looking like shit when we take photos. I sat back and waited for the boys to get here. Banks is walking Nichole down. And asked from Nichole Apex is my best man. Then it's Nordan than Nick then Alex. Everyone else is invited but I just wanted three. Because it doesn't look right compared to Nichole's three bridesmaids. I smiled when I heard most of the guys walk in.

"Yo, Lucas you look like shit dude"
"Thank you for stating the obvious asshole"

I smiled and got up. They all gave me a manly hug and then the hair dresser came in and styled all our hair. As I was sitting in the salon chair I got to thinking, how am I so lucky to be sitting here getting ready to be married to a woman who I don't deserve, the kid that I don't deserve. But I gave both of them. I love both of them with all my heart. I don't see why she kept on forgiving me. I do t deserve it but I know that it will never happen again. I looked at my friends around me looking amazing in the outfit I picked out. Yes I picked this out. Nichole did not help me at all, but Chianne and Kara did.

I looked in the mirror and smiled. I can do this. I turned around and looked at Ricky and smiled.

"Make sure she doesn't fall"
"I would never let her fall"
"I know"

God I'm so nervous. I grabbed the paper that has my vowels on it. I'm absolutely terrified. We made our way out into the field and the wait begins. I can't. Standing up here by myself is so painful. Everyone is staring at me. My chest started to tighten. I looked at the ground and calmed myself, but when I looked up I saw Apex at the end with Chianne. I already knew my palms where sweaty and my chest got tighter. Holy shit. They walked down agonizingly slow and then it went on to Nordan and Kara, Alex and Grace, and finally Nick and Angel. I looked down due to Chianne telling me to. I heard the music start and I looked up, my breath got caught in my throat and I couldn't help but let a smile break out on my face. I could tell I was going to cry but honestly the cutest thing was Clem and her sign she was holding. It said "look at how beautiful mommy is daddy." My life is perfect. I felt the tears roll down my face, I lifted my hand and whipped them off. Nothing could beat this moment. She's so close. I just want to hold her.

"Who gives this women away"
"I do"

I placed my hand out as Ricky places Nichole's hand in mine. I clasped it and helped her way over to me. I will never let her fall.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Lucas Mosing   and Nichole Bates. You may be seated. The two have written there own vows"

I looked at Nichole as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my paper with my vows to her.

"Nichole, I don't see how I'm standing here today in front of all our family and friends getting married. In a world like this you don't choose who you want to hurt you say who you want to hurt. And I've never meant to hurt you ever. But I did on numerous accounts. And I don't see how you take me back every time. But I'm glad you did. And I promise I'll never hurt you again. Yes I know we'll get into arguments and we'll mess up a lot but that's what couples do. I love you more than anything and I love you more when you went through labor and we had Clem. Nichole you mean the world to me and then some. I couldn't ask for a better person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Nichole I'm standing here today because I really want to promise you forever. I know that when we first met you thought you would never fall for me and yet here you are about to marry me. I know I'm an idiot and I know sometimes I do stupid things like get myself stuck in the laundry shoot but if I know there's one thing in my life I'm doing right it's marrying you. Nichole I hope you take this ring and look at it every time you feel like your alone, every time you feel like something is to hard for you to overcome let this ring be a symbol of my love and that I'm here with you no matter what."

I can see the tears form in her eyes. She looked over at Chianne and got her vows.

Nichole's p.o.v

His vows are so sweet I can't believe he thinks he's not worth my time. I'd die for him. Any day. And he's my world he helped make Clem. God this man is my everything. I felt the tear leave my eyes and I turn to grab my paper with my vows on them and looked at Lucas.

"Lucas, People kept telling me that this would never work. But look at where we are. Honestly I believed them but then you'd always smile and shake your head at me. Honestly these years with you have been the best. And I can't explain how happy you make me. You have me the most wonderful gift ever. You helped me make Clem and I couldn't ask for anything else. We already have a family but I can't wait to add on to it. But right now I say we just grow up, be adults, and die. But die together. So I'll finish with saying this, With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring I ask you to be mine. But Lucas our love is God, let's go get a slushie."

I smirked and laughed with Lucas.

"Do you Lucas take Nichole to be your wife in sickness and in Health?"

"I do"

"And do you Nichole take Lucas to be your husband in sickness and health?"

"I do."

"With the power investing in me I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride."

I leaned in and kissed Lucas's I've waited for this moment, it seems like forever.  We pulled away and everyone started to clap. We walked down the isle and went to the venue. We went into separate rooms. I for one didn't want to leave him but we have to wait for everyone to get into the venue so we can make our grand entrance. I was looking in the mirror to see how I looked at honestly I still looked good. I heard the door open and I see Lucas in the mirror.

"You know your not spoused to be in here"
"I haven't seen you in two days and you don't want me near you"

I felt his arms around my waist.

"I'm not saying that"
"You sure"
"I'm positive. Your mine forever"
"And always?"
"I couldn't ask for a better player two"

~time skip to honeymoon night~

I just got off the phone with Chianne. She's watching Clem until me and Lucas come home. He flew us out to New Zealand. It's so beautiful here. We entered this nice island house and looked around. It was quite until I heard Lucas set our luggage down. He came up behind me and swooped me off my feet.

"So Mrs.Mosing   what to do"
"I don't know Mr. Mosing, you tell me"
"Well we could swim"
"In the ocean, in the moon light"
"Yes, but.."
"But what?"
"Skinny dipping"
"I'm in. Just give me sometime"

He placed me down and started to walk out on the beach. Stripping along as he goes. Honestly you ask if I'm afraid I'm not. I just need time to think. I went into the bedroom and looked through my bag Chianne and Kara picked out for me. All of it was lingerie. What the hell. I stripped and went over my already shaved areas. I'm fucking terrified. We already had sex but this is sex as a married couple. It's different. Right? Well off I go. I walked on the beach and let the towel o had around me fall I walked into the water and jumped on Lucas.

"For a minute I though you forgot about me"
"I would never"

I hoped down and swam around. This is refreshing. I was relaxing until I felt Lucas scoop me up again and I felt the water leave my body. I could feel Lucas kiss my neck and nibble at places.

"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to make love to my beautiful wife"

I felt a bed underneath me as Lucas laid me down. He hovered over me and pressed a sweet kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I just want all of him. He pulled away and placed kisses down my neck to my chest. He kissed down my stomach sucking here and there leaving marks almost bf the way. He made his way to my heat. God i needed this. His head was now between my legs and I felt his hot breath at my entrance. This is going to be a long night.

( hello my babies I've missed all of you. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I promised smut but I don't feel like writing it. I've never wanted to make this book all smutty so that's why there isn't a lot. I love you guys so much and I can't believe there is only one more chapter left until I complete my book. It like yesterday I just published it and then a month later I have 1k reads but now we're at 18K reads and one chapter away from completion. Thank you for all the support and love. I couldn't ask for a better Wattpad family. Twerp out)


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