Forever and Always...

By Krystal200227

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"Imagine a hot guy, just any hot guy. A celebrity like Zac Efron? Your boyfriend? A crush from school? Or eve... More

1. Hello Land of Dreams
2.There's More than What Meets the Eye
3.Early Morning Madness!
4.All about Jacob
5.Meeting Katie

Getting Ready

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By Krystal200227

Wednesday goes pretty quick considering how much I don't like this new place. The boss here is too strict. My boss who transferred me here is so much nicer. He treats me as his daughter. My day was just completing my research and sketching. I missed my lunch break so I can avoid seeing Jacob and just bought a tub of cold tomato pasta from outside before work. I figured out now that Katie and Jacob see each other a lot, so I try to keep my distance from her too. I can't explain how I feel about Jacob. There's just something about him that makes me feel uncomfortable.

I leave work and reach home quickly. There wasn't anything much interesting that happened on Wednesday except that the movers truck came to takes my suitcases to my appartment. Tomorrow I get to move in properly.

As I leave for work on Thursday I genuinly felt like not going. So when I reached there, I completed a lot of work by missing both my 20 minute break and asked my Boss to leave at lunch with the excuse of completing some paperwork for my new appartment. The real reason why I left early was so I could go shopping for the perfect outfit to wear when I meet Alex. As I leave work I think to myself how crazy this is. Cute boy Alex wanting to hang out with me! This might seem unreal to you all but even I can't believe it. I go into a few shops and look for a nice dress. I try to look for something fancy but not too fancy. Something, I guess, attention grabbing but not too fancy that everyone walking past stares at us. I want to be seen only by him and be invisible to the world. I try looking but luck fails me as I can't find anything matching my description. I don't wanna go too far into looking for a dress as I want to get back to my apartment on time. I contemplate leaving but as I walk out the store something grabs my attention from across the street. On the window for display are the dresses that I'm looking for. I wander into the shop and start looking and manage to find the perfect dress. It's a red cocktail dress with a silver border along the waist. Its short so my legs are showing and also strapless. I reach to my appartment and take a nice long bath. When I get out, I check the time. 16:46pm. I change into my dress and straighten my hair. Because everything is in boxes and suitcases, it takes time to look for the things and for it to be found quickly. After a lot of thinking, I decide to leave my hair open with my fringe held back with a grip. I also put a tiny red bow on my hair. I then put my dress on with black tights. When I got my dress, I managed to get some makeup aswell. I put red eyeshadow on topped up with mascara to highlight my long eyelashes even more and eyeliner. I put a bit of blush to make it seem natural and i finish it off with bright red lipstick. I then put on a pair of diamond earings. And I'm done! I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and look pleased with my look. I put on my high heels and then take a selfie. I put it on Instagram.
"#GoingOut #Dinner 🍗"
I check the time and its 17:26pm. Time flies by pretty quick. I then wear my coat and walk over to my hotel. I check the time. 18:07pm. Shit. I try to walk faster but I'm nearer anyway so I give up.


[☆Alex☆: Been waiting outside for 5 minutes. You ready yet?]

[Me: Yeah, just give me two minutes.]

I turn around the corner and see the back of what I'm guessing is Alex waiting for me by the entrance door. I tap his shoulder.
"Hi, I'm here!", I say with a smile longer than the Great Wall of China. He turns around and our eyes meet. His chocolatey brown eyes sparkle as he smiles.
"Hey gorgeous!", he says, looking at me up and down. Unfortunatley he can't see what I'm wearing because I'm waering my coat. I chuckle at the thought. I look at what he's wearing. A suit. Typical for men.
"Come, lets get in the car." We walk over to the car. He opens the door for me. I look at the seat. There's a bouquet of flowers. Roses.
"For you.", he says. I pick them up and smell them. They smell fresh. I then sit down and he sits in his seat and starts driving.
"Geez you make it look like we're going on a date!", I laugh jokingly. He laughs too.
"I wanna make this special for you. I want to make it memorable. You seem like a loveable person. I wanna make your time in New York fun."
I think about the last thing he said, 'I wanna make your time in New York fun'. I feel a fuzzy feeling in my stomach and ask him to turn on the radio. I roll the windows down and I remember Jacob. Ugghh, why does he have to ruin everything for me? Why does everything I do remind me of Jacob. This is honestly so annoying.
"Good day at work?"
I look at him, mentally thanking him for speaking and diverting my attention from thoughts of Jacob.
"Yeah, it was alright.", I smile. Today is a good day and I don't want to spoil it by ranting about work. Evening sets and the sun is fading away. It looks beautiful. The car stops at the traffic lights and all the red lights around me make my head ache, but was totally #photographygoals. I take out my phone and take a snap of it. I upload it to Snapchat.
"So, you like photography?"
"Yeah. I find it extremely beautiful. It's just mesmerises me how the Earth can be so naturally beautiful even though our world is filled with hate, poverty, violence and crime.", I say as we pass pavements with people sleeping on the floor.
"Hmmm, I couldn't agree more. If you like photography, I could always take you some places where you could get some really good pictures."
"OMG, that would be awesome!" I smile.
He smiles back as he parks the car at a car park.
"We're here princess."

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