Shameful // a shameless story...

By kateye41

18.9K 239 30

Aubrey fisher. The younger sister of Veronica and Marty fisher. She had lived with her father her whole life... More

~ five~


1K 17 1
By kateye41

Chapter seven

Aubrey's pov

I woke up this morning feeling like it's going to be a good day. So I got dressed into a pair of white jeans not caring if it winter, a long almost like a dress camouflage shirt, and my timberlands. I part my hair in a half-up half-down style, grab my jacket and purse and went down stairs. "What happened to the 'medicine cabinet.'" I say quoting medicine cabinet." Your little friend Carl broke into it." She says." He did?" I asked." Yes, he did." She said.

"What's got you all happy?" She asked when she notice the small smile on my face." I don't know I feel like today will a good day." I say grabbing my keys from the table near the couch." You're such a weird kid." She mumbles and walks away. I furrow my eyebrows at that and continue my smiling like a weird kid she says I am. I walk over to the Gallagher house to see if either of the kids want a ride to school.

"You're supposed to make liam breakfast." I heard Debbie yell." It's not my job." He yells back." Relax." I say as I hand something from my bag." You carry food around?" Debbie ask." Yeah there is a homeless kid near school, bring the food all the time." I said.

"I made a huge sale yesterday." Fiona says to us hoping to get something out of her siblings." That's awesome." I say smiling at her but the two kids look at me." Never mind." I mumble and sit at the counter. Carl puts his hand out to Fiona, which means he wants lunch money but she gives him a confused look." He's still not talking to you. Lunch." Debbie explains and puts her hand out for money to." You know, I used to be your sister, not just an ATM." She says putting money into the kids hand." Do you need, I mean you brought groceries?" Fiona asked turning to me. "Nah," I looked in my bag to see if I had my wallet." I'm good." I shake my head and get up.

"I like that top, you look cute." Fiona says to Debbie." I'm not trying to look cute." Was all she said before walking away from her." I could walk you to school." She yells following us to the door. "I'm not in the first grade." She says getting annoyed." We just haven't talked that much lately, and maybe that's my fault, I haven't been around much." Fiona says with a sad expression.

"Yeah, well don't you have to be at work?" Debbie asked as she walked a little faster." I can be late. Hey!" She calls Debbie to make her stop." Whatever your going through, guess what? I did too, you got plenty of time to grow up. It's okay to be a kid." Fiona says to Debbie, but all she did was walk away and get into the back seat of my car." I'll drive them to school today." I mumble walking down the steps." Talk to them for me, please." Fiona says." You got it." I say and got into my car.


"I know you guys are mad at her, but at least give her a chance." I say to both of them." Well she needs to stop treating me like a kid." Debbie argues." Well Debbie maybe she's right, you are acting to grown, it is alright to be a kid, but you know what, once you're on your own, you're going to be wishing you were a kid again, don't crawl back to me or Fiona, all we're going to do is say I told you so." I say turning around to face her.

All she does is roll her eyes and gets out, and before Carl could get out I caught him by his jacket." And you, If Fiona doesn't want to give up her liver, she doesn't, he never done anything good for her, why should she give up her liver for him." I say letting him go." Whatever, Aubrey." He said getting out. I let out a sigh and sat back in my seat for while before pulling off.


I went to go sell more weed to someone before school and I made $110 just now. Before I had $330 made from when I sold to Aiden and to that old guy and someone else, I sold thirty packs, and just sold ten more to someone else. So I made $440, and I need to sell a lot more which I normally do throughout the week.

Greg: I want 100 packs of condoms

I got a text from one of my costumers, yes the code is condoms it was his idea when he opened the visor and three packs of condoms fell out.

Me: I'm at school right now so around 12:30 meet me across the street of the school. The park.

I texted back and put my phone away and continued to do my work." Hey." I heard someone whisper from next to me but I ignored it." Your Aubrey, right?" He asked after a while." Yeah, why?" I mumbled." G-dogg said I could come to you for something." He said causing my head to shoot up at him." Shut the fuck up, would you?" I say." Oh sorry, but can you meet me after school, I want something." He said.

"Yeah sure, on the side of the school though, but I'll think of something on the spot." I say and close my book and put it away as the bell rings." Ok, thanks." He says while walking away. It's lunch time so I'll go meet Greg across the street.

"Greg." I tell when I see him sitting down on the bench." Hey Bri." He says." I don't got 100 on me." I mumble since there is people around us." Oh damn, but can you like give me what you have?" He asked." Um yeah, lets go to the bathroom though." I said thinking of something." Oh, alright." He says a little to excited.

"Not that." I say opened the bathroom door and walked in." So how much you got?" He asked." I have like fifty on me but I have another order right after school." I said." Ok." Was all he said." I'll give you forty-five, and I'll go home and get the rest and bring it to you." I say taking out 'the lunch box'. I count out forty-five grams and put the rest back and left them in the sink." Give me the money." I say." Oh, right." He said pulling out his money.

"How much is forty-five grams?" He said counting."$495." I mumble. He handed me five one hundred dollar bills so I give him the give back." I'll trust you to get me the fifty-five." He said putting away the weed and walked out. Once I walk out I see a very angry women with a child next to her doing the peepee dance." Save that for when you get home, my child has to pee." She snaps." Not my problem." I said shaking my head and walked away.


School was finally finished and I have to go meet that boy that wanted to buy from me." Hey." I said once I caught sight of him leaning against the wall." Hey." He said." I only got five left, so how much money you have on you?" I asked. "I think like thirty or forty." He said." Ok I can give two or three if you want." I said reaching into my back and grabbed three packs."$33 for all three." I said but I noticed some students hanging out over here.

"Hold on." I said pushing the weed into my hand more and hiding it into my fist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered into his ear." When I kiss you, put the money in my bag, and I'll put the weed in you pocket. Before he could say anything I started to kiss him.

I felt him slip the money into bag so I slipped the weed into his back pocket." Bye." I said as I pulled away and walked away. I turned to look at him and he looked stunned so I have him a wink and a smile and walked to my car.

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