The Return (On Hold)

By 1998izzy

651 73 6

What would you do if your twin sister hated you? What if you hadn't seen her for five years? What if she had... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

224 8 2
By 1998izzy

Author's note: Hey to anyone who is reading this!

I just want to warn everyone before you start reading that there is quite a bit of swearing in here, escpecially from Lexi's POV. Please bear with me at the beginning as there is a lot of explaning but it is important for you to understand the story. It gets better later on.

I also wanted you to know that for my cast of characters, some of them are much older now but the characters are based off what they looked like at the age of the character. (for example Camilla Belle/Imogen is like 20 or 30 but Imogen is played by her when she was 5)

I dedicate my chapters to my favourite authors on Wattpad or if they have a book I find truly amazing. I'm dedicating this chapter to imaginator1D because her 'After' series is one of the best things I've read since I joined Wattpad!

On the side there is a picture of Brittany-------------------------->

Thanks for reading!


Brittany's POV

Life has a habit of throwing us curveballs. The only thing I can say for certain is exactly that; nothing is certain. Ironic, isn't it? Anger is what controls us, consumes us, makes us act irrationally and, as a result, do things we never thought we were capable of.

Well, that's what I had thought.

Now, as I was laying on the ground, gasping for air these thoughts and many others ran through my head. My eyelids felt heavy and I wanted nothing more than to stand up and punch the figure looming near me.

My name was piercing through the air from all directions as my body started to dissolve. And can you guess all that I could think about in that moment where I had come to terms with the fact I was about to fade into nothing?


...why couldn't I have chosen a better last word.

All of this started (believe it or not) just two months prior; scary thought I'm sure. So much can change in such a short time and all that I'm left with is the overwhelming urge to go back and hit that naive little whiner I call my past self over the head with a wooden chair. Twice.

It was a beautiful Friday morning, or it would have been if you're one of those people who loves the rain like I did. Every nerve in my body was standing on edge, waiting for the moment I would lock eyes with the person who hated me the most in this world... My sister.

It was an extremely complicated story, so rather than boring you with hours of monotonous gabble, here it is from the beginning, or at least the closest thing to it.

I was cruising down the freeway with my hair blowing in the wind thanks to a roofless Ferrari that my dad claimed gave 'a good impression' to his business clients, but I knew it was just a distraction. From what exactly, I couldn't be sure but I was sure it had something to do with a word that started with an A and also ended with an A. Alexia.

Ever since my father had been posted with a job in Australia, I had been holding my breath in anticipation of meeting the fireball that was my sister; quite literally. My mind kept running different scenarios of how she would react to the news I was back. I knew for a fact mum wouldn't tell her or she would be halfway to Mexico right now with the ladybird backpack I knew she still held close to her heart from the days she could stand to be around me.

Having known her my whole life left me with the most likely story that she would burn the school down just so she wouldn't have to go and see me.

In an interesting turn of events to the traditional story one would tell, you should know that my sister and I are what we call sorcerers. Hence, we both have control over a certain earthly element.

When a sorcerer is born they have limited powers over almost every element. On their fifth birthday they are taken to another realm where they have to decide which element they would like to keep for the rest of their lives. From there, they enter a series of tests for that element and if they pass them all they get the full powers that element has to offer.

However, it is possible for a asorcerer to fail the test which means all of their powers are taken away and they can no longer live with their parents of whom at least one is a sorcerer. In our case, this is my father who possesses the element of lighting. Luckily both my sister and I passed the test but our little brother, Adam, did not so he went to live with our grandma about an hour from quintonville, the 'dandy' town I like to call home... Or at least that is what it says on the sign that welcomes us.

In the exam I chose water, due to my love of the cold. Something about the element surrounds me and makes me feel safe. I was always obsessed with swimming and spent a lot of my time at the beach back in Australia, but I never pursued my dream of being part of the school swimming team due to my obviously unfair advantage.

As if to defy me (though at that point she was blissfully ignorant of the future) Alexia chose the exact opposite; fire. Her temper can get the best of her at times and it sometimes scares me what she is capable of. One of my friends in the sorcery world once told me that she and I were some of the strongest sorcerers to ever walk the planet and if that didn't lather on pressure I had no clue what would have. We didn't have the luxury to be unaware.

In the event of our odd predicament, it was weirder for us to have discover that our mother was not a sorcerer, but rather possessed other supernatural powers, including the ability to teleport and create force fields, which had come in handy when Lexi accidently lit sticks of dynamite on our sixth birthday.

There was a legend in the other realm that it is possible for individuals to carry more than one supernatural ability however, even with our mothers coaching neither of us girls had ever shown any promise with different powers. But I was quite content with what I had.

The first thing I can recall about that day was the sound of my dad voice slicing through the wind
"Are you alright?" He had asked whilst momentarily allowing his eyes to waver from the road he was driving down to look into my soul. He had a really good reflex allowing him to tell when I was lying or something was wrong. "I'm fine." I had lied shortly, regardless of knowing that fact.

It would have been obvious to a blind monkey that this was not the case, especially with the background knowledge that I hadn't seen my twin sister in over five years. Yet, suddenly, I found myself heading towards her high school while she had absolutely no knowledge of the events leading me there. She was clearly going to be peeved off.

Like normal my dad saw straight through my blatant lie, "You're not fine... you're nervous and probably scared shitless, right?"

I couldn't help but laugh. While most parents try to protect the children from the bad things in the world like drinking, swearing and drugs my father chooses a different approach. Don't get me wrong he isn't irresponsible or anything, but occasionally at dinner he will let me try a bit of his wine, and he actually swears quite a bit. But he would have never let me have drugs, not that I actually wanted any. Growing up with a doctor as a father has taught me all about how bad drugs are to the point where I even refuse to take legal or medical drugs.

It's good though because while other kids are intrigued by these things because they are off limits, I only use the occasional swear word.

"Fine, I'm nervous," I admit, "but I have a right to be. Lexi has hated me ever since I chose you over mum. We haven't even said a single hello in over five years, that's how much she hates me."

"Don't worry, Lex will come around in time."

"But what if she doesn't..." I wonder quietly to myself just as my dad pulls up at the front of the school and begins to get out. "Wait, you're coming in?"

"Of course I still need to sign some papers." Dad explains but it's obvious he notices my hesitation, "Don't worry, I'll be practically invisible."

I can't help but smile at him. He has always had my back, it's one of the reasons I went to America with him five years ago instead of staying here.

As we walk towards the administration office I notice a boy sitting across the playground with his head in his hands. Class has already started and there is not a single other person around but him.

I watch as he kicks a bin over and sends garbage flying across the grass, my first instinct is to rush over there and put it all back in the bin but he is clearly angry so I decide against it. Just before I turn around the corner I notice him look up and stare at me. My eyes go wide before I dart them away and watch the ground as we continue to walk.

When we reach the safety of the office I let out a slight sigh of relief but then draw my breath in once again when I realise the hard part is still too come.

"Miss Brittany Chambers?" the principal asks looking down at me.

"Yeah" I clarify, picking up my backpack and following him into his office with my father hot on my heels.

"Before we start, are you in any relation to Lexi Chambers? There is a bit of a resemblance."

Of course there is a resemblance; we are identical twins, for fuck's sake! After I left, my mum told me about how Lexi had changed herself so we wouldn't be associated with each other. She dyed her hair brown instead of our golden blonde, she got brown-eye contacts and she paints on freckles everyday as well as having got herself a tan by going outside a lot. She even changed schools so no one would ever know she had a twin.

I notice my dad opening his mouth to say something but I couldn't let him tell them. Lexi already hates me enough. "Cousins," I say quickly and I see my father stare at me like he wants to say something; but luckily he keeps his mouth shut.

"Ah, well now at least you have someone who can show you around..." the principal tells me. I notice that the sign on the principal's table says Mr Peterson.

"No! Please, no!" I interrupt quickly. The principal and my dad both look at me, shocked. "She doesn't like me very much," I say, explaining my sudden outburst.

"That's fine. We'll get you a buddy to show you around." I smile gratefully at him. At least that's one thing off my shoulders.

"Thanks." he really is a nice man, for this I am grateful.

"So your father and I need to get a few things sorted but my assistant, Helen, will show you to class" he says and right on queue she enters the room whilst he scrummages through papers on his desk before finally picking one up, "Here is your timetable. Your first class is history. Your cousin should be there too."

"Crap." I mumble under my breath, I had hoped to delay our meeting for as long as possible.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Mr Peterson asked.

"No, I was just..." Tell the truth. Tell the truth. Tell the truth! "Trying to work out an equation."

Shit! I lied again. It wasn't even a good lie, I mean come on, an equation? Wow now I sound like a nerd.

I can tell he didn't believe me but he was too polite to question me, instead he just nodded towards Helen signalling for me to follow her, and I did as he requested.

With each step I became more nervous. I may not even recognise Lexi especially with all the changes, but she will definitely recognise me.

"You don't need to be nervous, the children at this school are quite nice." Helen reassured me, obviously sensing my discomfort.

I had to bite my lip to avoid laughing. Teachers may say everyone is sweet but I know for a fact the minute they turn their back the bullying begins.

I am ashamed to admit it but back at my school in America I was sort of a bully. I never actually did the bullying but I was on the cheerleading squad so it was kind of like my job to stand behind the head cheerleader while she did the bullying. I say cheerleader but honestly there was nothing cheerful about any of them except my best friend Samantha. I miss her already. She was a sorcerer too but she failed her test just like Adam so she couldn't use her powers.

"Uh-huh." I agree just to be civil before rummaging through my bag for my water bottle and finding it empty, "Can I fill up my water bottle?"

"Sure, the girl's toilets are just down the hall. I'll wait for you here."

"Thank you, I'll be right back." I assured her before dashing to the toilets.

I walked into the bathroom at the same time as a girl was walking out, I gave a small smile and the girl gently grabbed my arm so I would face her. When I got a better look at her I saw she had long, wavy black hair down to her hips and the prettiest green eyes I had ever seen which went along great with the few freckles scattered across her cheeks.

"I haven't seen you here before, are you new?" she asked, tilting her head.

I wasn't sure if it was her smile or her jolly tone but this girl seemed very nice, "Uh, yeah. I'm Brittany."

"I love that name! I'm Emma by the way, It's nice to meet you!" Emma claimed, keeping her cheery tone.

"You too!" I said keeping her level of enthusiasm, "anyway, I have to fill my bottle of water so I'll see you around."

"Ok well if you need anything just ask. I was new last year." she giggled like it was an inside joke.

"Thanks, bye." She walked out of the bathroom so I took the opportunity to venture in deeper and look under the stall doors to make sure no one else was here.

I had never been a fan of tap water so I screwed the lid off my bottle and summoned water to come out of my fingertip and into the bottle.

"Oh by the way..." Emma re-entered the bathroom and stopped to watch the water coming out of my finger in utter shock before I had the chance to shut it off.

"It's not what it looks like, I swear" I tried to explain walking up to her.

"You're a sorcerer?" her eyes widened and mouth opened with an audible 'pop'.

"Please, please, please don't tell anyone, they might try to kill me or something!" I begged.

"What element do you have?" she asked curiously, now suddenly calm.


She shook her head and laughed a bit, "You're a water sorcerer, right?"

"Yeah... wait how do you know about sorcery?" I asked although I think I already know the answer.

"Like this..." she said before turning her palm to the ceiling and suddenly a red rose started to form in her hand and when it was completed she gave it to me. I ran my fingers over the petals to make sure it was real and I wasn't just freaking out.

After a moment I finally realized, "You're a plant sorcerer!"

She didn't say anything, she just nodded.

"I've never met a sorcerer who wasn't my father or sister." I confessed.

"You have a sister? Do I know her?" she questioned.

I shook my head, deciding to delay this for as long as possible, "It's a long story. Anyway I have to go to get introduced to my new class, so bye again." I purposely left out the fact that my sister happens to be in that class but whatever.

"ok, bye" she ran up a flight of stairs nearby so I headed back to Helen where I had left her.

"You ready to go, kiddo?" she asked. i nodded in response.

The rest of the walk consists of silence before we finally reach the dreaded door and Helen pushes it open.

Lexi's POV- 20 minutes ago

I can't believe it. I miss her.

No, I don't... I can't possibly yet, I do. Why now? Of all the times I could possibly have this break down, why in roll call? I hate her guts for leaving me, but she is still my sister.

I won't cry though. I am one of those people who just block out all the noise and focus their attention on one spot though I'm certain that if I look up from my feet, I'll see the idiots who call themselves student jumping up on tables, chatting loudly and throwing things like they do every morning and it will take all my strength not to burn the place to the ground.

"Alright let's settle down so we can get this over and done with," Miss Lincks calls as she walk in the door and I notice people calm down in the corner of my eyes, "Annabel Badew,"

"Here!" The annoying, peppy, pigtailed blonde calls from the back of the room.

"Christopher Bradley?"

"Present, miss" the idiotic jock mocks sending a high five to his best friend Brandon beside him, gaining a death glare from the teacher before he bows his head to apologise.

"Lexi Chambers?"

I want to answer but I can't think straight. My friend Abagail elbows me in the ribs softly but I still won't budge.

"Lexi, are you here?" She asks once again.

After Abagail's second attempt to move me she gives up. She even blew a huge gust of cold air into my ear and that still didn't work. You see Abagail is a sorcerer with the power to control air, that's why she is my best friend, she knows all my secrets...even about my twin. "She is right here, Miss."

"And why can't she answer her own name?"

I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Yet I couldn't care less so I keep my gaze set on the floor leaving poor Abagail to save my ass.

Before I know it the bell rings and I rush out of class as quickly as possible.

"What the hell was that?" Abagail asked, sneaking up behind me.

I am finally able to speak once again, thank god! "I'm sorry I just...well I have this feeling," I say as we continue walking to our first class of the day.

"What kind of feeling?" Abagail wondered.

"Nothing, it's stupid"

"Ok..." I can feel her staring at me as we close in on the classroom but luckily she lets the subject go. "So have you made your summary yet?"

"What summary?" I asked totally over my little episode from this morning now.

"You forgot again, didn't you?"

"Fine, I forgot. In my defence I can never remember homework." this statement is truer than she realises.

She took the paper out of her bag and waved it in my face, taunting me, "well I remembered."

"I'm not in the mood for teasing. If you're not careful, I'll burn that thing" I threaten.

"Wow, geez. Lighten up." she rolled her eyes.

I forget my homework in every subject unlike Brittany who always does hers. Ugh... I need to stop thinking about her.

I take a seat next to the wall in the third row with Abagail sitting directly beside me and another friend of mine, Claudia, sitting in front of me next to her boyfriend James.

"So class, lets discuss our summaries shall we?" Mr Owens declares from the front if the room.

I can't help but softly bang my head against my desk. It's almost as if the universe has come together and mapped out ways to make my life a living hell.

There is an unexpected knock and everyone turns their attention to the unopened door. For once the universe is giving me a break. Though I didn't know it yet, I was about to regret that statement...

Brittany's POV-4 minutes ago

"Wait..." I told Helen grabbing her arm before she can knock.

"What's wrong dear?" I really hate that nickname, it makes me feel like a helpless animal.

"I just need a minute to brace myself."

"What do you need to brace yourself for?" Helen asked and I can see her desperate curiosity in her eyes.

"Just seeing my cousin again." I stared her down until she nods in an unsure manner. I know she doesn't believe me but she is too polite to seek the truth.

She takes a moment to study me, probably concerned for my emotional state, "So are you ready to go in yet?"

"One second," I hold up a finger and adjust my uniform and hair before plastering a fake smile on my face. "Ok, I'm cool."

She lets out a little giggle before finally knocking on the door lightly. I hear so whispers and movement on the other side of the door before it opens revealing a middle aged man in dress pants and a blue collared shirt.

"Hello, Miss Frazer... to what do I owe the pleasure?" the man asks.

"Good morning Michael, this is Brittany Chambers, Lexi's cousin," she begun going along with my lie even though she didn't know any better and stepping aside to reveal me, I just stood still and waved nervously. "she is the student joining us here at Renolds high."

"Oh yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Brittany, I'm Mr Owens." he smiled which I gratefully returned, "Let's introduce you to the class."

I lingered out of sight in the doorway as Mr Owens made my introduction, "Class, we have a new student joining us today, she is actually Lexi's cousin," I walked into the classroom with my head down so my hair covers my obviously blushing face, "this is Brittany Chambers."

I dared to look up and search the room for Lexi and though she look a lot different I knew who she was the second I saw her. the minute I looked at her, her mouth dropped all the way to the floor and I could tell exactly what she was thinking, 'what the hell is she doing here!'

I noticed her eyes turning red like they did when she was having trouble with keeping her fire in. Lexi's hand shot straight into the air and didn't waver once. I'm surprised the roof didn't catch on fire.

"Yes, Lexi?" Mr Owens summoned.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" she asked simply though just by looking in her eyes I could tell she didn't mean it the normal way, she probably needed to let off some steam...literally. The class around us erupted in laughter though I didn't see anything funny and by the look of it neither did she.

"Sure but be quick." Mr Owens answered.

"Thank you." she said as she practically jumped out of her chair and speed walked past me, shouldering me on the way. As she past I could see the anger in her eyes.

I ran out after her, ignoring Mr Owens pleas to get back in class. this probably isn't the best way to start at a new school but I have to talk to her... now!

"Lexi...wait!" I called to Lexi's back, still chasing her as she disappears around the corner.

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