Give It All Away.

By JustSouthOfWierd

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yea More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

486 11 0
By JustSouthOfWierd

Authors Notes::

Heres Chapter 4! :D

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Also Check Out My Other Story::

Please Dont Change Me Too.

Like Always Any Song In This Chapter

Can Be Found That Way --->


It really was pointless to walk away from him like that, since our next class we have together. Literature with Mrs. Crawford. Its actually a pretty exciting class, I love it. Mrs. Crawford, is an oldish lady with a nast looking wart on her face but after a while you get use to it. She is usually wearing something that you would think a gypse would wear. But hey Im not judging her, shes my favorite teacher. Well my second favorite, my numbro uno favorite teacher is my dance teacher, Ms. Lopez. Shes latin, she said its in her genes to be an amazing dancer, and she is. An amazing dancer that is.

I finally made it to Mrs. Crawfords classroom and found my way to my desk. Im just realizing today that my desk in all my classes is pretty much in the middle of the room. Weird, we get to choose where we sit, so I choose to sit here. I guess I like to be center of attention more then I thought, or maybe a strange coinceidence.

Mrs. Crawford was sitting at her desk in the front of the room, there was a couple people walking into class and sitting down. they were smiling at me like they have been all day. Oh yeah duh, everyone is trying to find out why they can't tell the new kid my name. I should probly send out another mass message, I hate all these people looking at me. The seat thing was probly a coinceidence, I really do hate to be stared at like this, I mean I like attention but sometimes its to much. You know?

I pulled my cell out of my pocket, and started to write my mass message, "Hey River Point High! Thanks so much everyone, you guys really surprised me! :) You can now officially say my name again;; lates RPH C:"

Now that thats over with hopefully no one will be smiling and staring at me so much. When I looked up I saw Brad talking to Mrs. Crawford. She was sitting at her desk and he was leaning over trying to explain something to her, he was pointing to a piece of paper on her desk. I couldn't hear what they were saying but It wasn't a bad discussion they were both smiling and talking. I figure who can actually smile when your not having a good conversation.

I didnt realize I was staring so intently, until Stacey, my best friend said from behind me, "Yeah, hes yummy right?" she whispered it right into my ear. Stacey has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. She sits in the desk right behind me, she was leaning forward so no one could hear her.

"Um, what?" I turned around and said to her trying to act like I had no clue what she was talking about. But that was an Epic Fail. She's my best friend, she knows when Im acting, well most of the time she does. I could tell she knew I was lieing now because she gave me the 'Im-not-stupid' look. I returned a look of my own, I smirked at her and simply shrugged. In other words telling her, 'you-may-not-be-stupid-but-im-not-talking'.

She simply laughed and I turned back around in my seat. The bell finally rang and the rest of the students came pouring into the class and took their seats. Brad was casually standing infront of the class, as Mrs. Crawford was scanning the class. I realized what she was doing when she pointed to the desk next to mine, and looked at me and said, "Julianne, who sits there?".

I looked over at the seat trying to remember, Its been empty for a while. I looked back up at her with a confused face that said, 'how-am-I-suppose-to-know?'. But then I remembered, I set up in my seat and smiled, proud of myself that I actually remembered. "It was that one kid..That really slutty chick. Crap what was her name..." I was really trying to rememeber, I remember I didnt like her, she was straight up trashy! Then it hit me, "Monica! Remember her dad found out how much of a hoe she was and put her in that all girls school."

A couple people laughed at that in the class. I was being serious, she was totally slutty. She was only here at River Point for like 2 weeks. She fell in the slutty girls crowd and well teen partys are teen partys. Her pops found out and he is supposedly a really repectable man with a reputation he couldnt have tarnished by her antics. So he put her in an all girls boarding school, about an hour away from here.

Brad look just as amused as the rest of the class, but he didnt actually laugh he controlled himself. The only thing that seemed to show he was amused was the small smile on his face.

"Settle down class, Settle down." Mrs. Crawford tryed to controlled the class. "Yes, I do recall. Well, class we have a new student today. This is Brad Jacobson. You can sit next to Miss Julianne." She then pointed to the desk next to me, and he walked down the row and set down.

Mrs. Crawford started talking about some play by Shakespeare. I tried so hard to pay attention, I really did. My mind was going to fast to be able to comprehened. I can't believe I have let this boy have so much power over me. I haven't even had a real conversation with him.

I didn't want to look at him, because if I looked I would stare and then embarress myself further. I looked forward for most of the class and then I couldnt take it anymore, I peaked. Bearly, I looked out of the corner of my eye. I noticed he was looking at me. How long has he been doing that? I guess he really isn't good at being nonchalant. I turned my full head toward him and he smiled, which in turn made me smile.

I mouthed, "What?" to him. He simply shrugged with a smile. I smiled back and rolled my eyes at him playfully and turned to face forward agian. Thats when I noticed in the row next to Brad and one seat back was Tyler. He looked mad. Great! Im not dating the dude, why does he care what I do? He is Quarterback on the football team and he think everything is his newsflash! Not me. But really why does he care? Sure we have this on again off again hook up thing going on. hey, don't judge me! Im not dating nayone neither is he, and hes a great kisser. Not to mention I have known him a good portion of my life. But still he hooks up with everyone! But not in the way we hook up, when we hook up, we make out. When he hooks up with anyone thats not me, he gets laid. So really for him to be mad, is really retarded.

Then someones cell phone went off. Its so funny when people forget to put their phones on vibrate. The ringtone was so familair. It was Good Charlotte 'Girls and Boys', I have the same ringtone thats funny. I was looking around as was the rest of the class, trying to figure out whose phone was going off. All I could hear was, "Girls don't like boys! Girls like cars and money! Boys will laugh at boys when they're not funny!" It was actually really close. When I was looking around, Tyler caught my eye he was waving his hand trying nonchalantly to get my attention.

I shrugged my shoulders up and mouthed, "What?"

Tyler mouthed back, "It's your phone!"

Oh crap! Im so freakin' stupid! Of course I know the ringtone and thats why it sounds so close. I tryed to reach into my bag without Mrs. Crawford seeing me but she was waiting for someone to do that and saw me move.

"Ms. Marshall, let me see it." Oh crap. I have no idea what Tyler wrote me but god I hope its nothing embarressing that shes going to read out loud. I went to go and hand her my phone, but as I did this Tyler jumped out of his seat and said, "Im sorry Mrs.Crawford, Its my fault" I guess he did text me something he doesnt want everyone to know, great.

"Well, why were you texting in my class in the first place?" she said and gave him a look.

"Sorry, I just had to tell Juli something before I forgot. It wont happen again." he replied. He looked worried. What on earth could he write that would make him so worried?

"Well that for sure. You have detention Tyler, after school today." she said in a matter of factly tone.

"But I can't not today! I have Football practice, coach will kill me. You know that!" I think he was second thinking standing up for me.

"I guess you wont text in my class again" She said handing me my phone back.

She went back up to the front of class and started teaching again. Class was almost over, another 3 minutes left. I held my phone in my lap, and opened up my messages. I was really curious why Tyler went through all of that. He knew he would get into some kind of trouble. I finally got to the message and opened it up it said, "Whats your deal with the new kid? You have never even glanced at me the way you look at him. What does he have that I don't?"

For most people this wouldnt be such a big deal in saying. But for Tyler to say it, it meant a lot. Not to me exactly but to him. He wouldnt want anyone seeing him vulnerable, Im surprised he would even tell me. Tylers the big jock player guy, not sensitive with feelings. He has them but he doesnt show them, ever really. It really sucked that I couldn't return those feelings, If I could I would. Hes a great guy, but he just not my great guy.

I turned and looked him square in the eyes, and gave a small apologetic smile and a small shrug. I don't know what made me feel so strongly for a guy I barely know. I just know I dont and I dont think I ever can have those feelings for Tyler. Driving him home tonight sure is going to be fun. By the time I turned back around in my seat, the bell rang.

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