The Next Generation [Fairy Ta...

By rosiemarie20033

5K 125 38

This is a story of when the fairy tail wizards all grow into adults getting marries and of course having chil... More

You gotta lotta nerve..
How lemony..
The next day..
Time skip
Back home
Who are you??
Slayers II
Slayers III
Coming home
The date
Another day..
10 years freeze
We are just reaaaallllyyyy goooodd friends
Moving out
Second last

You gotta stay alive for us!!

172 4 1
By rosiemarie20033

The next day...

Reiki's POV:
I woke up smelling breakfast being made down stairs, I got up and groaned, gale and nova should be back today.. ugh why am I always bored without them.. and Nash.. dear lord.. he's super cute.. ugh.. I need to stop having these gay thoughts.. no one will accept me if I am into guys.. damn it!

" reiki!! Rosemary!!! Breakfast!!" I heard dad yell out from down stairs, I got dressed and went down stairs to see mum eating a strawberry cake and dad making bacon and eggs.

" morning reiki." Mum said as she handed me a plate to help myself to the eggs and bacon.

" morning,I hope nova and gale are alright.. I heard rumors that they got hurt pretty bad.." I said as I ate some bacon. Rosemary came down, already dressed with her long red hair braided on the side. She got some food on her plate and ate,

" trust me son.. gale is a redfox and nova is a dreyer.. you know how tough they are? Almost immortally.." dad said as he ate some toast with eggs on it. I sighed and finished my plate putting it in the sink and rinsing it off then putting it in the dishwasher.

" your right.. they are probably at the guild already.." I said cheering up and going upstairs to brush my teeth. After I was done I walked out of the house and went to the guild, hopefully Nash is there.. ugh!! Stupid brain.. not acting right. I stepped into the guild and saw gale sitting at the bar with a cast on his hand and a bandage over his eye, he also had stitches in his lip.

" gale!! What happened to you!!" I ran over and looked at him, I'm super worried.

" broke my finger and my wrist.. busted my lip.. aaannddd I dunno what happened to my eye.." he said, he could barely talk from the stitches, I pouted sadly and sat next to him, he's my best friend, I will do anything in my power to help him no matter what.. soon nova walked into the guild, her hands bandages and since she was wearing a cropped top her stomach was bandaged as well.

" I knew I should of made you take me with you.." I pouted looking down as I heard gale and nova sigh.

" don't forget about me.. that was an s class quest.. although you both are s class wizards you can only handle so much.." storm came over standing on the other side of gale, crossing his arms over his chest.

" and if we all worked together you guys wouldn't be hurt as badly as you are now.." Nash came and stood next to me holding his hands in front of him. Nova and gale looked at all the three of us and looked at each other.

" We didn't want you guys to get injured.." nova said as she looked down.

" we aren't saying you guys are weak.. you guys are the strongest people I know.. you all have potential.. I guess we didn't think it though." Gale said as he looked down at his hand, Nash, storm and I looked at each other and sighed.

" were glad you both are ok.. you got us worried.." I said calming down as they both nodded after a while we all had lightened up. Sylvia and Luna where fighting again and rosemary was yelling at them to stop, Rose is scary when she wants to be, other than that she is usually quiet, I think rin has a thing for her.. and I think storm has a thing for Luna.. dunno.. it would be really cool though.

After a couple hours porlyusica had come to check out gales eye and what happened to it..

Gales POV:
"Fuck it hurts.." just as I said that ms. Porly walked though the guild doors, since Wendy didn't know what was wrong with my eye porly would be the best person to call since she has had experience. She walked up to me and set her things on the bar top next to me, she removed the bandage as I opened my other eye as it adjusted to the light of the guild hall.

" do you know what's wrong with it Porlyusica?" Wendy asked as they both looked at my eye, I felt kinda intimidated as ms. Porly took my face looking at my eye.

" hmm.. he's popped a nerve which must've had blood in it causing his eye to be like this.. blink child.." ms. Porly said, surprisingly calm.. I did as I was told when I felt a warm trickle of liquid run down my cheek. Wendy wiped it away as ms. Porly let go of my face.

" all you have to do is blink a lot or cry and the blood will come out of your eye.." ms. porly said as she picked up her things and started to walk out, pfft as if I'm crying in front of everyone..

" well that's easy.. I can heal the nerve and your hand with no problem then!" Wendy said as she took off the bandages off my hand and started healing keeping the steel cast on.

" now I know why dad made it steel.." I said, geez took me long enough.. I guess my concussion wore off..

" whys that?" Wendy asked as she looked up at me confused.

" so I can't eat it.." I chuckled and so did Wendy as she finished, she called my dad over to take the cast off as his hands absorbed the steel and it went back into his body, I moved my hand around feeling it crack a couple times, finally.. not broken anymore..

" thank you miss Wendy.." I said as she wrapped my eye back up again, she smiled and walked off.

" well at least we know what's wrong now.." dad said as he ruffled my hair, I pouted and fixed it back up again, he chuckles and walked out of the guild, I saw a job request in his hand, I sighed as I saw uncle Pantherlily follow him out.

Another couple hours later..

Levy's POV:
I was sitting with gale since it had started storming, his joints where aching, he was starting to rust for the first time and did not like it one bit..

" It huuuurrrrrttttssss.." he whined letting his head fall back, I sighed and patted his shoulder lightly.

" I know I know.. " I saw nova sit on the other side of gale and rub his shoulder, I saw her blushing when gale let out a moan of relief, I chuckled and got up walking over to lu. Just as I sat down a loud crash came from just outside the guild hall, the doors where flung open..

Ohhhhhh cliff hangerrrr

Levy: aww cmon!! That sucks..

Ya I know.. that's why I did it silly..

Nova: now I just wanna tell everyone what happens..

Don't you dare break the forth wall nova

Gale: im excited for it.. pleassseee can I tellll??

Baka.. don't make me get Laxus on you...

Gale: Aye..

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