One Less Lonely Girl (A Justi...

By fcbarcelcna

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This is a fan fiction how I supposed to meet Justin. This is a really good story comment please of how to mak... More

The Beginning
Getting Ready
A sad story
Finding Justin
Going to the hospital
I thought you were died
I love you
I am sorry
I am sorry but I hate you
I went to hospital again because I love you
The Tour
The Date
Bantos or Sieber Part 1
Harcus or Maley Part 1
Caddy or Monner Part 1
Bantos or Sieber Part 2
Harcus or Maley Part 2
Caddy or Monner Part 2
Selena and Justin hanging together
Author Note :(
The ex-boyfriends are back
Hanging out with are ex-boyfriends
Good news :)
I still love her
The kidnapper
Mad and gone
What REALLY happened
I am done with you
Are they REALLY died
The Funeral
Am I going crazy?
They AREN'T really dead
Will you be my girlfriend (Hames or Jaley)
Can I please talk to her
I NEVER want to see him
First day out
Jacky has gone missing
Watch the Confident video by Justin
Found Jacky
Throw all your stuff away and doing something I don't want to do
Talking to him was a mistake
Fights, break-ups, and car crashes
I think we should not talk for a while
Leaving and beach day
Evil Plan
What Happened?
Not telling you, compines, and questions?
Leaving to Georgia
Starting a company
Mystery Person
Can I get the job? and seeing him
Author's Note
The End (last chapter)
Author's Note for Sequel

Interviews to find where to search Jacky

51 2 0
By fcbarcelcna

                                                                                     Haley's Profile 

So today lots of us are going to have interviews. On TV to see who might know about Jacky or find a way to look for Jacky. I am going to get ready. I am going to go shopping with my friends that I haven't seen in a long tim, Maddy, Brianna, and Taylor. Well Taylor and Brianna are not going to get interviewed because they haven't seen Jacky that much. I am calling Maddy right now to see if she is ready to come over. 

Phone call with Maddy: 

Me: Hi Maddy

Maddy: Hi Haley 

Me: Are you ready to go shopping for clothes for the interview

Maddy: Yes 

Me: I am going to pick and on my way there I am going to claa Brianna and Taylor 

Maddy: Ok 

Me: Bye 

Maddy: Bye see you later

Phone call with Taylor: 

Taylor: Hello 

Me: Hey 

Taylor: What are you doing

Me: On my way to pick up Maddy

Taylor: O 

Me: Are you ready 

Taylor: Ya I sure am 

Me: I am going to go get Maddy and then you 

Taylor: Ok can I ask you question 

Me: Ya 

Taylor: Have you heard anything about Jacky

Me: No 

Taylor: O 

Me: Bye

Taylor: Bye see you later

Phone call with Briannna: 

Me: Hey Brianna

Brianna: Hi Haley 

Me: Are you ready 

Brianna: Yep I sure am 

Me: Ok I will go pick up Maddy and Taylor first and then you

Brianna: Ok have you heard anything about Jacky 

Me: No 

Brianna: O ok 

Me: Ya 

Brianna: Bye 

Me: Bye 

Brianna: See you later

                                                                                   Justin's Profile

So we were at McDonalds eating in slience. I didn't know what to say to Selena. What if I ask her and she says no? What is she dosen't want to be with me anymore? Should I ask her? 

Selena: Ask me what 

Me: Did I say that out loud 

Selena: Ya 

Me: O

Selena: So what where you going to ask me 

What can I tell her? Why did I say that part out loud? I have no clue what I should do? I think I may ask her and see what she says. I mean you never know what someone should say. I have to take a risk. What if she says no and then we won't be friends anymore. I have hurry because we have to leave soon. So I went were she was sitting since we were done and grabed her hand. We went outside and I kissed her. 

Me: Will you be my girlfriend 

Selena: YES 

Me: I am happy (hugs Selena)

I was happy that Selena and I are dating again. I love her so much. I was driving and had my other hand on Selena's knee. Then I got a phone call. So I checked who it was. It was Jasmine, the person who interviews people. So I answered it. 

Phone call with Jasmine: 

Me: Hi 

Jasmine: Ok so today we are going to have interviews to see if we could figure out where she is and we need Selena and you to come

Me: At what time 

Jasmine: At 6 o'clock pm 

Me: Ok 

Jasmine: Is Selena with you

Me: Yes

Jasmine: Could you tell her

Me: Yes

Jasmine: Ok 

Me: Bye

Jasmine: Bye

Selena: Who was that 

Me: Jasmine she says we have a interview at 6 pm 

Selena: Ok 

                                                                                Haley's Profile

So I was on my way to pick up Maddy, Taylor, and Brianna. James stayed at home and was getting ready. He is going to meet us there with Austin. So I already know who is going to get interviewed which is James, Austin, Maddy, Justin, Selena, Marcus, Conner, and me of course. Brianna and Taylor are going because after I am going to have a sleepover with Maddy,Taylor, and Brianna. It is not going to be the same because Jacky is not there. I wish she was but no one knows where she is. I finally got to Maddy's house. 

Me: Hey 

Maddy: Hi 

Me: So are you nervous about going on TV 

Maddy: Of course and you 

Me: No I already have been on TV

Maddy: O ya that is right

Me: So how are you and Conner

Maddy: We are good he is just so sweet and cute 

Me: O that is good 

Maddy: Ya and how are you and James 

Me: We are really good he is sweet nice and the best thing 

Maddy: You guys make a cute couple

Me: Thanks I think you and Conner make a cute couple

Maddy: You know who would make a cute couple

Me: Who 

Maddy: Jacky and Austin 

Me: Ya they would there ship name would be 

Maddy: I know Justin ya because Jacky starts with a J and the rest is Austin's name without tha A 

Me: Ya Justin is a good ship name 

Maddy: I know 

Me: We are here at Taylor's 

Maddy: Yay 

Me: Hi Taylor

Taylor: Hi Haley

Maddy: Hi Taylor 

Taylor: Hi Maddy

Me: How are you 

Taylor: Good

Maddy: That is good 

Taylor: How are you and Marcus 

Me: We aren't dating anymore 

Taylor: O sorry 

Me: Thats ok 

Maddy: FYI she is dating James 

Taylor: As in James from Big Time Rush 

Me: Yes 

Taylor: (yelling) THAT IS SO AMESOME 

Maddy: Wow 

Me: (laughing) What Maddy said 

Taylor: Sorry guys I just couldn't believe you are dating James from BTR I love them but Brianna would be more crazy just saying

Maddy: She would 

Me: Ya trust me 

Taylor: What she said 

Maddy: So I already could imagine her wrost than you

Me: Maddy well see if you were right

Taylor: Ya because we are here 

Maddy: Ok can't wait to watch 

Me: We are here 

Taylor: Hi Brianna

Brianna: Hi Taylor 

Maddy: Hey Brianna 

Brianna: Hey Maddy

Me: Hello Brianna

Brianna: Hello Haley

Taylor: Haley wants to tell you something

Brianna: She dose 

Maddy: Yep 

Me: I am dating James 

Brianna: (yelling) OMG AS JAMES FORM BIG TIME RUSH OMG (jumps up and down and starts to yell)

Taylor: Told you Maddy (laughing) 

Maddy: Wow (laughing) 

Me: And ya Brianna as in James from BTR 

Brianna: That is so cool and sorry guys 

Taylor: It is not your fault you love a good boy band 

Maddy: Ya 

Me: Ya we are here 

So we all got of and went into stores to see where we could find the best outfits. After we found the outfits we wanted we went to go eat and then we went to get our hair and nails done and stuff like that. I was ready for my interview. This is how I looked I really loved the outfit. All of us bought dresses. This is how Maddy looked I loved everyones outfit. This is how Taylor looked Then Brianna looked like this We where ready to go to our interviews. So we got in the car and went to the interviews.

At the interviews 

Jasmine: Today we some spiecal guests with us right now is Haley 

Me: Hi guys 

Jasmine: So Haley when was the last time you seen or talked to her 

Me: Well last time I saw her was when I went to Justin's concert and I was Marcus' OLLG. Then we couldn't find her she went missing

Jasmine: O so have you guys search places that she likes to be at 

Me: Yes and nothing about her

Jasmine: O well we will see what we could do with this information 

Me: Ok (walked off the stage) 

Jasmine: Now with us we have the one and only Justin Bieber 

Adiuedence: (cheering) 

Justin: (gose on stage) Hello 

Jasmine: So we recently heard Jacky and you had a bad break up 

Justin: Its true 

Jasmine: Justin when was the last time you have seen her 

Justin: I last saw her at my concert. I saw her leave crying out of the arena. I stopped the show. Since I was curious I stopped the show and you know I went outside and saw Jacky so I ran up to her and she just told me that she dosen't want to talk to me or see me every again and that she meant it (eyes gets watery) and then she ran off. I tried to stop her but didn't work. So I went back inside and performed (whips his tears) 

Jasmine: Well then we would have to look near the arena you performed 

Justin: Ya (whips tears) 

Jasmine: So we have some rumors of Selena and you getting together is it true 

Justin: Yes 

Jasmine: You guys heard it 

Justin: (walks of stage) 

Jamsine:now please welcome James Maslow 

Adiuencs: (cheers) 

James: Hey guys 

Jasmine: So James when was the last time you saw Jacky

James: At the concert 

Jasmine: So did you see her walk out 

James: No because I was keeping an eye on Marcus 

Jasmine: (laughing) O 

James: Ya but she looked fine when she got there 

Jasmine: Some people are fine then they are not 

James: Ya (walks off stage) 

Jasmine: Now please welcome Selena Gomez

Selena: Hey guys 

Jasmine: Anything you heard about Jacky 

Selena: No I just saw here walk out when I was Justin's OLLG 

Jamine: O ok then 

Selena: Ya I really didn't know her but I hope she is ok 

Jasmine: So do I 

Selena: Ya (walks off stage) 

Jasmine: Please welcome Maddy

Maddy: Hey 

Jasmine: When did you see Jacky 

Maddy: At the concert 

Jasmine: We are going to look near where the concert was 

Maddy: Ya (walks off stage) 

Jasmine: Now please welcome Marcus Butler 

Marcus: Hello guys 

Jasmine: So when was last time you saw Jacky 

Marcus: Pretty mush at the concert 

Jasmine: O ok

Marcus: Ya (walks off the stage) 

Jasmine: Please welcome Conner 

Conner: Hi 

Jasmine: When was the last time you seen Jacky 

Conner: Concert (burst out laughing) 

Jasmine: Ok why are you laughing 

Conner: Because mostly it is at the concert (laughing) 

Jasmine: O 

Conner: Ya (walks off stage) 

Jasmine: Ok weird and now please welcome Austin Mahone 

Audience: (cheering) 

Austin: Hi guys (looks upset) 

Jasmine: So Austin last time seen or talked to her 

Austin: I called her to see where she was and she says she was walking and she would come but she never did (breaks down to tears) 

Jasmine: O (crying) she looks like she means alot to you

Austin: (whips his tears) Because she dose mean a lot to me 

Jasmine: O ok see you guys later we are now going on inversatgation 

So everyone left and my friedns and I are going to Jacky's house for a sleepover. James is going in the same car as Austin. James said he would have gone with me but you know maybe Austin may have done something bad. So that is why James went with Austin. I wonder how Taylor and Brianna are going to react to meeting James. Since Maddy already met him. I saw Brianna and Taylor in the back sit all happy thinking how James must be. 

Brianna: Is James sweet

Me: Of course he is 

Taylor: O ok 

Will they find Jacky? Where is Jacky? How will Brianna and Taylor react when they meet James? If they find Jacky how will she react of Justin and Selena getting back together? Will people find out that Austin LOVES Jacky? If Jacky returns and if she figures out Austin loves her what will happend? I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry it took so long. I was working on this chapter on Monday. Then sometimes I got busy so you know. I hope you guys liked it. I was thinking I will end this book and do a Sequel or just end. What do you guys think I should. Comment what you guys think I should do. 




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