Faking hope (BoyxBoy)

By VHOldfield

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Life is not always easy, I know that. Everybody hates me at school, students and teachers. But I don't care a... More

Chapter 1: The beginning
chapter 2: Alex
chapter 4: Night
chapter 5: Date
chapter 6: Confidences
chapter 7: Truth
chapter 8: breakdown
chapter 9: The mother
chapter 10: The letter

chapter 3: The Man

4.3K 240 124
By VHOldfield

This story is dedicated to xxxHealerxxx because I love what this writer does! It's amazing. :)

I was woken up by my mother's loud voice. I opened and rubbed my eyes slowly before getting up. I was so tired! I took a quick shower before getting dressed. Today, I decided to wear a purple tight jeans with a pink T-shirt. I made my way downstairs, going in the kitchen where my mother was waiting for me. It was so early, it should be forbidden to wake up that early.

"Hey mum." I mumbled, taking a cup of coffee before sitting on the chair next to her. I ignored the delicious smell of pancakes, I wasn't really hungry this morning, I was having a bad feeling. I didn't know why.

"Hi Honey. I didn't hear you yesterday. When did you come back? Did you have fun?" My mother asked before taking a bit of pancakes.

"Yeah. I had fun; we went to the beach yesterday. I came back pretty late; I went directly in my room because I didn't want to wake you up." I told her with a big smile, my eyes were shining. I was so happy right now.

"I'm glad you had fun... By the way, the man I told you about will come tonight for dinner. He wants to ask you a few questions. I want you to answer his questions truthfully, alright?" She asked me, this strange glint in her deep brown eyes. I couldn't identify what it was.

"Yeah, whatever you want. I need to go now. I'm going to be late. Bye, see you tonight. Love you." I said getting up and kissing her cheek before living the house. 

I met Alex near the school and we made our way to our first classes. Luckily, helookedbetterthanthis weekend. We sat at our usual seat just in time as the bell rang a few seconds later. The old, grey teacher entered. He was a small man with an enormous belly and a big beard. He looked like Santa Claus. He looked at his students and began to speak, very seriously.

"So, today you will have to work on a special and really important project. I'll choose your partner and you will have to work together. The subject is about Mermaids..."

My hands began to shake slightly. I didn't want to be with someone else than Alex. 

"Calm down babe. Everything will be okay, I promise." Alex whispered in my ear. I gulped and tried to calm down but it was impossible, I was way too nervous, I could feel sweat of fear on my back.

The teacher was calling names while I had my fingers crossed. I was praying silently in my mind, I wanted to be with Alex. I neededit.

"...I think everybody has a partner...Oh, I forgot! Denis, you can go with the only person who doesn't have a partner. Good luck." He muttered under his breath before sitting at his desk, taking a novel out of his bag.

Denis groaned before sitting in front of me with a death glare which made me shiver. If eyes could kill, I would already be dead. That was for sure.

"Why didn't he call you?" I asked to Alex with a frown.

"Because I'm with you and the douchebag obviously." He smiled at me, squeezing my hand; I could see he was trying to reassure me even if I could detect fear in his eyes. I smiled back at him. Denis was staring at me incredulously and passed a hand into his red hair. He looked kind of awkward, then anger came into his eyes and he growled.

"Shut the fuck up queer and listen to me carefully. We will make this stupid project at school. I don't want to see you after school. If we're not done before the end of the week, you will finish it alone. Do you understand? If we have a bad mark I'll make your life a living hell, more than right now. I promise." He growled before giving me a cruel smirk which made me shiver. I knew he could make my life a living hell and he would. He always kept his promises, especially when his promises were about me.

I nodded and we began to work. Denis ignored Alex as if he didn't exist but Alex didn't seem to care about that even if I could feel he was nervous. We almost finished it at the end of the hour, but Alex and I would have to finish this project at home without Denis, obviously.

The day went on quickly without any problems. At the end of the day, Alex kissed me and hugged me with all his strength as if he was worried about something.

"Don't forget that I love you more than anything. Don't believe what the others say, they are just jealous. You may trust some people but they don't deserve it. One day they will lie to you, don't believe them. They just want to hurt you. I love you more than anything in the world and I will never, ever leave you. Be careful and don't listen to what the man says. Never listen to him." Alex whispered in my ear before leaving me in front of my house which made me frown. What did he mean? Did he know something I didn't? I was so confused right now!

Once I couldn't see him anymore, I came back home. I heard some whispers in the living room; sadly, I couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Hey mum, I'm here." I shouted before walking into the living room, making the whispers stop.

My mother was on the sofa next to a man. The man looked as if he was in his forties. He had grey hair and green mysterious eyes. He was staring at me curiously as if he was examining me.

"Hello. I'm Mr. Winchester. Your mother told you I was coming, right?" He asked me with a deep voice. He seemed nice but strange.

I nodded. I didn't know how to react, he was so mysterious. Whywashehere?

"I'm going to make dinner. Honey, Mr. Winchester wants to talk to you, ok?" She said getting up and leaving the living room with a smile. She was trying to hide the worried look in her eyes but she failed.

"So, sit next to me, please. I don't bite. You can call me Sam. I'm going to ask you a few questions and I want you to be honest. Okay?" He asked me giving me a warm smile as I sat next to him. "I'll begin with easy questions. How is your relationship with your mother?"

 I sighed and pressed my back against the chair. Easy question, huh?

"That's ok. We fight time to time but I love her. She's always been there for me. Unlike my father..."  My voice trailed off, an eerie silence prevailed. My eyebrows crossed involuntarily and I felt an itch to break something. A picture of my father flashed before my eyes. I couldn't believe I brought him up! Heat rose in my chest, and I gripped the side of the table so hard, my knuckles turned white. The man watched me with dead eyes, crossed his legs, and smiled. I guess that was the reaction he wanted.

"That's great." He said with a smile. "Your mother told me about your father. I know you're upset about him leaving you so we're not going to talk about it right now. Okay? How is high school?"

"It depends... The teachers aren't really nice. Most of them are homophobic people... Same for the students. But Denis the bully of our school is a real pain in the ass... I'm glad Alex is here for me." He said, whispering the last part while a smile was forming on my lips.

He nodded. I didn't know why I was telling him all these things, I didn't know him. But he seemed like a great man. I wanted to trust him... I hoped I wouldn't be disappointed. But I wondered what Alex meant by telling me that people would lie to me... I was so confused right now; I didn't know what to think anymore.

"Who is Alex? Your best friend?"  The man, Sam, asked me with an eyebrow raised curiosity in his deep eyes.

"He was my best friend for years but we're together now." I said with a big smile. I loved when I could talk about Alex; it was my favorite subject. I could talk about it for hours.

 "That's great. How did you meet?"

"I met him seven years ago at school. I was sitting on a bench and he came near me. He wanted to be my friend... He was so nice; he really cared about me... He's just perfect..." I said whispering the last part with a bigger smile, nothing could break this happiness. Nothing.

"Your mother told me he had an accident a few years ago, is it true?" 

"Yes... It was six years ago... About one year after our meeting... He was hit by a car while we were playing near the park... I remember the way he was... It broke my heart. I remember someone screamed and called an ambulance right away... I remember I took him in my arms... He was almost dead... His head was on my shoulder but... he didn't care about himself... He... He told me that he would always be here for me..." I said, a few tears falling on my cheeks as I began to sob incapable to control myself. The pain was too much.

"I see...What happened after that?"

"The ambulance took him at the hospital... He had surgery because the crash ripped up something in his stomach... I was so worried... I don't know what I would have done if he died at the hospital..." I whispered crying louder. Six years later the pain was still here.

"That's ok. Don't cry. I've all the answers I wanted. I'm sure the dinner is ready right now, okay?" He said with a worried look in his eyes, the same my mother had earlier.

I nodded and we went into the kitchen. The table was set up and my mother was sitting on a chair, waiting patiently for us. When she heard steps, she looked at us. She stared at Sam for a few minutes while I sat on the chair next to her. I saw the worried look she gave him, Sam only answered with a nod. I felt her tense. I looked at her from the corner of my eyes and I saw she had tears in her eyes but she was trying to act as if nothing ever happened. 

What was going on with her? Why were they worried? I looked at her strangely before beginning to eat, even if I wasn't really hungry after today's events.

I didn't know what was going on but I had the feeling I would not like it. Not at all...


So, what do you think about it?

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