Feelings In A&E {Casualty}

By _X_Sammii_X_

2.5K 202 64

Ainsley left when no one was expecting it. She went to New York with the kids. But now... She's back with a s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Eight

105 9 4
By _X_Sammii_X_

A/N - I know nothing about a custody battle so I'll be winging this.

It was the day of the custody hearing. Ainsley was so anxious. Ryan's family were minding the girls.

When Ainsley woke that morning, she went to see Evie. Evie was sitting up in bed. "Morning mummy," she mumbled.

Ainsley smiled and got into her with her daughter. "You okay baby girl?" She asked.

Evie began crying. She cuddled into her mum. "I don't wanna leave you and RyRy mummy. B-But my daddy be sad," she said.

Ainsley held her tightly. "No matter what happens today and in life, I promise that I will always love you. You're my amazing princess and I love you and your sisters so much."

"Love you too mummy."

Ainsley got herself ready. Ryan's mum came for the kids. Ryan walked in. "It'll be alright. She'll be with us," Ryan said.

Ainsley nodded. "Yeah. I just, I can't shake the feeling that sooner or later something bad is going to happen."

"You're just worried right now baby. All this with Cal and the custody is getting to you," he said.

Ainsley arrived with Ryan, Jordan and Connie at the court room. Cal was there with Alicia. He came over. "What ever happens today, we make an agreement on Evie."

Ryan glared at him. "I think Ainsley will be taking Evie home with her. Then I think it will be a question of weather or not you're a suitable father," he said.

Ainsley sighed. "Ryan, can I have a coffee? I need to talk to Cal in private. Before the hearing."

Jordan took Ryan and Connie to get coffee. Alicia saw Evie. Evie had to be there so she could return home with the one who won. Alicia went over to Evie. "Evie, you know when you come and stay with daddy and Licia, well we have a special room for you."

Evie pouted. She stayed with the childminder. "Miss Munroe, please refrain from speaking with the child."

Cal glared. "Alicia, what the hell are you doing? You know you're not supposed to speak with her just yet," he said.


The custody battle had begun. Ainsley was shaking. "We're here today to discuss the custody of Evie-Grace Knight," the judge began. He spoke again. "Custody of a child of Evie-Grace's age is a very upsetting experience for the child. I will have to make sure that she is with the person best able to care."

Ainsley had to stand up and speak as to why she deserved Evie to be in her custody. "I've looked after my child from the day she was born. I've always been there for her. She's my whole world. Caleb, he never gave a stuff about Evie when he was with his ex-girlfriend who's a criminal. Only when she had been arrested again he became interested."

Cal scoffed. He knew Ainsley would have brought that up. He turned to his lawyer. "Can she do that?"

"I'm afraid so."

Cal inwardly groaned. He turned back to Ainsley. Ainsley felt bad for what she had to do. But she wanted her daughter with her.

"Miss Beauchamp, have you ever harmed your daughter in anyway?"

"No! I would never lay a hand on my children! I love them all," Ainsley said. She knew Alicia had to have said something. "Whoever has said I'd harm my kids clearly
doesn't understand the love a mum has for her kids."

"Your mother gave you up for adoption didn't she? When you were a newborn. How did that make you feel?"

Ainsley was shocked. "I didn't know I was adopted. Not until my birth mother told me. Since then, I've been working my butt off to make her proud. I went from a University student to a nurse."

Cal's lawyer smirked. "But don't you have five children. All with different fathers. There's Madison who's the daughter of Samuel Strachan. Evie-Grace who is my clients child. Layla fathered by Samuel Strachan. Angel-Rose who's the daughter of Iain Dean. Then there's Tilly who's father is undetermined."

Ainsley felt like such a slag when she heard that. The lawyer smirked. "Tell me, is a woman who sleeps around a lot, worthy of such job as being a mother? Does a woman who allowed herself to be with a rapist deserve to be a mother?"

"I-I didn't know he was a rapist."

It was a break. Ainsley ran out the courtroom and into her mum. "I'm going to lose her," she sobbed.

Connie held her daughter closely. "Shh. It's alright. You won't lose her."

Ainsley was in bits. Cal came over. "Ainsley, I had no idea he was going to say all that."

Ryan glared. "I suggest you get away from her now. You've done enough," he spat.

"Back off. I'm talking to the mother of my child."

"I don't wanna speak to you. Not anymore."

It was Cal's turn. Ainsley's lawyer gave her the thumbs up.  "Mr Knight. How good of a father would you say you are?"

"I'd like to think I'm a good father. I do my best for my little girl. I love her. I even raised a child who wasn't my own for two years. Madison," Cal said.

Ainsley rolled her eyes. "Leave Madison out of this."

"Miss Beauchamp. Please refrain from commenting," the judge said.

The lawyer looked at Cal. "You claim to be a good father but yet you took your daughter and another mans child to the beach at 2am in the morning. How could that be a good father?"

Cal sighed. "I thought I'd not see either girl again. I hated that," he said.

"Those girls could have gotten unwell Caleb, Evie-Grace is only three and she could have become poorly with hypothermia."

After a difficult few hours, the judge left to make the decision. Ainsley was cuddled up with Ryan.

Cal stood with Alicia and Ethan. "Whatever happens Cal, you'll have my support," Ethan said.

"Thanks Nibbles."

Ainsley and Cal were called back in. Ainsley kissed Ryan and went inside. "After a long thought. I have come to the decision."

Ainsley began taking deep breaths. The judge spoke again. "Primary custody of Evie-Grace Knight goes to Ainsley Beauchamp."

Ainsley felt a huge weight was lifted off of her shoulder. She grinned. "Thank you."

Ainsley and Cal walked out. Jordan came over. "Well, she's going home with me!"

Alicia went over to Ainsley. "You're going to regret this. I promise you that."

Ainsley didn't think nothing of it. She had Evie and her girls and that's all she needed along with Ryan.

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