The Potter Triplets (Avengers...

By LunaNorah

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Harry doesn't think much is going to happen in his final year at Hogwarts, how wrong he is. Percy has finally... More

Chapter One ~ Percy
Chapter Two ~ Loki
Chapter Three ~ Harry
Chapter Four ~ Percy
Chapter Five ~ Loki
Chapter Seven ~ Percy
Chapter Eight ~ Loki
Chapter Nine ~ Harry
Chapter Ten ~ Percy
Chapter Eleven ~ Loki
Chapter Twelve ~ Harry
Chapter Thirteen ~ Percy
Chapter Fourteen ~ Loki
Chapter Fifteen ~ Harry
Chapter Sixteen ~ Percy
Chapter Seventeen ~ Loki
Chapter Eighteen ~ Harry
Chapter Nineteen ~ Percy

Chapter Six ~ Harry

6.8K 267 37
By LunaNorah

I woke up with a smile on my face even though Hermione was yelling at Ron and I could hear Mrs. Weasley trying to get George to eat. My smile faltered when I realized that Fred was no longer here and that we were going to be shopping in Diagon Alley today for school supplies. I hugged my blankets to me and groaned. I rubbed my eyes, yawning. I stood up from my bed and walked downstairs once I had gotten my clothes on and finished getting ready. I sat down at the table and took some pancakes and a biscuit. As I ate, I listened to Hermione and Mrs. Weasley talking about where the best bargain prices for school supplies are, and how Ron should not get another pet after Peter the rat. I cringed at his name, but ignored it and focused back on my food. I quickly finished and ran back upstairs to make my bed. I gently picked up my triplet's blankets and placed them next to the stuffed animals on my wardrobe. I gently brushed my hand over them, and then came to my jewelry box. I lightly opened it and fingered the lockets when an idea came to mind. I smiled excitedly and grabbed the photo of my triplets and my parents as well as three lockets. I looked around and gently placed them in an extra envelope I had, and then carefully placed the precious package in my sweatshirt pocket. I grabbed my wand and walked back down the stairs, ready to leave for Diagon Alley. Mrs. Weasley shooed Ron, Ginny, and Mr. Weasley into the living room where I was waiting, while she went to try and coax George to go to his joke shop. After a while, we used the floo powder to take a direct route to Diagon Alley. I take a deep breath and step outside the shop to everyone rushing around, families bonding, children eating ice cream, teens sitting and laughing, couples walking around and shopping. The atmosphere had completely changed from the time during the war. I smiled sadly and waited for the rest of the Weasley's to come out before telling them not to wait up, as I had to go and make a quick stop. "Oh, it's no problem dear. We'll wait for you here; wouldn't want you to go into Gringotts alone, now would we?" I gave a small smile and quickly jogged into a nearby jewelry shop. A bell rang as I opened to door, and I winced, but smiled when the saleslady looked at me. "Harry Potter! Well, I'll be. I assume you are here for jewelry?" I nodded my head, amused by her cherry attitude. "Yes. I was just wondering if you could please make three copies of two photographs and size them to put them all in three lockets for me? How much would it cost?" As I walked closer, the lady looked apaulled. "Why, for something as simple as that, it wouldn't cost much at all! But I am in your debt- it won't cost you a knut!" I was shocked by the lady's words, but gladly handed over the envelope for her to look at. "I'm sorry, what's you name?" The lady gave a dazzling smile, and inclined her head slightly. "My name's Amanda, Amanda Alton." I remembered a Ravenclaw girl by the name of Pamela that I had accidentally blasted into a wall during one of my dueling sessions. I gave a small wince, but hoped that by the way Mrs. Alton was taking, she had survived the war. "Yes, I remember Pamela, a very nice Ravenclaw. You have a very sweet daughter, Mrs. Alton." Mrs. Alton smiled up at me with a faraway look in her eyes. "Yes, she has always been a polite little thing- what is this?" I sighed as she looked at my triplets picture with shock. "Yes, that is a secret. Could you please not talk about it with anyone until my brother's and I come out with the truth? I haven't found them yet, but I just want a bit of alone time with them before I release their existence to the public. Do you think you could do that?" Mrs. Alton nodded with tears in the corner's of her eyes as she worked. "Why of course! That's such a sad story! Where you separated during the attack?" I nodded solemnly, not wanting to talk about it. "Oh, you poor dear! Just a few moments, and I will have your lockets done!" I gave a quiet thank you and watched as she waved her wand, commanding the photos to slide into the locket slots with ease. She gently clasped the lockets shut and put a strong protection spell on them, most likely so that they would not break. She slipped them back into the envelope and delicately handed hem to me. "There you go dear! Come back again when you need anything that has to do with jewelry, I'll always be ready!" I gave a quiet chuckle as I carefully tucked the envelope back into my sweatshirt pocket. "Thank you, Mrs. Alton. I will definitely come back again. Give my greeting to Pamela for me, would you? Have a jolly day!" I walked out with a smile on my face, Mrs. Weasley smiling kindly at me when I returned to the group. "I'm sorry for making you all wait so long." Mrs. Weasley waved her hand in a dismissing gesture. "It was no worries at all! Now, why don't we all go to Gringotts, hmm?" Ron threw his hands up in exasperation and marched to the front of the group, making his way to Gringotts. We all started following him as I began thinking of how I was going to locate my triplets. I let my mind ponder that, until we got there, as there was a very odd sight before us. There was this man was surrounded by the goblins, them all bowing to him. I pulled everyone behind the door and we all watched. "No, no. Stand up please. I did not do anything to warrant such treatment." I realized that this was the voice of a kid my age when one of the goblins stepped forward and shook his head. "Lord Perseus, you are a hero. You saved us and the world several times over. How could we not bow in your presence?" Perseus nervously chuckled. "Look, it wasn't only me. I had friends help me as well. And it's just Percy." I let out a sharp gasp at that, but quickly withdrew my head. "We are being watched." We all held our breath, but then they continued talking as before. "It is quite possible, but it would not matter anyway. Everyone should know of your amazing trials." Percy chuckled and I could hear his nervousness. "Umm, I don't think that would be a very good idea, but could you take me to my vault? I do not know which one it is, though it may be listed under Potter?" Ignoring everyone else, I stuck my head around the door again. I looked at him critically to see black hair, green eyes, and a scar under his hair. I stepped out from behind the door and walked forward. "Would I be able to come with? I need to go to that vault as well." I looked up to see Percy's reaction and I was met with wide sea-green eyes. "Little bro...?" I nodded and he rushed forward to hug me. I smiled a small smile and opened my arms. He quickly picked me up, twirling me around. A sad but lopsided grin was on his face. "I found you!" I laughed as Percy brought me down and I smiled up at him, noticing he was taller than me by a little bit. "Sooooooooo, what's your name little bro?" I looked at Percy like it was crazy until I realized that he might not have heard of my adventures. "I'm Harry. But do you know where Loki is?" I looked at him eagerly only to be met with sad confusion. "Is that our older brother's name? No, Harzie, I don't know where he could be. Hopefully we'll find him." I smiled sadly at Percy when he said that but just pulled him into another hug. "That's ok Perce." He tensed for a second, but then slowly relaxed and I looked up in confusion, only to see everyone looking at me like I had finally dived off the deep end while their wands were pointed at Percy. I silently cursed myself as I stepped in front of my older brother and in the way of my friends' wands. "Harry, who is that? How do you know him?" Hermione tried to keep hold of her composure, but I could tell that she was angry and suspicious. Great. I mentally sighed and straightened up. "Weasleys, Hermione, meet my older/younger triplet brother, Percy Potter." Percy took a quick step forward, and slid in front of me, his arms splayed but palms face up. Protective but showing non-aggressiveness, I felt warm at the feeling of him protecting me. "Yup, what my little bro said. The name's Percy, and I believe you, little lady, are Hermione while the rest are 'Weasleys'? Nice to meet you." Hermione smiled lightly while Mrs. Weasley stepped forward. "Yes, I'm Mrs. Weasley, but you can call me Molly, this here is my husband, Arthur Weasley. We have a few older children but this is George, Ron, and Ginny." They all said their polite hellos while Percy seemed to be examining them. "George, you're depressed, you might want to get that checked out. I doubt your twin would want to see you so sad. You were both pranksters, I believe?" George's head flew up as shock was etched in his face, and he wasn't the only one. Ron even fired a stinging hex at him, but before I could do anything it hit Percy square in his chest. I waited for him to scream, flinch at least, but then he just stood there awkwardly. "Is there something on me?" I shook off my shock as I walked to the side of Percy. "No, you're all good. How'd you know about Fr- I mean, George's twin?" My older than me, middle age triplet brother shrugged. "Lucky guess. I could see the old mischief in his eyes and the quirk of his mouth, but I could also see the sadness and broken pieces in his cheekbones and eyes. He also acts as though something is gone. He's missing half of himself and I've seen a pair of twins pranksters before, believe it or not." I chuckled. Who knew having triplet brothers could be so fun?

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