Jenkins Boarding School for Y...

By Stjthan

191K 10.2K 1K

Peak: #326 Teen Fiction Mason is a talented young witch, but he didn't know that. He also didn't know that as... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Fifteen

5.1K 276 8
By Stjthan

Chapter Fifteen


The night was thick with a dense fog. I could hardly see anything. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face, but I wasn't scared. I knew he was here somewhere; I just had to find him.

"Justice! Where are you?" I kept walking, putting one foot in front of the other, hoping I was going in the right direction. I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I know I didn't do anything extreme, but I knew that he was feeling bad about questioning my feeling for him. He can't be that oblivious to me...can he? He should have known that I'd been lusting after him since before we became bonded.

I would look at him all the time, and not brotherly ones either. I would find any excuse just to touch him, and I would do my best to be around him as much as I can. Did he really not know how I felt about him since before coming to Jenkins. All the girls in the school tease me about how I look at him. He should have realized how much I love him!

It was difficult, living with him, sharing a bedroom--sometimes a bed--at night, and always feeling his presence knowing that he won't every be able to reciprocate them. I had to take every moment that we had together and treasure it for the precious commodity that it was. I couldn't get enough of him. I always had to feel him in any way that I could.

When it became too dense for me to even think about looking around for him, I stopped in my place. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the cold biting air filling my lungs. The moisture in the fog answered me, responding to my energy. Find Justice, I sent out with my powers.

I could feel the water in the air, spreading out, looking, searching for the boy in my mind. They boy with the same face as me, but different in every other way. His brunette hair, slightly over his right eye; eyes that are a beautiful grey--a stark contrast to my blue--that hits my heart every time he looks at me. His smile is so radiant that it looks as though it can chase all the darkness that I've ever felt away, if only for a moment in time.

The water stretched away from me in pursuit of the radiant boy in my thoughts. The more I pictured him in my mind--the more vivid my vision of him was--the faster the water stretched, searching every nook and crannie for my bonded lover. His presence was what I was craving, and I had to fix things.

Soon, my element found him. He was curled up in a cave, our cave. The cave that we'd discovered in the woods, our sacred place to be alone. Even though all the other students knew that we were bonded, they didn't understand to what extent that we were connected. We were each other's world, each other's everything. 

If he was sad, I felt it as if I were in pain. If he was happy, I felt it like a burst of energy from the radiant sun. If he was worried, I felt it like a tornado spiraling around my chest. Every single thing that he was feeling, I knew it, and it made us all the more special. He was everything I needed and would ever need in my life. Being with him made me whole, and the possibility of losing him is too painful a thought, I couldn't bear it.

Seeing him, cowering away, hiding from the world caused me pain, pain that radiated from the tip of my head all the way down my body. My whole body ached to be with him. Guide me to him, I instructed.

The air moved me through the dense fog, step by step. As I moved closer and closer to him, I could feel his soul, reaching out for mine, despite his best efforts to keep me at arm's length, and I wanted to find him--make us whole again.

I know that I messed this up. I should have fought. He's a different person than me, and I have to understand that he has a different set of needs than me. My body aches to be with his, feel him in my arms with our legs tangled in the sheets, feeling each other's bodies.

As I felt the rocks that lead to the cave ahead, I opened my eyes. Up here there was no fog. It was crystal clear. Every movement made my body ache to have Justice close to mine. I can't find peace without him. Moving closer and closer to him, my energy reached out to his until eventually they met again.

His grey energy tentatively touched mine, unsure of its intentions. I saw him a moment later, his head in his lap with his whole body shaking. It made me sad; sad that this was my doing--I'd caused this. I was the reason he was hurting.

His sniffle felt like an arrow through the heart and I sat down with my legs crossed. My arms reached out to his body, and at first he flinched. Another pang of pain shot through me, and I knew it wasn't mine--it was his. I pulled his body into my lap and he started flailing. His hands hit my chest, but it hurt less than his emotional pain.

"Justice, I'm so sorry. Please look at me." He stopped fighting me. He shook his head, refusing to look up at my face. "Please, Justice. I need you. You're my everything. You're everything that I need to survive. If you don't forgive me, I don't know what I'll do. I can't live without you!" I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. The muscles in my body were all tense, feeling his pain and mine together was overwhelming, but I needed to get through this for us. I need to be his rock.

"You're just saying that because of the bond. You don't mean it." His voice was soft, just above a whisper. I barely heard him.

"No I'm not. I've loved you for a long time. When we turned fourteen, you got a grey shirt as your present while I got blue. Seeing you in grey, something inside me clicked. You just looked so cute with your smile. When you asked me how I thought you looked, and I said you looked good you blushed. I knew in that moment that I had feelings for you--feelings that weren't brother to brother. I wanted to kiss you and hold you.

"That night, I watched as you slept. I couldn't help it. You looked so precious, like something that needed to be protected from darkness. In that moment, I pressed a kiss onto your forehead and then slid into the bed with you. When you woke up and asked what I was doing, I lied and said that I was cold. I just wanted to be closer to you and feel your body against mine.

"I needed you that night just like I need you right now. I can feel your pain. Our bond is getting stronger, and you know that we need to consummate it so that we can beat the darkness. For us to be able to make the bond official, you know what we need to do.

I took a moment to feel his body, his shaking had stopped. Slowly, his head turned, his eyes peering into mine--looking cautious as though I were going to attack him at any moment. I was still, my breathing steady, my arms locked around his body. I just needed him to feel safe with me.

"Are you telling the truth? About how you felt about me before we came to the school."

"Yes. I wouldn't ever lie to you. I will always tell you the truth. You are my other half, and us being bonded only confirms my feelings for you. You've always been the only one for me. Why do you think I've never dated before now? I've only had eyes for you. You are my one and only. This is no one after you." He wrapped his arms around my neck.

His lips connected with mine and I reacted. I pressed harder against his. I slipped my tongue through my lips and began asking for entrance into his mouth. His lips parted and I took this opportunity. Our tongues collided, tasting one another's. It was sinful, and against everything that the Witches Council has ever taught us, but us together is the only way to stop the darkness that has poisoned some of the girls in the school.

I didn't want to think about that now. All that mattered in this moment was that in my mind Justice had said, "Thank you, Matty. Thank you for coming back to get me. Thank you for being a good brother and for saving me more times than I can count. You're everything to me too."

We spent the next few minutes kissing and touching, enjoying the feeling of being with each other, if only for a few more minutes. Soon, he whispered into my mind, "I think it's time to make it official. Let's solidify our bond."

I separated out mouths, and he gave a small whine. I chuckled. "Are you sure?" I said softly.

"Yes," he said with a determined look in his eyes. "It's the only way to be strong enough to defeat him." I nodded. It was time--time for the ultimate test of strengths.


My eyes opened in a shock. It took a moment before my vision became clear. It felt so real. Go to him, a voice whispered in my mind. He needs you. I shot up, quickly putting on my pajama bottoms and pulling a shirt over my head. I just had to get to him, my Jesse. My legs took my out of my room, taking a glance around the common area I noticed that it was still night and that Don, my roommate, was passed out on the couch with papers and books all around him.

I passed him and moved to the door. I took to my journey to my destination--Jesse's room.

The walls of the school were grey and brimming with magical energy as I used them as a guide. Walking down the hall to Jesse's room, the dream I had was running through my mind. Every moment was in vivid detail. I could still feel Justice's lips pressed against mine.

It was intense, but I couldn't shake what happened in my dream from my mind. All I knew was that I needed to reach Jesse. Every step was just like in the dream, movements led by instinct towards my beloved. My hand touching the walls to guide my way, I could feel the spark of energy that flows through the school.

The halls of the school guided me forwards, making the turns necessary for me to reach him. The air was cold, as I moved closer and closer to his room. It was as though it was getting more dense with every step, almost palpable.
As I reached the corner, my hand still guiding the way, I heard voices. I froze. I tuned my hearing to what was being said.

"It's beginning again, Headmistress." I recognized that voice. It was Professor Jenkins.
"I know, Lestor. I felt it when Mr. Shaw stepped foot into the school." I became tense. They were talking about me. "I can sense goodness within him, but Mr. Arnold...I fear for him." She paused, the air around me becoming tighter around my body like a vice. "I know he has a good soul, but he's a target. His magic has the same feel as-"

"Hush! Do not speak their names. You know it is forbidden. No one must remember what happened all those years ago. Who knew that when my grandfather opened this boarding school to all witches that it would cause so much chaos between the female students. I miss that, having females around to nurture, but it's for the best. We can't have the darkness doing what it did the first time."
"Yes, I am well aware Lestor. I'll have your remember that I was a student here at that time as well. I can well recall what happened to...them. It's such a shame. They had so much potential; they had the potential of making great strides in the magical community. They could have become the next ones on the Council." Her voice sounded sullen, recalling memories of a time long ago.

"Who goes there?" I held my breath. "I know you're there; reveal yourself!" I didn't know what to do. 


Author's Note

I want to say thank you, again, to all of my reader and for sticking with me thought my two-year writing hiatus. I just didn't feel inspired, and felt that I wouldn't be doing my characters justice by writing half-heartedly. 

Please don't forget to vote! 


Stjthan/Stephen Than (The Purple Queen)

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