Nochelle One Shots & Random

By PetruskaSwag

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Some Tns Nochelle One Shots and maybe even headcanons or random conversations SLOWLY UPDATES just warning. More

New book
You are not alone
Is Someone Jealous?
All the pranks go wrong... right?
Those are MINE
Truth or Dare?
Can you see me?
Hell. NO!
Nochelle Headcanon
Late date nights
Nochelle Headcanon 2/2
Incorrect quotes
Incorrect quotes (part 2)

Nochelle Headcanon 1/2

1.6K 25 1
By PetruskaSwag

I going to do a marathon, so be ready... 1/2
By the way, this is not exactly a headcanon.

First day of college and Noah knew it was going to be special, not for the fact that it was the beginning of something new. His new life was starting and what would be next? Him being a professional singer or dancer? Who knows what the future holds. But it was quite entertaining for him to think about it. Without any doubt he was gonna enjoy and savor every moment here even though he knew he was going to suffer and study a lot. But at the end all will be worth it. The only bad thing was he had to get up at 6 a.m but that was a minor detail and he easily could get used to.

Entering to the class door with a big smile on his face, totally forgetting that it was 7 freaking a.m, he dropped his bag next to his new desk. And that's when he met her... bright green eyes, shiny blonde hair and a smile that could kill you. Everything on her screamed badass, and that somehow attracted him. He stared at her in awe, not believing his luck to be next to a gorgeous human being, the year started great.

Little did he know she was gonna drive him crazy just like him.

Suddenly she heavily sighed, the brown haired boy quickly averted his gaze thinking she caught him in his obvious stare but to his surprise she took out a coffee cup and, out of the blue, poured a whole monster energy drink into it. Noah couldn't believe it as he watched her how she muttered "I'm going to die" and then drinking the entire thing. He couldn't help himself but let out a small chuckle.
Richelle, confused, turned her head only to find the young boy chuckling at the scene. After exchanging some words she definitely knew that wasn't the last time they were going to talk and maybe this wasn't a bad year after all.

The final is bad af.
But I felt bad for not updating in 2 months so... Better this that not an update for the next 3 or 4 months.

The 'headcanons' are gonna be really short ideas that I couldn't put in a normal one shot. So don't expect very developed ideas.
The final is open so you can imagine how it would end.
Tomorrow I'll post the next.

Check out my new story Who is the murder? I'll be posting the next chapters soon.
Have a nice day my fellas!

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