My life is a Riddle(Tom Riddl...

By xXGlossyWaNdXx

267K 7.4K 2K

Tom Riddle is prepared to wipe out the entire race of mudbloods at age 16. But then comes along Aneline De'ba... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chappie 3!!
Chapter 4:)
Chapter 5:))))
Chapter six
Chappy seven!!
Chapter 8:D
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12;)
Chapter 13! ;))
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 :)
Chapter 19!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21! ;)
Chapter 22! ;)
Chapter 23! :D
Chapter 24! (: (: (: (:
Chapter 25:DDDD
Chapter 26 :)
Chapter 27:D :) ;0)
Chapter 28:D
Chapter 29! :DDDD
Chapter 30:)
Chapter 31 ;D
Chapter 32...:D
Chapter 33! ;{D
Chapter 34 ;P

Chapter Nine

8.7K 241 64
By xXGlossyWaNdXx


Hey there hottie:)

Sorry for the long wait.......I moved to Miami:D

So I hope you like this chapter!

Lets do this!



I was in the library the other night, in the Restricted Section, and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic. It's called, as I understand it... a Horcrux.


I beg your pardon? TOMRIDDLE

Horcrux. I came across the term while reading and I didn't fully understand it. HORACE SLUGHORN

I'm not sure what you were reading, Tom, but this is very dark stuff. Very dark indeed. TOMRIDDLE

Which is why I came to you. HORACE SLUGHORN

[Stares at Tom for a second] A Horcrux is an object in which a person has concealed part of their soul. TOMRIDDLE

But I don't understand how that works, Sir. HORACE SLUGHORN

One splits ones soul and hides part of it in an object. By doing so, you are protected, should you be attacked and your body destroyed. TOMRIDDLE


That part of your soul that is hidden lives on. In other words, you cannot die. TOMRIDDLE

[Looks into the fireplace] And how does one split his soul, sir? HORACE SLUGHORN

I think you already know the answer to that, Tom. TOMRIDDLE


Yes. Killing rips the soul apart. It's a violation against nature. TOMRIDDLE

[Adjusting ring on his finger, the same one in present day Dumbledore's office] Can you only split the soul once? For instance, isn't seven... HORACE SLUGHORN

Seven? Merlin's beard, Tom! Isn't it bad enough to consider killing one person? To rip the soul into seven pieces... This is all hypothetical, isn't it, Tom? All academic? TOMRIDDLE

[Smiling] Of course, sir. It'll be our little secret.


                                                                      Chapter Nine

"GET YOUR BLOODY ARSE HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT MUDBLOOD!" The electrical voiceboomedthroughout the mansion, climbing the tall spiral of stairs and reaching my room.

He had been incrediously impatient ever since I told him I had to pack my luggage for the "road trip" I was saracstically looking forward to with Tom. Annoyed, Tom had said we were only going to be gone for a few hours at the most, but I knew better than to come unprepared.    

I rolled my eyes for the fifteenth time that day at his impatientness. It was the fourth time (I had been counting) that he had screeched at the top of his evil lungs at me, ordering me to hurry up or he would "personally see to it that I could no longer go anywhere, ever again."  

 Besides, I had only been packing for two minutes up to this point!   I finished stuffing my favorite velvet red sweater ungracefully into my "lovely" old brown and faded suitcase then closed it shut. I grabbed the handle with both palms and attempted to pick it up.  

 I failed quite epically.  

 I literally ended up having to drag the rusty suitcase out the door and down the endless, torturous, flight of stairs. Every once in a while, the suitcase would slip from my weak grip and would land on the floor with a loud "boom!" And every time I would be scolded by one of the servants, complaining they had spent long hours polishing the floors to perfection.    

After I managed to escape the cluster of angry servants, I finally reached the final step of the staircase where Tom and a fellow servant were staring at me with diffeent expressions. Tom was intently glaring at me, which was nothing new but always managed to sent shivers down my spinal cord, while the man gave me a pitying look.  

 I paused and bent down, placing my hands on my knees as I panted out of breath. The excersise I had just performed had worn me out a lot more than I had thought it had.

  "Oh for heavens sake! You just LOVE wasting my time don't you mudblood?" Tom implied angrily.  

I was about to respond and automatically deny his accusation when he strode forward and grabbed my suitcase with absolute ease, obvious annoyance displayed across his handsome features.  

 "You make it look like it's the hardest thing in the world you lazy leech!"  

 I didn't open my mouth to respond that time because I knew his words were a fact. I had always been lazy throughout my entire life, yet it didnt really bother me until I had met Tom Riddle. He made me look like an absolue weakling when he could pick up things I never could, and I didnt like that.  

"It's fine Tom," I took the suitcase away from him, or at least tried to.    

"I got this"

  His eyes lit up in amusement but let me take the suitcase back.  

"If you insist."

   I thought that if I actually tried, I could hold the suitcase up just as easily as Tom did. Yet once again, I was wrong.   The second Tom's strenght support left the suitcase and I officially contained it in my arms, my tiny muscles ached. I resisted the urge to drop it and tried to hide my intense struggling away from Tom, but it was too late.  

  A wicked smirk visited his lips as he watched me, and I also noticed the man standing next to him was pressing his lips tightly together, supressing a laugh. I felt an  embarrassed blush sneak its way up my neck and stop at my face. Tom suddenly began to chuckle, wich I would of found sexy if it had'nt been for the current circumstances I was under.

  After a few seconds that seemed like a trillion years of carrying the suitcase, I gave up and dropped the case to the floor, making an abruptly horrible noise. I felt myself exhale relax in a more peaceful state.  

Tom shot me a cocky look, openly entertained by my unsuccess. He took my suitcase once again and handed it to the man who seemed to be in his early forties.  

 "Take this to the car will you? And place it somewhere out of my sight, I dont think I can bear the ugly thing any longer."  

 With a nod of his head, the man walked out the main door with my suitcase.  

 "Remind me again why I have to go with you?" I asked Tom.

  "I already told you once mudblood, and now you're making me repeat it again? You have to come so that if one of those disgusting muggles ever try to lay their hands on me, you'll be used as a body shield."

  "Of course, I'm just so EXCITED to be used as a body shield." I commented.  

 "Why thank you, Seargant Sarcasm." He pointed out my tone of voice before stepping out of the large double doors.

  I sighed. He always had to have the last word!

  I quickly shuffled my feet forward, following him out the large doors. The day was extrordinarily beautiful. The perfectly kept grass gleamed a brilliant green against the sun's hungry rays. A nearby pond glistened with a deep, calm blue water clear enough to see through it as tall, thick vines curled upward against the walls of the mansion in a naturally flawless manner. The sound of chirping birds in the distance immediately calmed the atmosphere with their soft, lovely songs and well-hit pitches. I closed my eyes for the shortest second, taking in the smell of lavender and rosemary mixed into one perfect fragrance.

   Out of all the things beautiful, I concluded Tom to be number one on the list compared to anything I had ever seen before. I couldn't help but notice the way his slightly bronze-but-mostly-brown hair shone vibrantly in the sun-kissed atmosphere, and the cool, elegant stance he was in while leaning against the side of the car, chatting with the man who had taken my luggage, probably giving him orders and instructions. His pale, marble skin dazzled on its own as his perfectly shaped red-pink lips complimented his pearly complexion.

  I quickly looked away when I noticed I was staring, basically checking him out! I blushed beet-red again and begged it to go away before he noticed.  

He turned away from the man and faced me.  

 "What are you doing just standing there and checking me out like you have all the time in the world? Get in the damn car!"  

 I scurried with my head down, the blush returning with revenge. He had noticed! ******************************************************************************************************************************************** We had been on the road for about twenty minutes now, bickering at each other every now and then, normal as usual.  

 I was gripping the dashboard with white knuckles, and fel the color drain from my face a long time ago.

  "Slow down! You're going WAY TO FAST TOM!!" He ignored me stepping on the gas pedal even harder.  

 We were up to ninety-three miles at this point.  

"AHHHH!!! YOU'RE" I said faintly, growing weaker by the second.

  He waved me off like I was just an annoying mosquito. "Relax, I know what I'm doing. Plus, this is my private estate, so I can do whatever the bloody hell I want."

   "Why can't we just have a chauffeur drive us?" I whined, knowing we were about to crash for sure.  

"My legal parents don't know I'm doing this, and I don't need anymore people than neccessary knowing that I'm going out alone for once." I hated how he reffered to it like I wasnt there.  

 I was entirely suprised when I found out Tom could drive in the first place, since he probably had private drivers ever since birth. But so far, besides his undeniable speeding problem, he proved to be expertly meticulous and efficient when it came to driving.

  "Do you mind telling me where we're going anyway?" I asked, exhausted from the large amount of screaming I had just wasted.

  "I thought I told you to mind your own bloody buisness." He snapped at me. Judging by how defensive he was being about the subject, I concluded this was probably something big for him, I just didnt know what. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* "We're going to stop here then walk." He announced as we pulled up into an busy-street, people walking at fast-paces, like they were all late for something.  

 He smoothly manuevered the car in between two others and parked it. We got out and I noticed Tom's face had recoiled into utter disgust at the sight of the muggles. We began walking in unsion along the street, and I didn't know about him, but I couldn't help but feel like I didnt really belong in the midst of these people.  

 Without warning, Tom grabbed me by the arm and brought me closer to him, his delicious and intoxiating cologne disrupting my sense of smell.  

 "Stay close or you'll be dead at the hands of something as low as a muggle since you could'nt save yourself if your life literally depended on it." He whispered poison into my ear, his crsip, minty breath dazing me.

  Automatically, I noticed every girl turn and goggle at him. Whenever we encountered an entire group of them, giggles and blushing would take place along with whispering. Jealousy came at me unnexpectantly, adding another gallon to my large bucket of emotions.  

 Tom did'nt appear to notice their intentions, but seemed to resent the girls. Every short while, I would watch as he glared at any girl he would see, yet not the way he usually glared at me. These glares seemed to contain an intense, more painful amount of hatred.

  Whenever I would stray a centimeter away from him when I got distarcted by shops and beautiful sights, he would instantly scold me and order me to stay close.

  As we passed a small pub down the street, a group of men who seemed to be in their twenties or so stumbled out, obviously drunk. Once again, I managed to stray behind a bit from Tom, only this time, he didnt notice and continued to stride arrogantly down the street, the distance between us growing a few feet apart.

  The grossly drunk men were laughing a bit too hysterically and stopped short when they spotted me, thinking I was alone.

  I noticed them staring and quickly tried to get close to Tom again, my stomach wrenching in my gut, telling me something was going to go wrong.  

 One of the men whistled low and rasped.  

 "Hey there sweet t'hang how'bout choo come on ovar hear." His words came out sloppy and together in a jumble. His fellow drinking-buddies snickered as he talked.  

 It was my first expreience in a long time with these type of men, so I didnt really know exactly how to deal with them.  

 " thank you." I mentally punched myself for letting my voice shake and tried to quicken my steps. Tom had noticed now and had begun to glare at me a few yards away, striding back over to me.  

 My response seemed to arouse the men even more.  

 Then, one of them grabbed me by the arm firmly, his grip tightening.  

 "Let go of me!" I squirmed, wanting to escape his sweaty grip.  

"Awwh waz wrung babie?" His breath reeked of alchohal and cigarettes.  

 I was about to scream when the guy was thrown off me, landing against a cluster of trash cans alongside a brick wall. I noticed it had been Tom who had thrown him off, fuming like I had never seen him do before, an unknown gleam of pure loathing in his piercing eyes.  

 The group of men standing by quickly cowered away when they saw his expression. Tom went over to the man who had grabbed me and bent down, hissing something into his ear. The mans eye's grew impossobly wider at Tom's words, fear aparrent in his face.  

 Tom then threw a hard, clean yet powerful punch directly at the mans face. The blow landed square in the middle, right where is nose was.  

 A sickening crunch erupted and cut through the air, letting everyone know his nose was officially broken.  

"OHHWW!" He half moaned, half hollered the second it happened.  

 Tom, unfazed by the fact he had just broken a mans nose, got up swiftly and looked each other guy straight into the eyes.  

"Let this be a warning to each of you filthy, disgusting, leechy rats, that if you EVER decide to go after an idiotic, oblivious, weak girl again, you'll regret it once more" His voice was eerily silent and quite, but hard like steel and cold as ice.  

His last words made me blush horribly.

  He walked over to me and for a second, I thought I saw a hint of concern on his face.    

"Are you alright, or do I have to waste more of my time tending to your issues?"  

 "No, I'm fine." My voice shook a little, still rough from what had just happened. I had never seen Tom so angry ever since meeting him. When I saw what he so easily did to the man, breaking his nose, I knew he could of done a lot worse, and the thought terrified me. I did'nt think I ever wanted to be near Tom whenever he was THAT angry.

  He looked down at my arm, not believing a word I had said, and inspected it with scrutinizing eyes. I saw a look of confirmation to my statement in his face as he turned around, beckoning me to follow.  

 "Now I think you've learned your lesson mudblood, stay close to me or next time, I might just FORGET you ever came with me." He hissed.

  I nodded my head automatically, not wanting to attract anymore attention then we needed to. As we began to walk again, I noticed a large bundle of people had been watching the entire scene, all the girls fawning and drooling over Tom, my jealousy returning.

  Tom held out his hand to me, ordering me to take it.  

"If you're going to act like a child, then I'm going to treat you like one."  

 I blushed like mad when I placed my hands in his, suprised he wasnt wearing his gloves like usual. His hands were cool, not too hot and not too cold. Where as my hands were freezing, as always.

I summed this night to be a grand mixture of emotions. ******************************************************************************************************* COMMENT AND RATE..............FAN?      

 Yes, this chapter was a tad longer than usual, so thats why you should comment and vote:)  

Love you all, kisses and magic!  

 P.S. Fan me  

 P.P.S. Fan me    :)

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