Chapter 11

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Heyooo. Sorry for the late.....very late upload you guys:( I've been quite busy these past couple of days with exams and all.....but yeah I know. EXCUSES EXCUSES right? Well since probably no one is reading this, I guess we should begin the chappie! :)





The name familairlized itself into my mind, my heart instantly swelling up into a bundle of joy. I never had attended Hogwarts in the past, but the wizard school that I HAD been to before, Merlots school of fine arts for wizards and witches, had always meant one thing in my mind.


Being able to run away from "family" problems and my daily life, and losing myself into friends and school work at a school SPECIFICALLY for wizards had always meant the world to me. It was a new chance every year to escape my torturous muggle life, so that I can soak up the wonderful world of magic and more freedom than I ever had in my entire life.

The thought itself was utterly enticing.

I snapped out of my current daze, feeling a pair of sharp green eyes on me as a pair of long, pale fingers snapped in front of my face. 

"Hello Aneline, welcome back to the dump we call the muggle world." He stated. annoyance slipping onto his features.

"What?" I said dumbly, not have heard what he was saying while I was in thought.

"Well, I WAS tallking about the whole going-back-to-Hogwarts matter when you stood there with this dumb expression on your face and began to drool like a fool." He said, exasperated. 

"By the way, you may want to close your mouth now before a large fly comes along." He added with a lopsided smirk. My face heated up and I automatically shut my mouth before deciding to change the subject of how "idiotic" I was.

"So, we're going to Hogwarts?" I said a bit too enthustiastically. 

"DUH. Thank you for pointing that out Ms. Obliviously obvious." He rolled his eyes at me but continued.

"Classes begin next Monday, exactly seven days from now-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You never even THOUGHT of telling me a bit sooner?!" I interrupted him, which probably wasnt the smartest idea of my life with the way he was glaring at me. But I had to admit I WAS  a bit annoyed that he didnt even mention any of this news earlier.

He acted like he hadnt heard a single word I had said. "We need to take care of purchasing school supplies today, considering I've been busy this past month."

I nodded, proccessing the fact we were going to go shopping at the moment, but then a new thought entered my head

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