|~Tracked~| {|Aphmau Fanfic|}

By StoriesBySkarlet_xx

144 3 19

A girl in an ordenary high school. With an ordenary crush is acctually skilled. She and her sister and brothe... More

{|The Last Unknow Survivors|}
{|Forming an Escape|}
{|Trust me|}
{|Safety Is Key|}
{|Mr and Mrs Ro'Meave|}
{|Her Secrets|}
{|The Place She Calls Home|}
{|Meeting His Dad|}
{|Making A Scene|}
{|First Kiss|}
{|Zanes Grudge|}
{|My Crib|}
{|Jessy Go Bye~Bye|}
{|Love Triangle|}
{|An Emergency|}
bitch pls
{Too Many Chances}
{An Unexpected Surprise}
{Awkward Feelings}
Next Book is now released!!

{An Escape Route}

2 0 0
By StoriesBySkarlet_xx

"Wait!! Laura!!" Garroth yell from the window.

I turn and look as i hold my rifle, armed.

"When you get there, tell me on the walkie talkie!!" He yells.

I nod. I wave and run off.

Garroths POV:

I wave bye to Laura as I watch her run away. I blush as I watch her. I sigh, worried of what will happen.

I throw myself on the bed and hug my knees. I lower my head. ~BEEP~BEEP~ my phone had recived a notifacation. I look to my phone and pick it up. Unlocking it, I view the text.

Vlad: Bro we need to go to see the news. I think something bads happening. Meet u downtairs.

I read. My eyes widen. I stuff my phone in my pocket and run downstairs. I open the living room door, past the dining area. I see Vlad, Zane, Mum and Dad all wathing e news.

"Whats going on?! Did something happen!!" I exlaim.

"Im not sure. I think.." Vlad responds.

I sit down with them and watch.

"Wheres Laura?" Mom asks. I look and stutter an excuse.

"..u-uh.. I think shes.. at the..baatthhrroom.. y-yes.. yes that's right heheh.." I say.

"Oh ok Gar Gar. Can you tell her she will need to come down soon.?" She asks.

I nod and rush upstairs. I go by the bathroom door. I knock on it.

"..*cough, cough*.. yes?" I say in a pitched voice.

"Laura you need to come downstairs. And whats wrong with your voice?" I ask normally.

"u-uh..my throat hurts. I'll be down in a minute." I said pitched.

I quietly close the bathroom door. I put a cloth infront the door before I shut it completely.

I made my way back down and sat with everyone.

"Is everything alright Gar Gar?" Mom asked.

I nod in response and take my seat. Time passes and the news begins.

TV: this is big news coming in!! This terrorist attack is escalating quickly!! There are more attackers coming in. The school is being surrounded by police and the Army. Civilians close by have already left their homes. We think that it wont be lpng enpugh 'till mor-
(Screams and fuzzing sounds)

Tv programme shuts down and screen fuzzes.

I start to worry, thinking about Laura.

"Kids, go start packing" dad spoke.

I look to him scared and worried.

"Are we leaving?!" Vlad exlaims.

"Yes kids if we must then we will. Go tell Laura, Garroth." Mom says.

"Mom im sorry!! Laura left!!-"

"WHAT?! AND YOU WAITED TILL NOW TO SAY SOMETHING?!" Vlad exlaims. Getting up and facing me, angry as hell.

"She told me that she had to help her friend!! She will talk to me on the walkie talkie!!" I say.

Vlad's eyes search for the walkie talkie. He yanks it off me and talks  to the walkie talkie.

"Vlad, no!!" i shout.

Laura's POV:

im sneaking behind a house, rifle locked and loaded.in front of the house where a couple of terrorists armed, searching the area.

"LAURA!! LAURA ARE YOU THE-" the walkie talkie plays the voice from the house. it was... Vlad?!

The attackers heard the voice. They turn around as quickly flea.

"Hey!! There she goes!!" one man says.

he starts shooting at me. i get behind a tree for cover. the others do the same i thought, as i see them no where.

Gun fire skims the trees edge. i turn around and start shooting, getting back to cover.

"shit!! Fucking assholes!!" i spoke to myself. I start shooting again. suddenly, another gun is heard behind me. i duck down as their bullets pierce the terrorists. I hear them fall down, none more. i stand up, dropping my rifle, hands shoulder high.

"please...i mean no harm. dont shoot." i say calmly.

"oh please. c'mon Laura ya think i'll shoot you? heheheh." The voice spoke. wait, i recognise that person. i flinch around and see who it is. my eyes widen. a smirk is covered on the persons face.

"hey Laura. ya missed me?..."

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