The Keepers of Azera ( Book 1...

By I_am_Pendy

1.2K 44 75

I am not human. I do not come from Earth. My home is called Azera. I am an Azeran, or more specifically a Ke... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Shout Out to My Nonparticipating Readers!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Want More?

Chapter 17

19 1 5
By I_am_Pendy

We stand in the gymnasium, facing each other. It's the end of Study Day, and my training in combat has just begun.

"What do you want to start with?" James asks.

I frown. "There isn't any actual weapons, is there?"

"Nothing that won't leave more than a good bruise. Let's start with the Kryiats."

He goes to the closet and pulls out four pieces of thin, curved wood. He tosses two to me and watches carefully as I grasp them in my hands.

"You're holding them wrong," he says.

I sigh and lower the wooden Kryiats. "How do you even know how to use weapons?"

"Believe it or not, becoming a Guardian actually requires you to study it in school," he says. "I had to learn the ins and out of teaching a young Keeper, and combat training was a part of it until a certain Head Trainer cut it out of the curriculum until the older Keepers needed to train."

"So that's why we have a gym but never use it," I say

"Yep. Here," he says, molding my hands around the handles. "There we go."

"Doesn't feel right," I comment, looking at it. "Like I might drop it."

"You get used to it," he says, picking up his own Kryiats.

"So where do we start?" I ask.

"Step one was to get you to hold it correctly. Step two is to teach you how to actually control them. Step three is basic moves."

"Aren't Step Two and Three the same?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Not quite. You can swing them around all you like, without any fancy moves, but if you're in combat, and you bend your wrist wrong, or your arm, you'll probably break something. Once we get into real combat training, I won't be holding Kryiats. These are just to show you the moves."

"Why not?" I ask.

"You know why not. Kryiats are Azera's unique weapon."


"Meaning that no other life form in this universe uses Kryiats, and we're fighting a battle against multiple aliens. Humans, Euravics, Circetese-"

"What?" I had heard of the Circetese, a group of huge, pale creatures with long, thin limbs and no facial features except for a gaping hole, but I hadn't realize they were here. They're usually peaceful, but...

"Circetese. Those big-"

"No, I know what they are. How are they here?"

"I'd guess the same way that humans are here. I'm willing to guess Simon took some weapons from other aliens, like nuclear bombs from humans, um... Well, the point is, Kryiats are our special defense."

"Humans have swords," I say, twisting the Kryiats in my hands

"They don't use them," James points out. "Not anymore." He looks at my wrists. "You know, if we were in combat, you'd probably break your wrists."

"Then less talking, more training," I shoot back.

James shrugs with his left shoulder. "Alright. Let's begin. You want to move the Kryiat with your entire arm, because if you just use your wrist, you'll probably sprain it or lose your grip on the swords."

"How so?"

James stretches his left Kryiat out and presses it against my right one. My wrist naturally bends with it.

"Keep your wrist straight," James says. I try to, but I lose my grip on the Kryiat. It clatters to the floor.

"Was that bad?" I ask after picking it up.

He shrugs. "No offense, but we've got a long way to go."


An hour later, I climb into the shower, feeling sweaty and tired. James is right-we have a long way to go. We spent most of practice trying to keep my wrist straight. I let the hot water run over me, trying not to think about the past couple of days. Namely the conversation, and the attack on the older Keeper. It makes me sick just thinking about it. I stay in the shower long after the soap has disappeared down the drain until James knocks on the door. I step out, pull on a pair of pajamas, and go to sort through my laundry so we can get it done.

I find the lavender flower in the pocket of my robes. It's shriveled and brittle to the touch, but it still holds that sweet scent James and I love so much. I set it on my dresser and continue sorting my laundry. Once I finish, I place the closed laundry basket outside the dorm room so the cleaning crew can take care of it.

James is still in the shower, so I curl up on the couch and fall asleep.

"Chief, we're facing a major problem."

"I'm well aware of that," my father says wearily. It's the exact same setting as the conversation, only my mother isn't there, and instead of Henri stands a beaten man wearing the Keeper's commander's uniform. Gold and silver. The only robes in those colors.

"It's worse. They're coming closer to the Training Base. That fight a while back, on Religion Day, was bad enough, but now it'll be bigger. More dangerous."

My father strokes his chin. "Of course he's targeting the Training Base. What better tactic than to wipe out the young army before they're fully trained."

"You and I both know why he's really going after the Training Base," the commander says.

Both men fall silent. "Can they be moved?"


"The Keepers. Could we move them to Stasis or one of the other asteroid cities?"

The commander shakes his head. "Too dangerous. He'll see, he might attack. The fighting is already in those cities, and besides, where would we get the money to transport nineteen kids, their Guardians, and their Trainers to an asteroid?"

My father bites his lip. "So they're...safer at the Training Base?"

"For now, yes," the commander replies grimly.

I wake with a start. I clutch the quilt that James must've spread over me while I was asleep and stare into the darkness. He's coming for the Training Base. And I think I know for who.

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