Falling for the Bad Guy (Leon...

By Youtuber_01

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Luna Allen is the younger sister of Barry Allen. She's not your average 20 year old girl living in Star City... More

Chapter 1: Luna Allen
Chapter 2: Just Another Day
Chapter 3: Loneliness and Grievance
Chapter 4: Depression and Selfharm
Chapter 5: Leonard Snart?
Chapter 6: Friends with The Enemy?
Chapter 7: Falling For The Bad Guy?
Chapter 8: First Date?
Chapter 9: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 10: Captured by Tony Woodward
Chapter 11: Rescued By My Captain Cold
Chapter 13: Pain and Suffering
Chapter 14: Boyfriend Comfort
Chapter 15: Seeing My Dad
Chapter 16: Hanging with The Bro
Chapter 17: HOW COULD YOU!?
Chapter 18: Lazy Day
Chapter 19: Dinner Party
Chapter 20: You're Beautiful (SMUT)
Chapter 21: Happiness

Chapter 12: Nightmares And Panic Attacks

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By Youtuber_01

(Luna's Pov) *A Few Days Later*

I fluttered my eyes open seeing it was blurry. I groaned and looked around seeing I was in a building of some sorts. I tried to take a deep breath but it hurt so bad...I whined as I felt someone grab my hand "Luna thank god you're okay" I heard Leonard say.

I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust. I looked around seeing I was on some bed in a room...where was I? I also saw I was bandaged up and in casts. I closed my eyes again and whined as Leonard called Barry in? Leo caressed my cheek which made me flutter my eyes open again "W-what happened?" I asked hoarsely,

I looked around seeing Barry and 3 more people walk in assuming they were his friends "you got hurt pretty bad by Tony Woodward" Barry said, I just nodded and licked my dry lips "C-can I have some water please?" I asked, I waited a few seconds till a girl with brown hair came back with a cup of water.

I couldn't exactly move so Leonard carefully cradled my head and help me drink the water which felt so good going down my dry throat. I sighed and leaned against the headboard of the bed "W-where's Tony?" I asked, "Away. For good" Leonard said, I just nodded and looked at Barry and his friends ''Oh Luna these are my friends Caitlyn Snow, Cisco Ramon and Dr. Harrison Wells'' Barry said,

I smiled and nodded ''It's so good to finally meet you Luna'' Caitlyn said smiling, I just smiled and nodded, "what happened to me?" I asked, ''Well after you got beat by Tony, Snart took you back here and Caitlyn fixed you up'' Cisco said, ''Yea you have a few broken ribs, broken leg and wrist, a concussion and everything else is just badly bruised'' Caitlyn said,

I groaned in pain and nodded ''How long was I out?" I asked ''A few days'' Barry said, I sighed and nodded as I rubbed my face tiredly and looked at Leonard ''Are you okay?" I asked him, he smirked and shook his head ''I should be asking you that" Leonard said with a small smirk,

I giggled "I know but I just wanted to make sure'' I said smiling, he smiled softly ''I'm glad you're okay'' He said and pulled me in a gentle hug which made me smile until then I heard Barry cough which made my eyes widen ''Oh shit does he know about?'' I whispered, ''Unfortunately he does'' Leonard said sighing ''Well shit'' I said sighing and rolling my eyes ''Don't worry he already gave me a lecture while you're out'' He said smirking a bit,

I chuckled a little ''Yea but he's still gonna give me one'' I said rolling my eyes ''Well be ready for that'' Leonard said, I smiled and nodded as I laid back in my bed, ''So Luna while you were out you did something'' Caitlyn said sounding concerned, "What did I do?" I asked as my heart raced a bit ''You were screaming, crying, and thrashing around and you kept saying stop get out of head or stop it's not true do you know why?" Caitlyn asked,

My eyes went wide as I looked down at my lap feeling ashamed as it all came back ''Uh when T-Tony was beating me he-he called me more names like worthless, fat, ugly, forgotten, pathetic, failure, loser and a weakling. H-he also said no one loves you, not your brother or boyfriend, you should just die, waste of space and Looks like you were born to take a beating and I uh had flashbacks of him beating me and saying those over and over'' I said quietly with tears in my eyes as I avoided everyone's eye contact. Caitlyn frowned and nodded as she and everyone else walked out of the room it was just me Mick and Leonard.

Leonard sat on the edge of my bed and gently held my hands ''Sweetheart listen to me. That man is locked up now he won't hurt you anymore and I will never let him near you again. You are none of those things he said, you're so beautiful, smart, kind, loving, sweet, caring, funny, unique, wonderful, strong, brave and incredible and I love you so much'' he said smiling,

My eyes widen as I looked up at him and smiled as my eyes filled with happy tears ''Thank you Leonard, I-I love you too'' I said, Leonard smiled as he cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears away, I smiled softly as he gently pressed his lips against mine.

The kiss was short but very sweet and passionate. A few minutes later, he pulled away and gave me another hug which made me blush and smile. I sighed and yawned as I laid back down in my bed with Leonard and Mick by my side.

A little bit later, Joe and Iris walked in ''Hey Barry I got your message'' Joe said as him and Iris looked at me with concern and walked up to me ''Awe poor pumpkin are you okay?'' Joe asked hugging me, ''Yea i'm fine just a lil beaten up'' I said shrugging with a little chuckle,

Joe sighed ''Who did this?" Iris asked, ''Tony Woodward'' I said, Joe and Iris's eyes widen ''That punk who beat you up in grade school?" Joe asked furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, I nodded ''Where is he now?" Joe asked getting worried ''Don't worry he's in our prison locked for good he won't be escaping any time soon'' Cisco said giving him a reassured smile,

Joe let out a small sigh in relief ''Good. Keep that punk away from my pumpkin'' he said with a small smile, I just smiled and giggled ''Well i'm glad you're okay'' Joe said, I smiled and nodded as Joe kissed my head. Joe and Iris looked at the glaring between me, Leonard and Barry,

Joe chuckled ''Uh so I assume Barry knows about you two?" Joe asked, I sighed and nodded ''Uh oh be prepared for a lecture'' Joe said with a chuckle, I nodded and sighed bracing for the worst, ''Okay well we just came to check up on you. We'll see you later pumpkin be safe" Joe said,

I just smiled and nodded as him and Iris headed out and went back to doing whatever they were doing ''Pumpkin huh?" Leonard smirked ''Oh Shush your sister calls you Lenny'' I said blushing with embarrassment ''It's cute'' he said,

I rolled my eyes and smiled, ''When can I go home?" I complained, ''Well in your state tomorrow maybe'' Caitlyn said, ''ugh'' I said rolling my eyes which made Mick and Leonard smirk a bit. I sighed and looked at Barry still seeing him glare at Leonard and I. I threw my hands up with frustration "Damnit Barry if you have something to say, then fucking say it" I stated,

His eyes widen along with everyone else's. Barry rolled his eyes and walked in "Can you give us a second?" I asked Mick and Leo. They nodded and headed out glaring at Barry in the process. I carefully sat up and sighed as I hissed in pain "Barry come on man, you can't keep doing this to me" I said,

Barry looked confused if not hurt "What do you mean? Do what? I'm your older brother Luna. I'm just trying to protect you" he said, I scoffed "really? Protect me? Because from the last 12 years you haven't done shit. You weren't there for me, you never had time for me and the second I mention Leo, you flip your shit. Me and Joe yell at you countless times but you never listen so why the fuck should I explain myself to someone who never listens" I explained as I felt the tears welled up.

Barry's expression softened "Why Luna. Why him?" he asked, "Because he makes me feel something. He makes me feel like I'm worthy and special. He makes me happy, doesn't judge me and is always there for me when I need him...He has made me the happiest person I have been in years" I explained as tears fell from my face.

Barry sighed "but-" He started but I put my hand up "I swear to god you use that 'but he's a criminal schtick' I'm going to fucking scream. Barry Allen, I am 20 years old, I am an adult meaning I can date and love whoever the fuck I want and I don't care if him and Mick are criminals, I don't care what they do because you don't know them like I do, you don't know the pain they went thru as kids and they're only trying to cope...

You claim them as bad guys when really there's more to their story...Everyone deals with pain differently Barry and well why do you think I got so close to them? Because these past 12 years I have been in nothing but pain and they understood that; they understand me...

You broke dad's promise Barr...you left me in the dust like I was nothing and him and Mick were the ones that picked me back up and made me feel something other than the depression and anxiety I felt every single day for the past 12 years...So I am sorry that I am such a disappointment to you and that I'm nothing but a worthless bother to you Barry but I love Leonard Snart and nothing is ever going to change that" I rambled as tears fell from my face,

Barry's eyes widen with hurt and confusion "I'm sorry Luna...I-I didn't mean to hurt you or make you feel this way. I was so caught up with work and my friends that I didn't realize you were hurting and i-I'm so sorry. Please let me make it up to you" He said as tears filled his eyes as well.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes "why should I trust you?" I asked, Barry sighed and held onto my hands "because you're my baby sister and after seeing what Tony did to you, it made me realize everything bad I've done to hurt you and I'm so scared of losing you Luna...I-I want to make this right if you let me" He said and sniffled a bit.

I looked at Barry seeing he really did look hurt and like he was telling the truth...but how will I know he won't leave me again? How will I know he'll listen to me? I miss my brother...I really do but I'm so scared to get close to him again fearing him leaving again...

I sighed and took a deep shaky breath "Barry you're my big brother and I love you but you can't keep treating me like a baby and you can't just yell at me or lash out when I don't do things you like and you can't keep manipulating me into not seeing Leo because that's not going to happen" I said,

Barry sighed "Okay. I promise, I'm sorry I just...I just wanted to protect you" he said, I sighed and rolled my eyes "you can't do that forever...I have to learn to do things myself and I am and you weren't proud of it" I said, Barry sighed "I know, I've been dumb and stressed out and I took it out on you and I'm sorry. I am so proud of you Luna you know I am. I can tell he makes you happy" he said,

I just smiled and nodded as I looked at him "the happiest I've been in years" I said, Barry sighed "I love you Luna, never forget that" he said and pulled me in a gentle but tight hug "I love you too Barr Barr" I whispered, he smiled and walked out making Leo and Mick walk back in "Everything okay?" he asked, I smiled and nodded "First step into having my old brother back" I said,

Leo and Mick nodded a bit "how are you feeling?" Leo asked, I sighed "everywhere hurts" I whispered, he frowned and kissed my head "I know but I promise, you'll be better in no time" He said, I just smiled softly and nodded as I yawned a bit. I was so exhausted, but I didn't want to sleep because I was scared of having nightmares,

Leonard could tell as he caressed my cheek ''Sweetheart it's okay, you can go to sleep'' Leonard said rubbing my head and smiling at me. I shook my head and tried hard to keep my eyes open ''I-I don't want to have a nightmare'' I whispered, ''You won't. I will be right here with you, you need your rest'' He said, I just sighed and nodded as I fluttered my eyes closed and fell asleep.


I fluttered my eyes open to see I'm strapped against a wall looking like it was the boiler room of my old school again. I looked around confused and scared as it was very dark there was nothing but a dim light by me.

My heart raced as I started to tremble a little ''HELLO!" I shouted, ''Well well well look who's finally awake" I heard Tony say, my eyes widen a bit ''W-What do you want haven't you hurt me enough?" I asked, ''Oh don't worry I won't hurt you till i'm done hurting everyone you love starting with the boyfriend'' He said smirking as he turned on a switch and revealed Leonard strapped to a wall as well,

I gasped ''LEO!" I shouted as I yanked and pulled on my chains trying to escape but it was no use ''Sorry Allen can't get out of this one. I will destroy and kill everyone you love till there's nothing left'' He said as he went up to Leonard and turned into his metal form and punched and kicked the shit out of Leo,

I screamed and cried as I tried so hard to get out of these chains but I couldn't ''PLEASE LET HIM GO, JUST KILL ME PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM!!" I shouted, ''Sorry Allen I want to break you into pieces and make sure you never get fixed and make sure no one loves you again" He said smirking as he kept punching, kicking the shit out Leonard as I kept screaming and crying in agony.

''LEO PLEASE!" I screamed, ''Sweetheart close your eyes okay just close your eyes love. I love you so much, i'm sorry I couldn't help'' He said as we were both in tears. I screamed and begged Tony to stop but he didn't till he killed everyone I loved. Leonard, Barry, Joe, Mick, Iris slowly breaking me and my sanity.

*End Of Nightmare*

I felt someone shaking my shoulders which made gasp as I shot up and sobbed and trembled. I breathed heavily as tears streamed down my face. I looked around seeing the others around me looking concerned and worried, ''Luna Sweetheart shshsh its okay'' Leonard said as he sat by me on the hospital bed and held me close.

I sobbed and trembled while holding onto Leo. He rubbed my head and back while rocked me back and forth trying to calm me down ''shshsh he can't hurt you anymore'' He said kissing my head as everyone waited till I calmed down.

After I was calm, everyone looked at me full of concern and worry ''What happened?" Barry asked, I let out a painful sigh ''I-I had a nightmare a-about Tony a-and he-he wanted to break me b-by killing everyone I loved s-starting w-with L-Leo, then B-Barry then so on, t-then I-I had a panic attack'' I said as my bottom lip quivered and I choked on sobs again.

I clenched onto Leo not wanting to let him go and fearing of letting him go. Leonard kissed my head and held me close ''Sweetheart I'm okay. I promise nothing is gonna happen to me or Barry or anyone'' He said holding me close, I just sniffled and nodded as my breathing was still a little heavy "Mick, can you get her water" Leo said,

He nodded as he headed out and grabbed water for me to drink. He came back and handed it to me which made me thank him as I drank the water and sighed. Leo kissed my head which made me sigh as I snuggled against him and played with his fingers "why don't you sing for me Sweetheart" Leo said,

I took a deep breath and nodded as I thought of a song to sing "Finding refuge in my own lies
How are you? I'm doing alright
Small talk is a great disguise
Just let me be
Just let me be

Empty thoughts start to crowd my mind
Am I only living, living to survive?
Shake it off but I've lost the drive
Just let me be
Just let me be

Let me be okay

No one knows what goes on up inside my head
There's a new kind of poison and it's starting to spread
No one knows what goes on up inside my head
They don't think I need help
But I'm scaring myself
I just want to be okay
I just want to be okay"
I sang and sighed as I felt the tears come back...I don't know how to do this...I don't know how to cope, I don't know what to think...I just...I don't know what to do anymore...I just wanna crawl in bed and never come out...I wanna hurt myself so bad but I can't...but I don't wanna disappoint Leo...but I don't know how much longer I can take this....

"All the voices in my head are coming to life
They're getting louder and I'm, I'm terrified
How do you run from your own mind?
Is this what I've become?
Take it back, what have I done?

No one knows what goes on up inside my head
There is a new kind of poison and starting to spread
No one knows what goes on up inside my head
They don't think I need help
But I'm scaring myself
I just want to be okay
I just want to be okay

No one knows what goes on up inside my head
There's a new kind of poison and it's starting to spread
But I didn't think the antidote was in my hands
I can change my plans, I can change my plans
I tried to find my reflection on the glass
But all I ever saw were the things I lack
All the smudges on the mirror made me go insane
All I ever thought I was
Was a mistake

No one knows what goes on up inside my head
There is a new kind of poison and starting to spread
No one knows what goes on up inside my head
Up inside my head
Up inside my head"
I finished singing and sighed as I sniffled. Leo cupped my cheek and made me look at him "you're okay Sweetheart. I'm here and I promise everything is going to be okay" He said, I just sighed and nodded,

But...I just don't know if it will...how can it? My bully beat me to literal death and now I'm having nightmares every night...how am I supposed to overcome that? I just...I don't think I can do this...

(hope you enjoy! Trigger warning in the next chapter so just a warning)

(3300 Words)

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