Falling Petals of a Blue Rose

De coolcatscrochets

846 103 53

Marisa is a brilliant young doctor who has made it her goal to help as many people as possible with her medic... Mais

Falling Petals of a Blue Rose
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chaper 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

chapter 18

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De coolcatscrochets

   While Thomas, Marcus, and Yoshi rode in Thomas’s car, Miki and Minnie rode with Marisa in hers.

“Boy, this day is turning out to be much more exciting than I thought it would. I’m so glad Thomas invited me.” Marisa mentioned with a big smile. Just then, Miki gave her a funny look.

“Say, Marisa, what exactly is your relationship with Thomas?” Marisa’s face turned bright red.

“Relationship?! What are you talking about?!”

“You know, you and Thomas seem to be getting really close lately. It’s obvious that you’re growing pretty fond of him and he thinks about you all the time.” Minnie added. Marisa looked up ahead at the road.

“Well, I guess I can’t deny the fact that I am growing to like Thomas anymore. I tried to for a while but realized I was only fooling myself. When I’m with him, I know everything’s going to be okay. When I’m upset, he always knows what to say to put a smile back on my face. In fact, there have been times where just thinking about him has made me so happy I could die.” Minnie and Miki grinned.

“Have you told him that?” Marisa’s face turned bright red.

“Of course not! How could I say something like that?! Besides...”

“Besides what?” They asked curious to see how she would finish.

“Besides, no matter what might happen in the future, I’m just so grateful to have met such a kind and wonderful person. Someone who truly made life worth living for me.” Miki slapped her head while Minnie laid back in her seat and groaned. Marisa looked at them.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” Miki rubbed her head.

“It’s not that. It’s just that, with that kind of attitude, you won’t get very far with things.”

“Yeah really, if you really feel that way about Thomas, than you should totally go out with him or something.” Marisa formed a surprised look on her face.

“Go out with him?”

“Yeah, you know. Like go on a date or something.” By now, Marisa’s face was a red as a chilly pepper.

“A date?! But...but I’ve never been on a real date before!”

“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” Minnie stated. Marisa thought for a moment.

“Me and Thomas? Go on a date? I guess I would like to do something like that. But, am I really ready for that kind of thing? Maggie told me that just because it’s a date doesn’t mean it has to be super fancy, but at the same time it’s not just something super ordinary. I mean, I would like to do something like that. But...how would Thomas feel?” Marisa was still deep in thought as she stopped at a red light. As the light turned green, Marisa was about to cross the intersection.

“Marisa! Watch out!” Miki suddenly shouted. Marisa looked just in time to see a red car speeding towards her. Already being in the middle of the intersection, she had no choice but to go forward. Marisa quickly stepped on the gas and made it to the other side just in time. The red car plowed through the red light from behind her. Quickly, she slammed on the brakes and brought the car to a stop.

“Geez! Hasn’t that guy ever heard of watch where you’re going?! He almost turned us into road side pancakes!” Miki yelled pushing her hair out of her face. Minnie straightened herself up and looked at Marisa. Her whole body was shaking.

“Marisa?! Are you okay?!” Marisa could hardly speak.

“I...I...” Just then, the car doors were swung open. Yoshi looked inside.

“Everyone okay?!”

“We’re fine. But I think Marisa’s in shock!” Marisa tried to pull herself together. Just then, she felt a hand take hold of hers.

“Take it easy. You’re alright now.” Thomas’s voice spoke up. Marisa took a deep breath.

“I’m...okay. Just...a little startled.” Just then, Marisa let out a laugh.

“This is the second time you’ve seen me like this. Sorry for being so pathetic.” Thomas smiled as he helped her out of the car.

“No reason to apologize. That kind of situation would scare anyone.”

“Ha! Speak for yourself.” Miki mentioned as she stood up.

“I wasn’t scared at all.” Minnie gave her an annoyed look.

“Yeah right, you were the first one to cry out.” Miki’s face turned bright red.

“I did not! All I did was warn Marisa that we were about to become roadkill!”

   Before another word could be said, someone called out.

“Someone! Call an ambulance!” Everyone looked over to see a large crowd gathered.

“Now what’s going on?” Marcus asked. Just then, Marisa smelled something she never enjoyed being able to smell.

“Blood!” Everyone looked at her.

“I smell blood! Lots and lots of it!” Before anyone could stop her, Marisa ran towards the crowd. As she plowed her way through, the smell of blood became thicker and thicker. Finally, she managed to make it to the front of the crowd. When she looked down, she saw a horrible sight. A man was laying down on the ground covered in blood. He looked like he was unconscious. Just then, the others came up next to her.

“Oh my gosh!” Minnie screamed.

“What happened to him?! That red car is way over there so he can’t be the driver!” Marcus stated.

“He must have been a pedestrian crossing the street when the car came by!” Yoshi remarked.

“Is he still alive?!” Miki asked trying not to freak out. Everyone was too nervous to get any closer. Marisa gripped her hands.

“I have to do something!” Thomas looked at her.

“Thomas! Marcus! Can you do me a favor and create an opening?! With so many people crowded over him like this I can’t do a thing!”

“Sure thing!”

“Leave it to us!” While Thomas and Marcus got to work at pushing people back, Marisa rushed to the man’s side.

“Everyone! Please step back! Our friend here is a doctor! She will take care of everything!” Thomas stated. Carefully, Marisa turned him over on his back. Putting her fingers up to his neck, she tried to feel his pulse.

“This is bad! His heart’s very weak and feels like it could give out at any moment!” Everyone gasped. Marisa turned her attention to Miki.

“Miki! In the back seat of my car is where my medical bag should be! It has all my tools in it! Please go and get it for me! Quickly!”

“I’ll be back in mere seconds!” Miki stated as she ran as fast as she could. Marisa carefully unbuttoned the man’s shirt. His whole chest plate was one big bloody cut. With a serious look on her face, Marisa reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Quickly she dialed in the hospital's private number.

“This is Dr. Marisa! There’s been an accident! We have one man down with serious loss of blood and unconscious! Heart rate very weak and has great risk of cardiac arrest! I need an ambulance at the intersection between North Ave. and Jackson Rd. now! Please have an all staff on standby upon arrival! Expect preparations for immediate operation!”

“Understood! An ambulance is on the way! Expected to arrive at you location within 10 minutes! A notice has been sent out to all staff members and preparations for immediate surgery are being made as we speak!” With the ambulance on the way, Marisa turned her attention to the man.

“The best I can do now is try to stop the bleeding. I should also prepare the defibrillator in case he does go into cardiac arrest.” Just then, Miki arrived.

“Marisa! Is this it?!” She held up a black bag with a blue rose on it.

“Yes! Thank you!” Marisa quickly rampaged through her bag. Putting on her sterile gloves, she took out a bunch of gauze pads and bandages.

“I doubt I have enough supplies to stop all of his bleeding, but I should have enough to stop the worst of it.” Unable to stand by and watch anymore, Yoshi bent down next to them.

“Marisa. Please let me help. I may not be a doctor like you, but I have had basic medical training. There must be something I can do.”

“Yes, there is. His pulse is only moments away from going out! While I focus on preparing the defibrillator, you concentrate on stopping the bleeding.”

“Of course.” Yoshi quickly put on some gloves and gently pressed on the cuts with a gauze pad. Meanwhile, Marisa fastened her defibrillator to his chest and turned it on. It was just as she feared. The man had gone into cardiac arrest.

“We have to give his heart a jump start. Yoshi, don’t touch him for a second.” Yoshi pulled her hands away while Marisa’s device sent a shock wave throughout his body.

“Did it work?” Marisa checked his pulse again.

“Yes for now. His heart is pulsing again, but there’s no telling whether or not it will stop again. We’ll just have to do what we can until the ambulance arrives.” With that said, Marisa and Yoshi continued the battle to stop the bleeding and keep his heart from stopping.

   Before they knew it, 10 minutes had already gone by.

“Where are they?! They should have been here by now?!” Marisa thought to herself.

“Marisa, I’m on the last gauze pad and the bleeding still hasn’t stopped!” Yoshi stated.

“I was afraid of that. What on Earth is taking them so long?!” Just then, the sound of sirens came ringing through the air. A moment later, a couple of men showed up with a stretcher.

“Dr. Marisa, we came as fast as we could!”

“There’s no time for talk! Every second counts! We have to hurry!”

“Yes doctor!” The men carefully put the man on the stretcher and loaded him into the ambulance. Marisa was just about to jump in with them.

“Marisa wait!” She turned around to see Minnie behind her.


“Give me your keys. I’ll drive your car to the hospital for you.” Marisa nodded as she handed her the keys to her car.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” With that said, Marisa jumped into the ambulance and they rushed to the hospital. The others watched her go.

“So now what do we do? I know Minnie said she’d drive her car to the hospital for her. But then what? Do we just leave?” Marcus asked.

“Not a chance! How could we even think of doing that after seeing the whole thing?! Besides, if Marisa hadn’t pulled out of the car’s way, we would have been the ones to get hit and not him! I think Marisa realizes this and can’t help but feel partly responsible for it! You guys do what you want, but I can’t possibly go home knowing that!” Yoshi stated.

“What happened to the driver of that red car anyway? We were all so caught up with the injured man that I had forgotten about him.” Miki asked.

“He’s been sitting on the side of the road this whole time. From what I heard, it sounds like his brakes had given out on him and that’s why he couldn’t stop. I guess he’s just too shaken up to do anything else except beat himself up.” Minnie stated.

“We’ll let the police take care of him. For now, I think we should follow Yoshi’s advice and head to the hospital. Even if there’s nothing we can do, we can at least let Marisa know we’ll be there for her if she does need us.” Thomas remarked. Everyone nodded as they rushed back to their cars and headed for the hospital.

   After taking the short ride to the hospital, the man was rushed to emergency room. Marisa was very relieved to see Dr. John, Dr. David, Chelsea, and several other doctors there.

“We heard about what happened, Dr. Marisa. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine, Dr. John. Right now we have to focus on saving this man.”

“But Dr. Marisa, you’re already covered with blood. Don’t you at least want to put on a clean shirt before you put on your apron?”

“No time for that, Chelsea. As I said, every second counts. We can’t afford to waste any of it.”

“Understood.” Marisa quickly threw on her protective apron, gloves, face mask, and a hair net. 

“First things first, we need to evaluate where the worst damage is located. The bleeding won’t stop which leads me to believe that he’s most likely suffering from internal bleeding. Chelsea, prepare a cat scan as well as an x-ray. As soon as we know what we’re dealing with, we can decide what the best treatment will be.”

“Right away, doctor.” With that, Chelsea rushed over to the other table to get the equipment ready. Within moments, they had the results they needed. Marisa quickly looked through the results from the cat scan.

“It’s just as I feared. His right lung has been punctured and he has several ruptured blood vessels. We should be able to go in and seal them, but it will be a very tricky process seeing as how his vital signs are all very low.” She announced.

“Unfortunately, that will be the easy part.” Dr. John stated. Marisa looked over to see he was looking over the results from the x-rays.

“What do you mean the easy part?” Marisa walked up next to him. Taking a look at the results, her face turned pale.

“This...can’t be!”

“Unfortunately, the results don’t lie. It looks like all the bones in his arms, legs, back, and rib cage have been totally smashed. The only thing that isn’t broken is his skull.” Marisa could barely breathe.

“It’s not only that, his bones are so bent out of place that they’re actually putting more pressure on his organs, even his vital spots.” Dr. John gave her a sad look.

“Marisa, I hate to say it, but in all my years as a doctor I’ve never seen a case this severe. Even if we somehow did manage to stabilize him, there’s no way he’ll ever be able to make a full recovery. I know your motto has always been to do your best and never give up, but even you have to admit that there’s not much we can do for him.” Marisa wasn’t sure what to do. As much as it pained her to say it, Dr. John was right. There wasn’t much they could do. Even so, she couldn’t allow herself to just give up. She clenched her hands tightly.

“You may be right, Dr. John. But even so, we can’t just quit when somebody’s life is on the line. For now, let’s just focus on stopping the bleeding and stabilizing his vital signs.” Dr. John sighed but agreed. With that being said, everyone got to work doing what they could. For the next 3 hours, Marisa worked hard to save her critical patient. She looked over at the heart monitor.

“Ah, we’ve managed to stop the bleeding, but his vital signs just refuse to pick up no matter what we try. There has to be something we’re missing.” Dr. John put his hand on her shoulder.

“Marisa, you’ve got to calm down. I know you’re trying but you’ll only make yourself sick getting all worked up like this.” Marisa took a deep breath.

“I know that, but I can’t think of what it is we’re missing.”

“Maybe there isn’t something we’re missing. Maybe there really isn’t anything we can do.” Chelsea stated sadly. At that moment, Marisa’s hands froze. It was as if Chelsea’s words had pierced directly into her heart. It was the most painstaking truth that all doctors had to understand. Sometimes, there really isn’t anything they can do. Suddenly, she heard a loud bang. She looked over at the window on the far side of the room. She was shocked to see a young boy and a young girl with their hands on the window. There was also a woman standing behind them. The banging sound she heard was the young boy banging his hands against the window. They all had expressions if sadness and fear on their faces as well as tears in their eyes. Even though the windows were sound proof, Marisa could have sworn she heard the boy cry out ‘dad’.

“John...is that...?” Dr. John looked over and saw them too.

“I heard someone contacted his family. That must be them.” The frightened expressions on the children’s faces reminded her of how she felt when she witnessed someone very close to her go through similar circumstances when she was very young. The emotions the children were displaying made her heart feel like it was about to break. Now with an angry look on her face, she grabbed her scalpel and started working on his rib cage to ease the pressure off of his lungs.

“Dr. Marisa?” Dr. David was surprised to see her facial expression suddenly change.

“You all do what you feel is best, but one way or another I am going to save this man. Even if the odds are 100 to 1, I will never quit. I’ll just have to try harder until I succeed.” Everyone in the room looked at each other not sure what to do. Just then, Dr. David grabbed his scalpel and started working on his rib cage as well. Marisa looked at him surprised.

“Dr. David?”

“I’m not really sure if I can make much of a difference, but I would never be able to forgive myself if I just stood by and did nothing. If there’s even a chance that it will work, I’ll take it. If I didn’t, than I would have no right to call myself a doctor.” At first, no one said a word. Then, everyone grabbed their tools and got back to work. Marisa smiled as she realized she had nothing to worry about.

“As long as we work together, we can overcome any adversity. We can do it. I know we can.” With that said, they all got to work with their faces full of determination and hope.

   After waiting in the hall for several hours, Miki and Minnie had fallen asleep on the benches.

“Man, how those two can sleep in a place like this is beyond me.” Marcus stated.

“You can’t really blame them. It’s already 2 o’clock in the morning. Even the children of the patient have fallen asleep.” Thomas remarked looking over to see the two crying children asleep with their heads on their mother’s lap. The mother still had a sad look on her face and was too worried to sleep. Marcus let out a yawn.

“I don’t doubt it. It’s just that hospitals aren’t exactly my favorite place to take a nap. By the way, what happened to Yoshi?”

“She went around the corner to get a coffee from the vending machine. She should be back any moment now.”

“A coffee, huh? I sure could go for one. Oh yeah, someone remembered to call the commander right?”

“I think so. Miki said something about it so I assumed she did it.” Marcus groaned.

“I sure hope so. Otherwise, we’re all going to have our ears chewed off when we get back.” Thomas chuckled.

“I wouldn’t worry too much. The commander knows we never skip out on our duties unless it’s an emergency like this.”

“I guess so. Still, it’s already been ten hours. How much longer is this gonna take?”

“Can you really blame them for taking so long?” A voice spoke up. Marcus turned to see Yoshi walking up next to them carrying a tray with cups of coffee in it.

“After all, his injuries were very serious and he was in critical condition. Along with all the blood he lost, I’m sure he also had multiple broken bones. Fixing something like that takes time, patience, and a lot of careful planning. Otherwise, you’ll only succeed in making things worse.” Yoshi explained as she handed them each a cup. Marcus took a sip.

“I guess you’re right. I just hope everything turns out alright.” Thomas nodded.

“I have faith in Marisa and I know she will do whatever she can. She’s not the kind of person who would just stand by and not bother to do anything. Doing something like that would go against everything she is. I’m sure she will manage to save that man.” Yoshi and Marcus nodded. Yoshi looked at the mother's face. She looked like she was struggling to fight the tears. Just then, she felt a wave of warm air hit her face. She looked up to see Yoshi holding a cup of coffee out to her with a smile on her face.

“I know it's hard, but try not to worry too much. One of the doctors working on him is a dear friend of ours. If anyone can save him, I know she can.” The mother tried to smile as she accepted the steaming cup.

“Thank you very much.” All they could do was keep their fingers crossed and hope for the best. Thomas looked through the window to see Marisa’s face. He could tell she was exhausted and looked like she was about to collapse. Even so, she wasn’t about to quit and continued to give it her all.

   Just then, she took her blood stained gloves off and wiped her head. Everyone else did the same as they finally took all their protective equipment off. Thomas watched as Marisa headed for the door.

“It looks like they’re done.” He announced. Everyone looked up to see the door opening. Marisa stepped out. Gently lifting her children’s heads off her lap, the woman stood up.

“Doctor, how is my husband? Will he be alright?” Marisa formed a sad look on her face.

“At this point, I’m afraid it’s still too soon to know for sure. We’ve managed to stabilize his vital signs for now. But...” The woman formed a worried look on her face.

“But what?” Unable to look her in the eye, Marisa dropped her head.

“I’m afraid his bones in his arms and legs have been completely crushed. We’ll do what we can but to be honest there’s not much we can do. Even if he manages to pull through, I’m afraid there’s a strong chance... he’ll never be able to use his limbs again.” The woman threw her hands over her mouth as her eyes started to form tears.

“That...that can’t be true!” Thomas looked down to see Marisa clenching her fist.

“I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I promise to do whatever I can to make sure that doesn’t happen. But...I’m sorry to say there’s not much I can do.” Unable to contain herself, the woman fell on her knees and wept. Her cries were so loud, she woke up her children. They both rushed to her side.

“Mom?! What’s wrong?!”

“Mommy?!” Just then, Dr. John came up.

“I think you’ve had enough for one night. Come now, I’m sure your children are exhausted. We’ll be sure to call you if there’s any change.” He stated while helping her up. The woman hesitated, but let him lead her to the lobby with the children following behind them. Marisa couldn’t even watch them go. The others walked up to her.

“Marisa, don’t blame yourself. Whatever happens, you’ve saved that man. Even if it turns out he is paralyzed, because of you he’s alive.” Yoshi tried to cheer her up. Marisa just sighed.

“Yeah, right.” Just then, she looked up to see Yoshi wearing a clean shirt.

“I’m sorry I left you hanging like that, Yoshi. You had just as many blood stains on you as I did.” Yoshi smiled.

“No need to worry. I had a change of clothes in the trunk. You’re the one that’s still covered with blood.” Marisa looked at her once blue shirt to see it was now red.

“It’s not that big of a deal. This kind of thing tends to happen in my line of work.”

“Hey, Marisa, can I ask you something? You first realized that someone was in trouble by picking up the scent of blood in the air. But, blood isn’t the kind of thing that has a strong smell even if there’s a lot of it. So how was it that you were able to pick it up from so far away?” Marcus asked. Marisa just kept her head down.

“Being a doctor, I've developed a sense for it. Being around it as much as I am, it just happens. It’s not really that big of a deal.”

“Oh, that makes sense.” Just then, Chelsea came up.

“Dr. Marisa, you’re the only one who hasn’t cleaned up and you have more blood on you than anyone. You’d better head over to the sanitation room before you get sick.” Marisa nodded.

“Yeah, you’re right.” With that said, Marisa walked off to get cleaned up. Chelsea looked up to see Thomas and the others.

“You must be Dr. Marisa’s friends. Thanks for all your help in trying to help save our patient. I’m Dr. Marisa’s assistant, Chelsea.” Thomas shook her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Thomas and this is Marcus, Yoshi, Miki, and Minnie.”

“Is it really true that there’s a strong chance that man will be paralyzed?” Minnie asked. Chelsea formed a sad look on her face.

“I’m afraid so. According to the results from his x-rays, the only thing that isn’t broken is his skull. So at least we don’t have to worry about him suffering from brain damage. Even so, the chances of him making a full recovery are very low.” Everyone one remained quiet as they looked up to see Marisa taking her time to get to the sanitation room.

“Poor Marisa. You can tell she’s trying so hard to save him. Yet in the end, there’s only so much she can do.” Miki stated.

“Yes well, the truth is that she’s desperately trying to save those children from suffering the ultimate pain of heartache she went through because of losing someone she loved in death.” Everyone looked at Chelsea.

“What do you mean by that?” Marcus asked.

“Losing someone in death? Did someone close to Marisa pass away?” Yoshi asked. Chelsea formed a sad look on her face and nodded.

“Yes, when she was about 10 years old, her grandfather, whom she was very close to, lost his battle against an illness that had been slowly causing his organs to shut down.” Everyone gasped.

“Back then, Marisa only knew the basics of medical care. More than anything, she wanted to be able to know enough to help ease her grandfather’s pain. She wanted to be able to help him in anyway that could lead to a cure. So she buried herself in any kind of information she could find. Of course, her grandfather just smiled and acted like she had nothing to worry about. He knew that she was doing all she could to help him and he appreciated that. But more than anything, he wanted her to be happy and use her talents to help as many people as she could besides him. I think his guidance is the main reason Marisa decided to become a doctor in the first place. Even after he died, Marisa kept her promise to him and studied as hard as she could to become a great doctor. Which brings us to the Dr. Marisa we all know today.” Everyone looked to see Marisa had disappeared.

“Gosh, I never would have imagined. She always acts so cheerful all the time. Who would have thought that she’s been put through so much.” Yoshi mentioned. Thomas just stood there. He too couldn’t believe that Marisa had been through so much. Chelsea let out a sigh.

“Well, whatever happened in the past, Marisa doesn’t let it bother her anymore. She just focuses on what she can do here and now. As long as she’s able to help people now, that’s what matters most to her.” With that said, Chelsea headed back into the operating room to get things cleaned up. Marcus scratched his head.

“So now what do we do? It doesn’t feel right to just take off now.” Yoshi nodded.

“Yes, I agree. We should at least make sure Marisa’s not still blaming herself for any of this. After all, she wouldn’t just up and leave us if we were torn up about something.” Miki agreed.

“Yeah, I’m in no hurry to leave. But I am in the mood for a coffee. How come you didn’t bring one for me too Yoshi?” Yoshi gave her a funny look.

“Cause you were already asleep.” Miki formed a cross look on her face.

“Whatever, I’m going to get me one now.”

“I’ll go with you. I want one too.” Minnie stated.

   About 10 minutes later, Miki and Minnie came back with hot cups of coffee in their hands. Miki looked up to see Marisa wasn’t with them.

“Marisa’s not back yet?” Marcus shook his head.

“Nope. I was sure she would be before you two came back.” Minnie sipped her coffee.

“Well, she was practically a walking blood stain. Maybe she’s just taking an extra long time to get cleaned up.”

“I guess so. But it’s been a long time. I was sure she wouldn’t take half this long.” Yoshi stated.

“I’ll go check on her.” Thomas announced as he took off running. Marcus watched him go.

“Think we should follow?” Yoshi nodded.

“Guess it couldn’t hurt.” With that, they rushed after him. Meanwhile, Thomas made his way to a door which had ‘Sanitation’ written on it. He knocked on the door. There was no response. Cautiously, he opened the door.

“Hello? Marisa?” He walked in surprised to find the room empty.

“That’s weird. If she’s not here, than where...” Just then, he looked down to see some stuff scattered along the floor behind the desk with several sinks in it. Walking over to the side, he was shocked at what he found. It was Marisa! She had collapsed on the floor.

“What the?! Marisa!” Rushing to her side, he gently picked her up. She was unconscious. Thomas took her hand.

“She’s cold!” Just then, Marcus, Yoshi, Miki, and Minnie showed up.

“Thomas? Marisa?” Yoshi called out.

“Over here!” Thomas called from behind the desk. Everyone rushed over to find Marisa passed out in his arms.

“Oh no! What happened?!” Minnie freaked.

“I don’t know! She was like this when I got here!” Yoshi bent down next to them and opened her eyelid.

“She’s out cold! We’d better get her to a bed!”

“I’ll go get someone to help!” Miki stated as she rushed out of the room. A few moments later, they found themselves in a vacant room. Dr. John was looking her over. Standing up, he let out a sigh of relief.

“Nothing to worry about. She’s just exhausted. She must have crashed about getting all cleaned up.” Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

“Phew, that scared me for a minute. We’ve had enough emergencies for one day.” Yoshi stated.

“That’s for sure. If this keeps up, I’m gonna have a heart attack.” Marcus stated while rubbing his head. Dr. John smiled.

“For now, we’ll just let her sleep. She’ll probably wake up in a couple of hours. In the mean time, you all must be tired too. If you want, I can show you where you can crash too.” Miki let out a happy cheer.

“Oh boy, you just read my mind.” Minnie nodded.

“I know I could use a nap.” Marcus scratched his head.

“Hospitals aren’t exactly my idea of an ideal place to spend the night. But, I guess I can put up with it for one night.” With that said, they followed Dr. John out of the room. Yoshi stopped at the doorway to see Thomas wasn’t moving.

“Thomas, you coming?” Thomas looked at her and smiled.

“You go ahead. I’ll be there in a minute.” Yoshi smiled and headed off. Taking a seat next to Marisa, he took hold of her hand.

“You’ve already been through so much. Yet, you never quit. You just keep on going with your head held high and don’t let anything stand in your way. And you continue to wear a bright smile through it all.” He tightly gripped her hand.

“I sure wish...I could be like that.” Unable to leave her side, Thomas just held her hand as he watched her sleep.

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