Engraved in Piedra

By AlyWolfe

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A growl ripped out of Zaid's chest as he rushed Kendall, pushing him roughly against the wall and knocking th... More

Finally Finished


844 42 1
By AlyWolfe

Iris & Cameron ^^

"I don't want to do this." Kendall griped.

"You can put this off another night, Toby won't allow it." Cameron chided. "It's not as bad as you think."

"It's been 4 days Kenny, if you make Zaid push this off any longer they're gonna kill him - and you." Chance sighed.

"They wouldn't." Kendal sounded shocked.

"Clans have been known for killing their own who don't conform to the rules." Nicky added nonchalantly.

Kendall let out a long groan, "Fuck." He strung out the word.

"What're you so afraid of?" Cameron quipped, "it's not like he's gonna put you in the mendigo again."

"I just... Zaid's been, like, kind of sweet and gentle and I like it. Mating as wolves is raw and primal. I don't want it to be like that."

"Honey, get you a man who can do both." Nicky swooned, "you'll be happy later, trust me." He gave a wink.

"First of all, ew." Kendall scrunched up his nose.

"TMI boys." Cam groaned.

"It really isn't as bad as you're making it out in your head." Chance lemented, "Yeah it's primal but also being knotted is really intense and solidifies your bond."

Kendall hid his face in his hands with a groan. "It's now or never pumpkin." Nicky winked again.

"I think you two are nymphos." Cameron grumbled under his breath.

The two blondes cocked their head in unison, "What's that?"

Cameron shook his head but didn't answer. He was radiating nervousness and Kendall could all but smell it. "What's wrong with you?" He whispered, speaking only to Cameron as the twins bickered about what they thought 'nympho' meant.

Cameron shook his head again. "Nothing I just... I don't have a good feeling about going to Wyoming."

Kendall furrowed his brow. "Why? The triplets will be there. Zaid says we're gonna be super safe."

"Yeah, Iris said that too. I just ... have a bad feeling about it."

"Well if it makes you feel any better I have a horrible feeling about tonight but I'm gonna do it anyway." Kendall tried to console him. Cameron snorted but didn't respond.

Night fell upon the cave as Kendall cautiously walked up the torch lit tunnel to the arena. Iris was behind him, making sure he didn't try to tuck tail and run. He resisted that ever present urge. He wasn't a rogue anymore, he couldn't run away from his problems.

As they got closer to the light of the arena Kendall heard loud chants as he had every time he was forced into this dirt pit. Apparently clan wolves were big into voyeurism.

Kendall's breath picked up as he saw Zaid, standing in the middle of the arena. His mate was standing tall, broad shoulders casting a shadow in front of him, shaggy hair falling slightly into his eyes. What really got Kendall's attention - he was buck ass naked. Zaid caught sight of him and curled his finger in a 'come' motion.

Kendall slunk over to his mate with a gulp. He flinched when Zaid laid his large hand on Kendalls cheek. A small frown crossed his features for only a second before he spoke, "Shift."

Kendall obeyed, startling at the sound of the drums beginning to beat. Zaid shifted after him. He was taller than Kendall by 6 or 7 inches, even in wolf form. He lowered his head to nuzzle along Kendall's face and neck. His slate grey color shimmered in the moonlight as it rose over the roofless arena, giving him a silver sparkle.

He caught Kendall off guard when he sunk his teeth into the most recent mark he had made. Kendalls collapsed from the shock of it and Zaid let go, blood dripping from his fangs. He growled above Kendalls who lifted his haunches up into Zaid's groin.

They had talked about how they were going to do this and he trusted Zaid, but he couldn't help but shake with anxiety. All he could remember from this place was the dreaded sound of chains dragging against stone.

Zaid craned his neck and gripped Kendalls tail tightly in his maw, being careful not to break skin. He put his large paws on either side of Kendalls shoulders and Kendall lifted his front end slightly to meet Zaid's chest.

"Are you ready?" Zaid softly growled at him. All Kendall could do was nod his head and squeeze his eyes shut.

Zaid drove into him and Kendall yelped, shoulders falling. He struggled to keep his haunches up as he shook. Zaid dropped Kendall's tail to the side and grabbed his scruff gently, lifting him back up into Zaid's chest.

Kendall's tongue lolled out in a pant as Zaid pushed on. Zaid made a grunting sound of concern and Kendall whined. "Doesn't hurt, I just... this place, doing this." Kendall whimpered to him. He knew they had to knot for the mating to be official, but mating in wolf form was far more difficult and uncomfortable than it had been in human form.

"You're doing so good," Zaid hummed soothingly, "Soon." Zaid got close very quickly, as was a part of their plan, and Kendall could feel the Betas hips stutter and he groaned. Kendall managed to find his strength and held Zaid up as he slumped forward for a moment.

When Zaid gained his strength back, he planted his feet beside Kendall's shoulders and lifted his body slightly up and away. When Kendall yelped the clan erupted in cheering and hooting. Kendall flinched away from the attention and shifted his hips, feeling the swell of Zaid's knot in him.

The clan came into the arena and showered the two in wildflowers as was tradition for a mating to a first Beta or Alpha. The clan was massive, nearly 300 wolves, so by the time they all paid their respects in flowers Kendall could feel Zaid's knot dissipating.

The Alpha and Luna were last to 'congratulate' the pair. Brody slid a wreath of wildflowers over Kendall's head with a kind smile. "Good show, brother." Tobias grunted to Zaid.

Once they were finally alone Zaid carefully pulled out of Kendall, shifting back into human form. Kendall followed suit, nearly collapsing as his tired legs tried to support his body weight. Zaid caught him before he hit the ground, scooping him up bridal style and made his way to their room.

"Did I hurt you?" Zaid questioned softly.

Kendall shifted in Zaid's arms, wrapping his arms around the Betas neck and tucking his head underneath Zaid's chin. "No, I don't think so. It was just... uncomfortable. More than it was the first time."

Zaid hummed in understanding. "I promise you we won't ever have to 'do it' in wolf form again." Kendall nodded, legs still feeling like jello as Zaid laid him on the furs and slid the wreath off his neck.

"Are you worried about pups?" Kendall blurted before he could think better of the question.

Zaid peered at him with a blank expression as he put on a pair of deerskin pants. "No, why?"

"I just mean, you're first Beta and all and you have a super important bloodline around here. If you don't take another mate, a female, you won't be able to continue the bloodline."

Zaid shrugged, "Iris can have the pups. We'll share." He chuckled at the absurdity of his own words but Kendall frowned.

"You wouldn't take another mate? Even to continue your bloodline?"

Zaid cocked his head like an owl. "Is that what you want me to do?"

"No!" Kendall said a little too quickly. "I mean, no. But I just want to know if it's something I should expect at some point. To have to share you."

Zaid nodded absently, turning his back to Kendall and staring at his wall. The drawings on this portion depicted a wolf that looked like a little Zaid, staring up at a larger slate grey wolf and standing behind him, quite literally in his large shadow.

"My childhood was not as rosy as Iris makes it seem. My father was harsh, he ruled with an iron fist; including his children. The way I was raised, training my entire life to be an Alpha and a strong, dominant clan wolf... I won't subject any pup of mine to that life. I don't... I don't consider myself to be a good father or role model. I have a temper like my father. Instead I direct my anger to more acceptable outlets, instead of on my children or my mate, unlike he did. I want to keep it this way. Losing control on you like I did the first time... I saw my father in my reflection and I hated it."

"And your... acceptable outlet, was killing the rogue pack?"

"Cameron has a big mouth." Zaid grumbled and then sighed. "But yes. Otherwise that killing spree would have been turned on anyone within a 10 foot radius of me, including you or even my sister.

"Iris idolizes my father, she was the little princess. He treated her much differently. Our mother was a very strong Luna, very opinionated and intimidating. Iris strives to be like her as a Luna. She wants me to be as my father was but I do not idolize my father, I never want to be like him." Zaid said at the edge of the furs and Kendall wrapped his arms around Zaid's neck.

"I'm sorry I brought it up." Zaid rubbed Kendall's arm absently, giving only a small grunt in reply.

"Let's get our minds off it shall we? How long has it been since you've been on a run?"

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