Time Left Over (Time Book 1)

By NWC564

2.1K 175 56

What would you do if you and the rest of the world only had 1 year left before the Sun expanded killing every... More

Quick Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 9

79 6 6
By NWC564

12:09 PM
August 15, 2019
Atlanta, Georgia
10 Months and 25 Days Left

I wake up in a pile of wreckage, there are bits and pieces of what used to be my car everywhere. I get up with a groan and realize how many new wounds I have acquired from this crash.

Tired and dazed I walk through the dense forest and onto the black pavement. Wearily I wipe the dirt and sweat off my forehead. Looking forward I prepare myself to try and find the nearest city. I think I was somewhere near Atlanta when I crashed. Yeah it was Atlanta, wasn't it?

As I get over the first hill of the road I see the city. Most of the houses are ruined but overall the place doesn't look completely abandoned. Maybe I can find someone who can help me get to Florida. Gathering my thoughts I let out a sigh and continue on my way into the city.

* * *

A few hours later I finally arrive, a gasp escapes my lips as read the welcome sign. It reads...

Welcome to
Pop. 449, 273

New Pop. 25, 906

The original population count is etched out in red spray paint and is replaced by a much lower number. If this new number is correct than the world is in a much worse condition than I first thought. A small corner store catches my eye, maybe I can find something there that will help with my searing wounds. When I enter I am greeted by the smell of old paint and plaster. There are few aisles lined up in the center of the small store and a register sitting on a white counter top against one of the walls.

I walk up and down the rows of products looking for something to ease the growing pain in my side. I look up as someone enters the store it is a man around the same as me with light brown hair and glasses. He is wearing a red t-shirt and an old looking pair of jeans. He looks up and smiles as he notices me.

"Hey, I'm new to town and if it's not too much trouble do you know where I could find some bandages for my side?" I step out from behind the aisle and show him my blood stained shirt. It doesn't help that my shirt is white either.

"Yeah, you might be able to find something for that across the street at the at the pharmacy." He says as his gaze wanders to my side.

"Thank you very much." I start to walk out the door but stop and turn around. "My name is Jack by the way."

"I'm Hunter, and Jack if you need anything else I live down the road in the brown house." I'm surprised at how trusting he is being considering everything that has happened in the last month.

"Actually Hunter now that you mention it I do need a place to stay, you see my car crashed just outside the city on my way to Florida. So if you could let me stay with you untill I can get back on my feet that would be great." I smile at Hunter wondering if my request was maybe asking a bit much of someone I just met.

He seems to hesitate before answering.

"Well I suppose you could stay for a little while as long as it is okay with my friend Anna." He looks as if he is still contemplating his options as he answers. Suddenly he looks up at me and exclaims. "Sure why not!" Once again he gives me a warm smile. I wonder why he is so trusting. If I was in his shoes I would have tried to politely escape the conversation by now.

After he grabs a few things off the shelves he walks over to me and slings his free arm and around my neck and walks outside with me. While the gesture is a bit off-putting I am happy to have a new friend.

After we go to the pharmacy and get my wounds patched up for the most part, we head down the road to what I can only assume to be his house. I wonder who his friend Anna is and why she is also living in his house. They could be married, but then again he did use the word friend so I doubt they are involved romantically at all. Then why would she be staying at his house?

Hunter knocking on the door to his own house breaks me out of my thoughts. A few moments later a woman with blonde hair answers. She, like Hunter is dressed fairly casually in a white t-shirt and jeans. Turning to look at Hunter she asks him a question.

"Hunter, who is this?" She asks nodding her head twords me.

"Anna, I can explain"

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