Assassin's creed deli_Ratonhn...

By KiroDeFe-Brotherhood

3K 124 36

Connor point of view. You x Connor~ Imagine what it would be like if from Altair to Edward were running the... More

In exchange for his life
Forever would be too soon
Back to the norm
Chapter 10: What are our names?
Chapter 11: A new age
[Name]'s journey

Calm before the storm

257 15 3
By KiroDeFe-Brotherhood

Calm before the storm “You do realize people get mauled out here?” Aveline asked. “By what?” Dad asked. “Wolves and stuff.” She answered. “Connor, my boy, will surely protect you.” Dad had on green tank, jeans, and timberlands. Grandpa was wearing green v-neck, jeans and steel toe boots. Achilles dressed in green t-shirt, jeans, and pair of black shoes I can’t recall the name. Aveline, Edward, [Name], and I dressed all the same in green tank tops, baggy black pants, and timberlands. We were sauntering down the trail in the woods. The whole thing looked sparkling though it is summer I suspect nothing less. Abundant amount of trees provided perfect cover from the sun which made it much cooler. A surprise camping trip is how the older men worded it. “Hey is Con’ gonna protect me too?” Ed asks. “No he will leave you for bait.” Ave answered in a careless manner. Ed tackled her to the ground from behind. Ave kicked Ed so he spun in the air to get distance and land properly. Ave kicked up and crouched just as Edward was crouching. Aveline taunted him to continue with the spar. The rest of us stood observing on the sudden entertainment. Ed darted towards Aveline but swapped into a slide surprising us all as he tripped her feet. When she fell to the ground he tried to drop an elbow but she rolled and took him by his shirt as she spun him to the ground. Instantly sitting upon him and unleashing a punch to his face which he blocked. A roar echoed through the woods and we all froze. “Pop quiz; what animal was that?” Achilles asked. “Wasn’t a wolf.” Aveline said as she got off Ed. “Wasn’t a bear.” Edward mumbled. “Perhaps a bobcat?” I ask. “Close.” Achilles smiles. “Cougar?” [Name] suggests. “Of course.” Achilles answers. “Ignore his voodoo and track it. Don’t come to camp without the kill, we’ll set up at the usual place.” Grandpa declares. My associates give him a stern nod. Grandpa notices this and turns his sight to me. It is going to be awkward to speak against my grandfather even so it would be disgraceful to kill just for sport. “Why do we need to kill it?” I ask. “Would you rather have us spare it?” “Yes.” “Then stop them.” He began to walk away again but his message was clear. I looked at the members of the other team and they stared at me. For some reason I feel like grandpa planned this. We dart towards the location of the sound as we push tree branches out of our way. I stop and head to the right as the others continue forward. The odds of the animal being at that same spot at this point are slim. In my running I reach for my tomahawk but it is too late my attacker has tackled me. I look up into their hood and immediately know its dad. We continue to struggle and play around. During the horseplay laughs escaped the both of us as we enjoyed our bonding. Eventually we stopped and he placed a grip upon the shoulder farthest from him. “You’re gonna make me proud son.” “I won’t let you or anyone down.” “Connor,” He turned me to face him. “Everything has a loss to it and I would know better than others of this.” He sighed. I took in his words slowly but it still didn’t click. What was he getting at? “Alright son let’s play hide and seek now.” He joie de vivre. “I need to get back to tracking before the others find the animal, maybe later dad.” As I turned to leave. “That was fun dad thanks.” Afterwards I began to run once more. I caught sight of tracks still fresh which means the animal was close by. I studied the paws and they resemble a cougar for sure. I smiled as I thought back to Achilles and grandpa. Flashback Rain pattered and tapped along the tiles of the roof. It rained a lot so far and showed no signs of letting up. I stared out the cold window onto the streets. The deli was quiet today maybe because no one but me is here. I had taken this time to study since being an ignorant assassin would be no use for any of our causes. For a second or so I imagined myself in the fine formal attire, the full dress of the assassin not just wearing some hood upon my head. Achilles came through the door he nodded to me and me to him. He took off his overcoat and hung it before resting glumly at a table. Grandpa barged in right behind him slamming the door as he did so. He glared at Mr. Davenport which made me wonder if I should leave or not. “Achilles Davenport it is time.” Grandpa announced. Gramps walked over to the table and thumped his elbow down upon it. Achilles did the same and they began to arm wrestle. I watched in awe as Achilles held his own against grandpa who to me is the strongest senior in the world. They would let out a huff or grunt as they would begin to inch their opponent’s hand down, although it would only go back to where it began mere seconds later. For a bored seventeen year old this was interesting. I was curious to see who would rein victor. [Name] came in drenched in water and sat by me. No one gave her a thought this was too serious. “Is this how old people pass their time, windrider?” I didn’t respond for lack of a witty answer to retort with but silence always did suit me better. Grandpa eventually got Achilles hand down which led him to leap up and yell “To the streets!” and march out the deli. We followed and we all stood in the rain without any proper gear to cover us. Achilles carried [Name] and grandpa carried me as they attempted to splash in puddles. End I came in sight of movement in some bushes. I cautiously continued as slowly placed my hand upon a tomahawk. A baby wolf cub trots out of the shrub. Following it is my best friend who is from the same tribe as I. I straighten up and lower my guard as he looks startled. I take off my hood and smile at him. “Ratonhnhaké:ton!” He screeched. “It is good to see you too.” I spoke back in our native tongue. “Ha I thought you would forget our language being raised in an English world and all.” “Never.” I turned my sight back to the pup rolling in the dirt. “What’s with the wolf cub?” “Oh him ugh…” He looked away. “…I kinda found him and he won’t go home.” I crouched down and out stretched my arm towards the animal. My friend looked as if he was going to warn me of something but stopped as the creature happily came up and licked me. “Are you gonna be his momma now?” “Ratonhnhaké:ton won’t you ever grow up? Neither of us can keep him.” “Indeed freedom is important.” I nod. I return to standing and walk with him as we look for wolves. Hopefully I can stop the killing of the cougar on my way to the dens. Yet the cub would get hungry or playful and make it hard to continue forward. It was high noon by the time we reached the dens and found his family. We kept our distance as he went home. I had become fond of the beast in our time together. In a way he reminded me of [Name] just generally though. “Going back to the deli?” “No I’m camping out here.” “Later then Ratonhnhaké:ton!” Arriving back at camp I saw cougar meat roasting upon a fire. It was twilight at this point which meant I spent most of the day not saving the animal. Dad smiled at me as he noticed me come closer to the fire. “Do you understand how you succeeded?” Achilles asked. “No sir I haven’t done no such thing.” I admit. “In saving this animal oh no you failed.” Edward chimed in. “You spent quality time with your dad was that not rewarding?” Grandpa spoke. “Ya took care of that cub too.” [Name] added. “The small wolf happened to be the source of campers’ rumors that had everyone scared.” Aveline explained. “Most importantly my son you experienced what it is like to lose. You went with what was going on.” Dad theorized. For a moment I looked at the dancing fire and the meat that roasted above it. It’s much colder at night then it was earlier yet the fire made it doable. I didn’t need them to go on about my mission today. I was to learn how powerless I can be against certain factors of life. Factors like my family and friends or even death. Yet ameliorating and obstructing disorder is something I can change. I let out a deep huff. “You guys wanted to eat that cougar that badly hm?”

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