I Fell In Love with My Brother

By angelichearts

261K 5.7K 1.1K

Any girl would kill for Elizabeth's life. She's got the looks, the brains, and grew up in a rich family. But... More

Chapter 1 (Prank of the Day)
Chapter 2 (The New Guy)
Chapter 3 (Secret Crush)
Chapter 4 (He's What?!)
Chapter 5 (What the hell just happened?)
Chapter 6 (So sorry....not!)
Chapter 7 (Confused with My Feelings :l)
Pls read :)
Chapter 9 ( Mission Accomplished (; )
Chapter 10 ( Girls Day In (: )
Chapter 11 (Double Trouble)
Chapter 12 (Getting Ready)
Chapter 13 (The First Dates)
Chapter 14 (Lost Forever?)
Chapter 15 (Boring Day/Girl Time!)
Chapter 16 (Who am I Really?)
Chapter 17 (Start of Something New)
Chapter 18 (False Accusations)
Chapter 19 (Leaving)
Chapter 20 (Two Years Later)

Chapter 8 (Photo Shoot Gone Wrong?)

10.7K 271 74
By angelichearts


After 20 minutes, Spencer and Daniel entered the studio. 

"Hey, you called?" Daniel asked.

"Yup, I actually need a tinsy little favor from the both of you." I said.

They both glanced at each other and then Spencer asked," What kind of favor?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if you could work with us on this project."

Daniel's eyes widened in surprise.

"What?! You want us to model?! No! Nuh-uh! No way!"

"Come on Dan! Please do it for me? I'll make sure you get partnered up with Sam. Pretty please?"

"I don't know..."

"Come on Dan, let's just get this over with." Spencer said.

I was taken aback.

"You'll do it?" I asked astonished.

"Sure. There's no harm to it."  


"But Spencer-" Daniel began

"Come on Daniel, just help us out." Sam said.

Daniel looked at her for a moment and shifted his gaze to me. He looked like he was contemplating whether to help us or not. It felt like a century before Angela cuts in.

"Guys, we need to start now if we want to finish on time." She told us.

We all shifted our gaze towards Daniel and saw him sigh in defeat.

"What do we need to do?"

I could hear Angela sigh in relief.

"First, we have to get going. We won't be shooting here in the studio. We'll do the shoot at the beach." She said.

She steered the boys towards the car, while telling them what they needed to do and what we were shooting. We're doing a photo shoot on swimwear. While Angela fill the boys in, Sam and I followed behind. By the time we arrived at the beach, everything was being set up and our prep team was already waiting for us at the side. We walked towards them and let them do their prepping and as soon as they were done, they took off and left us to change to the swimwear laid out for us. We went to the truck, which is some sort of dressing room, to get changed. Mine was a strapless bikini top mixed with the colors blue, apricot and sky blue, while the bottom is just simple bikini colored blue with sky blue stripe at both ends. Sam's on the other hand, the bikini top has checkered patterns on the first inch or so then the rest is a bright shade of red. Same goes for the bottom half of the bikini. After we've changed, the prep team retouched the little make up we had on and made sure our hair wasn't messed up. We went to the site where the photo shoot was to be held. We saw Dan and Spencer standing at the side waiting for us. I say, they look good. Dan is wearing red board shorts striped with black and white, while Spencer's wearing blue board shorts with white faded stripes.

Well, that clears up who's partnered with who. Sam and I walked over to where they were. Looked like they already shot a couple of solo shots while waiting for us. 

"Hey, how's everything coming along?" I asked.

"It's been fine I guess." Spencer said.

"I say, you have two photogenic brothers here, Liza." Chris said.

Chris is the photographer. He's around his early 20's. He's got looks and he's really fun to hang with. Aside from Angela and Sam, he's the closest friend I got here in my job.

"It's in the genes, Chris." I said playfully.

Chris just laughed.

"Oh good you're here. We can do the couple shots now." Angela said.

"What do you need us to do?" Sam asked.

"Act as normal as possible. Act like you're just having a fun day at the beach." Chris said.

"I thought this was a couple's shoot?" I asked.

"Yah, it is, but I want to catch some stolen shots first." He said.

Well, who am I to argue? We just stood there like idiots for a while, when I took the first step. I splashed water on Spencer. That began the water fight. I don't really know how long it last. After Chris has gotten some pretty cool shots of the four of us splashing water at each other, and us doing some wacky stuff like Sam and me tackling the boys down and them getting back at us, he wanted to do the couple's shots already.

"There's a cave not far from here. I wanted to take some photos there." Chris said.

"Let's go then." Sam said.

When we got to the cave, I was amazed with what I saw. It was so beautiful. I can't believe nature can sculpt something this beautiful. They started taking some photos of Dan and Sam first. I swear they look so good together! After a few shots, it was our turn. Spencer and I posed a few poses, but Chris doesn't seem too satisfied.

"No, no, this won't do. There's no affection. It's all so distant." Chris said.

He thought for a few minutes then suddenly, he brightened up. 

"I got it! Spencer, look as if you were about to kiss Liza."

What?! No! Heck no! I looked at Spencer and saw that he was just as surprised as me.

"But Chris-" Spencer started

"No buts, Spencer, just do it."

Spencer sighed and wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me close. I was so stunned with that simple gesture. My heart started to pound loudly. I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. Why is it every time I get this close with Spencer, I always feel this way? It's not right. I realized that I was staring at Spencer with wide eyes and began to look away.

"Liza! Don't look away! Stare right into his eyes and look in love." Chris said.

I looked at Spencer and can't help but stare back into his eyes. I think I'm losing it. I think.... I am falling for my brother.


Chris shot some more pictures at the beach, thank god they weren't as close as the one a while ago at the cave. After the photo shoot, I immediately left the beach. I can't face Spencer knowing that I might be falling for him. But I can't. That just it. I can't. It's illegal to fall for your own brother!! What am I going to do? 

After walking for so long, I ended up sitting at a bench in the park. I just sat there until it got dark. I'm such a messed up person. Of all the people in the world, why does it have to be Spencer? I sighed in frustration and stood up. I'll just go home and lock myself in my room and try to straighten my mind out.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice the car heading straight for me. When I realized what was about to happen, I can't move my feet. I waited for the pain, but after a few minutes of waiting, it didn't come. I opened my eyes and saw a woman getting out of the car and walking towards me with a worried expression.

"Are you alright? I didn't bump you or anything did I? Does anything hurt? Oh my," The woman said.

"No, I'm fine really. I'm so sorry for that. I wasn't paying attention. I'm so sorry." I said.

The woman sighed in relief. 

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?" She asked.


"Well then, why don't I treat you to dinner as my apology for almost running over you."

"Oh no it's not really necessary-" I began

"No, I insist." The woman said.


She drove us to a nearby fancy restaurant. When I saw where she was taking me, I began to argue again.

"I don't really think it's neces-"

"Are we going to go through this again?" The woman said.

She's right. It's useless to argue with this woman. She's as stubborn as I am. But I feel as though I've known her for a very long time. I just can't remember how or who she is. I feel safe around her. It's official. I'm retarded. First, I fall for my brother. Now, I feel safe around a stranger who almost ran over me.

We walked into the restaurant and let a waiter lead us to our table.

"So, what would you like to eat?" The woman asked.

I looked through the menu the waiter gave me. 

"I don't really know. Why don't you pick something for me? I eat anything anyway." I told her.

She smiled and told the waiter our order. When the waiter left, she turned to me.

"I still don't know your name, darling." The woman told me.

"Elizabeth. Elizabeth Thompson, but you can just call me Liza."

"What a pretty name! Well Liza, I'm Valerie Crest." 

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Crest."

"Oh, no. Just call me Valerie."

I smiled. "Ok, Valerie."

The waiter came back with our drinks and left after setting it down on the table.

"Why were you so deep in thought a while ago anyway?" Valerie asked.

"I just, I had something in mind. I'm just so confused right now." I admitted

"You can always tell me you know. I might be a stranger now, but I would want to stay in touch. You remind me so much of myself when I was your age."

I laughed. 

"I would sure love to stay in touch. I've never met an adult as outgoing as you."

"Oh please, you make it sound like I'm so old." Valerie said.

"Aren't you?" I teased.

"Hey! If you must know I'm just 35 years old."

"Oh, really? I thought you were around 40 already."

I laughed, while she glared at me. The waiter appeared with our food. We talked and joked about stuff for the rest of the night. She even dropped me off at home. Valerie's really fun to hang out with. I feel like I've found a long lost relative.


 Please don't hate me for updating so late. :D

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