Yandere x Herotic [Budo x Aya...

By Puppy_paws123

5.9K 77 77

Ayano has moved to Akademi High. She keeps wondering about her love life, and if she will ever have anyone... More

The Hang Out [part 2]
The forgiveness of Budo (part 3)
Trouble comes along
New friends
Double Date.... And a murder.
New couples
Face reveal!
Omg!! (Last chapter)

A New Crush (part one)

1.6K 17 15
By Puppy_paws123

 Ayano's  POV

It was a Monday, and the first day of school. I woke up. "Well... I hope I meet someone today... last year was a total fail..." I gazed at the clock "OMG!!!!! 8:10!! IM LATE!!!!" I ran out  of bed and change my chlothes as  fast as I can. Then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair.  I ran out the door and ran to school. By the time I was there, a teacher was already closing the gate. " WAAAAAIT!!!" I called out to her. " Oh! Sorry! Here all open the gate a litte for you." she said to me. " Just make sure to come earlier next time " she reminded me. "Dont worry I will!!!!"  I ran to my locker and changed my shoes. "Ok.... class  3-2...." I mumbled. I ran there, but I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't see you there! Im Budo! you are.... Oh right! Sorry maybe not now. I got to get to class! Cya!!" I...My face...its red and hot.... was I... blushing? Anyways, I went to class 10 minuts late. ''im sorry but I may have to mark you absent. This will affect your grades. Take your seat.'' the teacher scoulded me. When it was lunch, I explored the rest of the school,and I came across the martail arts club.I saw the boy I bumped into earlier. "Hi! we met earlier! your Budo, right? Well, im Ayano." i said to him. "Oh! hey again. And yeah im Budo. I saw you looking at my club, you wanna join?" he asked me. "Er.... well... Sure why not? Seems awsome!" he blushed. "Y-You really t-think so? No o-ones e-ever s-said that about my club..."  Budo stammerd "Really? That not a understatement. This club looks cool af!" I smiled at him. "So what do you guys do in the martial arts club?'' I asked him 

Budo's POV

 "Well we do um... fighting stuff" Are you kidding me? Is that what I really said? wow... welp that was stupid....  "Oh.. uh okay... so do I need one of those head-Band thingys?"  "um.. yeah.. here ill go get one for you."
 I went into the room to get her a head band "who's the lady over there, Budo? Sho askes me with a smirk. "shut up, Sho. Thats none of your business." Mina tells him. I ignore them both and I got the head band for Ayano. "here Ayano. You can adjust it if you want if its too tight or loose." ''Thanks! hmm.. well.... its not loose or tight. Thanks Budo!" "no problem Ayano... well um.. i better get going.. bye!" wait.. where was I going? "Wait! uh do you mind if we... exchange phone numbers..?" Ayano blushed. "Yeah sure Mine is 213-385-1856". {thats a fake phone number}  "Here, mine is 445-753-6353 [also fake]" "thanks Budo. see you later!" "Bye Ayano!" I waited for her to walk away. Then I walked to the club.                                                                                                       

-time skip-

Budo: hey Ayano!

Ayano: hey Budo!

Budo:Whats up?

Ayano: lots of homework -_-

Budo: heh... same

Ayano: So... um... I was wondering... do you wanna go out and...hang out together...? Y-You know... just as friends?

Budo: sure! where do you wanna go?

Ayano: Well, there is a new sushi place in Tokyo City. It looks really good!

Budo: Yeah sure! it sounds really good. Soo.... do we just meet there or we can.. walk there together....

Ayano: W-Well.... we can walk together....

Budo: okay! ill see you after school tommorow at 6:00 pm.

Okay Budo... Tommorow is a big day.....


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