Percy Jackson VS. Michael Vey

By Cheetahs1907

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Percy and Michael. Two super-powerful beings that have tremendous potential. What happens when the meet? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Stranger Things
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

1.2K 13 22
By Cheetahs1907

I didn't know who or what Percy was. But it must've been pretty important because the entire crowd mood changed from excited back to depressing. Everyone turned around and started walking back to the way they came. Some with their heads down. Jason said something in Ancient Greek and the blond chick replied in Ancient Greek. The blinds face fell for a second and then she looked at me. She smiled a smile I knew was fake.
"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood! My names Annabeth, what's your name?" Annabeth says.
"My name's Michael." Annabeth slightly nods and then gestures for me to follow her. She starts walking off and I guess I have no choice but to follow her. Jason went off with Piper to the stables. I followed Annabeth while she rambled on about the Camp.
"The camp has been in two wars so far. The first one, lead by Percy," her voice cracked when she said his name, "was against Kronos. Who's the father of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. The second one was co-lead by Jason and Percy. Jason is from the Roman camp which we had no idea existed, and Percy was, is, from here." Annabeth continued. "Percy and Jason were swapped, curtesy of Hera, while none of us had any idea and we all thought that Percy was d-dead. Anyway, the war was against Gaia, Mother Earth herself, and we almost lost. But, we won and that leads to right now. Everyone at home. Except Percy. He's on a quest." I swear I heard her mumble underneath her breath, and he should've been back three and a half weeks ago. Annabeth kept on walk and explaining things. I was just thinking, wow. Percy did some pretty crazy things. I tried imagining what Percy would look like. Maybe blond hair. Some nice blue eyes and possibly a giant scar on his face from all the wars he's been in. Annabeth led me to a giant house she called the Big House. She put me in a room that looks like a mini movie theater and sat right next to me in the front row. It basically went over what Annabeth talked about. It showed me what Percy looked like too. It showed an attractive guy with vantablack(I only know what that is due to Ostin) hair and eyes with the color of the ocean. His eyes seem almost fractured. Like he's seen way too much for his age. He looks about 19 or 20. He has a tan that's deeper than Annabeths and muscles that are as big as my thighs. He's probabley 6'2" and he has a lean figure. He looks like a born swimmer. He even looks like he could beat Michael Phelps. It showed some other people. A girl with chocolate skin and 24 karat gold eyes. It shows a Chinese football player and a Latino elf. It also shows Jason and Piper and Annabeth. It called them "The 7" and the "Heros of Olympus." They all looked nothing alike. The thing that intrigued me the most is the eyes in most of them. Percy's were green, but not your normal green. A green that looks a million shades and mixed with a thousand shades of blue. His eyes look like swirling, green hurricanes. Annabeths are really unnerving. A steely grey that I can tell have knowledge upon knowledge layered in them. Ostin would be jealous. Pipers are like kaleidoscopes that change color everytime you move. Jason's are a sky blue but also look like they have yellow running across them. Like lightning. The dark skinned girl has gold eyes that make me feel like the richest man on Earth. The Chinese football player's eyes resemble a brown bear and show kindness but also ferocity. The Latino elfs eyes have a look of mischief in them. But his eyes are also like little machines. The remind me of Annabeths how they seem to analyze everything, but don't want to take you down. No, instead they look like they are trying to figure out a way to repair it. Trying to figure out whatever is wrong and fix it. Once the film ends, Annabeth takes me outside. She looks down at me. "Follow me." She led me over to the U-shaped position of the cabins. Their was one that had magical rocks and another that had a balance on it. Those looked newer than some of the other ones. Annabeth led me to a normal cabin. She opened the door and inside was about 20 kids.
"Regular or undetermined?" Annabeth answered back. "Undetermined." Two kids that resemble each other come up to me. One's about an inch taller than the other. The both have brown hair and bright, yet deep, blue eyes with mischief running in them. I kept in mind not to cross them because they seem like the sort of pranksters that will leave your sleeping bags full of scorpions. The taller one offered his hand and said, "My names Travis Stoll. This is my brother, Connor Stoll. We are the leaders of the Hermes cabin. We were just getting ready to head down to the pavilion as soon as the conch horn blows. You can put your things," I don't think he noticed I don't have anything with me, "over at that empty spot." He pointed to an empty spot on the ground. He handed me a sleeping bag, a toothbrush and some toothpaste. I grabbed the items and went over and dropped my sleeping bag over there. I put my toiletries there too. Then, a conch horn blew. Travis yelled out, "Hermes cabin! Fall in!" Everyone gathered in a line tallest to shortest. The tallest, being Travis, who's 5'11" stood at the front. Connor was right behind him. I was about 3 quarters back. A dude about 5' 7" was in front of me. The line started moving and we walked out the door in a single file line. We walked over to the gigantic dining pavilion. We sat at a table a bit to small and I sat there with half my butt hanging off. Then some goat-men hybrids came out and started serving everyone empty plates and empty goblets. I looked around and saw some with food on them and some not. I look at the person next to me and he appeared to be thinking. He tapped his chin until he made up his mind. His plate filled with Mac and Cheese with ketchup and some Kool-Aid in the goblet. Now that's seriously cool. I looked at the plate. I thought about what I wanted to eat and thought up of a good stake and some corn with some root beer. Almost instantaneously, the food and drinks appeared. I was just about to dig in when I noticed people walking over to a big fire and dumping the best part of their meal into the fire. Connor came over.
"The gods. They like the smell. Dump the best part of your meal into the fire." He said. I walked over to the fire and dumped in some of my steak and corn. Please. Gods and goddessess, help me get back to my friends. They need to know I'm alive. I headed back to the table and dug in. It tasted so good. Exactly like the one from Christmas Ranch. I looked around and notice one table completely empty. It doesn't make sense that we all cram into a few tables when their are others with no one there. I look at the table and don't notice anything different. Annabeth was sitting at her table with a bunch of other blond, grey eyed people. Piper was sitting at a table with a ton of attractive people. Jason was sitting alone. Then, a thought crept its way into my mind. They sit at their tables corresponding to the gods. Jason-Zeus. Annabeth-Athena(She told me. Piper did to). Piper-Aphrodite. I noticed the Chinese football player isn't here or the golden eyed girl. Neither is the Latino elf. I looked back at the empty table. Their is another empty table beside it. Next to a table with a bunch of happy-looking kids was a table that was empty too. I nudged Connor, who was sitting right next to me.
"Who are the empty tables for?" I asked. Connor swallows his food and responds saying, "That table is for Poseidons kids, though he doesn't have much. Or any really. Except for Percy and Tyson." My mind went on high alert. So that's why Percy is so good at what he does. He is a Son of Poseidon. Connor continued.
"The table next to the Poseidon table is Hades' table. Nico and Hazel sit their every once in a while. Or at least when they visit. And then the other empty table next to Apollo's is Artemis. But she swore to maidenhood. So no kids." Connor finished. I thought for a second.
"I thought Athena swore to maidenhood too." I said. Connor gave this look that told me he has explained it a million times before.
"You know how Athena was born?" I shook my head. "Athena sprung out of Zeus' thoughts in full battle armor. So, her children are born the same way. Whenever Athena falls in love with a man, her child is born from her mind and is brought down to the father as a blessing." Connor finished and went back to eating. I was just about to ask, do the children of Athena have belly-buttons, when I heard Chiron pounding his foot, err, hoof.
"Heros! We have Capture the Flag tonight! Don't forget to put on armor and, remember, no maiming or killing is allowed!" Chiron finished and went back to his table. Which was hard for him since he towered over it. Capture the Flag? Killing? Maiming?
"Connor, what do you do in Capture the Flag?" I asked. He gave me a grin.
"It's pretty self-explanatory, Michael. You capture the enemy teams flag. Duh!" I knew that, it's just that I have a feeling this isn't your average flag football type Capture the Flag.

Once everyone was finished everyone got up. I was on the opposite of Annabeths team and was sized up with Ares and Apollo. Annabeth had everybody else. I never really notice how tall she is but she is extremely tall. At least 5'8" when I'm only 5'5". I went over to where the rest of the Hermes cabin was and looked around. Some kids were big and brutish like your typical bully. Others looked graceful and light on their feet. Then the Hermes cabin just had a mix and mangle of people. I went over to Connor.
"Ahh, there you are Michael! I have your equipment." He handed me loads of armor and a sword that was too heavy. I still put it all on. I looked around and saw everyone was wearing minimal armor. A chestplate and helmet max. A big brutish girl came up front and lifted a flag up. It had a black boars head on it and was blood red. Chiron galloped over to the front and led the way down. I looked over at Annabeth and saw she looked pretty distraught and was trying not to show it. Her flag was a sea-green owl with a steely silver banner. It was pretty. We went into the woods and stopped by a creek.
"Alright! Campers, listen up! I will say it again. No maiming or killing is allowed. I serve as field medic. The creek is the property line. All magic items are allowed. Now, without further ado, go to your battle stations. Connor led me over to the rights side of the creek and we went down into the forest. We finally stopped by our flag that was in a cluster of trees.
"Michael, you stay as the flags gaurd. Got it?" Connor says seriously. I nod. He sets me about 15 feet ahead of the flag. 5 minutes later I hear a conch horn blow and whoops and hollers and battle crys. It was pretty boring for the first 10 minutes until I saw a dash of honey blond hair to my right. I look and see Annabeth coming at me running. I take my sword out of my holster and Annabeth takes out a sword that looks like bone. She quickly disarms me and she shoves me at the ground.
"Stay down." She said. Her grey eyes were a little dark. She look at the flag and lifted it up. As nimbly as a fox she started to run away. Then I did a really stupid thing. I got up and pulsed straight out at her. The blue-yellow electricity made its way to her and enveloped her. It was probabley 500 volts. Nowhere near life-threatening. Annabeth still let out a scream and dropped on the ground. She was twitching. Her eyes were open and she was looking at me in fear, anger but mostly, curiousity. I picked the flag back up and set it where it was. Just then, the c much horn blew and the game ended. We saw Travis holding the flag. The sea-green owl changing to a boar's head. My team let out a bunch of triumphant yells and cheers. It was infectious and eventually I yelled out triumphantly too. Connor came over to me, his eyes wild.
"Dude! You took down Annabeth! How'd you do it? Did you set up a trap. Do you have super speed?" He asked. I was just about to respond when Annabeth came up.
"How'd you do that?" She asked.
"Do what?"
"Oh don't play dumb with me. You and I both know what you did." Connor looked at us strangely and asked, "What did he do?" Annabeth looked at him.
"He shocked me." Connor's mouth dropped open. "Shocked? Like Jason Grace shocked?" Annabeth nodded. Connor looked at me with a blank expression until his face broke out into a huge grin.
"Cool dude! That means I have another friend who's a Son of Zeus!" He said that part a bit to loud and everyone instantly became quiet and looked at me. Chiron came over.
"We should talk about this in the Big House, boy." Chiron hefted me up into his back. He then lifted Connor and Annabeth into his back. Once we got to the Big House we went down to the basement. A ping pong table was there as well as a hot chocolate stain on it. We all got settled in and Chiron, Annabeth, and Connor all stared at me. Oh dear.

That was a long one! Tell me. How do you guys like it so far. Should I discontinue it? Tell me if it's good.

Word count: 2488

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