Our life | Cameron Dallas

By atshae

48.2K 905 156

Friends, marriage and babies There's two other books to this one. Make sure you check them out first x More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.

Chapter 13.

1.9K 40 5
By atshae

Ali's P.O.V

"Ready to go babe" Cameron asked as he shook his keys in his hand

I nodded my head and turned to say goodbye to the kids "I'll see you soon my babies" I smiled as I pecked Mia's and Connors cheeks

"When will you be home" Mia asked

"In about an hour. Have fun with uncle Kian and Jack" I smiled as Cam and I left the house leaving Mia and Connor with Kian and Johnson

"Nervous" Cameron asked me as he took a hold of my hand and started driving to the doctors office

"A little, I just don't want anything to be wrong" I sighed as I watched the road

"Everything's going to be fine, and even if there is something wrong, we'll fix it" Cameron spoke as he lightly squeezed my hand

"Alissa Dallas" the doctor called me as she stood at the doorway to the office

Cameron and I both stood up and made our way towards the door. I was shaking with worry, Cameron grabbed my hand and ran his thumb along my knuckles

"Please sit down" the doctor smiled as she sat in front of us at her desk and pulled out a file

"So, I know I spoke with you over the phone yesterday, I was able to get your file from the hospital about your miscarriage and I'm glad to tell you that there was no lasting damage from that accident" the doctor spoke

"I told you, everything's fine" Cameron smiled as he squeezed my hand

"That's great news but why can't Cameron and I get pregnant. We've been trying for almost three months now and nothing's happened, I got pregnant wither 3 weeks of trying with our other two kids" I asked worried

"It can take a matter of months before someone can get pregnant, all cases are different. There's a lot of things that can contribute such as stress" the doctor explained

"Look, you already have two young children, you both work very demanding jobs, that can all be contributing to why your not getting pregnant" she explained

"But we were both still working when we had Mia and Connor, why is it taking longer now" Cameron asked as he sat up in his seat

"You two have had two children with no problems or complications, it's just a waiting game now, keep trying but don't put too much pressure on yourselves to conceive. If in a couple of weeks you're still having problems I want you to come back to me and we can run some tests" the doctor smiled

"But there's really nothing to worry about, like from the miscarriage" I asked

"Absolutely not, everything is perfect and they would have told you otherwise when it happened. Like I said, These things take time, give it another couple weeks and if your still worried, come back" she smiled

Cameron's and I thanked her and got up from our seats, leaving the office and walking back to the car.

"Maybe she's right,we're both just stressed out and that's affecting everything. I think we just need to take some time to relax and just go with the flow" Cameron smiled

"Okay but I'm giving this maximum another month and if nothing has happened we're getting tests done" I spoke

"Ali! Mia! Let's go" Kian yelled from the living room

"In a minute" I yelled back and continued with my makeup

All of us were going to Jack and Madison's house tonight for a huge dinner. Kian and Johnson stayed at our house after cam and I came back from the doctor, they're just waiting on Mia and I to get downstairs

"Okay I'm ready" I sassed as I walked down the steps with Mia in front of me

"It's about time. C'mon Mia" Kian sassed as he stretched his arms out and Mia jumped into them

Mia was going to ride with Kian and Johnson while Cameron and I drive with Connor. We all lived pretty close to each other so the drive will only be about 20 minutes.

"Ali you look so good, how have you had two kids" Madison smiled as she greeted me

"Thanks you babe, I love this outfit on you" I smiled as I pulled away and made my way to the kitchen where everyone was

Mia and Connor were in the backyard with lea, Kian, Johnson and his girlfriend Kelsey

"I feel like I haven't seen you two in forever, any news" Madison smiled as she gestured towards Cameron and I

We both shook our heads no and moved the conversation along. Ever since we lost the baby 7 years ago, we decided we wouldn't let anyone, aside from lea and Kian know about any baby plans or pregnancies until we were a couple of months along.

I know it's been 7 years and we've had two kids since then and we should probably stop worrying about stuff like that but I never thought in a million years that I would have a miscarriage and it happened, I just don't want to get hyped up about having a baby and then have that take away from me and have everyone know about it.

"Don't worry guys your favourite has arrived" Chris laughed as he walked through the door with his wife Jennifer behind, who was holding their baby boy Alex.

"Chris" Cameron cheered as he hugged him

"Where's my favourite niece at" Chris asked as he looked around the kitchen

"She's out back" I smiled as Chris ran out to find Mia

"Hey Jen, how are you" I smiled as I side hugged her

"Tired. I don't know how you have two of these Ali" she laughed referring to Alex who was almost 2 years old

"It's hard work alright" I smiled as I watched Alex sleep in Jennifer's arms

Dinner was over and everyone was sat at the table talking and enjoying conversation. Connor was asleep in Jack and Madison's bed while Mia was passed out in Cameron's arms.

"I missed this, we need to do it more often" lea smiled as she rubbed her growing stomach

"Your not wrong there lea" Aaron smiled as he looked around the table

Mia started stirring in Cameron's arms while rubbing her eyes

"I think we should go home and get this one to bed" Cameron commented as he leaned his head on Mia's.

I nodded my head agreeing and went upstairs to get Connor while Cameron got Mia ready.

"Alright guys it's been fun, thanks for having us over Jack and mad, dinner was great" I smiled while hugging everyone with Connor in my arms

Everyone said their goodbyes and walked is to the door. Cameron and I got Mia and Connor settled into their car seats and left for the house

"That's was fun wasn't it" I smiled resting my hand on cam's neck

"Yeah we need to do it more" Cameron agreed.

A/N  sometimes finding a place to end the chapters is the most difficult thing ever. 
I feel like they haven't been as a group in such a long time and I miss it cause they were all involved in the first book so much.
Let me know if you guys enjoyed. I hope you did. Thanks for reading lovelies 🇮🇪👸🏼❤️🌞

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