Larry Stylinson Oneshots

By TheStolenHeart

15.7K 191 42

The titel says it all. Lots of Larry, lots of fluff, romance and cheesiness. Also: smut More

Two birds trapped in their cages
More than friendship (smut)
A day to remember
The Phonecall
I will always win (smut)
A new beginning
Just a normal night (smut)
You're not what other people think of you (Marcel/Punk!Louis)
Lips and tongues (smut)
Nothing more than happiness
A Merry Larry Christmas
Think about it and come home
The way I know your body I don't really need much (part 1)
I only see me and you; That's why I'm all over you (part 2)

I'm your rope and you're my anchor

547 10 6
By TheStolenHeart

Seriously guys, two updates in one week, I'm on a writing trip. This oneshot is shorter than the last ones and has a lot of fluff. I really don't know where that comes from.

Oh I dedicate this Oneshot to AllTheLittleMoments because her wonderful comment made me smile and gave me some reassurance to write some more. Thank you again and I hope you like this Oneshot :)

Thanks for reading, feedback would be very very nice.


I'm your rope and you're my anchor

„I'm back!" Louis shouts when he steps into his andHarry's giant hotel room in LA.

Finally they have a short break between Christmas and the next rehearsals for the 'Where We Are' Tour and everyone is just happy to relax a bit, doing nothing that is too stressful and to recover from the past year.

It's not that the boys don't like touring and being on the road, but after two years of not having a proper break, their bodies are tired. But still, management is always having an eye on the boys, especially on Harry's and Louis' relationship. That they are even allowed to be together when the other boys are not around is absolutely surprising, so they didn't really complain that much when management told them the rules of not being seen together when they are on this short trip together.

Louis takes a few steps further into the room and drops his small bag with his wet towel and wet swimming trunks on the floor next to their king-sized bed. "Hey baby, what are you looking at?" He asks Harry and joins him on the bed, where the younger boy is lying on his stomach, feet swaying in the air. He gives him a short peck on the cheek and rests his chin on Harry's shoulder, looking at the magazine he's reading in.

"A tattoo magazine? Don't tell me you want another one." Louis blurts out.

"Why not?"

"You have so many already."

Harry rises up his eyebrows, eying him from the side, "says the one, who got like 30 in the past 8 months."

"But mine are mostly small, like dribbles or small sketches. Yours are huge."

"They're not the only things that are big on me." He wriggles his eyebrows, trying to sound sexy.

"Harry, I'm trying to be serious." Louis whines and drops his head on the white blanket, causing his words to come out muffled. After a short silence, only hearing Harry turning the pages of the magazine, he lifts up his head again and rolls on his side, facing Harry. "It's just, you sometimes say that you regret some of your tattoos. It doesn't make sense if you get more and more and don't even like them. Don't cover up your skin with motives you'll regret later."

Harry sighs deeply but eventually opens his mouth to give Louis an answer. "I only don't really like the tattoos that don't mean as much to me, as others do. And I know, the new one will mean a lot to me, I just don't know what motive could tell the things I have in my mind."

Louis trails his eyes over Harry's naked upper body, chewing on his lower lip, deeply in thought. He lifts up one hand and moves his fingertips softly over the tattooed ship on Harry's left upper arm.

Harry looked down, following Louis movements with his eyes. "I love the ship" he points out and Louis slightly blushed at the fondness and sincerity in Harry's voice.

He starts moving his fingers up towards Harry's collarbones, post-painting the lines of the two lovebirds. "I love the birds" Harry mumbles, barely audible, but still he puts a small smile on Louis' face.

Then Louis trails his fingers back to the left arm, slowly and softly dipping his thumb into the 'Things I Can't' tattoo. "I love all the things I can't" he whispers, lifting up his hand towards Louis, gently brushing one single tear away that just slipped out of one of his eyes.

Louis eyelashes flatter open, revealing two glassy blue eyes, observing Harry lovingly. "And I love you", Harry murmured before scooting closer and giving Louis a caring kiss on his lips.

"I love you, too baby." He lets out a deep sigh, when Harry pulls away and takes Harry's bigger hands in his smaller ones, holding them tight. He rolls back on his stomach, playing with Harry's fingers, patting his fingertips against Harry's, kissing the cross tattoo, feeling the soft skin on his lips, or watching curiously how much smaller his hands are when he presses his whole hand against his boyfriend's one.

Harry knows about Louis' obsession with his hands, because "Babe, your hands! As a guy, how can you have so soft and delicate hands? I love your hands more than you and I thought that would be impossible." So he lets him adoring his hands, feeling flustered when he peppers soft kisses over every single fingertip and knuckle.

"What story should be behind your tattoo, baby?" He asks while softly scratching his nails over Harry's 'I can't change' writing.

"Something that shows steadiness, that I found something that keeps me together in one place, that makes me stay calm when everything's starting to get hectic again."

"Is that "something" lying next to you at the moment?" Louis asks with a knowing smile, but flattered about the fact that Harry thinks about another tattoo only for him.

"Not only at the moment, but also every night, holding me close, keeping me warm. And I don't care that this is disgustingly cheesy." He trails of, laughing with a fit of giggles.

"No, it's sweet. I love the idea. When we can't shout our love in everyone's faces, we need to have a different way to show it, right?" Louis looks down to their linked hands again, his voice filled with sadness.

Harry frowns, he hates it when his better half seems so upset and lately, since the start of their small holiday actually, he noticed a few things on Louis that were never there, when the other boys have been around.

On tour or at home with the lads, he was always loud, sassy, dominant, sometimes complicated with his strange moods. He was difficult to read even if he was like an open book to Harry, he couldn't hide something from him.

But now, since they are all alone, far away from the others, not really having management on their backs because they are following the rules (not to be seen together, Louis has to stay in the hotel while Harry is hanging out with "friends", and other things), Louis is silent, not silent because he's in thought or feeling misunderstood. He's silent because he's like in peace, because everything is relaxing and great these days. He's sweet and soft and caring, always showing his affection. Soft kisses here and there, "I love you's" in unexpected moments. There wasn't one minute in the past two weeks, where he has shown his sassy self.

Harry would be lying if he says he doesn't like that because he has always been that totally romantic guy who wanted a relationship or a partner like this, but he can't hide the feeling that he's a bit scared. Because referring to Louis, it's just not normal.

He wriggles his hands out of Louis' grip, grabs him in a tight embrace and rolls around on his back that Louis whole body lays on top of him, resting his head on Harry's collar. "Lou?"

"Hmmmmh" he breathes out, enjoying the feeling of going up and down with Harry's breathing.

"You know you can tell me everything, right?"

"Of course baby. Why?"

"Then tell me what's on your mind. Even if everything is fine, but tell me."

Louis doesn't speak for a while, his thoughts spinning around in his head and he tries to sort them out, tries to think about the important ones or the things that make him happy. And Harry waits, he waits so long that he thinks Louis fell asleep on his chest but the steady fingers drawing patterns on the skin over his heart tells him that Louis is wide awake.

"It's complicated, Harry."

"I'm sure I'll understand it and we can sort it out."

"There's nothing to sort out because it's a fact and we can't change anything. But still, it's always in my mind, driving me crazy because I just hate it so much." Harry lifts up his hands, slowly stroking and moving his hands up and down Louis upper back, comforting him as much as he can.

"I hate in what situation we are. Like, seriously Harry, people our age would do anything to let the whole world know that they are in a relationship, that they found the love of their lives with who they want to be with forever. Even if it's getting annoying that everyone is totally lovey dovey in public, not caring if they offend someone with their heart eyes, kisses and cheeky comments at each other, I'm so jealous!

I'm jealous that I can't do this. I mean, a few years ago I was one of the many people who probably were offended by those things, but now when I can't do that, I realise how much I actually want that. I want to do this with you, going on all these typical and awfully mainstream romantic dates, but it would be with you and it would be amazing.

But no, instead of going through the streets and telling everyone that you are the love of my life, we have to hide our love, our affection, even our friendship! And I don't understand anymore why! At the beginning I could understand it. I mean we were new in this business, we had no idea what was waiting for us and how far we'll come, but now, three years later, when basically more than half of the fandom ships us without actually knowing that it's true and they are right, we will never be allowed to come out.

I just want to enjoy these few weeks before everyone is telling us again how to act around each other. And as long as no one is there, I want to touch, to kiss, to feel you as long and often as I can. Because that's what lovers should do all the time, treat their loved ones better than the way they want to be treated. You're my world, Harry and I hate that I can treat you like this only for a few weeks of the year."

When Louis finishes his little rant, he's crying. Not only because of sadness but also because of the anger he was holding in the whole time and now he lets it all out, all the frustration, all these thoughts he felt like he would drown in them and Harry is there, comforting him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, that he's with him, that they can go through it, that he'll always be there and never leave him.

And that's when he realises that they both need each other to make it through these horrible times. They can't survive it without each other and that's why they hold on to each other like their lives depend on the other one. And that's actually true, because Louis has Harry's heart and Harry has Louis'.

If Louis doesn't have Harry he could never be as strong as he is. Harry brings out the good sides as no one else can, not even his mother. And without Harry, he's sure he couldn't have made it that far.

"Is it better now, love?" Harry silently asks him, when he notices that Louis' sobbing has stopped.

"I'm sorry, it just came over me. But yeah it is, it is." Louis apologises, hiding his head in shame. But Harry grabs his chin with his fingers and forces him to look him in the eyes.

"Don't be sorry, love. We all have these moments, it feels good to let it out from time to time."

"But I don't want to let it out on you." He answers truthfully and tugs a curl behind Harry's ear.

"Louis, how often do I feel bad and snap at you or ignore you, when I feel down? I can't remember when you actually were like this, but it doesn't matter! You never say anything when I'm acting like a twat and I won't say anything either. I'm there for you. In good and in bad times, because I love you, with everything you have, even when you are down. I'm there to brighten up your mood and to make you feel better. Like you can always make me feel better."

"God I love you so much, baby. So so much, you can't even imagine."

"I think I can, Lou. I think I can." He closes the space between them and pulls Louis into a soft kiss, trailing his tongue over Louis' lower lip and he opens his mouth immediately. Their tongues move with each other knowingly. After the past three years of being together they know each other's movements so perfectly that their kisses are almost simultaneously, but it still feels like kissing for the first time, butterflies and sparks are and will always be there.

After a while of lazily kissing and Louis sucking bruises over Harry's upper body, they observe their better half's features and of course Louis plays with Harry's hands again.

"Baby, I have an idea" he speaks up after a while, lifting Harry's left hand with his right one. "Your tattoo. You wanted something that is like a symbol for steadiness you found in love or something like that?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Well look, I have this rope here" Louis motions to the small rope tattooed on his right arm's wrist. "What would you think about an anchor and you tattoo it on your left wrist? And maybe one day, we can hold hands in public and then your tattoo matches with mine. And everyone can see that nothing can tear us apart. Because you are the anchor and I am like the rope and together, we are one and unbreakable." He looks up at Harry, hope radiating through his eyes and smiling back when Harry can't stop smiling at him.

"Louis, this is absolutely perfect. So basically, you're the compass to my ship and the rope to my anchor."

"Yes! So the anchor it is?"


"Then let's search a good one yeah?" Harry nods, causing Louis to break out into wide smile while rolling down from him.

Again, both boys are lying on their stomachs in a comfortable silence, going through the pages of the magazine to find their perfect anchor.

"Louis?" He speaks up after a while.


"The fans will totally freak out."

"And they have all their reasons to, haven't they?" He bumps his shoulder into Harry's, giving him a cheeky grin.

And somehow both boys know that they don't do it only for each other but also for their fans, so they will never stop believing in them.


Yeah it's me again. I had an idea for a new fanfiction. If you could check it out and tell me if it's something good to write, that would be awesome :) thank you! Xx.

Here's the link:

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