Mindlessly New ~A MindlessBeh...

By JadeAmouri

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This story is about a girl named Jade having to transfer in the middle of her junior year of high school beca... More

Mindlessly New ~A MindlessBehavior: Roc Royal story~
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
The sequel is hereee!

chapter 32

1.5K 24 7
By JadeAmouri

chapter 32



I button up my white and sky blue shirt that my mom bought, i cant believe that this day has finally come it feels like i been here forever. i put some hair products in my head to get my curls on point cause a young nigga bout to kill this shit today and cant nobody tell a nigga nothing. i brushed my teeth for the 3rd time today and i put on my dress shoes. then i heard my name being called from downstairs


i grabbed my phone and cap and gown rushing down the stairs as my mom and sister waited by the door for me. im so happy shes back this year is her year.

mom: come on try your dad is in the car waiting for us

she said while walking out of the house, i walked out after her and mia closing the door behind me. we got into the car as my mom dad both kissed each other on the lips and i smiled at them and put my gown on as my dad said hi to me and bug and we said it back. i zipped it up and text jade but i was to late because she had already put me her, ray prod, prince, abby, star, doll and bahja into a group message saying


"Good night you guys this is honestly our last day of high school. we've been through a lot being the best of friends that anyone could have, we've had a lost of our little brother R.I.P Myles we miss you dearly. we've been through fights, make ups and some relationships. this is my second year knowing you all and i can really say is that im riding with every single one of you guys through thick and thin. today is a day that we have opened another passage in our lives and leaving things behind. we come a long way in these pass two years and all i can say is damn niggas we made it, lbs i love every one of yall and honestly were all are like a big family and if one of us hurt then we all hurt if one of us need something then trust and believe that their going to get that. were all growing up into young adults and going to college and finding our future carers and starting our lives basically almost over and meeting new people but we will never forget the ones that we came up with, the ones that we started from the bottom with and look at us now were all here…together! see all of you niggas at the school in a few because we will be 2014 high school graduates"

I smiled at the text and everybody sent back heart emojis and i sent mines back to then put my seat belt on and sat back looking out of the window as we drove to the school

mom: trey hunnii, im finally meeting your girlfriend

she said with a slight smile. my mom still hasnt met jade, but only because this is my moms second week back and jade been busy because she decided to wait last minute to go graduation shopping. my mom wasnt even here for prom she came that week after. that only happened because they pushed my moms rehab release date back every month, even though she missed out on me going on prom i still went and had a good time and plus my dad was there so i had a man to talk to about things, im just glad to have this man back into my life right along with my mother.

me: yea ma i told her a lot about you

mom: awwww trey baby your so sweet, i cant believe my son is really in love for the first time and im actually here to see it

me: and im happy for that

dad: yea, jade is a nice girl. she might be the one who gets the ring in the future

i couldn't help but smile and look away, because i haven't even talked about marriage matter of fact i havent even thought about it yet. im not saying i dont want to marry her because honestly i do, it would be a honor to marry my high school sweetheart and live happily ever after

mia: lion why you turning red?

she said as my mom looked back at me and smiled

mom: my baby blushing back there?

me: nah ma im a real man i dont blush

dad: i know thats right

my mom laughs and shakes her head

mom: riiiiight, yea my jade getting that ring

she said as she looked at her phone. i looked at the time on mines as i tried to keep myself from being nervous. i dont know, but its not a bad way i guess its just walking across that stage will feel crazy but im ready for whatever. prince text me and said that he was already there, but its normal for him to be the first person somewhere because he's always on time and he's an over achiever. im really gonna miss my A1 day1 niggas, they really are going to be on the other side of the country while im going to be by myself with some niggas that i dont even know, but hey i guess its life right?

mia: is there going to be cake there?

my dad laughs a little

dad: maybe, i hope chocolate

mia: me toooo

she said and i smiled, my dad gets along with mia like thats his real daughter witch makes me hella happy to see my family coming back together the way that its suppose to be. now all i want right now is my beautiful girlfriend to hug and kiss and all of my homies to say



I got out of the my car and kisuan

[Key-shawn] grabbed my cap and gown out of the back seat while i started to put my heels on cause a nigga could not drive with these on. kisuan closed the door as my mom pulled up on the side of my car and helping caleb and adrian out and my pregnant aunt, i know right i never talked about my moms sister because she lives in Oakland but she came to L.A. for my high school graduation. kisuan came around the other side of my car holding my cap and gown up in the air because it was all white and he didnt want it to get dirty by dragging it on the floor. i locked my car door while sticking my phone inside of the top part of my dress just to keep it in place while i put this gown on. i put my arms in then took my phone out and zipped it up and my mom put my cap on while my auntie fixed the curls in my hair so that the cap wont mess them up. i turned and started to smile because today was the day that i will always remember from high school. why do high schools graduations take place at night? its strange and something different.

caleb: jade you look pretty

adrian: yea pretty

me: awww thank you baby boys, i would hug you but i dont wanna mess up my hair and stuff

i kneeled down to their height giving them both a kiss to each side of their cheeks and i got back up looking at my youngin

me: shonnie boooo

i always called kisuan that ever since he was younger like when he was a baby but i stopped calling him that a long time ago because he would get embarrassed in front of his friends. he looked at me and i kissed his cheek

kisuan: you look pretty jay

me: thank you youngin

mom: come on you all lets take a picture

she gathered all of us together and we took a picture and then me and her took our picture with each other then i look around and saw princeton in his all maroon cap and gown. he walked towards me and i smiled and walked up and hugged him

me: you ready?

prince: i been ready since the first day i walked in here when i was 14

me: true true, you look handsome prince

i said while fluffing his curls out a bit more

prince: yea i gotta impress the ladies

he said with a smirk and fixing his bow tie. i laughed while shaking my head

prince: but jay you look gorgeous

i looked up and smiled at him

me: thanks prince

my mom yelled and wanted us to come over by her and take a picture, and we walked over to her and took a picture then my aunt whispered to my mom like i couldnt hear her

Aunt lena: this her boyfriend?

mom: no, but hes cute to

me: shaking my head yall just shaking my head

i said while laughing and prince introduced his self to my aunt lena with her pregnant ass. so we walk into the school and all of the parents split up from the students, me and him went upstairs to where all of the senior in the little theater are suppose to meet up at. we walked in and it wasnt crowded yet but it was some people in there, we went and sat in the chairs by the stage. it started to get hella boring just sitting there waiting for these slow niggas so prince pulled out his charger and i pulled out my phone and plugged my phone up and me and him started to have a photo shoot on instagram, man we haven't did this since last year i swear im really going to miss my mexico taking selfies in my phone. after the 100th selfie we looked into my front camera ready to take another picture and laugh about it only to see ray walking into the background posing in his cap and gown throwing up the west side connections. i laughed and took that picture and he walked over to us

ray: i seen yall ass on my instagram feed with this shit while i was walking in the school

he said while laughing, this nigga

me: rayyyyyy come take graduation selfies

i said while whining and pouting and he rolled his eyes sitting on the other side of me and i started to smile and then him and prince stated to laugh. we posed for the next picture and ray stuck his tongue out and prince made a funny face and i could not help but laugh while taking the picture, only to hear someone say

"i know damn well yall not talking selfies without us"

we all turned around to see star, doll and abby standing behind us with their cap and gowns on

prince: oohhh look at yall, all white everything bodies looking like milk

he said as we all burst out laughing and couldn't control it, this nigga is a fucking mess i swear abby need to get her man. they all walked over to us sitting down, abby finally got her man. the girl been kinda bold lately she been out there with herself, she wants her relationship to be known the way she just be walking up to prince, sitting on his lap and kissing him dead in the mouth with tongue and everything, she be having prince feeling some type of way the way he be looking at her licking his lips after words like he wanna give her the D when they get home. im kinda surprised about that because when i first met her she was kinda quiet and now we have a whole new person in front of us it feels like. we all took group selfies while my phone still charged, prod walked in with some of his hair dyed a goldish color and looked kinda good on him. my brother growing up with this nose ring he got. we took more selfies as we waited for queen b and my king bae. everyone in our graduating senior class started to stand as time started to tick and by then it was time to line up with your partner and roc and bahja were still not here. i walked over to my spot in line linking arms with my partner rayan. i was suppose to walk with prod because of our last names start with a "C" hes crippen and im coogler, but since im waring heels i wouldn't be his height i would be taller then him so they moved me back some. as i linked arms with ray i started to nervously look around

ray: jay… he'll be here

me: i know ray im just… what if something happened?

i nervously said

ray: jay, trust me he'll be here when we start walking through the doors

me: but he leads our class, his last name starts with an "A"

just then the teacher starts yelling


she said as i started to mess around with my fingers and i soon heard


I looked back to see trey running through the doors, i exhaled in relief as i felt my ass starting to burn and i looked as he ran pass me in the line looking back at me with a smirk. this nigga cant never keep his hands off of my ass, do he not know that shit hurts but i can live with it. i bit my lip at him trying to hold in my scream and he laughed while linking arms with this little red headed white girl named kaitlyn in the front. just as the doors were about to open so that we can all walk out, the doors back doors that trey just walked in opened again as i seen bahja walk in and run to her spot and i laughed a little and turned back around and started to walk and i heard the same doors that bahja and trey walked in open again, and i saw a white gown fly to the back of the line. i slowed my walk down trying to see who it was but i slowed the line down and ray pulled me to walk up and so i did. i looked at ray and he smiled, i fixed his hair because one of his braids were over his shoulder.

me: i know shes proud of you brother

ray: yea i know she is sister

me: now lets go put on that smile for tiff

ray: will do sis

we linked arms back and it was our turn to walk out of the doors. we put on our happy smiles that we know will be remembered as we walked out the doors stepping to the beat. i looked on the stage and seen some of our students standing at their seats, and i looked over and saw roc standing by his seat and he smiled and made a funny face at me trying to make me laugh and stuck my tongue out at him

ray: awwwwww yall so ugly

he whispered and smiled, i smiled hella hard trying not to laugh. we walked pass rays aunt and smiled at her and the same to my family. we walked pass rocs family, i saw his dad and mia and im assuming the lady was his mom, shes very pretty. mia saw me and smiled

mia: JADE!

the crowd laughed a little as i smiled hella hard at her and kept walking with ray as he snickered a bit. after what felt like forever we finally made it to our row and split up to our seats and stood up waiting for everybody else to walk in and up to their seats so we all could sit. i looked and my jaw dropped and i started to smile as i saw my daddy sitting right aside my mom, he waved and i smiled at him. i love my dad oh so much and i haven't seen him since thanks giving. i looked as prince and bahja walked to their seats and everyone else. the last person to walk in was this boy deandre, hes supppse to walk by himself because our class is uneven but as soon as he walked in everyones mouths dropped as my eyes widened as she walked with her arm linked to his. the hell she come from? i thought she transferred, we havent seen this girl all year. well at least shes graduating on time thats all i have to say about this situation. justice and deandre came to the rows and split to their seat and she ended up standing in the row behind me with star. our graduating class sat down at the same time like our teachers prepared us to do, mrs theo and mr walker walked up to the post with the microphone and talked about what made this class of 2014 special and different from the other classes that graduated. we sang a song and they gave the people with perfect attendance a laptop and little refrigerators to go to collage with, they gave other things to the good students and talked about who got full year scholarships and prince and babydoll were some of those students, i fucking love my niggas they deserve all of this shit because they worked hella hard for everything that they got today. bahja sang a song witch was amazing because baby girl know she can sing and i guess her mama never knew she could sing because after that solo she had, had her mama in tears witch was cute. we had to give a rose to the best teacher who you thought helped us and motivated us through out our years and as we all got up to give them the rose i watched as ray, roc, prod, and prince got on one knee all in a line giving our geography teacher from last year mrs theo. it was so cute, they had that only lady crying because after all the bad they acted, they loved her like a mother figure because she always told them right from wrong. she took the flowers and giving them all hugs, i gave my rose to my english teacher because she helped me out with a lot, she wrote me the best letter of recommendation that I've ever read. she smiled and gave me a hug and we took a picture. we got back to our seats and the principle got up time to give us our diplomas  going in order from A-Z by last name in alphabetical order. witch took forever with these 350 students, but lucky i was one of the first because my last name starts with a C. we all got our diplomas and walked off to our families taking pictures with people because they were telling us how proud of us they were and stuff like that. i rand straight to my daddy jumping on him and giving him the biggest hug, i felt like i wanted to cry but i was to happy to, because this man right here is my rock. out of all of these niggas in this world he's my first love, i dont even care because he's my brothers hero. i learned all of that from prod a year back when he explained it out for me. my daddy hugged me back and kissed my cheek the he let me go

dad: congratulations baby girl

me: thank you daddy

mom: say cheeseeee

she said to the both of us as we turned to her camera and smiled for the picture. my daddy handed me some flowers and my mom wanted me to take a picture of me and my flowers just by myself, and i did that with a cute smile. i turned to see my mom calling all of my niggas over to us with their families and stuff because she wanted a group picture. prod and his mom and jojo walked over first then everyone else did and we took like 10 different group pictures on like 10 different phones

me: mom here

i said and gave her my phone

me: take our picture please

she took another group picture on our phone then i wanted just one of me and him and everybody knew it because they moved to the side so we could take our picture

me: mom take me and rocs please

she said as roc grabbed me by my waist pulling me closer to him and we both smiled for the first 2 pictures then the next one he kissed me in my cheek and i smiled and the next 2 we closed our eyes and did our full on kiss to the lips and had everybody in awwwww. i love my king, he just makes me so happy as he smiled but his smile slowly but nervously disappeared as i looked and my mom was pointing to him while talking to my dad  i looked back at roc

roc: thats your dad?

me: yea, dont be nervous

i said as i giggled a little bit and kissed his cheek

me: come on

i said as i grabbed his hand and lead him like a couple of steps over to my dad and mom. my mom looked at me and him and smiled

me: daddy, this is my boyfriend trey and trey this is my dad

dad: hey trey i heard so much about you

he said as he took his hand and shook

trey: you to sir

my dad asked roc what college he was going to and they both really awkwardly got along and i liked that. i got my phone back from my mom and walked back over to prods mom and took some more pictures with them, then i took pictures with my girls doll, abby, star, and bahja. i walked over to prince because he called me over to take a picture with him but after that i ran over to my favorite brother RayRay and gave him a hug. we didnt just take pictures, we started off with selfies with the funny faces then tiff laughed a pit and told us to stop playing around and take a real picture, and we did. i love ray and I'll be there with him through every step of the way and when im making moves, then best believe hes right beside me on every step of the way. me and him took more pictures then i heard my name being called so i looked down to my left and seen mia and i picked her up and me her and ray took some funny pictures then i walked off with mia

mia: jade come on

me: come on where?

mia: this way

she pointed, so i walked to the direction she was pointing in and saw prods mom and rocs dad and im guessing rocs mom they all were talking and i felt kind of awkward just standing their in their conversation

mia: i got her!

she yelled into their conversation, and prods mom stopped and turned to me with a smile while i still had mia in my arms

Wanda: oh hi jade

me: hi

rocsDad: congratulations jay

me: thanks

rocs dad looked at rocs mom and said

RocsDad: this is jade

i looked at her with a smile, she looked just like roc, like the black side of him since hes mixed shes like a light brown almost yellow like him, shes really pretty and looks young and her hair is really pretty

me: your treys mom? i heard so much about you

i said as i handed mia to chresanto, rocs dad and hugged rocs mom

rocsMom: yea, and your jade his girlfriend

she said with a warm smile hugging me back

me: i thought i would never meet you, like finally i did, because hes met my parents and i only met his dad

his mom giggled a little

RocsMom: i was saying the same thing, i wanted to introduce myself to you the other day but you were busy finding your graduation outfit and things

me: oh my god really? he didn't tell me that, all he asked was what was i doing that day and i told him shopping for graduation stuff

she laughs and shakes her head

RocsMom: yea thats trey for you alright

she said as i giggled and then felt two warm arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder and i knew it was my baby

roc: i see you two have met

me: with no thanks to you, why you didnt tell me that she wanted to see me that day i went looking for graduation stuff trey

roc: i thought i did?

me: you thought you did, key word "thought"

he laughed a little and kissed my cheek and i smiled because he makes me feel so good about myself hes perfect to me in every single way

RocsMom: i see you two make each other happy

roc: yea she makes me a lot of happy

me: same here

just then the twins caleb and adrian run over to me about to say something but then they look over and see trey and get excited, you see this? my own little brothers love him more then me now

adrian: TREY!!

roc lets me go and picks them both up with both of his arms

roc: wassup little guys?

he says with a smile

caleb: you coming over?

adrian: or nah?

i laugh at adrian because i got everybody saying or nah, even mia

roc: i dont know yet little homies, I'll have to see if im busy or not

caleb: ok

mia looks up and sees them and gets happy

mia: caleb and Adrian!

she yells and roc puts them down and they all hug. i cant believe they haven't seen each other in a week, rocs mom awwwwed and looked at me

rocsmom: these are your?

me: brothers

rocsmom: why are they so attached?

roc: thats who shes been rollin with for about 2 years now their like her brothers, their really tight

rocMom: awwww


i heard my name as my parents walked over. my mom and rocs dad said hi to each other since they know each other

MyMom: is this your mom trey?

she says and roc shakes his head yea

MyMom: hi im jades mom, you have a very nice and well respected son

RocsMom: thank you and from what i heard and know about your daughter, you have the same

they talked and then our dads introduced their selves to each other as me and roc watched and roc kept touching on my ass on the slick side while our parents were right there and i was trying to tell him to stop but he play so much i was trying not to laugh at him. i pulled him away from our families and walked off to see justice with her parents and family taking pictures and she was actually looking nice, she was holding her baby girl and she looked so happy as a mother. i swear a year can really change somebody and honestly i dont feel like i have anything against her until she tries some crazy shit again. roc had his arm around my shoulder and looked to where i was looking and saw justice then whispered to me

roc: you think she changed?

me: im not sure, i think she's matured a lot from last year

roc: oh

me: her baby girl is really cute

i said as we caught justice eye and her smile started to fade, and since im honestly not a mean person and can agree that people can changed i smiled at her and waved and trey did the same. she looked nervous and started to smile back, i guess she's okay with dropping what happened and showing whats to come in the future

me: congratulations on your baby girl

roc: yea, congrats

justice: thank-you,

she said with her nervous smile

justice: her name is Delilah

me: Awww thats a pretty name

justice: thanks

she looked at the both of us and started to nervously speak

justice: im really really

roc: justice, we know

justice: i feel like I've never really apologized, i mean i really tried so hard to but no one ever wanted to hear it. i swear if i could take that back i would.

she looked at me and said

justice: sorry for everything that ive done to you, i dont care what anyone says, you and him are meant for each other

she then looked at roc

justice: i know you like the back of my hand so you better treat her right and be there for her because honestly i dont want to see you two apart

she said before walking away and leaving us just standing there. i started to smile a little bit as she kissed her baby girl on the cheek. i felt the left side of my body get warm as trey pulled me closer to him

roc: yea shes really changed

he said as i still looked at her smiling and he kissed my cheek. we soon walked back over to our families and kisuan and jojo were eating our cupcakes that prods mom bought us, it was cool because we didnt want them anyways. there was a graduation party that princeton was throwing at his mansion that he calls a so called house, but what a good way to end the year with a party "bang bang niggas" but this time we had security at this party because at every other party some crazy shit always want to happen. but this party was really fun and i made prince play my favorite song by soulja boy and drake i walked around all day saying "NIGGA WE MADE IT" cause shit we did and prince house is crazy big he make me wanna move in or some shit. i still cant believe hes the only child but my nigga going to new york with this full scholarship he got, and im just to happy for my mexico. let me find another nigga calling him mexico i swear we gone fight because i gave him that name, but anyways prince house had like a beach looking lake area out there that I've never knew about until today. it had sand and all and at a certain time during the party roc grabbed me by my hand and we both disappeared from the party and out back to the beach by the sand and i looked out into the water and the sky as the sun started to set. it was so beautiful and the moment was just so perfect, i had the perfect dress, the perfect hair, and the perfect guy to go along with this perfect day that we both had. i took my heels off so i wouldnt get stuck in the sand while we walked on the beach. i sat them on the patio and walked into the sand with roc and we talked about everything and i mean everything, from future lives, college life, and obviously this long journey that we both have been through on these almost two years. its been a battle but shit it was worth it if were here with no problems at all. he lifted me bridal style and kissed me passionately while spinning me around slowly then looking into my eyes and i couldn't help but blush and he started to smirk. he told me that he loves when i blush around him because he knows hes the only guy in the world who can make me do that.

trey: im madly in love with you

me: awwwww im feeling the same way

trey: ive never been in love like this before, matter of fact your honestly like my first love. because I've always liked and never loved until i met you

me: the fact that this day last year we made it official and now this same day a year later we both graduated

trey: yea, this shit is hella crazy

me: what you think going to happen on this day next year?

trey: baby girl, anything can happen

he says with a smile and lightly kisses me and i kiss him back.

me: guess what

trey: wassup?








hopefully you've been reading this since the beginning when i first started to post and update in the spring of 2013 and finally finishing this mindlessly new book in january 2014. sorry if this book came to an end too soon but i felt like it didnt. i personally felt like i bit off more then what i can chew by starting this book then starting like 5 more but wanting to finish this one and i didnt have time for the others. honestly i never forgot about any of my books that i started, its just that since this was my first book i made it my maine priority on finishing it before any other story that i wrote. but anyways i finished this book and if you aint fanned me by now then my nigga you are really lackin so take yo ass to my page and fan me so you can go read other stories about the boys before i start updating them again. i was really kind of dissapointed on comments, i would love more feedback because it helps me come up with more things to add on and put into the story. and everyone who has communicated with me through kik and twitter are really amazing, you guys really make my day and instagram for tagging me in the wattpad pictures. i never thought this book would do as good as it was suppose to, i really only thought about a good 20 people would read it, but shit i guess i thought wrong. tell me what you want from the sequel and i will see if i can make that happen since i already started writing it. Oohhhhh and comment or tell me your favorite part of the book because im just curious

~Love, Jade



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(personal IG: @jadecoogler)


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