chapter 25

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chapter 25


as roc pulls up at my house we both get out and walk in as my sees us


Me: ma i was with-

roc: im sorry i turned her phone off so we could spend some time together without any interruptions

he says as he looks at my mom and she exhales in relief

mom: lucky you were with him, i dont know if something could of happened to you or not

me: sorry mom

i say as roc walks off to get mia so they could go home

mom: your phone is never on when your with him

me: because you should know that im safe when im with him

mom: i do trust him

me: and you should trust me

roc walks back with mia asleep in his arm and a backpack in his other hand. i kiss mia on the cheek then kiss roc on the lips

roc: see you at school tomorrow alright

me: yea

i say as he leaves and i close the door behind him and turn around blushing too hard that my mom noticed

mom: jay you crazy

me: huh?

mom: in love with that boy, i love you and him together

me: awww thank you mommy, i got good taste dont i

i say with a smirk

mom: just like yo mommy

me: true true

mom: so what yall do?

me: nothing just chilled at his house, ma i got work to do

i say as i walk off avoiding that awkward question

mom: jay stop!

she says as i turn around on the stairs

me: yea?

mom: so i was cleaning today and i took out your garbage and found this. would you like to explain this or???

she says as she holds up a pregnancy test and the box, my heart drops but i get angry at the same time

me: what the fuck are you doing in my room

mom: excuse me jade would you like to repeat yourself

she says as i walk back down stairs and snatch the box out of her hands

me: why are you so nosy all of the sudden, because first off you had to go looking around my room for this box because it was under a tote in the corner and you never take my garbage out of my room. what the hell do you want to know!

mom: jade i dont know who your yelling at, your ass shouldnt even be having sex in my house in the first place! that shit is disrespectful, i feel disrespected!

me: ma aint nobody have sex in your damn house, i just took the pregnancy test here!

mom: so you are having sex!

me: maybe... maybe not

i say as i walk up stairs as i hear my mom yelling but i really didn't care. i packed me a outfit for school tomorrow, my flat irons, and grabbed my keys and phone charger as i walk out my room and down stairs

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