Never Let Me Go (Man x Boy)

By Shir050403

136K 3K 551

"What is there baby?" I asked not sure why he looked at his lower half. Erin took the blanket off reviling hi... More

Nice to meet you
Happy new year, Pet
Happy Birthday Mark!
I hate you (Part 1)
I hate you (Part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Netflix n chill
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Momma/ Timmy
Happy birthday Erin!

chapter 6

7.3K 158 12
By Shir050403

*Mark's POV*

While my baby was asleep, I began to think... He had the balls to come and tell me he loves me... Do I have feelings for him? He was the first Sub I signed an actual real contract with... and he is the smallest, He is someone I like to be around, not just to fuck and play with...  But... I can't love him... right? I had never loved someone since my dad died... I inherited his company and made it bigger and successful, He was the only person I ever showed my soft side too...
Of course, I love my mother and sister... But it's very different from dad love, He would always take me fishing and would always make time to be with me even if he had to work... If I'll ever be a father, I would like to be just like him, He was my role model... And I miss him so much.

I wasn't able to sleep so I just stared at my baby while he slept, He was so small, so valuable, And I knew... that deep down I did love him, But I can not say it I can't lose someone I cherish again...

I lost my dad when he had a trip and on his way on the boat... there was a problem... And the boat sank, My mom had grown me and I had finished school a year before planned and took on my dads company, Erin will one day be a writer, I hope he will write about how much he loves someone... And when I say, someone, I mean me, I'm not letting him go. He is mine and I love him, I noticed the sun rising,  kissed my lover and he opened his eyes slowly while yawning. "Good morning master... Did you sleep well sir?" I didn't want him to worry so I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, how did you sleep baby?" He giggled, "I slept really well, you were so warm!" oh shit, my heart was exploding from his cuteness... Fuck my life, "Master you look ti-" before he finished the word i kissed him, i wanted him so badly... that little boy is my sin And i love him, "Erin... I- i love you" he looked shooked like i just told him i had killed someone he turned pale and his eyes grow bigger, "Master...? you're kidding me right..?" i nodded my head as no, "I am sorry if you have second thoughts about me now... I do love you Erin." a smile grow from both his cheek and he jumped on me, "Mark.. mark i love you so much! Master!" he was so cute.... "It doesn't mean you're not my pet. But from now on you may call me Mark out side, in the bedroom or the playroom you shall call me master" he nodded, "Okay mas- i mean Mark." he is such a good boy, I'm sure people might want him but now that he knows I'll make sure he is mine. Mine now and mine forever.

*Erin's POV*

Did sir just told me he loves me?! ME?! oh my god i think I'm gonna faint, He loves me! he fucking loves me! that was what happened in my mind in that moment...

It was still a snowy day and me and Mark were both in a cuddling mood, we decided to stay in bed and just cuddle, he was so warm and nice... I loved it, and his smell was amazing, it was like a flower.... He had this sweet smell of a lily flower, and it was intoxicating... he petted my head softly and i loved this moment i loved my new life with Mark... he ordered us food to bed and went to take it... I slept naked and he didn't give me clothes, so i wasn't sure if he wants me to go to him naked or choose my clothes... so i froze in my place, after a few minutes i heard Mark calling me, "Erin! are you coming? I told you to down here! come here", I again was in this black hole and didn't know what to wear or just go... "Erin? babe lets go" Master came into the room and took me by the hand, i was still naked and i was hard by his touch, "This is so embarrassing..." i said almost whispering and he chuckled, "Don't complain or I'll make sure you regret it, i looked up at him and he had some kind of a evil smirk with lust in his eyes. After we ate sir told me we are gonna do whatever i want, so i said I'd like to watch a movie, as always sir choose the movie and he choose a movie named "Ander's game" it was really cool and i honestly think its on my top 10 movies! i was laying my head on sirs lap while he patted my hair....

The movie had ended and i sat up and looked at sir and licked my lips... that little lick made me feel masters cock get hard... "You're a rether sexy pet, let's go" it was already night and Mark just picked me up in his arms and i leaned my face on his shoulder.

*Mark's POV*

This little boy licked his lips... his tounge went out of his mouth slowly and licked his lips from right to left, i got hard... as always, and just took him to bed, I knew he is already was ready to have sex and i had already took his virginity yesterday but it was just so satisfying to hear his moans and gasps from my touch... he was already naked and im glad i didn't let him put his pants on, i took mine off and my little boy looked at me and waited for orders. "Suck, pet" he nodded and did his job, "Fuck.... Ahhh~ yes... lick those balls..." I moaned while Erin worked on my dick, He hated the fact that he didn't notice the balls and he liked to put one or two in his mouth, or just lick them... I kinda liked it, i do agree subs this days only want the dick and not the balls. He looked up at me again and i knew he wanted me in him. "Master... please... i want-" yeah yeah i know you Erin.... you want me. i chuckled at the thought and said "Pet. soon, keep going you didn't even make me close." he had a red face and put the whole thing in his cute little mouth, i moaned after a few minutes of him working on my cock, "Lay on you're back pet." he quickly did what i said and i looked at him smiling cutely... how sad that that smiling face will be with his fuck face, i smirked and put my dick in his hole, "Ahhhh~ master... fuckk..." he moaned and i just went deeper and faster in him giving him no time to moan while i trash in him again and again, before i know it he said "M- master... i need to cum.. please let me cum... ahhhh-" i nodded and he cummed on his chest and face. I looked at his face and it was beautiful... his eyes were teary and he had saliva and cum all over his face that made me even harder and i granted, "Fuckkk baby... you're so tight..." He giggled while moaning and said, "T- thats becouse you're too big, Master" the thought made me laugh, He is a small bean and his little hole was small but as you all know I'll work with it alot. I went all way in making him gasp and started to move around quickly, My breathing went fast and i finally let one last trash and cummed inside of his prefect hole. "Oh god... M- master... ahhhh...." he moaned in pleasure and i took my dick out of his butt.

The next day we went ice skating and as always my baby didn't know how to do it, 'Fuck his pernts', I know my pet liked watching a TV show or something called 'Yuri on ice' and he had told me all about it. He was really good for the first time and I'm glad, I'll make sure he skates more if he likes it. "Mark! look at me! I'm doing it!" I chuckled, "Yes baby, you're doing it!" I skate closer to him and took his hand, "Do you like skating Erin?" he nodded and I just smiled. My mom used to take me ice skate a lot and I loved it, It was really relaxing. "Hey, babe do you want to see what I can do?" He smiled and went back to the side, I remember how to jump a bit and I always was best on my Salchow jumps, I did everything and jumped Perfect jump. When I looked at my boy he was shooked and his mouth opened slightly, "So, you think you can do that?" he looked even more shooked, "M- m- m- m-" I laughed.

We were there for about five hours and Erin made me jump so many times my feet hurt, "One more time Mark! please!!!" he asked, "NO! enough! no more we are going home let's go" he pounted and I gave him a mad face and he just ran out the ice rank and took his shoes off, "That's what I thought" I skated out as well.

We returned home and Erin sat on the kitchen chair while I was about to make dinner, "I'm making Tomato soup and chicken, Understood?", "Y- yes sure, Can I help you in any way? I know how to cook... kinda" he giggled. "Yeah, cut the tomatoes and onions, pet." My pet did as he was told and cut everything nicely.

The food was good and my pet even made the salad, he was truly amazing.... I was happy with my life right now, With this boy.

*One week later*

We were on our way back home, It was now 3 AM and Erin was sleeping on my lap while i looked out the plane window, I talked to my sister yesterday and we agreed to meet on Friday. My sister was my best friend and she was lesbian, i was gay and everyone always laughed about that, I hope she will like Erin, Her girlfriend is really nice. Ellie, My sisters girlfriend was a teacher, and my sister Mia was a model, She was my company's model to be exact. I told Erin all about them and he was really excited to meet them, "Mark do you think they will like me? Do they know you're a Dom? Can I-" he was so excited that i had to put my finger in his mouth to shut him, "Every time you think about something to ask suck it" and he started sucking it like crazy, 'For Fuck sake' "Fine, you have five questions to ask, No more." he nodded and started to ask again, "Do they know you're a dom?" Okay... that's not that hard to answer, "Yes, they know. My sister is a dom as well." yup... its a family thing i guess, "Oh.... How old are they?", "Mia is 26 shes older them me, and Ellie is 22". He kept asking until we got to the 5th question, "Eh- M- master.... Do you think they will like me...? if they won't will you throw me away..." 'Pttt no way in hell I'll ever throw him away', "No baby, you're not gonna get rid of me this easily" he giggled and i kissed him, exploring his mouth. His sweet moaning, made me want more.

That's all :3 It was so fliping hard to write this chapter XD please don't hate it xD like and vote?


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