Tom Felton Imagines

By Aidanturnerimagines

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This book is for Tom Felton and all of his characters' imagines. Enjoy! More

IMAGINE: Draco asking you to the Yule Ball
IMAGINE: Meeting Draco
IMAGINE: Draco being you partner to the Yule Ball
IMAGINE: Comforting Draco
IMAGINE: Draco and you falling in love
IMAGINE: Draco changing sides at the Battle of Hogwarts
IMAGINE: Draco and Harry fighting over you
IMAGINE: You, Draco's sister, dying
IMAGINE: Draco disapproving of your relationship with Harry
IMAGINE: Draco being jealous
IMAGINE: Falling in love with Draco
IMAGINE: Meeting Draco's parents
IMAGINE: Draco making a promise to you
IMAGINE: Draco Having a Crush on You

IMAGINE: Draco avoiding you after the Battle of Hogwarts

10.1K 262 62
By Aidanturnerimagines

| IMAGINE for @alexshurley21 |

     "Y/N, you need to hide." Draco whispers to you, pulling you into a room at Hogwarts.

      "No, I need to fight. All my friends are out there fighting. I need to help them." You say, starting to move.

      Draco thrusts his arm out, stopping you. "Y/N, there are people out there that want to kill you. If our paths cross, they'll expect me to kill you. And I won't." He whispers, his face close to yours. You look at the man you've grown to love, and who loves you in return.

      "I don't want to fight you." You whisper.

     "That's why you need to stay hidden." He says softly, touching his fingers to your cheek. "Promise me, please. I can't lose you." He murmurs. You stare at him, biting your lip. "Please, Y/N." Draco begs.

     "I'll try to stay hidden, Draco. But I can't make you any promises." You whisper.

     He sighs and nods. "I understand. Be careful." He warns.

     You give him a smile. "Aren't I always careful?" You ask.

     Draco grins at you and places a soft kiss on your lips. "I'll see you after the battle." He whispers, before running out of the room.


     You steer clear of the heart of the Battle of Hogwarts all day. But you don't stay hidden. You fight in small battles of your own and you've won all of them. Thankfully you haven't run into Draco.

     Voldemort has called for a one-hour armistice and you're taking this time to look for Harry. You haven't seen your twin brother lately, which is worrying you.

    You turn down a hall and then run straight into your brother, who's coming out of the Head Master's office. "Harry!" You exclaim with relief, throwing your arms around him. "I was so worried about you." You whisper. You pull back and look at him. He looks pale. "Harry, what's wrong?" You ask worriedly.

      He shakes his head. "Nothing." He whispers, his voice hollow.

      Your eyebrows draw. "You can't lie to me, Harry. I know something is wrong." You say.

      "It doesn't matter." He mumbles. Harry takes a deep breath and looks into your eyes. He hugs you tightly. "Promise me you will be happy, Y/N. Promise me you will enjoy your life." He whispers against your neck.

     "Harry." You state, trying to pull away from him.

     He holds you tightly. "Please, just promise me. I need to hear it." He whispers.

     "I promise." You whisper back.

     "I love you so much, Y/N." He says.

     "I love you too." You sigh. Suddenly Harry pulls away from you and turns away. He sniffs and wipes his face.

     "Are you crying?" You ask, a little panicked.

     "I'm fine." Harry laughs. He sniffs again. "I love you." He whispers again, before running off.

      "Harry!" You exclaim. He keeps on running.


     "Harry Potter is dead!" You hear Voldemort screaming. You skid to a halt, your heart nearly stopping. You freeze, your body numb. "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouts.

    "No." You gasp in horror, before running to the nearest exit. You bound down the stairs, tears blinding your vision. You run outside and see Hagrid carrying Harry's dead body in his arms. Voldemort stands in the middle of the courtyard, Death Eaters in the background. Draco stands off to the side, his face conveying shock. Once he sees you, his eyes widen.

      "No!" You scream, running toward Harry.

      "Y/N, no!" Ron and Draco both shout. Draco hands clasp over his mouth as some of the Death Eaters look at him strangely. Ron moves first and grabs you, stopping you.

      "No! No! Harry!" You scream, sobbing.

      "Y/N, Y/N, stop, stop." Ron whispers, pulling you backwards. You collapse onto your knees, weeping loudly.

      "Y/N!" Draco cries out again, this time not caring.

       You look up at him through tear filled eyes. "Draco." You sob, needing him with you right now. He starts to move towards you.

      "Draco!" Narcissa Malfoy exclaims. He stops and looks at his mother. She gives her head a quick shake.

      "But mother—" Draco starts to protest.

      "No." She says firmly. Draco looks at you, who's staring at him pleadingly, and then back to his mother. The Death Eaters are all watching him. He takes a deep breath and then walks to his mother.

      "No, Draco." You cry.

      "Somebody please take Y/N to her room." Neville Longbottom commands.

      "Come on, Y/N." A girl says, taking your arms and pulling you back inside. You don't remember how you get to your room. All of a sudden you're just there and you're all alone. You hear fighting going on outside but you're numb. You don't feel anything. You stare at the wall, frozen.


     You wake up to someone stroking your hair. You sit up with a gasp. Harry is sitting on your bed, smiling at you.

     "Harry?!" You gasp in shock. This must be a dream. Harry is dead.

     Your brother smiles at you. "I'm here, Y/N. It's me." He states.

      You shake your head. "No, you're dead. I saw your dead body." You whisper.

      He shakes his head. "I was only pretending. You have to forgive me, Y/N, but I had to." He explains.

      You shakily reach out and touch his face. It feels real. "Is it really you?" You ask, tear sliding down your cheeks. Harry nods, smiling encouragingly at you.

      "Oh, Harry." You sob, throwing yourself into his arms. "I was so devastated. My heart was broken." You cry.

     "I know, Y/N, I heard your screams. I'm so sorry for what I put you through. I wanted to tell you so bad." He whispers.

      You pull back to look at him. "What happened? Is the battle over?" You ask.

     He nods. "I destroyed Voldemort." He states.

      You sit back. "You did?" You gasp.

      "I did." Harry laughs tiredly.

    "What's going to happen now?" You question.

      "I guess we'll rebuild Hogwarts and get things back to the way they were." He answers.

      Your eyebrows draw. "Harry, what happened to Draco?" You ask.

     "He's still here, Y/N." Harry states.

     "Are they going to let him stay?" You ask.

      "I guess. He was two faced, but in the end, I guess he tried to redeem himself." He replies. Harry peers at you. "Do you want him to stay?" He asks.

     "I love him, Harry. Yes, I want him to stay." You whisper, smiling faintly.

     Harry smiles back at you. "Then I guess he's staying." He says.


     It's been two weeks after the Battle of Hogwarts. You haven't spoken to Draco yet. He has avoided you every time you try to speak with him. He's doing his share to gain everyone's trust back, but is ignoring you.

      "Y/N, what's wrong?" Harry asks as you both walk down a hall. "You've been upset ever since the battle ended." He adds.

     "Draco has been avoiding me and it's making me so angry. I just want to talk to him." You blurt out.

      "Would you like help?" Harry asks.

     You look at him. "Sure." You reply.

     "I'll tell Draco that I need to speak with him tonight. He'll come to a room and you'll be there. I'll lock the door so you two are stuck in there together. You'll have no choice but to talk to each other." Harry explains, grinning.

      You laugh, already feeling better. "That sounds like a solid plan to me, Harry." You say. Harry kisses your head and walks off.


      When Draco opens the door, he freezes and stares at you. You jump to your feet, smiling. "Draco." You greet.

     Someone, most likely your brother, closes the door behind Draco and locks it. Draco looks at the door and then at you. You slowly walk toward him, feeling really awkward.

      "You've been avoiding me." You state. Draco shifts nervously. You stand in front of him. "What's happened between us?" You whisper.

      He looks at you, misery in his eyes. "It's my fault, Y/N." He groans. Your eyebrows draw with confusion. "I felt things were going to be awkward between us since the day that Voldemort declared that your brother was dead. You cried out to me and I didn't go to you. I went to my mother like a little child. I thought you were angry at me and I couldn't stand it." He whispers.

      "Oh, Draco, I knew you had to go to your mother. I called out to you against my better judgement. What would have happened if you went to me? Voldemort and his Death Eaters would have found out you have a soft spot for me and they would've killed you. They probably would have killed us both." You admit, putting your hands on his shoulders. "You saved not only your life but mine as well. I'll admit I was a little agitated because I wanted you to comfort me but I knew that that's how things had to be." You explain.

     "So you're not mad at me?" Draco asks.

     "No." You say, shaking your head.

     Draco's breath leaves him in a rush. He slowly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his arms. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I've been such a fool." He mutters.

      You smile and sink into his embrace. "It's okay, it's okay." You whisper. He pulls his head back and kisses you deeply. He then goes back to hugging you. You rest your head on his shoulder.

     The door opens and Harry peeks his head in. Once he spots Draco and you, he grins and gives you a thumbs up. You grin back at him.


      A few years later, Hogwarts is built up to what it was before the Battle of Hogwarts, though with some changes. Harry is Head Auror, you became a professor in the Defence Against Dark Arts, and Draco became a Potions Master. Draco and you are seriously dating now and you believe you're going to marry him.

      "Hello." Draco says, walking up to you and sliding his hand into yours. He kisses your cheek and smiles at you.

      You smile back at him. "Hey." You greet.

     "You're looking exceptionally beautiful today." He murmurs lowly.

      You blush. "Thank you." You say softly.

     "Want to go for a walk tonight?" He asks.

     "I'd love to." You say.

     "Will Harry be secretly stalking us like he always does when he go out on dates?" Draco asks.

      You laugh and shake your head. "I'll tell him to stay away tonight." You answer, grinning. "He's so protective of me." You state.

      "It's kind of annoying." Draco says, smiling widely.

     You chuckle. "Sometimes." You agree. You look up at your boyfriend. "I'll tell him to make himself scarce." You say.

     "Thanks." Draco responds. He quickly kisses your lips before walking off down the hall. You stop and smile at him walking away. You sigh happily and then continue to walk.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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