Life Support {ManxBoy} | Matu...

By jaybleurose

23.7K 1.3K 86

Vance's life couldn't be more perfect, his life just keeps getting more and more neat and orderly. His succes... More

Chapter 00
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
What's your favorite color?

Chapter 05

983 63 0
By jaybleurose

Chapter Five:

Lifting the fork, lowering the fork, lifting the fork, lowering the fork, Cyro watched as he stabbed it into his food repetitively. He could feel his friends staring at him but he didn't feel like speaking to them, his free hand tangled in and out of his hair as he let his mind drift off to no where in particular. He wanted to tell his friends about Vance, about how weird yet amazing it had all been, he had even planned on calling his best friend the moment he got home that day but when he picked up his phone to call him it had just seemed weird.

It had been three days since he'd lost his virginity, and he hadn't told anyone about it. The following morning Cyro was dropped off at his house, Vance had given him his number and Cyro had given him his but Cyro was too nervous to do anything with it. He wanted to ask his friends what they thought he should do but every time he even thought about saying something he couldn't.

"Stop stabbing the sandwich!" Finally, Labrys broke the silence snatching the fork from Cyro's hand throwing it onto the table. Cyro looked up at him shocked, but not surprised that it had been him of all people to finally yell at him for sulking, or whatever it was he seemed to be doing lately."You're so irritating lately, just staring off into space like you don't wanna be here, you don't have to be here you know, you can go somewhere else."

"You're right, I'm sorry guys." Cyro sighed gathering his lunch back into its plastic container as he scanned his surrounding for a second, remembering just where exactly he was. He and his friends usually had lunch around one p.m. outside, near the edge of the college campus with whoever had class that day, no one ever really bothered them because the table was so far back on the campus most people never even had to come back there. Cyro looked back at his friends at the table, it was a Tuesday so everyone was there, Labrys, Nie, Lauren, Shelby, and even Jack, but Cyro felt as though he shouldn't be. "I should probably go."

"No, you should stay!" Jack squealed grabbing Cyro's left hand tightly in both of his smaller ones. "Tell us what's wrong!"

Jack was undeniably Cyro's best friend, they'd known each other since he could remember. Ever since he'd know Jack he would make this puppy face that could get him almost anything he wanted, in fact in the time that they'd been friends Cyro had never seen it not work and that included on him. He tried hard to resist it due to the fact that he was definitely not ready to talk about how he'd lost his virginity just three days prior but it was no use.

"I finally lost my virginity." Cyro found himself blurting out, sinking back into his seat at the table. His friends Labrys and Shelby immediately began sharing crude jokes and looks around the table but Nie silenced them by slamming his hand on the table for which Cyro mumbled a barely audible thank you. Everyone stared at him quietly for a time before finally, Lauren broke the silence.

"So how was it, I thought you were, like, saving yourself or something." She smiled at him making it clear that she wasn't judging him in anyways. In truth, all his friends were like that, all genuinely interested absolutely none of them appeared to be even the slightest bit judgmental about his announcement. Even so he wasn't sure what to say so he shrugged. His friends all nodded as if they understood and he was almost positive they did. There was really no way to judge your first time except against expectations.

"Well tell us about it then I guess." Nie prompted. "You know like, who was it, and how you met them."

"And were you safe?" Lauren added on, earning a collective nod around the table.

"We, uh, used protection," Cyro started nervously looking around at his friends, all of them leaning in with obvious interest in whatever he had to say. "I, well, I met him at a bar. I was actually talking to another guy but he left me and then I saw him at the bar, I thought he was weird cause he was wearing work clothes but it was so late."

Cyro stopped, chewing the inside of his cheek as he thought about his night with Vance. He wondered what he should tell his friends and what he shouldn't, they were all different in how they talked about their sex life. Honestly he just wasn't sure where he fit in, Nie was the type to go into ridiculous amount of detail, sometimes even going so far as to recount the way his sex partner grunted or moaned when they came. And on the contrary side was Lauren who usually told them about how she met the person showed a selfie she'd taken with them and ended the story with 'and you know I smashed'.

"He told me his name was Vance, I think he was probably Italian, he was really tall with dark hair. We exchanged numbers but I don't think I'll see him again." Cyro told them before adding a slight shrug, a sign they all took to mean that was all he was going to say about it.

"So what did you think about sex as a whole then?" Jack asked suddenly. "Like do you think you'll try it again with someone else?"

"I don't know, I guess I hadn't really thought about it." Cyro replied realizing the truth in the words only as he spoke them, he had been so obsessed with losing his virginity that night but ever since it happened he hadn't really thought of anything past how he should tell his friends and if he should text Vance. He hadn't even really taken the time to decide whether or not he had enjoyed it, much less if he was going to do it again. "I, um, I haven't really thought on it, I don't even really know if I really liked it."

"You should try it again with another person, you'll never know whats good and whats not if you have nothing to compare it to." Jack reasoned but Lauren was quickly reproaching him on his statement quickly turning the table into a practical war-zone. Everyone was debating their beliefs on what sex meant to them and how you measured sex with or without having multiple partners. Cyro smiled at his friends but said nothing as they debated, he was too lost in his own thoughts to pay attention, finding himself once again in a conversation that he didn't quite understand.

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