The Blacksmiths Apprentice (N...

By HiddenShadowx

1.1K 308 227

Highest Ranking #193 in Historical Fiction. Lulu is a princess, coming from the royal family of Britain. She'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
No More!

Chapter 6

57 23 12
By HiddenShadowx

Trent's P.O.V

Mother! Father! Danny! Mike! NOOOOO!!!!

I wake up as soon as I fell asleep. I'm covered in sweat and tears. I wipe my tears and get up to take a shower. When I finish and change back into my pyjamas I hear a scream. It reminded me of the many screams I've heard before. But this scream was different.

I looked out the window and saw something laying on the floor to the entrance of the woods. I squinted my eyes and noticed it was a girl! Not just any girl but princess Lulu. I ran out of my room not caring about my appearance and headed straight to prince James room. I knocked on his door but no reply came. The guards stationed at his door told me he wasn't here.

I nodded my head and told them when he came back to go to the hospital in the castle. They were all confused but nodded their heads. I quickly took off out to the back entrance where 2 guards were standing. They asked me to go back inside but I ignored them. I pushed past them with all my might and sprinted out the doors. They called after me but I didn't listen.

They mumbled some curse words and ran after me. I never stopped running till I reached Lulu. I inspected her wounds and she had blood pooling from her face. Her knees and arms were scratched. When the guards reached me they looked at the sight in my arms. I picked the princess up and ran to the hospital.

My tears ran down my cheek. The way she looked brought back to many memories. I shook away my tears and headed inside. I screamed at the nurses and doctors to help Lulu. When they saw her they all hurried over to take her and fix her up. I followed them in and they all murmured with each other.

One doctor walked up to me and asked me what happened. I told her how I was changing my clothes and I heard a scream. I looked out and saw her and ran for her. How I called for Prince James but he wasn't in his chambers. The doctor took all this down and asked me to go back to my chambers and calm down.

I didn't want to leave the princess but I had no choice. I got up and walked back to my room. I scrubbed off all the gore and blood of the princess and changed my clothes again. I sat on my bed thinking about the incident. Something seemed off though.

I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew that it had to do with the bashing I received. I shrugged it off to the side and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Unknown P.O.V

He was back now with the princess in his arms. The princess was covered in blood and dirt. The same way I imagined Trent to look like. The first time I bashed him I didn't get to finish the job because I heard footsteps entering the dining room. I was pissed off and angry.

He deserved what came his way. He killed my family. Him and that serial killer father. I honestly don't know how they were related since Trent had black hair and blue eyes and the serial killer had blond hair and brown eyes. I assumed it was his father since he stood close to him.

I still remember the day clearly. I was in my room finishing off my homework. My mum was doing the dishes and my father had passed away a year earlier. My sister Vienna was playing her guitar and suddenly the door crashed open. I hid straight away as I saw a man and a child walk in. The child was clinging onto the mans arm screaming something to him but I couldn't hear. All I heard was the ringing in my head.

The older man had a knife in his hand and he walked up to my sister who was frozen in place. I tried screaming at her to move but no words would come out. The man walked up to her and slid the knife across her throat. My mother screamed and the man ran up to her and stabbed the knife through my mums heart.

Blood pored out of her and it was too gruesome to look at. I looked towards the serial killer and studied him. I always watched crime shows and when I looked back at him, I knew who he was. He was a serial killer. I gulped and dared to not move. The little boy was crying but I didn't feel anything.

I vowed to myself I would get revenge on both. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I sunk further into my hiding spot. Suddenly the serial killer was surrounded by police and he was arrested. The police asked the little boy what his name was and he said Trent.

The police had a conversation with him and they took him with them. I knew the police thought Trent was in hiding. They didn't know that he had played a part in this scheme. When everyone left I got out of my hiding spot and looked around everything was destroyed. The police had taken the bodies and all that was left was the blood and ruined pieces.

I grabbed the cleaning equipment and started cleaning. I had OCD (Obsessive–compulsive disorder) and that made me have a habit of making everything clean. I was 12 back then and I didn't know that the police had to keep this house how it was looking to look for evidence. So I cleaned until the house was spotless.

Then it hit me. My family was dead! I cried and cried and cried until I couldn't cry any more. I decided I couldn't stay here any longer. I got up and walked down the road to who knows where. Someone found me and took me in. They were my 2nd family.

Soon when I grew old enough I applied to work in the castle. I got accepted and I enjoyed my work until the day I saw him. Trent. He was walking along the corridor heading to the dining room and all I could see was red. I charged at him, my fists flying at his face, kicking him. He struggled against me trying to fight me off.

He eventually gave up and I knocked him unconscious. But I wasn't done there, I wanted him dead like what he did to my family. But I heard footsteps from the dining room and knew I had to stop there. I ran away from him straight to my room and removed all evidence off me.

I felt relaxed a bit knowing I got my stress out. But my rage came back when I saw him with the princess in his arms. I didn't do anything since there were people near and anyone could hear him scream. I held it in and walked back to my room then and fell asleep dreaming of ways to murder Trent.

Authors note

Hey guys! I hope u like this chapter. It was shorter than usual but I hope I made up with it for the amount of information u got on Trent's past and a new p.o.v. Any clues of who it could be?

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