Worlds Colliding (The Origina...

De heartofice97

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All rights go the creators of The Originals and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots. hear... Mai multe

characters & trailer
main character theme songs/ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - For the Next Millennium
chapter 2 - You Hung the Moon
chapter 3 - I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans
chapter 4 - A Walk on the Wild Side
chapter 5 - The Axeman's Letter
chapter 6 - Beautiful Mistake
chapter 7 - Out of the Easy
chapter 8 - The Other Girls in New Orleans
chapter 9 - Savior
chapter 10 - A Ghost Along the Mississippi
chapter 12 - Dead Angels
chapter 13 - Heart Shaped Box
chapter 14 - Streetcar Named Desire
chapter 15 - An Old Friend Calls
chapter 16 - Alone With Everybody
chapter 17 - Behind the Black Horizon
chapter 18 - The Devil Comes Here and Sighs
chapter 19 - No More Heartbreaks
chapter 20 - Where Nothing Stays Buried
chapter 21 - Give 'Em Hell, Kid
chapter 22 - The Bloody Crown

chapter 11 - Wild At Heart

688 24 11
De heartofice97

Outfits in the external link 

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the courtyard, Freya had seen the vision, relaying the information to Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah.

Cami: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)"

Freya was visibly shaken by the visions she had been shown. She sounded very grim. "If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall. One by friend, one by foe, one by foreigner, and one... by family."

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in Klaus' room, Kaylin and Klaus were saying goodbye until they met again.

"Stay here with your family and make sure that this stupid prophecy doesn't come true," Kaylin told him. "Your family needs you. Mine needs me." She managed a small smile, embracing Klaus suddenly, surprising him before he returned it. "I don't know when I can come back, but I will come back to you."

Kaylin leaned closer to kiss Klaus goodbye, placing a hand on his cheek. 

From 3.09 "Savior", in the cemetery, the Strix had Auria, Davina and Cami cornered.

Tristan walked toward Cami, snapping her neck, letting her fall dead. "Camille has my blood in her system. She will awaken shortly in transition."

Later, Davina and Auria were kneeling next to Cami's body, waiting for her to wake, being watched by two vampire guards and the female witch from the night before.

Cami gasped herself back to life, startling them. She was in shock. "I'm dead."

"But you will not stay dead," Davina told her.

"Whatever you choose, that's your decision to make," Auria told her.

"There is a darkness inside of everyone," Cami told them.

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in the cemetery, Cami was unable to resist the blood in front of her, starting to feed from Caitlin's wrist.

Cami: (voice over from 3.10 A Ghost Along the Mississippi) "What if mine takes over?"

Cami's eyes became blood red, the blood vessels around the darkening, indicating that she had completed her transition into a vampire.

Auria: (voice over from 3.10 A Ghost Along the Mississippi) "You can't let it."

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in Cami's apartment, Auria and Cami were talking.

Auria looked worried, though less so now that she knew she had chosen to live as a vampire rather than die as a human. "And how do you feel?"

"It was amazing," Cami told her.

Auria looked worried about what Cami was turning into, thinking that it was her fault because Tristan turned her to force her to activate the Serratura.

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in the auto shop, Mikayla and Jackson were chained up and being wolfsbaned.

Tristan grabbed Jackson by the hair, pulling his head back, plunging his hand into Jackson's chest, making him scream in pain.

Mikayla screamed for him to stop. "No." Tristan ripped out Jackson's ripped out Jackson's heart, killing him. Mikayla became hysterical with fury and devastation, desperately trying to break free to kill him. "No!"

Tristan let go Jackson's head, watching in satisfaction.

Mikayla cried in devastating denial, screaming in agony. 

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in the bayou, All of the wolves had gathered in the bayou outside.

Hayley and Mikayla walked toward the other wolves by the lake.

Mikayla took the torch from Hayley, walking toward Jackson, setting his body ablaze. She handed the torch to Hayley, setting the boat out onto the lake. She could barely speak above a whisper. "Till death do us part."

Everyone watched mournfully as Jackson drifted across the water.

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in the road, Klaus and Elijah took Aurora out of the car.

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in the compound, Kassandra and Freya were talking.

"How can Aurora be gone?" Kassandra asked.

"Well, she couldn't have broken free of my and Auria's barrier on her own," Freya told her. "Either she was aided by a witch, or someone who has access to dark objects."

Kassandra sighed, turning to face Freya. "The Strix have an entire coven of witches for their own uses and gains." 

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in the warehouse, Klaus, Kassandra, Elijah, Hayley, Mikayla, Cami and the Strix were facing off.

Tristan was trapped.

 "The Serratura creates an impenetrable boundary," Klaus told him smugly. "Nothing living or dead can pass through."

Aya put her right hand over her heart in a sort of salute to her former leader. "May the ghosts of our fallen keep you company."

The Strix, Marcel, Noah and Aya included, rushed out of the warehouse, leaving.

Later, Klaus, Kassandra, Elijah, Hayley and Mikayla walked toward the shipping container.

Kassandra smirked, leaning against the door of the container. "You are going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again and again over the course of centuries."

Mikayla walked closer, looking Tristan in the eye. "You took a very good man from this world. The man that I loved. He will be with me forever. But you? You will be forgotten. And as you rot in the ocean, remember my face." She reached over to grab the shipping container door, beginning to close it, looking at him coldly in silent fury. "Because it's gonna be the last one you ever see."

Mikayla closed the door with a loud bang.

Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah looked somber.

Hayley and Mikayla embraced.


Day One

Morning - Davilla Estate - Meeting Room 

The Strix and Caitlin were having breakfast.

Caitlin was sitting at the end of the table, next to Marcel and Noah.

Aya stood at the head of the table, across from Caitlin, to address everyone. "Tristan de Martel guided this organization for centuries. He was a radical thinker, decisive leader, and, to each of us here tonight, both mentor and friend. He was, in a word, irreplaceable."

Marcel raised his glass of champagne in a toast, smirking slightly. "To Tristan de Martel."

Caitlin and Noah looked at Marcel, raising their eyebrows slightly, knowing that he was just playing them so that they would trust him.

Noah raised his glass.

Caitlin sighed, taking a drink of champagne to hide her smirk.

The others in attendance raised their glasses as well, drinking.

Aya continued her speech. "Though we grieve his loss, I will not allow that defeat to hamper our cause. We will stand united in the face of this tragedy. Of singular mind and of singular heart." A pale, blonde-haired young woman wearing a black hooded cloak walked in, joining Aya at the head of the table. Caitlin was interested that a girl so close to her own age that she didn't know was here. The girl seemed intrigued by Caitlin's presence as well. Aya introduced the girl to the rest of them. "To that end, I've asked our witch Ariane to conduct an assessment."



Night - Davilla Estate - Pool Room

Ariane was leading a group of six similarly-cloaked witches in a ritual.

The ritual involved a room filled with lit white candles and what looked like a large cow heart.

Ariane set the heart in a box on top of a stool in the middle of the circle.

The witches linked hands, circling around the heart as it beat within the bowl.



Morning - Davilla Estate - Meeting Room 

Everyone was sitting at the table.

Ariane lowered the hood of her cloak.

Aya smiled fakely at the rest of them at the table, turning to Ariane. "Tell me, Ariane. When you looked into their hearts, what did you see?" Aya and Ariane looked around at all of them seated before them. Everyone looked curious but slightly nervous. "Was it loyalty? Or something else?"

"Before each of you lies a card," Ariane told them. "A divination of your truest self. If your intentions are pure, you should not fear what it shows."

Noah, Caitlin and Marcel exchanged a subtly nervous look, looking at the face-down tarot cards in front of them.

Aya walked over to the vampire to her left.

The vampire looked down at his own plate, turning the card over to reveal a Knight of Pentacles.

Aya was pleased. "A loyal knight."

Aya walked to the next vampire to the left.

The vampire turned it over. It was also a Knight of Pentacles.

Aya walked to the next vampire to the left.

The vampire turned it over. It was also a Knight of Pentacles.

Aya walked to the next vampire to the left, the vampire that was on the other side of Noah.

The vampire looked anxious, standing, turning to face Aya. "I owe no allegiance to you."

Aya sneered at him for the briefest moment, karate-chopping his head clean off his shoulders.

Caitlin tried not to gasp from surprise.

The vampire's decapitated body fell to the floor.

Marcel swallowed nervously.

Noah looked at Caitlin and Marcel worriedly.

Aya walked over to the table, pushing the vampire's now empty seat against the table. "I will not tolerate anyone conspiring to use our present circumstances as an opportunity for a power grab." She lifted up the tarot card that had been given to the recently deceased vampire so that everyone could see it. It was of the Hanged Man. Aya put it down, walking closer to Noah. "And you, Noah Dumaine? Do you seek to betray me for power as well?"

Noah smiled weakly. "I'm hurt that you even have to ask."

Noah tried to look confident, though his eyes betrayed him as he reached down to turn over his card.

Caitlin and Marcel watched him nervously.

Caitlin was holding her breath, not knowing what to expect.

Noah flipped over the corner of his card to prepare himself for what it held. After a brief moment, he exhaled, turning the card over.

It was the Knight of Pentacles.

Caitlin closed her eyes in relief.

Marcel sighed in relief.

Aya was surprised but pleased, moving on to stand behind Caitlin. "And you, Caitlin Harris. Are you wondering why you're here?"

"I'm guessing it's because you want me to be here if you have to kill Noah or Marcel," Caitlin told her.

"That's one reason," Aya told her.

"Then what's the other?" Caitlin asked.

"I want to see what you're capable of," Aya answered. "Being a student of pretty much everyone in this room, and even Tristan de Martel himself, maybe you've made more progress than we think you have." Caitlin looked down nervously, taking a deep breath, slowly picking up her tarot card without looking at it. Ariane smiled a small smile. Caitlin frowned in confusion, flipping the card over, revealing it to both herself and Aya. "Mm. The High Priestess. Interesting."

Caitlin frowned in confusion. "What does it mean?"

Aya looked as if she wasn't entirely sure herself, walking toward Marcel. "And what about you, Marcel Gerard?" Marcel hesitantly looked at his card, sighing in relief, showing it to Aya. The Knight of Pentacles. Aya looked satisfied. "These are uncertain times. We need to be certain of each other." She walked toward Ariane at the head of the table. "Despite what Elijah Mikaelson may have us believe, the prophecy of his demise is all too real. And, a threat to our sire is a threat against us. I, for one, am committed to ensuing our continued survival." She picked up her glass of champagne, holding it up, never taking her eyes from Noah, Caitlin or Marcel. "By whatever means necessary."

Noah, Caitlin and Marcel looked at each other, sighing, not knowing what was to come for them.


Worlds Colliding (The Originals)


Jackson Square Market 

Caitlin, Davina and Auria were in Jackson Square Market, which was predominantly run by witches, holding a bag of ingredients and magic stuff.

Davina was looking at a dark object that Caitlin was holding. "Where did you get that?"

"I gave it to Caitlin so that she can use it against witches if they ever tried to hurt her with magic," Auria answered.

Caitlin looked at the bag Auria was holding. "What is all that?"

Auria stopped walking, turning to face them. "It's more dark objects and weapons that you can use to defend yourself. Caitlin, just because you're human does not mean that you can't defend yourself."

"You mean other than kicking ass?" Davina asked. "The training Caitlin's been getting from the Strix is turning her into more of a badass than when she just had Noah's training, Auria."

They smiled, laughing.

Auria handed the bag to Caitlin. "All right, you two go through that and see what you want from it. I gotta meet up with Cami at Rousseau's."

"All right," Caitlin told her. Auria started to walk away. Caitlin turned after her. "Auria?" Auria turned back to look at Caitlin. "Thanks. Seriously."

Auria tilted her head, smiling kindly, walking away.

Davina and Caitlin smiled, walking away in another direction.


Abattoir Compound - Klaus' Study 

Klaus, Kassandra, Elijah and Hayley were talking.

Hayley looked at Klaus in confusion. "So, where did she go?"

"I assume we are talking about Kaylin, the source of Niklaus's current anxiety," Elijah told them. 

Kassandra turned to her brother sarcastically. "Just refresh my memory, Niklaus. Were we the ones who let Kaylin waltz out of here and head straight to Mystic Falls to punish a vampire that has wronged every single member of the Salvatore family, knowing that she could be heading for her death? Oh, that's right. It was you. You deal with that. We'll deal with us Mikaelsons potentially falling."

Klaus sighed in frustration, rolling his eyes. "I didn't want to let Kaylin leave alone to head to her potential demise, but she was right about one thing. She has her battles there. I have mine here."

"Niklaus, if you are so concerned for Kaylin's safety and her mental well-being, be sure nothing comes of it," Elijah told him. "If you want to go, go. Be sure that nothing happens to Kaylin or Nicola or the other Salvatores. Kassandra and I will deal with the growing nightmare of family Mikaelson's potential extinction."

"Yes, always the diligent defenders, despite the fact that the danger has somewhat subsided, with Tristan de Martel now literally sleeping with the fishes," Klaus told them.

"A darker threat remains," Kassandra told him. "Now, if something out there is capable of killing us..." She lowered her voice to a mocking whisper. "We should probably find it."

Klaus sighed. "I'd love to. And I'd love to believe Kaylin's promise that she would be fine and wouldn't face this vampire alone, but I know her far too well to believe that she would involve her family in a fight that she clearly wants to finish herself. That's if Kaylin and Nicola have managed to pull Stefan and Damon from the Phoenix Stone."

 Mikayla was standing on the outside balcony of her apartment, listening. She finally couldn't take hearing any more without speaking up, exhausted and overwhelmed. "Kaylin left a message."

Klaus was startled to hear her. "Mikayla?"

Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra and Hayley were surprised to hear her voice, looking toward Mikayla across the way, concerned.

Mikayla looked down. "I couldn't sleep. I've been here all night and all morning. I needed some air." They continued to look at her in silence. Mikayla sighed. "I heard your answering machine pick up a message from Kaylin."

"Mikayla, if you're not sleeping..." Hayley trailed off in concern.

"I'm fine, Hayley," Mikayla told her. "Perks of being a hybrid. I can't die from sleep deprivation."

"If you need to stay here a few days, of course you may, Mikayla," Elijah told her. "It's all right."

"Mikayla, this family comes with many, many hardships, but there is at least one benefit," Kassandra told her. "You will always have a home here."

Mikayla took a moment to think numbly, nodding, a little grateful for the kindness, walking back into the apartment.



Elijah was on the phone. "I sincerely hope you're calling from somewhere far, far away."

Aya's voice was on the other line. "I think we both know..." She was in the back of a limo. "I won't leave until this prophecy is averted. Somewhere out there is an elusive weapon capable of killing an Original. I'm calling to suggest we pool our efforts to find it."

"I don't play well with others," Elijah told her.

Aya sighed. "Lucien's witch Alexis left her clues in a rather cryptic puzzle. What if I told you I had the means to put it together, with the help of you and your sister Kassandra?"

Elijah seemed surprised by this revelation. 


The French Quarter 

Davina and Caitlin were walking down a street in the French Quarter.

Davina was going through the bag that Caitlin had gotten from Auria. "So, all of this is to make weapons that you can use to defeat a vampire that's older and stronger than you?"

"Yeah," Caitlin answered. "I got vervain, wolfsbane, wolf venom... Aya has this ring that she wears that has toxin in it. She used it against me once."

"And you think you can use that tactic with different toxins in different things," Davina finished.

Caitlin nodded. "Yeah. And, since Auria's busy as Regent and with Cami today, I was hoping you could help me with some of the magical requirements." 

Davina smiled. "Of course." Caitlin smiled. Davina opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted when a limo pulled up to the curb next to them. "Should I be worried, or, like, really excited right now?"

The window was rolled down to reveal Aya in the backseat, who looked amused but impatient.

Caitlin sighed, concerned by the sight of her.

"Hello, Caitlin," Aya told her.

Caitlin nodded awkwardly. "Aya."

Davina looked at Caitlin in surprise. "From the Strix?"

Caitlin never looked away from Aya. "Yep."

"Sorry to interrupt the bonding, girls," Aya told them. "I suggest you both get in. We've much to discuss."

Davina looked at Caitlin, a little concerned.

(Song:) Hipster Shakes - Black Pistol Fire

Caitlin looked at Davina reassuringly, nodding. She sighed, opening the limo door, getting inside on the other side of the limo as Aya.

Davina got in, sitting next to Caitlin, closing the door behind her.

The driver drove them and the limo away.



Black Pistol Fire was playing live.

Cami walked in confidently, taking off her jacket, making her way to the bar.

Auria was standing at the bar, dancing to the music sensually.

Cami walked up to Auria, smiling. "Auria, you know how to move."

Auria chuckled, stunned by Cami's appearance. "Damn, girl. Cami, you look amazing."

"You know, I feel amazing," Cami told her, smirking.

A frat boy-type wearing a backwards baseball cap walked up to the bar to order drinks, watching Auria dance and drink.

Auria started to feel weirded out by his stare, stopping.

The guy smirked, looking at the female bartender. "Hey, four tequila shots, stat." He looked at Auria. "And don't be afraid to move that sweet ass."

The bartender went to make the drinks.

Auria was annoyed. "Real nice. No, really. You don't even know me."

"I don't need to know you to know that you're gorgeous and that I wanna see you shake it," the guy told her.

Cami pretended to be a ditzy girl, smiling fakely at him, seductively sliding her hands over the guy's shoulders. "Right now, it's hard work resisting the urge to rip your throat out with my teeth." Auria looked at her in surprise. Cami compelled the guy. "You're gonna find an ATM, and you're going to max out your daily limit and leave that nice, underpaid bartender the biggest tip she's ever seen. Then, you're gonna meet me in the alley out back so we can have some real fun together. And turn that hat around. You're an adult."

Cami patted the guy patronizingly on the chest, walking toward Auria.

The guy consciously reached up to turn his hat so the bill was facing forward, walking away.

Auria looked at Cami, sighing worriedly.

(Song Ends)


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Aya brought Davina and Caitlin to the Davilla estate, to another room, which had a large, in-ground pool in the middle of the room that was full of herbs and flowers.

Six female witches were kneeling around the pool, including Ariane. They were surrounded by candles, seeming to be doing some kind of ritual.

Aya had a parchment scroll in each of her hands, leading Davina and Caitlin toward the pool. "As you know from your own experience, any vampire who seeks out true power will inevitably require the aid of a witch. We Strix are no exception. However, I have found that witches for hire can only be trusted so far, and so... meet the sisters, wayward souls with an extraordinary capacity for magic. Of course, when I found they were nothing but orphans and outcasts belonging nowhere and with no one until they found a home here with us."

Caitlin was surprised. "So, the Strix have their own personal coven?"

"Think of them as consultants held on retainer," Aya told them. "If your nine covens are a burning candle, what you see before you is a five-alarm fire. In fact, they are the only coven in the world capable of casting these." She handed one scroll to Davina, the other to Caitlin. Davina and Caitlin unfurled the scrolls, skimming their contents. Davina realized what Caitlin's scroll was, looking at Caitlin in shock. Caitlin looked at her in confusion. Aya looked satisfied with the reactions. "The spell to raise the dead, and the spell to break the link between Marcel Gerard and Caitlin Harris."

"How did you know?" Davina asked.

"About your dogged desire to bring back Kol Mikaelson?" Aya asked. She gestured to the sisters. "That's what they're for. The sisters search the unknown and reveal to me anything that may be of use. Including what I need to make you my ally."

Caitlin looked at Aya warily. "What do you want?"

"I'll make certain that your little friend here is granted the power to bring back her precious little Kol," Aya told her. "We've also have tried to break the link between you and Marcel before, but to do that, we need two New Orleans witches."

"No, you need a witch from the bloodline that cursed me," Caitlin told her. "Hate to break it to you, but they're all dead."

Aya smiled a small, amused smile, shaking her head. "Not with this spell. It is stronger than anything either of you have ever seen. It grants access past the Ancestors that are blocking the de-linking spells your two witch friends have tried. But we need two witches from New Orleans who has had experience with trying to break the link to do it." She looked at Davina. "Like you, and Auria Rayvnne."

"Auria's not gonna trust you after what your boss did to Cami at the cemetery," Davina told her.

"I know, which is why I'm talking to you," Aya told her. "Maybe you can help Caitlin here convince Auria to work with us. We can give you the spell and the power to use the de-linking spell and the resuscitation spell. In exchange, you will take a vow of fealty and become one of my sisters. It's all rather straight-forward, I assure you. Each of them faced a similar choice." Davina seemed to be torn between wanting to resurrect Kol, wanting to break the link between Marcel and Caitlin, and being wary of what will be expected of her from the Strix once she would complete the spells. Ariane looked up from what she was doing, making eye contact with both Davina and Caitlin for a brief moment, returning to her work. "That which you must wish for is within your grasp. The question is, are you willing to pay the price?"

Davina continued to consider her options.

Caitlin looked at Davina with a significant look, knowing that they could not trust Aya, but this was the only way to bring Kol back and break the link between Marcel and Caitlin.



(Song:) Show Pony - Black Pistol Fire 

Cami and Auria were sitting at the bar, drinking.

Cami smiled. "Thanks for meeting me."

"Well, you're a vampire because of me," Auria told her. "Tristan turned you to force me to activate the Serratura, and if I hadn't activated it, he would have killed you for real. If I had said yes the first time, he would have left you human."

"That's actually why I asked you to meet me," Cami told her. "I don't blame you for what happened to me. I actually want to thank you."

Auria looked at her in surprise. "Excuse me? You would've torn that guy apart, whether you meant to or not. Probably doing the world a favor in the process, but..."

"I'm a vampire now, Auria," Cami told her. "Isn't that what we do? We hunt. We feed. We kill."

Auria looked around to make sure no one was listening, giving Cami a look. "We might want to keep our voices down just a little bit."

Cami continued to speak at regular volume, not caring if anyone heard. "Why? I can just compel anyone to do anything I want."

Auria was clearly concerned by her personality change, but she tried her best to remain silent. "I know your little chats with Klaus may have you feeling like you're quite the expert, but you're not equipped to live in this world. What the Mikaelsons do and what you do are not the same thing. You're not like them."

Cami considered this for a moment, sighing, seeming to revert to her old self. "Maybe you're right. My emotions are all over the place. I feel like someone turned up the volume on my life, and I can't hear myself think. And everything feels so good, but it's all happening at once."

Auria seemed relieved but concerned to hear this, knowing that Cami was still like she used to be, but she just had to get through to her. "So, then let me help you."

Cami hesitated, nodding.

(Song Ends)


St. Anne's Church - Attic 

Davina was in the middle of setting up for a spell, lying down a salt circle around a chaise lounge.

Caitlin was injecting vervain, wolfsbane and wolf's venom into her trinkets that she had gotten, her back to Davina.

"So, it's really just a simple suspension spell," Davina told her. "The poison stops my heart, and the spell keeps me from dying for good."

"Great," Caitlin told her sarcastically. "Yeah, now I'm totally on board. Uh, just except for the part about the poison, your heart, and whatever the hell you said at the end there about dying."

Davina sighed. "Caitlin, Auria doesn't trust the Strix, and there's no way that she would help me get information about them after what they did to Cami. Auria would tell me to let it go, and I can't do that. If I'm gonna find out if those spells that Aya showed us really work, I need to go to the only other witch in New Orleans I trust besides Auria, and that would be Kol."

Caitlin stood, turning to face Davina, nodding sarcastically. "Hmm. Your dead boyfriend who currently resides in spooky-witch-purgatory? Sure. What could possibly go wrong?"

"Relax," Davina told her. "I'm just gonna pop over and pop back. Easy." She paused for a moment. "All I need to do is channel the power that's in your blood from the link."

Caitlin looked at her in shock and exasperation. "No. Uh-uh. No, no, no. You see this foot, Davina?" She stomped her foot. "This is me putting it down, okay? For your own good." Davina suddenly looked dizzy and woozy, stumbling. Caitlin instantly walked closer, catching her before she fell to the floor. "Oh, easy." She led Davina over to the chaise lounge to sit her down, realizing what was really going on. "Uh, and you already took the poison, didn't you?"

Davina nodded weakly. "Uh-huh."

Caitlin knelt next to Davina, sighing. "Huh. Okay. For the record, if you looked up 'uncool' in the dictionary, there would just be a drawing of what's happening right now." Davina looked at Caitlin pleadingly. Caitlin finally gave in, sighing. "What do I need to do?"

Davina weakly picked up a knife, taking Caitlin's hand, slicing her palm open, holding the knife toward her.

Caitlin took it, slicing Davina's palm open.

Davina used her bleeding hand to hold Caitlin's bleeding hand tightly. "Whatever happens, don't let go, okay? You're my link to the living."

Davina finally stopped fighting the effects of the poison, closing her eyes.

Caitlin held her hand in tightly in her own, watching Davina worriedly.


Ancestral Limbo - St. Anne's Church 

The scene was gray-toned as Davina opened her eyes, sitting up on the chaise lounge. She looked around the attic for a moment, standing, heading for the door. After a moment, she turned back to see Caitlin looking at her own body with concern, seemingly overwhelmed by how surreal the scene looked. "Caitlin?" 

Davina realized that Caitlin couldn't hear her, turning around, walking out of the attic.


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Aya had just led Elijah and Kassandra into the pool room, explaining what she had been trying to achieve since coming to the city. "We've searched for a seer for decades. Ultimately, we have made a rather startling discovery." She turned to the sisters. "Ariane, come forward, please."

Ariane stood, walking toward them, looking at Elijah and Kassandra curiously.

Kassandra seemed skeptical of the young witch's power. "This is your secret weapon?"

"She's untrained, of course, but she's shown a spark of talent," Aya told them. "Which, in itself, is unbelievably rare."

"And what do you want from us?" Elijah asked suspiciously.

"Witches like Ariane spend years absorbing all manner of information," Aya told them. "They see patterns in the chaos, in part because they view history as a whole. Sadly, we don't have that kind of time."

Aya looked at Ariane.

Ariane looked at Elijah and Kassandra. "Water will act as a conductor, allowing me to enter your minds." She lowered her hood, taking off her cloak, holding it out for Elijah to take. "To know everything you know, to understand everything that you've learned in a thousand years."

Elijah and Kassandra did not seem to like the sound of this.

Aya interjected to try to reassure them. "Think of it as a crash course into your minds, garnering just enough information to answer the only question that matters."

Ariane walked into the water, fully clothed in her long black dress, turning in the water until she was facing them, looking at them expectantly as she waited for them to join her.


Mikayla's Apartment - Living Room 

A still-grieving Mikayla was packing up a few things to take over to the compound, because she couldn't stay in the apartment right then, not now. Every second that she was here, all she could think or see was Jackson, and it felt like it was going to tear her apart every time that she remembered that he was gone, and he was never going to come back. She saw one of Jackson's flannel shirts hanging over the back of the chair across from her, becoming overwhelmed by the memory of his death. After a moment, she hastily finished packing up, walking out, leaving.


Night - Ancestral Limbo - The French Quarter 

Davina looked nervous as she walked down the abandoned streets of the French Quarter, glancing around anxiously to make sure her presence hadn't been noticed by any of the dead witch spirits. 

A shadowy figure rushed out of the alley to grab her and pull her into it. 



Davina became terrified, starting to struggle against the mysterious person before she realized who it was. "Stop it! Let go of me!"

Kol frantically tried to quiet her down. "Easy now, easy now. Don't take off my head."

Davina looked at him in surprise and relief, though a part of her was still concerned that she was being tricked by the Ancestors somehow. "Kol?"

Kol smiled. "Come on, you don't recognize this roguish grin? I guess my true face is just too handsome."

Davina chuckled nervously. "You certainly sound like Kol Mikaelson."

Kol smiled. "Oh, Davina Claire..."  He pulled Davina into an embrace. "Oh, you are a sight for bleary and battered eyes." They pulled away. "You're also stark raving mad. Do you have any idea what would happen if the Ancestors found you here?" The streetlights around them started to flicker and buzz with electricity, which made Kol extremely concerned. "Come on. We can't stay here."

Kol took Davina by the hand, pulling her away so they could take cover somewhere safe.


Land of the Living - Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Elijah and Kassandra had taken off their jackets, but were otherwise fully clothed, walking into the pool. They stood on either side of Ariane, biting into her neck to see what she could see, but so that she could see into their minds as well.

The memories were speeding by in quick flashes, including Mikael trying to stake Elijah in the 1919 flashbacks in 1.15 Le Grand Guignol, both Elijah and Kassandra watching as Klaus returned with Henrik's dead body in the 1001 flashbacks in Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 3.08 Ordinary People, Elijah snapping Agnes' neck in 1.07 Fruit of the Poisoned Tree, Lucien and Kassandra kissing after killing a woman together in the 1002 flashback in 3.03 I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, Nicola and Elijah in the woods after he saved her from being buried alive in Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 5.11 500 Years of Solitude, Kaylin throwing two vervain grenades at Elijah in Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 2.09 Rose, Klaus giving Kassandra a hybrid bite in 2.21 Fire With Fire, Elijah holding Hayley in the swimming pool at the former Mikaelson Plantation in 1.07 Fruit of the Poisoned Tree, the Guerrera werewolves biting and attacking both Elijah and Kassandra in 1.21 The Battle of New Orleans, Kassandra and Lucien kissing in 3.06 Beautiful Mistake, Elijah, Kassandra and their siblings watching as Klaus killed Mikael for a second time in 2.18 Night Has a Thousand Eyes, Klaus daggering Kassandra in the 1492 flashback in Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 2.19 Klaus, Klaus daggering Elijah in 1.01 Always and Forever, Klaus, Elijah and Kassandra watching as Freya performed the spell to confirm Alexis' prophecy in 3.02 You Hung the Moon, Elijah's first appearance after arriving in New Orleans in 1711 on the ship with his family in 1.01 Always and Forever, Kassandra's first waking appearance after arriving in New Orleans and saving Sophie Deveraux from the vampires in 1.01 Always and Forever, Kassandra sick in bed due to the hybrid bite with Rebekah by her side in 2.22 Ashes to Ashes, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Kassandra vowing to stay together always in forever in the 1001 flashbacks in Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 3.08 Ordinary People, along with many, many others that were too quick to catch.

Elijah and Kassandra were overwhelmed with the spell and the memories, pulling away from feeding on Ariane, gasping.

Ariane was gasping as she recovered as well.

They were all breathing heavily, trying to process what had just happened.

"Did you see it?" Aya asked impatiently. "The weapon?"

Ariane turned to Elijah and Kassandra, looking terrified. "All your family has endured... and yet the worst is still to come. An unending darkness lies before you. A lone figure. A pale horse. A flame that will burn you all."

Ariane continued to look overwhelmed, while both Elijah and Kassandra were shocked by what had just happened.


Rousseau's - Outside Alley 

A young man and woman were making out in an alley off the main street.

Cami confidently approached them, pulling the man off of the woman by the hair, compelling him. "Don't move, and don't make a sound." She pushed him out of the way, turning toward the girl, holding her by the shoulders, compelling her. "No one can help you. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded. 

Cami looked at the girl hungrily, transforming, biting her on the neck, feeding until she died. She turned to the man, feeding on him as well.

Auria walked into the alley, looking worried, walking closer in concern. "Cami." Cami ignored her, continuing to feed. Auria sighed in frustration, looking around to make sure no one was watching. "Cami." Cami continued to ignore her. Auria pulled Cami off of the man, pushing her away from her victims. "Enough."

Cami rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm a newbie vampire without knowledge in restraint."

"A newbie vampire who admitted that she needed help, and the help I'm trying to offer, you keep refusing," Auria told her.

Cami chuckled in amusement, turning to the man, compelling him. "Leave now. Forget my face, and that of my mouthy witch friend."

The man walked away, leaving.

Auria was annoyed and concerned with her behavior. "You should go. You're not yourself."

"I am myself, and I'm not finished," Cami told her in annoyance. "And, by the way, I resent the critique. For the last two years, you've spent them as a witch who has vampires and Originals for friends, even at the expense of your own people wanting to kill you, or hating you, even as their Regent. Auria, I told you that I wanted to thank you because Tristan turned me into this and threatened to kill me again to force you to activate that device. That's the truth. I'm not mad at you, but you should keep in mind that it is because of you."

Auria looked hurt but unsurprised, sighing. "This is not you, Cami."

"You're right," Cami told her. "It's better."

Cami smiled smugly, rushing away, leaving. 

Auria was completely overwhelmed, turning to the girl's dead body on the ground, knowing that she had to do something about it, sighing.


The French Quarter 

Cami walked down the street to a coffee cart, where she saw Will Kinney buying himself a drink, getting an idea.

Will finished paying, taking his drink from the cashier. "Thank you."

Cami walked toward Will just as he was turning around, purposely bumping into him, pretending as if she didn't notice his presence and had simply walked into him on accident, also pretending to revert back to her cheerful old self. "Oh, I'm sorry. I am such a klutz."

Will smiled. "No, no, it's fine." He looked somewhat nervous. "Cami, it's really great to see you. How... how are things?"

Cami smiled. "You know, same old, same old. You?"

"Can't complain," Will told her. "Back on the job."

"You're a good cop, Will," Cami told him. "Clearly, I'm not the only one who knows it." She pretended to be embarrassed about what she had to say. "Okay. Full disclosure, this wasn't a total accident. I need a favor. Do you have a second?"

Will seemed surprised, nodding in agreement. "Yeah. Yeah, want to take a walk?"

They started to walk together.


Abattoir Compound - Klaus' Study 

Klaus was pacing back and forth, on the phone. "Ah, you finally answer."

Kaylin's voice was on the other line. "Yeah, sorry." She was in the Town Square of Mystic Falls, which had been overrun by Julian's vampires, calculating what she should have done. "Our hometown has a vampire infestation problem thanks to Julian, and me and the Mystic Falls gang have been trying to pick them off one by one."

Klaus seemed intrigued by this. "Is that so?"

"Yeah," Kaylin answered. "Not all of us are Originals who can fight our way single-handedly through a crowd of vampires."

Klaus chuckled in amusement. "You seem to be able to take care of yourself."

Kaylin smirked. "Well, I learned most of what I know about fighting from you, and there's really no better teacher, is there?" They both chuckled. Kaylin sighed. "Go on. I know you're just dying to ask."

Klaus sighed. "Have their been any incidents with the Heretics or Julian?"

"Bonnie, Lindsey and Tory are trying to build a peace with the Heretics, and so far, it's only working for two of them," Kaylin told him. "And I haven't tried to attack Julian yet, if that's what you mean."

"Yet?" Klaus repeated in amusement.

"Not to say that he hasn't tried to attack me and Nikki," Kaylin told him. "Stefan and Damon are suffering from post-hell trauma, and they killed some of his guys, so he threatened that if me or my brothers killed another one of his guys, he would track Nicola down, gut her and feed her entrails to the three of us."

"And considering the protective hold you three have over her, threatening Nicola alone is enough to make you want him dead without adding everything else," Klaus told her.

Kaylin smirked. "You know me so well."

"You don't sound too consumed with anger anymore, love," Klaus told her. "You sound cold and calculating, deadly so, which some would say is even more dangerous. What are you up to?"

Kaylin chuckled. "Klaus, I'm not gonna get myself killed. If I went after Julian, my family, my friends would be there, even if I don't want them to be. Why don't you worry about yourself and your family instead of me and mine?"

"I'm capable of doing all of the above, thank you very much," Klaus told her.

"You don't even like Stefan and Damon, and the only reason why you would care about Nikki is because Elijah doesn't want to see her dead," Kaylin told him.

"While that may be true, I know that you love the three of them, and I wouldn't wish to see you go through that loss, Kaylin," Klaus told her. Kaylin was surprised by this statement, smiling a small smile. "I won't try to talk you out of going after Julian. I know that I wouldn't be able to. Just don't let your anger get the best of you and get yourself killed."

"Yes, sir," Kaylin told him cutely, adding a cute salute that he didn't see. Klaus chuckled. "I'll call you when I can."

They hung up, both looking content, chuckling to themselves.

Klaus' phone rang again, to his confusion. He looked at the Caller ID, answering the phone. "Well, if it isn't Auria Rayvnne. My family usually has to call you for help, not the other way around."

Auria, Noah and Marcel were in the alley outside of Rousseau's. Noah and Marcel were getting rid of the body for Auria, while she was on the phone with Klaus.

"Hey," Auria told him. "I need your help with Cami. I might not be able to help her, but I think that you might be able to calm her down."

Auria hung up, turning to Marcel and Noah.

Klaus looked confused, hanging up, concerned.


Ancestral Limbo - Rousseau's 

Davina and Kol had made it to the restaurant/bar, which was set up exactly how it was when Auria and Cami had been there earlier. They walked toward the bar.

Davina looked at Kol in confusion and concern.

"Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" Davina asked.

Kol sighed. "Bottom line? You don't belong here. Luckily, the Ancestors aren't big pub-goers. More of the graveyard and goat sacrifices types. We should be all right here till we can figure out how to get you back." He looked at Davina longingly, placing a hand on either of her cheeks, kissing her passionately. Davina was still overwhelmed by everything, pulling away, which seemed to hurt him. "I see. You preferred the other look more."

Davina looked at him guiltily. "No, I'm... I'm sorry. It's not that. I know it's you. It's just... you're so different. I'm still adjusting. Not to mention, we're in a freaky ghost-land, so..."

Kol, somewhat mollified by this response, smiled, placing a hand on either her cheeks. "I have an idea. Close your eyes."

Davina closed her eyes.

(Song:) More Than You Know - Billie Holiday 

The song played around them, the same song that played when they danced just before Kaleb/Kol died in 2.14 I Love You, Forever.

Kol gently put his arms around Davina, leaning closer so her forehead was resting on his cheek. "Think back to the last night we were together. Our last dance."

Kol and Davina started to dance slowly. Kol spun her around. They both simply enjoyed each other's presence for several moments. Kol put his forehead against hers, running his fingers through her hair. 

Davina laced her fingers between his, smiling. "God, I've missed you. And, for the record, I like this face just fine."

Kol smiled. "Really?"

(Song Ends)

Davina nodded. "Mm-hmm." She looked at him for a moment, turning his head to the side to see a bruise, concerned. "Uh, what's happening to you here?"

"It's nothing," Kol told her. "Really." He brushed a lock of hair off of Davina's face, sighing. "You shouldn't have come here, Davina. There's a darkness to this place."

Davina frowned. "Kol, I had to find you. I think I found a way to bring you back, and to break the link between Marcel and Caitlin, but I had to come to you."

Kol seemed stunned by this revelation, though he seemed concerned that it was too good to be true.

Davina handed Kol the scrolls she and Caitlin had been given by Aya.

Kol unfurled the scrolls to see for himself.


Davilla Estate - Hallway 

Most of the Strix were with Aya and Ariane, while they were trying to decipher the vision and riddle Ariane had gotten from Kassandra and Elijah's minds.

Cami was taking advantage of the distraction to compel Will to help her get the dark objects that Tristan had gotten from her.

Will frowned in confusion, uncertain. "They were in the locked room, like you said. What is all this, anyway?"

Cami opened the box she was holding to make sure all of the dark objects were still inside. "Oh, you know how it is. Things go wrong with a guy, and he still has a bunch of your stuff..." She pulled out a round dark object out of the box, tossing it lightly into the air, catching it again. "Oh, these are gonna come in really handy."



Cami and Will took their boxes outside, toward where a bunch of other boxes were gathered on the ground.

Will was in a daze. "Why am I doing everything you say? This is crazy. Breaking and entering, grand larceny..." 

Cami turned to face him, smiling sweetly. "You're doing it because I asked you so nicely."

"But why are you doing this?" Will asked.

"Because I have been the victim in someone else's story one too many times," Cami answered. "I want back what's mine, and now I have the power to take it."

Cami and Will turned to see two Strix vampires had appeared, looking nervous about what they were going to do.

Cami used a dark object against them, making them feel agony and scream in pain, eventually killing them with the dark object.

The screams had alerted two other nearby vampires, who rushed toward Cami and Will in an attempt to kill them.

Klaus appeared behind the vampires, ripping their hearts out before they could touch them, letting them fall dead. He looked at Cami. "I admit, even given your new outlook on life, I'm surprised at your willingness to compel. Past protestations of free will and all that."

Cami smirked. "What can I say?" She tossed the dark object in her hand. Klaus caught the dark object before she could. "I've changed."

Cami turned to face Will.

Will backed away, completely in shock from what they were saying and what he was seeing.

Klaus rushed around to block Cami from getting any closer to Will, pointing at her. "You're a fast learner, Camille, I'll give you that. But don't push it."

Cami seemed put out for a moment, but she eventually smirked.


Ancestral Limbo - Rousseau's 

Kol was still examining the spells Davina had showed him, clearly not thrilled about what he had just seen, and what he was about to say. "Hate to break it to you, love. They're fakes." He walked toward Davina, sitting the spells on the bar, walking past Davina to pour himself a drink. "Looks like someone's trying to put one over on you."

Davina gave him a look. "You're lying." Kol looked at Davina, but remained silent, confirming her suspicious. "Why? Don't you get it? I can break the link between Caitlin and Marcel. You can live again. Isn't that what you want?"

Kol couldn't bear to look Davina in the eye, drinking his entire glass of bourbon in one sip, pausing for a moment, turning to face her. "More than anything, Davina Claire. But do you have any idea how dangerous those spells are? I haven't seen anything even remotely like them since..." He realized where she had gotten the spells, looking worried. "The Strix Coven." Davina looked down, shifting uncomfortably. "This is their work, isn't it?" Davina looked up. Kol walked closer gently touching her on the arms. "Please tell me you haven't done something foolish."

"They can give me power," Davina told him. "Real power. I can finally do what Auria and I have been trying to do for months, but the Ancestors hate you and they hate Marcel and Noah, so they haven't helped us. Each time we try to do it with their power, they nearly kill us."

"I know," Kol told her. "I've seen you and Auria try to break the link between Marcel and Caitlin for them and for Noah, and try to bring me back, and they retaliated. Find another way, love. Not with the Strix. Nothing is worth what they'll make you do." The air around them became so cold that Davina's breath turned into fog in the air. A severe wind started to blow. The electricity started to buzz and flicker around them. Davina and Kol both became panicked when they realized they could be discovered at any moment. "The Ancestors... They're close." The electricity continued to flicker. The jukebox magically turned on, starting to play static. The lights all went out at once. Davina and Kol turned toward the door, seeing the shadowy figures of many of the Ancestors prowling around outside, walking toward the door, whispering. Kol started to back away. "Go. Go. Come behind the bar."

Kol and Davina hid behind the bar, pressing their backs against it, doing their best to remain as still and silent as they could.

The Ancestors, dressed in clothes from a variety of eras, opened the doors, filing into the restaurant/bar. 

Kol and Davina continued to hide and watch the shadows of the Ancestors as they looked for them, holding their breath as they got dangerously close to the bar.

The Ancestors left before they were able to find them, walking out leaving, closing the doors behind them.

Kol and Davina both let out sighs of relief.

Kol rubbed his brow nervously.

The lights turned on.


Land of the Living - Abattoir Compound - Downstairs Living Room 

Klaus and Cami had just returned to the compound, continuing a fight that seemed to have been going on since they left the Davilla Estate.

"You have no right," Cami told him angrily. "Those dark objects are my family's legacy."

"Well, that's funny," Klaus told her sarcastically in frustration. "Because I seem to remember my brother Kol making them, with the help of a psychic immortal bitch named Rosalita, so perhaps they've been my family's legacy all along. Don't forget that Davina and Auria's ancestors helped them create the dark objects. They're the legacy of my family, and Davina and Auria's, and ironically Rosalita's descendants, but your family stole them." 

Klaus turned his back to her.

Cami rushed into his way. "Give them back, or I will take them back, and I swear you will regret this moment."

Klaus sighed in exasperation. "The only thing I regret is failing to realize how far you've spun out of control. And you can forget about leaving."

Cami stepped closer, becoming smug. "I'm out of your control, and you hate it, don't you? You have spent ten centuries getting the entire world to tremble at your name, but you're the one who's terrified. You are a scared, little kid, convinced he'll be tossed aside the second he isn't needed." Klaus angrily grabbed her arm. "Let go of me!"

Hayley and Mikayla walked closer. 

"You can't just force her to stay here, Klaus," Mikayla told him.

Klaus gave Hayley and Mikayla a look.

Cami looked relieved. "Finally. Someone who's on my side."

Hayley shook her head. "Oh, don't get me wrong. I remember when I turned, and you for sure shouldn't have a box of witch crap." She looked at Klaus. "But, you can't hold her hostage, either."

"Let us talk to her," Mikayla told him.

"I hardly think now is the time for a women's empowerment meeting," Klaus told them.

Mikayla sighed, giving him a look. "She died, Klaus, because she got caught up in the Mikaelson world. Just like Hayley. Just like me. Just like Jackson. So, yeah, she and we have a few things to talk about."

Klaus looked at Mikayla, a little guilty, sighing. "Mikayla..."

Elijah and Kassandra walked in.

"Niklaus, a word?" Elijah asked.

They looked at Elijah and Kassandra.

Hayley, Mikayla and Cami walked out of the room to talk alone.

Klaus turned to look at Elijah and Kassandra, sighing.


Ancestral Limbo - Jackson Square Market 

Kol and Davina were anxiously walking through the market as fast as they could.

Kol turned to Davina worriedly. "Now, where did you cross over?"

"The church," Davina answered. "St. Anne's."

Kol put his hand on Davina's back, urgently leading her in front of him. "All right. You keep going, no matter what happens. If I fall behind, don't look back."

They stopped when they found a witch blocking their path several yards ahead of them.

It was Bastiana, the Elder witch involved in the Harvest.

Davina looked terrified.

Bastiana smirked. "Hello, Davina."

Davina and Kol swallowed nervously at the sight of the Elder witch.


Land of the Living - Abattoir Compound - Elijah's Study 

Klaus, Elijah and Kassandra were talking in Elijah's study.

Elijah and Kassandra were explaining what they learned from Aya and Ariane.

"I thought the pale horse might be something biblical, or even tied to one of the equestrian constellations," Elijah told them. "There's Pegasus, perhaps even Equuleus."

Klaus sighed in annoyance and frustration. "Neither of those sounds like a weapon, unless they plan to bore us to death." 

Kassandra sat down on the couch behind her. "You know, it would be nice if, just once, the witches bloody well said what they mean."

Elijah gave her a look. "Kassandra?"

Kassandra sighed, sitting forward. "I'm sorry. I just hate sitting around like this, when we should be out there, doing something about all of this."

"And what would you suggest?" Elijah asked.

"Finding Aurora and every last one member of the Strix aside from Noah and Marcel and giving them a violent, cruel death that will have them begging for mercy," Kassandra answered. "Marcel, Noah and Caitlin have been on our side this entire time, and I'm sure they'll be happy to participate in the bloodbath if it meant they're finally free and clear."

Klaus pointed at Kassandra in agreement, giving Elijah a pointed look. "Splendid idea."

"While that's a tempting idea, we need to focus on this first," Elijah told them. "A storm is coming."

Klaus and Kassandra knew Elijah was right, reluctantly nodding in agreement. 



Hayley, Mikayla and Cami had been listening to Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah.

Hayley and Mikayla stopped listening to talk to Cami.

"Look, I know it may not seem like it right now, but what you're going through?" Mikayla asked. "It does get better. And there are people around you that are willing to get you to that point." 

Cami had also been listening to them, remaining silent. 

"Cami?" Hayley asked.

Cami looked at Mikayla, smiling patronizingly. "Yes. That's very sweet, Mikayla, and I think you should take your own advice." Mikayla was slightly confused and hurt. "I mean, that is why you wanted to speak to me, right? To get some words of wisdom from the Mikaelson family therapist?" Mikayla frowned, not knowing where Cami was going with this, confused. "Yes, you loved Jackson very much, but you know that he died because of you."

Hayley glared, appalled. "What did you just say?"

Cami smiled. "The Strix was after Mikayla, and they took him along for the ride, because she is sister to you, Hayley, the mother of the Mikaelson miracle baby. I mean, he was fine out there in the bayou before you two went out to get him to get married and save the werewolves. And then, because of who your family is, and who you are, Jackson got killed."

Mikayla was devastated, looking as if she had thought this all along, that she thought Cami was right.

Hayley was furious, doing her best to keep herself calm, taking a deep breath, knowing that Cami was not right, and it wasn't because of Mikayla. "You're going through a really hard time right now, Cami, but you are never, ever to speak of Jackson that way again, especially not to Mikayla. Do you understand me?"

Cami seemed to be cut down to her old self, looking horrified by just how cruel she was being. "I... I don't know what's wrong with me. Why would I say that?"

Hayley sighed, still angry, but knowing that she didn't necessarily mean it. "You're manic. It's part of it."

Cami processed this all for a moment, looking at Mikayla. "I think I wanted to make you feel pain like I do. And so I said an evil, unfair thing... an untrue thing, Mikayla."

Mikayla sighed, unable to meet her eyes. "Forget it. You're not you."

"I thought I could handle this," Cami told them sadly.

"You can," Mikayla told her. "You will. You just need time."

They sat in silence for a long moment, neither of them able to make eye contact with the other out of hurt and embarrassment.

"I think maybe I should go home," Cami told them.

Cami waited for them to say something.

Mikayla didn't say anything, looking down.

Hayley sighed, nodding. "Yeah. Maybe you should."

Cami stood, walking out of the room, leaving without another word.

Mikayla exhaled brokenly, closing her eyes in sadness.

Hayley turned to face Mikayla sadly.


Ancestral Limbo - Jackson Square Market 

Davina and Kol were still standing in front of Bastiana in the market. 

Bastiana was sneering at the two. "No one can help you now. Certainly not the spirit of a dead vampire."

Kol glared at Bastiana, standing protectively in front of Davina. "All right, that's about enough out of you."

Bastiana thrusted out her hand, using magic to throw Kol backward with such a powerful telekinetic blast that he was thrown backward into a stall, which collapsed under his weight.

Davina was horrified and worried. "No!"

Davina was about to rush over to help Kol.

Bastiana flicked her wrist, squeezing her hand into a fist, casting a pain infliction spell on Davina that brought her to her knees.

Davina held her head with her hands, crying in pain.


Land of the Living - St. Anne's Church - Attic 

Caitlin was still holding Davina's hand.

Davina, still sleeping, started to whimper in pain.

Caitlin looked at Davina worriedly for a long moment, hearing someone behind her, turning around from where she sat next to Davina, still holding her hand, picking up one of the knives that she had gotten that day, aiming it at whoever was there.

Auria, Marcel and Noah walked in. 

"Don't worry," Noah told her. "It's just us."

Caitlin looked busted and sheepish, little guilty. "Noah? Marcel? Auria? How--how did you know--"

Marcel gave her a stern, disappointed look. "Caitlin, Auria's the Regent of New Orleans with the strongest connection to the Ancestors, and you two thought that she wouldn't know when Davina breached into the Ancestral Limbo?"

Caitlin looked shamed, like a kid busted by her adoptive parents and her boyfriend. "I tried to talk her out of it, by the way. But she had already taken the poison and didn't give me a choice."

Noah nodded. "We figured. We're not blaming you, okay? We're just worried."

Auria walked closer. "Whatever's happening to Davina, I can help her. I just need to be in on the spell with the two of you."

Caitlin knew what she meant, holding the knife toward Auria.

Auria sighed, taking the knife, slitting Caitlin's palm open, slitting one of hers.

"You already take a poison, too?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah," Auria answered. "I can save Davina. I'll just be pissing the Ancestors off in the process. Again."

Auria was no longer fighting the effects of her poison, nearly falling.

Marcel and Noah caught Auria as she fell, sitting her in a nearby chair.

Caitlin and Auria took each other's hands.

Auria closed her eyes.

Caitlin looked from Auria and Davina to Marcel and Noah worriedly, who were just as worried.


Ancestral Limbo - Jackson Square Market 

Bastiana continued to cast her pain infliction spell on Davina, making her cry out in pain. 

Auria appeared, standing between the two witches, sighing in exasperation. "Bastiana, of course."

"Auria," Bastiana replied.

Auria held her hand toward Bastiana, using magic to forcefully throw her through the air. "Leave! Now." Bastiana was pulled back into an alley, mysteriously vanishing, allowing Davina and Kol to recover from their injuries. Auria ran over to Davina, helping her stand, looking worried but annoyed with everyone's behavior that day. "Hi, Kol."

Kol smirked sheepishly. "Hello, Auria."

Auria looked at Davina urgently. "I can help you cross back, but we have to go now."

Davina looked between Kol and Auria in a panic.


Land of the Living - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Hayley and Mikayla were sitting in the courtyard, both of them having drinks.

Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah walked in.

"Where is Camille?" Elijah asked.

Mikayla sighed. "She went home. She needed some time, and, yes, we let her go. I know you think that you three are helping, but all you're doing is pissing her off, and that's the last thing she needs. Trust me." 

Mikayla was still raw from Jackson's death, having little energy.

Hayley wasn't trying to be mean, sounding very exhausted and defeated. "You think that you're all keeping her safe, like you think you do with everyone. Each other, Rebekah, even Hope? Sometimes, you do them more harm than good."

Elijah looked ready to intervene.

Klaus didn't seem offended by the comment. Instead, it seemed to have triggered a realization in him, huffing a dark laugh under his breath.

They looked at him in confusion.

"What is it?" Kassandra asked.

"What she just said," Klaus answered. "Keeping Rebekah safe. I know what the weapon is." They looked at him, stunned. Klaus frowned, walking toward the stairs. "I made it myself."


Ancestral Limbo - St. Anne's Church - Sanctuary 

Auria pushed the double doors open, walking in, looking around to make sure the Ancestors were not inside.

Kol and Davina followed her.

A crackling noise was heard as the stained glass windows appeared to magically frost over. 

Kol found a large plank of wood to use to reinforce the locked front doors, but it was obvious that it wouldn't old long against the Ancestors. 

The lights started to flicker.

Kol walked toward Auria and Davina. "Go. I'll handle them. At least buy you a minute or two."

The Ancestors started to use their power to pound against the door.

Davina became frantic at the idea of leaving Kol behind. "No." She looked at Auria, who looked grim. "We're not leaving without him."

Auria looked at Davina apologetically in regret. "He can't come where we're going. Not yet. If we leave now, we can come back."

Davina shook her head hysterically, looking at Kol. "No. No."

Kol took Davina comfortingly by the hands. "If you don't go now, we're both lost. Besides, this way, you owe me one, and don't think for a second I won't aim to collect." He kissed Davina on the forehead, gently pushing her toward Auria. "Go. Go!" The Ancestors continued to slam against the doors. Auria took Davina by the hand, leading her toward the attic at a run. Kol took a deep breath, turning to face the doors, preparing for a fight. "All right. Let's see what you've got."

The Ancestors used magic to burst the doors open, allowing light to flood over Kol, walking toward him.



Auria and Davina ran into the attic to find Marcel and Noah were watching as Caitlin held both Davina and Auria's hands of their real bodies to keep them alive while they were in the Ancestral Limbo.

"I know you're scared, but you have to concentrate," Auria told her soothingly. "Focus on what you love most. Recall the thing that makes you want to live. Fight with that in mind."

Davina looked terrified, closing her eyes, concentrating, whispering softly. "Kol, I swear I'll come back for you."

Auria closed her eyes, concentrating.

The locked door to the attic started to rattle, indicating that some of the Ancestors had gotten past Kol while he was dealing with others.

 Auria used most of her magic to keep the door closed while they fought to get back into their bodies.


Land of the Living - Abattoir Compound - Klaus' Study 

Klaus was frantically searching through the shelves and boxes in the study, seriously worried. "All my efforts to protect and provide comfort for my family..."

Elijah, Hayley, Kassandra and Mikayla watched worriedly in concern and confused.

"Niklaus, you're not making any sense," Kassandra told him.

"The pale horse," Klaus told them in frustration. "It isn't a constellation, nor is it a biblical verse. It's a... a trinket I made when we were children. A toy carved from kindling which I gave to Rebekah in the hopes of easing her fears."

Elijah frowned in confusion. "I collected the firewood myself. It was the fallen branches from everywhere, and..." His eyes widened in alarm when he realized what Klaus had just figured out. "The horse was made of the white oak." They were all horrified. "That weapon is here."


St. Anne's Church - Attic 

Caitlin was holding both Davina and Auria's hands while she, Marcel and Noah were waiting for them to wake up.

Davina and Auria awoke with gasps, sitting up.

Caitlin let their hands go. "Thank God. I was getting worried."

"Getting?" Davina repeated. "You were born worried, Caitlin."

"Yeah, you're welcome," Caitlin told her sarcastically.

(Song:) Goodnight, Travel Well - The Killers

Davina, Caitlin and Auria looked at each other, sighing, reluctantly standing. 

Marcel and Noah walked closer.

"That was damn foolish," Marcel told them. "What the hell were you two thinking?"

"Don't blame Caitlin, okay?" Davina asked. "I literally didn't give her a choice."

"Yeah, that's what Caitlin told us," Noah told her. "That still doesn't explain why you did this, Davina."

Davina and Caitlin hesitated for a moment, looking at each other, reluctantly preparing to tell them what Aya had told them.


Abattoir Compound - Hope's Nursery 

Klaus, Kassandra, Elijah, Hayley and Mikayla were searching.

Hayley sighed in frustration. "This doesn't make any sense. It was here. I saw it."

"When?" Mikayla asked.

"This afternoon," Hayley answered. "I swear."

Klaus sighed deeply when he realized what had just happened. "Oh, I believe you. We're just here a little too late."



Day - Abattoir Compound - Klaus' Study

Klaus was in his study in the abattoir compound, where he was talking to the still-human Cami during one of their therapy sessions. "And Rebekah was so afraid of the coming storm. I told her the brave knight on the horse would protect her."

Cami took diligent notes about everything Klaus was saying as part of her duties as a therapist.


Earlier That Night 

Night - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Hayley, Mikayla and Cami were talking.

Cami was eavesdropping on Klaus, Elijah and Kassandra's conversation upstairs with her vampire hearing.

Mikayla was trying to talk to her. "Look, Cami, I know it may not feel like it right now, but what you're going through..."

Cami ignored them in favor of listening to Klaus, Elijah and Kassandra's conversation instead.

She heard Elijah's voice. "I thought the pale horse might be something biblical, or even tied to one of the equestrian constellations. Perhaps even Equuleus."

She heard Klaus' voice. "Neither of those sounds like a weapon..."

Cami smiled when she realized what Elijah was talking about.



Night - Abattoir Compound - Hope's Nursery 

Klaus, Kassandra, Elijah, Hayley and Mikayla were talking.

"There is only one other person capable of deciphering the witch's riddle, the very person with whom I shared my memories of that night," Klaus told them. "My trusted therapist."


The French Quarter 

Cami was walking down the sidewalk expressionlessly, with her purse hanging from the crook of her elbow. In her free hand was the little wooden knight made of white oak, which she clutched tightly as she smirked in satisfaction.

(Song Ends)



(Song:) Basic Instinct - The Acid 

Davina and Caitlin were sitting at a booth at Rousseau's, where both of them were drinking beer from bottles.

Caitlin looked at Davina, surprised and a little impressed. "You, uh... you drink now?"

Davina smiled, taking a drink. "Um, I guess life of a resurrected teen witch is a slippery slope." Caitlin nodded. Davina chuckled. "Thank you. You've always been there for me, even when I'm not there for you. Sometimes, I forget just how much that means. I'm sorry that Auria and I couldn't de-link you from Marcel. That we couldn't help you two and Noah more. But we needed more power to complete the spell. I know that you don't trust the Strix, but the coven can give me enough power to break the link and bring back Kol. Please. If you don't want me to, I understand, but I have to give it a shot, Caitlin."

Caitlin nodded. "I know. I hate it, but I can't stop you. And I know that you have to try." Davina looked surprised at her reaction, appreciative, smiling. Caitlin stood, walking toward her. Davina stood. They both embraced for a long moment, feeling like they wouldn't let go, finally pulling away, smiling, laughing quietly in relief. Caitlin looked at both of her hands, looking at the cuts on either of her palms. She looked at Davina. "You know, I just realized something."

"What?" Davina asked.

"We've always been best friends," Caitlin told her. "And after so long living in the attic and on the run, from witches and vampires alike, we were more like sisters. And Auria was always like a mother to both of us." Davina nodded in agreement. Caitlin showed her the cuts on her hands. "Now it's official. We're blood sisters. And Auria's technically our blood mother."

Davina smiled in surprise that she hadn't thought of that herself, using her hand with the cut on it to hold Caitlin's hand. They looked at each other, smiling.

(Song Ends)


The French Quarter 

Cami was on one of the streets. Her phone rang. She pulled it out, seeing that Klaus was calling, answering. "I'm guessing you might be a little bit mad right now." Klaus was elsewhere in the Quarter. "But trust me, you have nothing to worry about. I just want back what's mine, starting with my dark objects, and I figured I needed to get your attention. So, do I have it?"

Klaus sighed in frustration, closing his eyes. "In point of fact, you do."

Cami smirked. "Good. Then we'll be in touch."

Cami hung up, which annoyed Klaus, walking over to a fancy convertible, getting into the driver's seat, setting her bag down in the passenger seat. In it was the wooden knight she had stolen from the Mikaelsons. She started the engine, putting the car into gear, driving away.


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Ariane was kneeling at the head of the pool full of herbs and flowers. She sensed someone behind her. "You found it." Kassandra walked in without a word, but Ariane seemed to already know what was about to happen. "Which means you've come to kill me. We both know I have no more answers to give you, and you cannot allow me to live with what I've seen..." She looked almost tearful. "The things your family doesn't want anyone to know. Like how to kill you." She stood. Kassandra looked almost guilty, brushing her hair off of her neck. Ariane looked scared, but she also looked relieved. "I am released."

Kassandra transformed, baring her fangs, biting into Ariane's neck, making her gasp in pain, feeding until she died, pulling away, blood still coating her lips, holding her up by the back of the head, letting her fall into the pool

What blood remained in Ariane's body flowed into the water, turning it dark crimson.


Marcel's Loft - Living Room 

Marcel, Noah and Auria were drinking together.

Caitlin walked in. "I know you're probably mad."

"More like resigned," Noah told her.

"I'm mad," Marcel told her. "What the hell were you two thinking?"

"Uh, Davina and I actually did a lot today," Caitlin told them. "Met up at Jackson Square before parting ways with Auria, walked through the Quarter where we got picked up by Aya, who brought us the Strix estate, where she told us about the coven they have, a resurrection spell for Kol, a de-linking spell for Marcel and me. The reason why Davina convinced me to help her get over there is because she knew that Auria wouldn't help us unless she had to save them, which you did, and thank you, Auria. And then Davina and I went to Rousseau's, where we had a drink of beer, because Cami gave them to us even though we're not old enough, and where we had the sister-bonding moment. That's all." Noah was overwhelmed and confused about the busy day they had had, shaking his head, sighing, taking a drink. Caitlin looked at Auria. "Oh, and we should figure out what we're going to do about the fact that Davina just became one of the Strix's witches, and what we're going to do about the fact that they want your help to bring Kol back and to break the link between me and Marcel."

Marcel, Auria and Noah gave Caitlin shocked looks, taking deep breaths. They decided not to say anything, drinking.

Caitlin managed a small, sheepish smirk.


Mikayla's Apartment - Kitchen

(Song:) Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Jasmine Thompson 

Mikayla had forgotten something over in her apartment, walking in, grabbing a few more things. She looked around, seeing pictures of her and Jackson, Jackson's things, remembering everything. She became completely overwhelmed, finding his shirt from earlier, picking it up, breathing in his scent. She finally started to break down, backing away into the corner of the room, sliding down to the floor, her knees curled up to her chest, her hands in her lap, holding the shirt in her hands, finally breaking down. She started to cry, sobbing, crying into his shirt, having it over her face to keep smelling in his scent, in hopes of making it feel like he was still here, but it only reminded her that he was gone and he was never coming back. She cried harder, more louder.

Hayley slowly walked in, standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking devastated and not knowing how to comfort Mikayla.

Mikayla looked at Hayley, calming down only a little bit, no longer sobbing, but the tears still running free.

"I don't know what to say," Hayley admitted sadly, softly.

Mikayla took a deep, calming breath. "Hayley... I've spent the last few days being so angry at Tristan, at the Mikaelsons, at you... at Jackson, even, for always being so brave." Hayley had tears in her eyes, looking upset at the thought of causing her pain, slowly walking up the steps toward Mikayla. "But then, I realized that I'm not angry. I'm not mad. I'm just devastated." Mikayla started to cry silently again. "He should be here. Every night, when I went to sleep, I would dream of that day. And I would think that it was just a dream, and I would reach over to where he's supposed to be lying next to me." She couldn't go on for a long moment, crying. Hayley sat beside Mikayla. "But when I didn't feel him there, I would remember that it was real, and it gets worse every day. And it keeps getting worse and getting worse. I wanted to blame anyone... but the truth is that my husband died because he loved me." Mikayla looked at Hayley. "And loving any of us is a death sentence. Isn't it?"

Hayley looked at Mikayla in sympathy, having no answer that would comfort her, remaining silent, wrapping her arms around Mikayla. Mikayla laid her head on Hayley's shoulder, starting to cry again. They sat on the floor like that for what seemed like forever, where Hayley just held Mikayla and let her widowed sister cry in her arms.

(Song Ends)


3.12 "Dead Angels" Trailer 

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the Rayvnne Tomb, Auria and Cami were talking.

"You stole the one weapon that can kill the most powerful vampires in the world," Auria told her.

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the pool room of the Davilla Estate, Aya showed Ariane's body to Caitlin and Davina. "This is what befalls anyone who bargains with Kassandra Mikaelson."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the Davilla Estate, the Strix was meeting with Caitlin watching.

"This is the day that I take back what is mine," Elijah told them. "Do I hear any objections?"

"I challenge you to a duel," Aya told him. 

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the church, Elijah and Aya were fighting.

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the cemetery, a group of witches attacked Klaus and Kassandra.

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the French Quarter, Marcel, Noah and Caitlin were fighting with vampires.

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the Rayvnne Tomb, a witch was attacking Cami.

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the cemetery, Auria cast a pain infliction spell on a group of witches around her.

Aya: (voice over from 3.12 Dead Angels) "I will not rest..."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the pool room of the Davilla Estate, Aya brushed Caitlin's hair behind her ear in a threatening gesture.

Caitlin wasn't the least bit intimidated.

Aya spoke in a mockingly friendly voice. "Until that weapon is found."


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