The Ghost Counselor [Ziall] [...

By lilacdreams-

821K 27.8K 10K

[COMPLETED] [MAJOR EDITING i am re-writing some of the characters and taking out parts and re-writing them, s... More

Disclaimer + Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
14~ Ploy.
15~ Astray.
16~ Enemy.
17~ Strategy.
18~ Casualty.
19~ Guilty.
20~ Betray.
22~ Empty.
23~ Epiphany.
24~ Extraordinary.
25~ Fallacy.
26~ Responsibility.
27~ Ecstasy.
28~ Serenity.
29~ Bravery.
30~ Purgatory.
31~ Visibility.
32~ Fantasy.
33~ Theory.
34~ Infinity.
35~ Story.
36~ Tragedy.
37~ Reality.
38~ Fatefully.
39~ Sanity.
40~ Memory.
41~ Truthfully.
42~ Happily.
Epilogue #1
Epilogue #2
Epilogue #3
Just a little something. :)

21~ Friendly.

17.6K 584 116
By lilacdreams-

[A/N] So, you guys might remember that I asked you lot if you wanted more Larry. The votes I got were 50/50 so I decided to make everyone happy by including just one fluffy Larry chapter, and then they will be only mentioned in future chappies. :) 

So, if you don't ship Larry, skip this chapter. And if you do, I hope you enjoy. :D xx



This party was seriously awesome! Even better than Zayn's parties, and that's saying something. Of course this party was thrown by our hazel eyed best friend's boyfriend Justin Bieber, and the bloke did quite well for his first party.

I had planned on getting hammered today, but since my partner in crime, Harry was nowhere to be seen, I wasn't feeling like it. Where did he disappear to anyway? I shrugged it off and downed my drink, slamming the empty bottle on the counter.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw Zayn and Justin acting all lovey dovey, and I frowned. Ever since Zayn had gotten with Justin, he seemed a bit off. He was usually so confident and opinionated, but now, he was just quiet and broody all the time, tense around Justin. That guy gave off a bad vibe.

I know Zayn was my best friend, but we didn't share a bond like Liam and Zayn did. Like Harry and I did. And I know that Liam probably knows what's going on with Zayn lately that's making him act so iffy.

Speaking of the curly haired boy, he had disappeared into the crowd the moment we had arrived, leaving me all alone. Bastard. I had a vague idea of what he was up-to, and I was not going to give in to his mind games.

I jumped in shock when a slender arm hooked around my waist, and curls ticked my neck as he leaner down to whisper in my ear, his hot breath making me shiver in pleasure. "Let's dance, Boobear." Speak of the devil. I turned around in the bar stool with an innocent smile, pretending that his touch had no effect on me.

I know, I know. We were best friends, brothers from another mother. But lately, some strange feelings had grown between us, and instead of ignoring them to preserve our friendship and making it more awkward, without discussion, we decided to just go with the flow.

And going with the flow was really proving to be harder for me by the fucking second, especially when Harry always acted so damn seductive, and then pretended like nothing happened.

I try to make him jealous, he doesn't react. At least he pretends he doesn't. And now it's driving me mad.

Wordlessly, I stood up and Harry encased my hand in his noticeably larger one -weirdly making my stomach tingle- gently leading me to the dance floor located in the middle lobby of the mansion.

Some cheesy pop song was on, but I paid no mind to it, just kept my eyes locked with Harry, who was smiling sweetly. What were we doing right now? We were friends, more than friends? Why don't we estabilish this once and for all? Why are we playing with each other's heads?

"What are we doing Harry?" I sighed. Harry frowned.

"What does it look like? We're just two friends dancing." I gritted my teeth. There it is again. Friends. Though our friendship is anything but platonic now.

I pulled back, shaking my head. "Seriously, Harry? After all those touches, after what we fucking talked about, after slow dancing like a fucking couple, you're still saying we're just friends?!" I spat.

"N-no, Lou. You know I don't mean it that way. We were always friends but-"

"But now I thought we were more?" I questioned, crossing my arms. When Harry didn't say anything, I shook my head, hurt.

"Un-fucking-believable," I muttered, roughly pushing past the people, leaving Harry standing there.

He has got to stop playing with my mind! I know we've been best mates for a long time, but now we both can't deny that we feel something more. So why is he being such a fucking coward and not accepting it?!

The music instantly shut off, and everyone groaned.

"Hey, guys!" Justin called out, standing beside the DJ. I noticed Zayn was beside him, and he looked like a mess. I think I know what they did when they had disappeared for a while.

"Who's ready for a game of good old fashioned truth and dare?!" Justin boomed, and he was answered with loud, enthusiastic cheers. My lips curled into a smirk. Maybe this is the change to finally set Harry's mind straight. Mind the pun.


"Luke, I dare you to break this watermelon on your head!" And the dares were getting more and more dangerous and outrageous by the passing minute. This wasn't just a little old game of truth and dare. Boy, I was thinking I made a mistake in joining in on this one.

After an unconscious Luke was moved to a guest bedroom, the bottle was spun again. I crossed my fingers, praying to the Gods above that the bottle doesn't land on me. But of course, it fucking did.

Andy, another jock from the basketball team, challenged me. "So, Drama queer. Truth or dare?"

I huffed indignantly, puffing out my chest. "Dare," I spoke confidently, making Andy smirk and me gulp internally.

"Hmm, let's see. Since you must love to make out with guys, I dare you to make out with any guy in this room," he finished the dare, high fiving his buddies. I smirked. Game on, Samuels. Good thing I wasn't a pussy (at least on the outside) and didn't let these meatheads push me around.

"Alright then," I tapped my chin and looked around the room. My eyes briefly locked with Harry's expressionless ones, and my smirk intensified. Time to put a stop to Harry's mind games.

"Fine then. Liam c'mere," I grinned, and Liam's jaw was literally on the floor. I wanted to laugh at his expression, but I was pissing my pants thinking how Liam was going to beat me into a pulp later when we'll all crash at his house. Yikes.

But there was no one else who came into mind right now. And I knew how jealous Harry gets when I even pretend to like Li Li. Liam stood up, barely concealing his disapproving frown.

"What the fuck are you doing, Louis?" he hissed, when he were close.

"Just go with it Li. You'll owe me one. I have a lot to prove with this," I pleaded. Liam sighed, but gave in. He sure is a good friend.

I closed my eyes and leaned in, just praying this gets over soon. I leaned forward and Liam's lips met my own. We kissed for a good few seconds, and then broke away when we heard cheers.

"Thanks mate," I whispered to Liam, but he was too busy wiping at his mouth with the hem of his t-shirt.

"Oh, come on! Admit I'm a good kisser!" I elbowed him playfully. Liam shot me a glare, but I could see he was trying not to laugh. Oh, Zayn was never going to let us live this one down. Even though he roots for Harry and I.

Harry... shit! I looked at the spot where Harry was sat, but I found it empty. I made my way towards the girl sitting beside the potted plant, the place which Harry just vacated.

"Excuse me, but do you know where the bloke who was sitting here went?"

The girl giggled. "Yeah, he just stormed out the back door when he saw you and that fit guy kissing."

I smirked. My plan worked. "Thanks babe!" I called out to her, padding down the hallway of the huge mansion, and sure enough, I located a back door.

I jogged out into the chilly night air, suppressing a shiver. Both sides of the quiet road were lined with rows and rows of cars. I began to slowly walk in the middle of the road, whipping my head left and right for Harry.

After a few minutes of searching, I located a lanky figure perched on the bonnet of a pick up truck. I slowed my pace, walking up to Harry.

The crunch of gravel under my converses alerted Harry of my presence, and he snapped his head up in surprise. His eyes narrowed at me, and even in the dark, I could see he was pissed.

Oh, I did good.

"You're an asshole," Harry growled, hopping off the truck, making it shake slightly.

I raised an eyebrow humorously. "Excuse me. I'm the asshole? And what about the guy who just keeps confusing the shit out of me by saying we just have a friendly relationship, hmm?" I shot back sassily.

"Well, I'm not the guy who fucking made out with our best friend!" he exploded, and I have honestly never seen Harry so angry.

"What's it to you if I did kiss Liam?" I challenged, making Harry reel back. Hit the bullseye.

"I-I why'd you do it?!" he shot back, avoiding my question.

I snorted. "I can do whatever I want Harold. Just like you keep telling me whatever you like and mess with my fucking head!"

"I'm scared okay?! I'm scared you douche!" Harry yelled, breathing heavily.

"Scared. Of what?" I asked softly.

"Of the fucking strong feelings I have for you, Lou," Harry spoke, meeting his burning green eyes with mine, making my breath catch in my throat.

"W-what?" I stuttered lamely.

"Yeah. I'm not playing mind games, Lou. I swear. I know we just agreed to go with the flow, but the things I'm feeling for you are scaring the shit out of me," he said, sounding so vulnerable. And now I feel like an ass for kissing Liam.

"I'm sorry Hazzy, I was just trying to make you jealous," I apologized lamely. And I really am. I've always felt protective of Harry in our friendship, never letting anyone hurt him. But now I think I hurt my Harry myself.

I bit my lip, as Harry walked closer to me, and backed my up against a car. "It's alright Lou. What's done is done. I was wrong to lie to you and confuse you, and you were just trying to make me clear my head," Harry smiled, his dimples popping. I lifted my hand up and cupped his cheek.

"Thanks," I murmured, my eyes flickering from his darkening green eyes to his plump pink lips.

"Just go with the flow Louis," Harry reminded me huskily, wrapping his lanky arms around my waist, trapping me against the car.

And I did just that, by pulling his head down and smashing our lips together. I suppressed a moan at the feeeling of Harry's soft lips moving with mine. Harry slipped his hands under my t-shirt, making me shudder.

I tangled my fingers in his curls, yanking on them, making Harry moan huskily and bite my lower lip. He instantly moved past my lips, our kiss now turning into a makeout session.

God, we both needed this. So, why the fuck were we holding back for all these months?

Because we're both fucking stupid, that's why.

We broke off for a breather, and Harry nudged his forehead against mine, his eyes shining. "I guess I'm not confused anymore," he grinned cheekily, sweeping my fringe out of my eyes with gentle fingers.

I laughed, and pecked my Harry's lips. "Me neither."



So, here's a (hopefully) decent fluffy/angsty Larry chapter for all you Larry enthusiasts. :D

2000 words, wow! :o Thank you for the 3.9K votes OMjelly! <3

Heads up, more Ziall in the next few chapters, and with Ziall, comes DRAMAAAAA! :D

Dedicated to @sebLarry cos that boy loves his Larry! xD

~Ramna xx

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