We need to talk about Kevin (...

By vicki-tai_onfleek

113K 1.8K 283

Kevin Khatchadourian - credits to original owners Imagies, short stories, one shots (πŸ˜‚) wattevvva~ Contain... More

Quick Note
Ms Archery~ Pt.1
Ms Archery~ pt.2
Ms Archery~ pt.3
Gods and Monsters pt.1
Gods and Monsters pt.2
Gods and Monsters pt.3
Gods and Monsters pt.4
Gods and Monsters pt.5
Gods and monsters pt.6
Gods and Monsters pt.7
Gods and Monsters pt.8
Gods and Monsters pt.9
Gods and Monsters pt.10
Gods and Monsters pt.11
Touchable (SMUT) pt.1
The way she likes it
Halloween Night
Important Note | New Book
Sweet Cheeks (SMUT)

Gods and Monsters pt.12

2.7K 80 22
By vicki-tai_onfleek

Last chapter of the story, this whole thing was meant to be small... 😂😂👏🏻. But it turned out to be a really loooooong ASF!!!! Story~

Kevin woke up in a brightly lit room. The sun was shining and its bright rays illuminated the room, forcing the psychotic teenage boy to awake. He turned away from the bright window, uninterested to start the day, that was until his arm search for the warmth of another body and found none.

Immediately he sat up and looked for a head of ashen locks, but not a hue of grey was in sight. "Sophie?" His voice slightly wavered in fear that she might have left him in the dead of the night. The psychotic teenage boy bolted out of the room with a single target in mind. Once outside he noticed that her fiancé's corpse was nowhere in sight and that the blood on the wooden floor was scrubbed clean that it looked like it wasn't even there.

Panic rose up from his throat causing Kevin to quickly jog down the staircase and the sight he was met with made him calm. There she was- Sophie dressed in an oversized shirt, one of his old ones from before, and she was cooking them breakfast a habit she seemed to have retained despite her sudden change. "There you are."
He breathed and she turned to look at him, the gaze in her grey orbs returned to its usual challenging and mischievous ones. "What? Scared I might have run away in fear?"

"Very." He admitted in a whisper and his still naked form hugged the ashen haired girl from behind her back, breathing in the familiar scent of mint that seemed to always stick on her body. Aside from that his sense of smell was filled with the scent of what she was cooking, causing his stomach to grumble in hunger. "What are you cooking?"

"Pasta. Chicken Alfredo because we have a big day ahead of us." She said as she felt Kevin's lips slowly trailing on her already bruised neck. Sophie laughed at the tickling sensation and then forced him to sit down which was an order he obeyed easily knowing that one should never interrupt the ashen haired girl when she was cooking.

Once the plates were set the two sat across each other and ate their heavy breakfast. "Where's your fiancé, by the way?"

"Buried him together with our bloodied clothes. I woke up early in the morning and cleaned up a bit, no evidence you know? Luckily for you the two of us were planning to move cross country so all of our things are already packed in his pick up truck. All we have to do is drive to anywhere to get a fresh start."

"Convenient." Kevin muttered as he ate the last piece of food on his plate. "But I think we need to drop of somewhere before leaving."


"Sophie what are you doing here?" Dr. Green looked up from her computer and saw the figure of the grey eyed girl waiting by the door. There was something different in her that the older woman quite couldn't place and that very fact was enough to make her uneasy.

"I'm leaving town tonight, Doctor, I just thought that I should introduce you to the love of my life."
"Brendon? You already introduced him to me, don't you remember?" The female doctor said as eyed the slowly walking figure of the grey eyed girl warily. "No, not him. But rather Dr. Samantha Green, I introduce to you Kevin Khatchadourian."

The older woman's eyes widened like saucers and from the door appeared the male murderer who should have been behind bars as of the moment. Dr. Green's mind raced as she thought of a way out. Nancy, her secretary, was right outside but they must have done something to her by now seeing as the couple could enter her office easily.

She couldn't scream for help, it was off hours today and rarely do patients ever enter the building at this time of day and her only hope was her phone, a device which laid on the counter that was located at the left part of the room. Not that far, but any form of attempt at reaching her phone would be noticed by the two. She was screwed.

Dr. Green breathed, to try and calm her nerves, she could still do something try to outsmart them- hopefully. "I heard that you were the woman who turned my Sophie into normality."

"That was a choice she made herself." The older woman defended, but Kevin merely scoffed and shook his head as he gave her one of his murderous glares. "No, you told her that it was her only choice. You almost succeeded too, thankfully I got to her just in time."

He said then his arm instinctively reached to her waist, securely keeping her with him. Dr. Green's eyes wandered over the two- body language wise they were obviously head over heels with one another, but that wouldn't add up because Sophie was the victim- unless.

"You were lying." She muttered out in disbelief and the grey eyed girl's eyes only sparked with amusement. "Finally someone put together the puzzle pieces after eight months."

The sudden realization hit the older woman like a ton of bricks. She met with this girl once a week for so many months and yet she never once suspected that what she saw wasn't the real Sophie. The grey eyed girl wasn't the victim in the picture, she was an accomplice.

"Why?" The older woman asked in hesitation, not knowing how to act around two psychotic persons both with murderous intents. "They always asked me that, did you know that doctor? They always ask me why did I kill all of those people when they should be asking who did I kill all those people for."

It was in the way that Kevin looked at Sophie in complete adoration that the older woman knew that it was- "Her. It was for Sophie."

"Congratulations, Dr. Green you're the first ever person who figured it all out. You see some of those students hurt the one I held the closest to my heart-" The psychotic teenage boy paused to kiss Sophie's forehead and she completely melted in his warm embrace. "-the rest of those students were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Everything was for her, it was always for her."

"You're crazy." The older woman spat out and at this Sophie freely laughed- not her usual carefree one but a sound that made the doctor cringe out of the threatening and malicious tone it held. "Now that you know our secret what do you think we'll do?"

Dr. Green gulped nervously and she could only look at the two as Kevin passed a sharp knife to the grey eyed girl's welcoming hand. "For cracking one of the world's greatest mystery I give you a reward." Sophie's voice rang out in her quiet office, a sound that was terrifying and haunting to anyone who would be able to hear it and frankly the older woman suspected that if someone was able to hear that murderous voice of hers- they wouldn't be able to live and tell the tale of Sophie Iver, a deranged and demented teenage girl.

The ashen haired girl stalked forward until she stood before the seated doctor, who was frozen in place out of fear. The knife dragged across her skin threateningly and silently the older woman sent out a silent prayer of goodbye- welcoming her fate of death.

"You know doctor-" The grey eyed woman leaned in to whisper in the older female's ear. "-I killed my mother." A gasp was the only thing that came from her mouth once she felt the knife painfully tearing through the tissues of her neck. Sophie, who was used to this, made sure that her clothes wouldn't be splattered with blood knowing how hard it was to remove such a thing from her clothes.

Her nimble hands grabbed Dr. Green's coat and she used the white outer clothing to wipe the blood off the knife. "So where to now?"


Kevin was out of jail. That was the only thought inside Eva's head. Her son escaped from prison in the mid afternoon sun, by killing some of the guards and leaving his form of imprisonment by impersonating a visitor. Mrs. K feared of what sort of destruction he might have done, but so far it was close to none.

There were no sightings of him at all but what worried her was that Sophie, who some suspected was a person he would contact had also been unheard from. There was also the fact that moments after the grey eyed girl went to her therapist, the building was suddenly engulfed in flames and the once proud medical structure became ashes on the ground.

Authorities suspected that it might have been her, but it was blamed on a leaking gas pipe in the building which was suspected to have started the fire. Sophie was just one lucky girl who escaped the accident, unlike Dr. Green and her assistant.

Eva requested to see the tapes from the surveillance camera outside the building, which only showed her the parking lot. The older woman didn't know why but something was nagging at her to look at the tapes so she hunched in front of the computer, with the guards at the station uninterested with what she was doing.

Her eyes watched as the screen showed a pick up truck containing furniture drop off Sophie and her companion, who the older woman assumed was her fiancé but she really couldn't tell since he wore a hat and a pair of sunglasses. It was normal and for at least fifteen minutes the only thing on the screen was the lone pick up truck, until the moment the pair came into view and returned to the vehicle then drove off.

And that was when Eva knew, that the person with Sophie wasn't her fiancé but rather it was Kevin. It dawned on her when she saw the capped male twirl the ashen haired girl around to some unheard melody, just like how Kevin did when they were at the golf course.

Eva was frozen in place now that she realized that only she knew where Kevin's exact location was and she could either tattle on them and say the truth to the authorities or she could keep her mouth shut. The older woman chose the latter, out of the deep nagging feeling that she both owed something to the duo. First Kevin who she was in debt to, out of the fact that she couldn't raise him properly as a mother and second Sophie who she was in gratitude of because she saved her family from him.

And somehow Eva was satisfied with the fact that they were together and could only hope that things remained that way.And somehow Eva was satisfied with the fact that they were together and could only hope that things remained that way.
Seven years. It had been seven years ever since the whole Kevin fiasco and somehow Eva found herself slowly settling into a much more peaceful lifestyle. She and her husband had smoothened things over and they were better now- as better as they could be. They moved to another city where it was near his newly promoted job in the photography industry, while Eva took up a job as a retail assistant not that much of a fulfilling job compared to being a writer, but it would do.

Celia eventually outgrew her reputation as a murderer's brother and the only distinct quality about her was her glass eye, but she got over the name calling and bullying. The holiday seasons were upon their household and Eva was surprised to receive a post card wishing them goodwill for Christmas.

But the image on top of the message was what shocked her the most. There stood Sophie wearing a blood red Christmas sweater with her ashen locks pulled back into a ponytail, Kevin stood beside her, his identity was concealed by the Santa Claus beard and hat he had on, but she knew who he was- as his mother she could still proudly say that she would be able to identify his black locks.

But what terrified and surprised her the most was in front of them was a perfectly placed chair and there stood a young boy, grasping at a small stuffed bear which looked more like a voodoo doll than a toy.
She had a grandson. Kevin had a son. The very thought didn't seem to properly register in her mind and the older woman didn't know wether to jump in complete joy or faint out of complete fear.


The said boy in the image was being carried by his psychotic father downstairs, his small three-year-old body clothed by a Christmas onesie which he wore last night as pajamas.

He yawned drowsily while his head laid on his father's shoulder. Once downstairs his grey eyes saw that his mother happily laid out a plate of Christmas cookies and an eggnog in front of him. At this sight, his eyes widened and his mouth spread into a toothy grin that he beamed towards his parents.

"Such a young child and he's already like a charmer like his dad." Sophie said as she looked at her son, Dylan, with a loving gaze which was only ever directed to him and her husband.

"I'll bet you he might even be a murderer like us when he grows up." Kevin retorted and the ashen haired girl gave him an amused look. "Let's hope he finds someone to grow old with, if he ever does become psychotic."

Kevin smirked at her statement. "Lucky me I found you. Merry Christmas." He said then revealed a knife behind his back that was simply wrapped with a red bow. Sophie's eyes gazed at the weapon in excitement, it was another blade to add to her ever growing collection since Kevin always gave things such as this as a gift.
"Perfect size for skinning the deer we're going to shoot today."

Sophie and Kevin moved to a small cottage near the woods after they left the town. It was a property she inherited from her grandparents and it was the perfect location for seclusion since there were no nosy neighbors near the kilometer radius. They had a large garden in front of their house, so they could easily pick out vegetables and a lush, green forest as their backyard where they could hunt easily.

It was a simple life, but they wouldn't trade it for anything as long as they were together.

Later on when Sophie was slaughtering the deer they caught, her clothes splattered with the said animal's blood and her arms looked like they were bathed in a bucket of blood but the sight of her didn't disgust her husband or Dylan.

In this light actually, Kevin loved her appearance much more- bathed in blood Sophie Iver was a much more appealing woman although he would never let his wife know that. Dylan, who sat on his lap and was going in and out of sleep gazed at his mother dreamily.

"Mom looks pretty when she's bloodied." His son said half asleep, half awake and all Kevin do was smile at his son happily.

"She sure does, but never bathed her own blood alright Dylan?" The older man told his son knowing that he never liked Sophie to be bleeding large amounts of the said liquid. The young boy only hummed in response as a sign of approval.

Kevin then rocked his child to sleep while Sophie paused to look at the sight of the once psychotic teenage boy, holding their son as if he was the most precious thing in the world and he might as well be. Who knew that the two of them would ever make it out alive to come to this moment- a contented family.

She loved him to the point of no return. They were darkness- both lions in sheep's clothing- but together they remained as they are and somehow their hindered spirits found comfort in each other- forever. Until death do they part and even then, they would both greet each other happily in hell.


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