We need to talk about Kevin (...

By vicki-tai_onfleek

113K 1.8K 283

Kevin Khatchadourian - credits to original owners Imagies, short stories, one shots (πŸ˜‚) wattevvva~ Contain... More

Quick Note
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Ms Archery~ pt.3
Gods and Monsters pt.1
Gods and Monsters pt.2
Gods and Monsters pt.3
Gods and Monsters pt.4
Gods and Monsters pt.5
Gods and monsters pt.6
Gods and Monsters pt.7
Gods and Monsters pt.8
Gods and Monsters pt.10
Gods and Monsters pt.11
Gods and Monsters pt.12
Touchable (SMUT) pt.1
The way she likes it
Halloween Night
Important Note | New Book
Sweet Cheeks (SMUT)

Gods and Monsters pt.9

2.3K 53 34
By vicki-tai_onfleek

"Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over." ― Nicole Sobon, Program 13


It's been eight months and every single day Sophie felt like a part of herself died every time she woke up in the morning and Kevin wasn't there. A frown was always present on her face in the early hours, but then a mask of friendliness would comfortably slip on her face that no one would have thought that she was really feeling lonely.

She was getting good at it- pretending that is. There were moments in her life wherein she would think that the lies she was telling everybody around her was the truth. It was tough at first, to rebuild her once glorious empire that she built with Kevin- but eventually she did recover. She didn't move to another town or change her name- her home was here and she just couldn't find it within herself to part with her mother.

But she eventually did and now she was living in an apartment, her family inheritance would have set the grey eyed girl up for a life where she wouldn't ever have to work but Sophie found life unimaginable if she just stared at four walls all her life, so she took up a job and surprisingly it was at the local library.

It had a decent pay and it was a work she preferred, since she didn't have to talk to a lot of people. It was a welcomed distraction that she needed. She continued with her sessions with Dr. Green because she would be forced to attend such things until the female doctor said that she was back to sanity but slowly Sophie was getting good at pretending. She would always have a friendly demeanor around herself and little by little people saw past her as the innocent victim- a few more months of acting she would be deemed normal enough to stop the weekly therapy. But now, Sophie was so good at acting that somehow she convinced herself that this was who she truly was.

A naive and innocent adolescent who only wanted a normal life. The old psychotic Sophie Iver was soon going to be dead, if this continued and the grey eyed girl didn't know wether it pleased or terrified her.

Aside from that she didn't have any communications with the Khatchadourian family. Sophie didn't even visit Kevin in prison, because it would look suspicious since she was supposed to loathe him and the last time she heard about Mr. and Mrs. K they didn't follow through with the divorce. Instead Mr. K was usually out of town for his photography work, Mrs. K now worked at a local travel agency she only knew this because people in the library liked to gossip, and Celia- the poor child- was having a hard time at school because not only did people tease her for her glass eye, but they also feared the young child because she might turn out to be like her brother.

While Sophie, well she was stuck arranging books by the Dewey Decimal system and checking in and out borrowed books. What has her life become after all these months?


Eight months. Eight fucking months of being stuck inside a prison cell with absolutely nothing to do but endure the rest of his life in four walls. The fact which was deeply troubling him was the fact that Sophie not once did visit him, no phone calls or letters and frankly it was driving Kevin mad- something was wrong horribly wrong.
He missed the outside and frankly there were things he took for granted, which he now saw because he was in prison. People in there like him, most of the time kept to themselves but fights were inevitable and Kevin most of the time avoided everyone around him and they did the same since they knew of what he did and was warned of his psychopathic tendencies.

Visiting hours was commencing during this moment and as always his mother sat in front of him, waiting for him to talk. At first Eva tried to start a conversation with him, but he didn't speak- for eight months he actually hasn't talked unless it was out of importance. Soon little by little his mother lost hope that he would ever talk, but she continued with his visits because she held on to the last glimmer she had.

"Khatchadourian. Another visitor." One of the guards said and the two looked at the entrance to see Sophie, who looked the same as ever and wore a simple black tee that was tucked into the same colored skater skirt. But gone were her pair of sneakers, instead she wore sandals and her nails lacked the usual polish that it had.
Hesitantly she walked towards their table, but paused midway when she saw Kevin stand up- everyone around them tensed the guards around them readying themselves for whatever he might do.

He slowly walked towards Sophie, eyes filled with disbelief to finally see her but once Kevin inspected the grey eyed girl he saw it. He saw what she was afraid of and that was the fact that she had changed. Gone were the mischievous glint in her eyes and her smile emanated pure warmth not the malicious aura he was used to. His hands slowly went to cup her face and her body instinctively went frigid, when his Sophie would have leaned in his touch and that was when he knew that she wasn't acting this time- a fact which terrified him.

Slowly his hands went to hold both her arms and he saw that her eyes weren't confident or dominant- her grey orbs were filled with fear an emotion which his own face mirrored because he was afraid, afraid of loosing her.
"What did you do?" He whispered in a low and angered voice, which made Sophie unable to find her voice because honestly she couldn't explain it herself. "What the fuck did you do to my Sophie!" He shouted and this time his hands violently shook her. Guards around them started to try and detain the frightening, psychotic teenage boy, while Sophie merely sobbed- ashamed of the person she became.

"I'm sorry!" She whispered. "I changed." And just like that he stopped, shoulders sagging in disappointment and willingly he went to the guards who escorted him back inside to his cell- not once did he look back at the ashen haired girl because he was afraid of what he might do once he look back at her.

The two women in Kevin's life was enveloped in silence, the only sound they could hear was the sobs that came from Sophie. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come." The grey eyed girl muttered sadly, then quickly bolted out the doors.

"Sophie wait!" Mrs. K called after her and then she too was out the doors. The scene she arrived to was a sobbing grey eyed girl hunched over a car, probably hers the older woman assumed. "I'm sorry Mrs. K, I didn't want to cause any trouble."

And then he saw what Kevin was talking about, this wasn't the Sophie she knew. The dangerous girl who looked like she was going to murder the next person she would see. The older woman didn't know wether to comfort or be afraid of the girl in front of her.

Sophie soon calmed down without Eva's help and slowly her breathing settled to its normal state, the only evidence that she cried were her bloodshot eyes. "S-so how are you, Mrs. K." Her shaky voiced asked.
"Fine." The older woman said monotonously. "How's Celia?"

"She's as good as a serial killer's sister could be." Sophie swallowed her guilt at this point and the grey eyed girl had no choice but to slide in her car, making sure to stop the conversation before it got awkward. "Goodbye Mrs. K."


The next day Eva returned to the prison which contained Kevin and the older woman expected her son to be sitting on the table waiting for her, but only this time he wasn't alone. There on the table sat Sophie who cradled Kevin's head on her lap, her thin hands tangling itself into black curls.

Where are we? What the hell is going on? The dust has only just begun to fall,

Crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling. Spin me 'round again and rub my eyes.
This can't be happening. When busy streets amass with people
Would stop to hold their heads heavy.

Once again Eva heard her voice and something that didn't change was the way that it haunted her to the very deep of her soul. Knowing that the two would want their privacy, she went back to the waiting area until it was her turn to see her son.

Sophie sadly smiled at him, a deep sense of longing his presence filling her completely but she wasn't glad to see him- not in the state she was in.

"I need you back." He stated silently, his hand reaching up to her longer ashen locks that now reached her waist. "I can't." She whispered in shame, she wanted to she really did but the damage was done and Sophie pretended hard enough that she became someone else she doesn't even recognize.

Once he heard her answer, he stood up from where he was laying and now the two of them sat beside each other at such an uncomfortable distance that the two weren't used to. Kevin then stood up from his seat and the grey eyed girl could only stare at the view of his back. It made her skin crawl, how they walked around each other in hesitation when before the two of them were so comfortable in the company of the person they love.

"Can't you be happy with what I am now?" She asked with hesitation, her palms sweating profusely out of nervousness. And that was when he saw it, the shiny ring on her finger- the sight was enough to make his eyes express a complete emotion of rage. "You're married?"

"Engaged." She corrected him and then all Kevin could see was red. Sophie counted silently in nervousness, just awaiting the explosion which would erupt from the psychotic teenage boy but it never came- instead he simply walked away from her.

Despite the fact that he didn't burst out in exclaims that Sophie was only his, the psychotic teenage boy was far from letting her go. He would get her back, her old self back and even though Kevin was obviously limited to the fact that he was still detained in four walls, but that wouldn't stop him from getting what he wanted.


"I heard you visited Kevin in prison a few days ago." Dr. Green stated as she sat in front of the relaxed Sophie Iver on her couch.

"I did."


"Needed closure, before I left town." She said and then slowly sat up from where she laid, knowing that her hour during weekly visits was almost up. "Ah yes, you're moving across the country to start a new life with your fiancé."

Sophie smiled warmly as she remembered Brendon, a person she met who was just visiting the town out of his job. He met her in the library, four months after the murder fiasco, and he asked her out for coffee- taken by her beautiful appearance. The two instantly hit it off- a whirlwind romance that was how Sophie would describe their relationship.

Not even a year of being together and already they were engaged and moving in together in a town where he grew up. She was going to live a new life, far from her past since noting else was holding her back after her mother died. Rebuilding, this was Sophie slowly rebuilding what she lost.

The grey eyed girl thanked Dr. Green sincerely and then she left the building and got in her car. At such a young age she was granted a license since the ashen haired girl was a special case, so going around her small town with such ease was an ability she garnered now.

Before going home to her apartment, she bought some bagels knowing how hungry Brendon would be after his work. No date was set for their wedding yet, but she loved him- the new Sophie held deep affections for him and for now that was enough for the grey eyed girl. Anything actually, she welcomed it if meant filling up the gaping hole in her soul.

She parked her car up front and then made her way into the building, it was a small house which held no neighbors and frankly the nearest form of a breathing person was about a ten minute walk or so, but Sophie welcomed the peace. She needed a little more of that after Kevin.

She jiggled her keys in the doorknob, before she was granted access of her home. Her hands sat the paper bag of bagels down the kitchen counter and then she started to look around her house knowing that Brendon should have been him by now.

"Babe? Where are you? I bought some of your favorite bagels." She called out curiously, but he was nowhere in sight. Sophie climbed the set of stairs which led to the second floor. "Brendon?" She called out to him again, only to scream in shock when she saw that his body was laying on the wooden flooring, his blood oozing on the floor.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed and quickly bent down to his corpse, her hands frantically searched for his pulse but she found none and then she sobbed. "Brendon! Brendon! Please." She muttered out as she clung to his lifeless body in desperation. This couldn't happen to her again- not again.

"Welcome home Sophie." Said girl looked up and saw the standing figure of Kevin holding a bloodied bat and a maniacal smile. "K-Kevin. What are you doing here?"

"Got out of jail because I had to save my queen from this douchebag." He said then kicked the bloodied corpse hard causing more of the red liquid to be released onto the floor, even managing some of his blood to splatter across Sophie's shivering body. "Well look at that."

Kevin said in fascination and then bent down to her level. His free hand, also bloodied, lifted her chin to inspect the red which was clearly contrasting against her white skin. "Did you remember that I once said that you looked so pretty when you're bloodied?"

She freed he chin from his gasp, earning a laugh from the psychopath. "Well there's my naughty little Sophie. Come on, I wanna see more of her."

"You're crazy." She whispered and then glared at him in anger. "I'm crazy for you if that's what you mean. Besides I do recall a time when the two of us were both murderous psychopaths."

"I'm not that girl anymore." She started to stand up, only for Kevin to grab her by the hair and hauling her bloodied form to the bedroom. She screamed in agony as she tried every attempt to get away, but it was all futile. "I need my Sophie back and I am going to get her to fucking come out of that body of yours."

He shouted then threw her on the bed, immediately she scrambled to get away from him but he was faster. Kevin was already on top of her, straddling her waist his hand restraining hers and the other holding a knife against her throat. A familiar scene to the both of them and another thing that was familiar to the psychopathic teenage boy was the knife he was holding- one of the sharp blades he gave to her for Christmas.

"Kevin please let me go." She whispered and his ones murderous eyes glazed over, leaving only complete distraught on his face. He stabbed the knife on the pillow her head laid on, an inch or two close to her head and she could only look at him in confusion.

Kevin was having a breakdown, never did Sophie ever plead out of fear in front of him and he didn't like it- he didn't like this. He wanted his old Sophie back and he would much have rather preferred for the grey eyed girl to spend hellish days in prison with him if it meant having her back. He didn't like this Sophie- not one bit.

"Give her back to me!" He said and threw the slender figure of the ashen haired girl unto the floor. "Give her back to me! Give her back to me! Give her back to me!" At each opportunity he would slap her face again and again in an angry daze which he hoped would return the girl he once knew back to earth but it didn't.

Instead her vision only blurred and she was left almost lifeless on the floor as Kevin sat on the bed with sobbing convulsions coming from him. "Please give her back to me." He pleaded and suddenly Sophie's eyes softened. Even before not once did her ex-boyfriend act like this in front of her and it made her heart lurch- there was a spark and a predatory gaze enveloped her.

Despite her throbbing head she crawled towards him with only one goal in mind. She slowly held his hands, leaving him to look at her and he knew that look- it was the look that made him fall head over heels with her as sappy as that may sound. Their eyes, not once did it lost their contact with each other even when she was removing his pants, even when she removed his boxers, even when she started to pump his member and even when she started to suck him off like a lollipop.

Only did it broke when, Kevin had to roll his head back in pleasure definitely missing her touch after all this mouths. She didn't say anything as she heard his moans, only licked his shaft her hands grasping the base of his well endowed member.

Sophie's mouth began to envelop the end of his dick and then little by little she inches all of him up to hear throat. She hollowed out her cheeks to further enhance his pleasure and she was regarded by a very audible moan.

"Fuck I missed you." He stated in a raspy voice and Sophie only responded by bobbing her head up and down at such a meticulous pace. Her tongue made the effort to ensure that it was still licking the underside of his dick, the best part of it all was when her hand grasped for his balls leaving Kevin to groan in surprise and pleasure.

She continued with her fast pace and then he exploded in her mouth. Sophie made sure to catch every single drop, swallowing once he was done. Kevin looked pleased at her naive little eyes and soon he hauled her up the bed making sure that they were both stripped of everything they wore.

He still wasn't pleased by the fact that she was different, but by now he was sure that the old her still remained such a thing he was ensured when she mouth fucked him into oblivion- just like how they did before. Baby steps, Kevin figured but he didn't have the patience for that, so he would have to speed things up.

But right now he was satisfied by the fact that she was next to him, the presence of her body which he longed for everyday was now beside him and for now that was enough.


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