We need to talk about Kevin (...

By vicki-tai_onfleek

113K 1.8K 283

Kevin Khatchadourian - credits to original owners Imagies, short stories, one shots (😂) wattevvva~ Contain... More

Quick Note
Ms Archery~ Pt.1
Ms Archery~ pt.2
Ms Archery~ pt.3
Gods and Monsters pt.1
Gods and Monsters pt.3
Gods and Monsters pt.4
Gods and Monsters pt.5
Gods and monsters pt.6
Gods and Monsters pt.7
Gods and Monsters pt.8
Gods and Monsters pt.9
Gods and Monsters pt.10
Gods and Monsters pt.11
Gods and Monsters pt.12
Touchable (SMUT) pt.1
The way she likes it
Halloween Night
Important Note | New Book
Sweet Cheeks (SMUT)

Gods and Monsters pt.2

4.4K 103 14
By vicki-tai_onfleek

Sophie almost exploded that room, she should have taken that knife and stabbed Mindy the 'I'm so popular bitch' in the eye. In her fit of rage, she screamed in frustration and her clenched hand punched the bathroom mirror with such a strength that shattered the glass plane into tiny little shards leaving a few pieces embedded in her now bleeding fist.

At her feet laid the pieces of the once whole mirror and her eyes only stared at them, as she tried to calm herself. This was her downfall- her very, very short tempered personality that would cause people around her to suffer if they were ever caught in her fit of rage.

Suddenly the bathroom door slowly opened and the person that came in was greeted with the sight of Sophie Iver whose hair shielded her face from the person that came in.

With a bleeding hand at her side, came in view were a pair of sneakers as she continued to stare at the ground. Bigger than a female's that much she could see and she knew that it was a male in front of her and not a girl.

"The guys' bathroom is at the next door over."

"I know." A deep silk-like voice said and on instinct she looked up with a deep surprise as she was faced with Kevin Khatchadourian. Stormy grey eyes met dark chocolate ones and silently they conversed, as if some sort of strange relationship now formed between them in the mere silence of the bathroom. Slowly his hands reached for her bleeding one and the dark-haired guy in front of her delicately removed the glass shards in her knuckles. She looked at him in surprise but he merely continued his work on her hand.

When she was younger, during a time when her father was still alive and her mother was still sane, Sophie was warned about that one guy who would flip her whole world upside down. Frankly she didn't believe in any of those fairy tales bullshit, but a part of her hoped that it was true because what kind of girl could honestly tell you that she wasn't hoping to find true love.

And by the stars, Sophie Iver never dreamt that she would find this so called soulmate of hers within the four walls of a bathroom. He was a tornado, that swept everything away from his path, the kind of natural calamity which left behind cataclysmic destruction and quite honestly Sophie never stood a chance.


"When you love someone, truly love them, you lay your heart open to them. You give them a part of yourself that you give to no one else, and you let them inside a part of you that only they can hurt-you literally hand them the razor with a map of where to cut deepest and most painfully on your heart and soul. And when they do strike, it's crippling-like having your heart carved out." ― Sherrilyn Kenyon


Kevin learned that she liked to paint her nails with all sorts of colors- black, gold and pastels were her favorites. He also learned that her hobbies were cooking and putting on makeup- just like any other girls in his school but unlike them she was psychotic which fascinated Kevin.

She could seriously hurt someone with her knife handiwork and the grey eyed girl had a strange fixation with fire- he had an inkling that she was a pyromaniac but she had it, some what, under control for she didn't deliberately set things on fire.

Sophie learned that Kevin had a sister and a mother which he loathed, his father was still a person he has yet to decide wether he likes or hates. She also learned that he likes the scent of grass after the rain and despised anything that smelled citrusy. He had a strange fondness for her red velvet cupcakes and he definitely liked the image of her as a bloodied body- wether or not he liked it for her to be bathed in her own blood or another's he has yet to decide.

The next time the two of them were ever alone was in front of the school, it was one of those hours when everybody had gone home and the only people who lingered in the building were either finishing up a project or waiting for someone. Sophie was the former, as she had an experiment due for her social studies class and when she walked down the last set of stairs, the grey eyed girl was surprised to see Kevin Khatchadourian.

She quickly descended from the small platforms of the school and went past him only to have the dark haired male to grab her wrist- disabling her to leave. "Did I say that you could go?"

She met his steel glare and matched it with her own, for the both of them were known throughout the school for their intimidating stares. "I din't know that I was the one you were waiting for." Sophie answered back with a snarky tone.

"Well you were." She freed her wrist from his grasp and continued to stand her ground against him. "What do you want?"

Surprisingly he didn't answer, but merely walked towards the exit. His long, lean arm opened the door and motioned for her to get out of the school first like a gentleman. With a suspicious expression in her eyes, she walked through the doors and then he followed- he continued to follow her even as they were outside both of them enveloped in silence.

At first he trailed behind her and slowly Kevin was next to her, their shoulders brushing against one another until his hand found hers and then the two of them were intertwined.

Kevin and Sophie.
Sophie and Kevin.
Kevin and Sophie.
Sophie and Kevin.
Kevin. Sophie. Sophie. Kevin
And for Sophie the lines of her life were further blurred when he entered her life.

He accompanied Sophie to her home that night and she welcomed him warmly into her house- into her life- and for the first time Kevin was able to see her as she was and not a superficial person created out of the rumors of the school. She indeed had a drunkard mother, that was very clear when they passed the living room where an older woman was passed out on the couch with the television on. Empty beer bottles were around her and Sophie, who was used to this, simply turned off the tv and started gathering the bottles to throw out in the garbage can.

Kevin only stood there staring at her, as the grey eyed girl carefully laid her mother in a comfortable position and that was when he knew she had a heart- unlike him. Her heart beated strongly for her mother and Kevin- well Kevin had yet to find his own and the reason why he kept on living.

When she finished, Sophie walked towards him and stood in front of the black-haired male waiting for his next move.

There was a magnetic pulse between them, just like how the sun kept the planets in orbit- she too felt like he was the one keeping her afloat in the never ending darkness that was around them. Kevin wondered if Sophie was not afraid that if she came to close to him- she would burn. But a part of him knew that if there ever came a time that she would be set alight, she would burn in the most beautiful flames that could rival the spectacular sight of a supernova,

"Show me you room." He said and she did, she grasped his hand and led him upstairs making him see that despite the fact that she had a dysfunctional family, Sophie Iver was loaded with money. There were rooms on the second floor which had a hallway decorated with doors left and right and an endless corridor that seemed to go on forever until they stopped in front of a door.

He was the one who opened it and was presented with four walls painted in a dark purple hue. It was clean, very organized and lacked any form of object which stated that it was her room. A double bed against two walls, a desk at the end of the room and a large closet. No posters, no scattered laundry just a simple pristine room. The only thing that gave away the fact that it was occupied was the single picture frame of Sophie and her complete family laying on her desk and the sets of makeup on her vanity table.

He entered the room slowly, stopping at the center to take it all in and then he motioned for her to come to him. She was enveloped in his lean arms, his chin on top of her head and her own buried against his chest, and together they swayed to the motions of an unheard melody

"Does she hit you?" He asked and surprised eyes were the only things that met his question and he knew immediately. "How- How did you know?"

"It doesn't take a genius to put the puzzle pieces together. Is that what the makeup is for? To cover up the bruises." His fingers danced dangerously around her skin and Sophie could only mutter. "She doesn't mean it, it's because of the beer and her sorrow."

"And you take it willingly?" He asked and his fingers traced patterns on her leg, making shiver run up her spine. "I like the pain. It makes me feel."

And then he noticed it- the detached expression in her eyes, the same ones which he held and he knew- oh he just knew that she was perfect for him. "Tell me, Sophie, do you want to please me?"

"Do you want me to please you?" She answered back, her smart little tone once again present in her voice. Kevin could only smile at her- his rare smile one which only appeared when he was pleased or when someone was in pain. Kevin's hand tangled itself in her ashen locks and then he stated. "On your knees."


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