We need to talk about Kevin (...

By vicki-tai_onfleek

113K 1.8K 283

Kevin Khatchadourian - credits to original owners Imagies, short stories, one shots (πŸ˜‚) wattevvva~ Contain... More

Quick Note
Ms Archery~ Pt.1
Ms Archery~ pt.2
Ms Archery~ pt.3
Gods and Monsters pt.1
Gods and Monsters pt.2
Gods and Monsters pt.3
Gods and Monsters pt.4
Gods and Monsters pt.5
Gods and monsters pt.6
Gods and Monsters pt.7
Gods and Monsters pt.8
Gods and Monsters pt.9
Gods and Monsters pt.10
Gods and Monsters pt.11
Gods and Monsters pt.12
Touchable (SMUT) pt.1
The way she likes it
Halloween Night
Important Note | New Book
Sweet Cheeks (SMUT)


7.7K 54 5
By vicki-tai_onfleek

This one is different, it's after Kevin gets out of prison and then lives back with Eva his mumziiy ☺️😂🤣 its not a mother x son relationship,      (😂 well.... yeh😂 you'll get what I mean in the end)  BUT LOOK AT THKSE PHOTOS~!~!~!~!~!~! So kawaaiiiii (ew I just said that, I feel so... how do u say this... um.... CHESSSSSSSSSSSEY!!!!)

I'm Kevin. Kevin Khatchadourian. You might know me better as "KK", which was the monicker the media pinned to me after my little tirade at Gladstone High. I was 15 then (3 days before my 16th birthday, making me a minor within the legal system). I spent a little over a year in a juvenile detention facility and due to some shocking news from a pharmaceutical company (that my father more or less pushed for my lawyer to uncover) I was released on probation into my parents' custody. I'm 17 now, so here I sit until April of 2014 when I will attend a probation hearing to determine whether or not I can leave Eva and Franklin's "care". If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. I got nothing but time on my hands and the longer I can sit in front of this droning machine, the less time I have to spend staring at Eva, Franklin, and Celie.
((Note from the Mun: This is an RP blog based of the book/movie called "We Need To Talk About Kevin". I am not someone who has actually killed people- nor do I condone such unforgivable, abhorrent behavior. Some things are different from the book/movie, which I guess technically makes it a bit AU. Obviously Kevin is not in prison or JD and he never killed Franklin and Celia. I started this blog as a bit of a social experiment and it has more than exceeded my expectations so I'm just going to run with it and see what happens. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me (or Kevin) know.))
((OOC: So, here is the Kevin fanfic that fell out of my head this afternoon....
Let me know if I should keep going or burn the shit, won't you?))
                "It's not much, of course..." She kept glancing back at him as she drove. The years had changed him and although she had been right there to see it, he looked so different to her now. Maybe it was the change of scenery around him or seeing him in street clothes again, but he was definitely different than he was even last week when she visited. "I've had everything moved and your room is..."
                "I'm sure it's fine." He, in turn, stared straight ahead as he spoke. She could have been anyone sitting in the car next to him and it seemingly wouldn't have mattered to him. "Fuck, as long as there aren't bars on the windows, it'll be fine."
                "Well, there aren't so..."
                "Christ, please just shut up for a minute?" He put his thumb and index finger on either side of his nose and lowered his head, squeezing until his fingertips went white. "You're giving me a headache."
                "Right." She nodded. "Sorry." She spoke her apology in a whisper as she watched him drop his head back against the headrest.
                "It's fine." His deep, smoky voice was suddenly soft as he closed his eyes for the rest of the trip.
                 "Kevin?" She had pulled into the driveway and cut the engine without waking him. He looked exhausted, but at the same time he seemed so much stronger than he had ever been before. Though he was still tall and lanky, she could see lithe leg muscle through his jeans where he had previously been painfully thin and bony. Sleek. The word shot through her head so briefly she hardly had a chance to acknowledge it. "Kevin? We're ho... here." Certainly they weren't home. Home was a place they would never be again. She was hesitant to touch him and carefully reached out, gently placing her hand on his shoulder.
                "What?" He sat up with a jolt, knocking her hand away and startling her into taking several steps back.
                "We're here." She pointed to the house they had parked in front of.
                "This is it, huh?" He stood up and looked around the quiet suburb. Not another person in sight but that wasn't surprising as it was a Thursday afternoon and most people were probably working. Eva marveled at how tall he was now. Though she was statuesque at 5 foot 9, Kevin exceeded that by reaching 6 feet and while that was only a few inches, his dark countenance made him appear so much bigger. "Do the neighbors here in suburbia know who I am? Or, should I say, who we are?" He looked down at her just then, locking their eyes together and sneering at her. He gained a lot of satisfaction by seeing all of the hatred thrust upon Eva- at least he thought he did- as he held her largely responsible for destroying his life. True, he made his own choices and he more than took responsibility for his actions at the school that day, but if Eva had just...tried, things could have been a lot different.
                "I don't know, I haven't met any of them yet." She motioned toward the house and he followed, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching them.
                "So, no fake names, no hiding behind lies? We're just going to move in here- the two most hated people in America- and nobody is going to say a fucking thing?" He scoffed. "I find that really hard to believe. Don't get too comfortable, it'll just be a matter of time before we move again."
                "Why would you say that?" She turned the key and opened the door to the tiny bungalow, stepping in and holding the door for him. He seemed to pause for a second, as if he was unsure he wanted to enter. With one step he was inside and she closed the door behind them.
                "Do you remember that kid from Claverack, Rashard?"
                "Yes. Well, I remember his mother more. I never really spoke to him." Eva took her coat off and hung it on the coat rack behind the door with her purse. "Why? What about him?"
                "He got out about three months ago and went back to live with his mom and he said they've moved four times already." Kevin turned to look around the tiny living room. It was neat and clean- boring, really. "They're going to live in motels now. All their stuff is in storage and they'll move every few weeks." He could tell Eva hadn't been living there. She must have stayed someplace else until he was released so they could come here together. He vaguely remembered her saying something like that during one of their last visits- something to the effect of she was waiting to take him home before she lived there.
                "Why?" Eva felt a chill down her spine as she watched him move around the room.
                "Some kind of advocacy group for his victims keeps tracking them down and outing them by plastering the community with flyers about the murderer living in their midst." He turned to face her then, grinning at the horrified expression on her face. "Once the neighbors find out, it's over. They'd get harassed until his mother couldn't take it anymore and then they'd move again. He told me not to unpack everything- just the essentials- because we'll be living out of boxes for the rest of our lives." He winked at her and flopped down on the sofa, feeling the cushions to see how comfortable it was.
                "Oh." She felt suddenly empty inside. Everything was unpacked and she had put so much into making a home for him; the thought of having to pack it all up in a few weeks and leave made her quiver.
                "But don't worry," Kevin stood up again and walked to her side. "Nobody is running us out. You said you put a lot of work into this place and that you like it, so we're just going to dig our heels in and tell them to go fuck themselves." She had been looking down as he spoke and it startled her to look up and realize he was only inches from her now. His dark eyes glowered down at her and she felt flushed.
                "Do you want to see your room?" She stammered slightly, taking a few steps back, as if gaining distance from him would clear her head. Turning swiftly she headed up the stairs, not waiting to see if he followed. Once at the top of the staircase, she turned to find him behind her. "There are actually two rooms up here, and they're small, but I figured you could have both of them- kind of have the entire upper level the house to yourself. Even though it's not very big, I just thought...it would afford you more privacy and..."
                "It's fine." He brushed past her and a shock ran through her as their bodies touched briefly.
                "The room to the left is where I put your bed and clothes. And then to the right I kind of set you up a computer room...all of your books and things are..."
                "It's fine." His expression was dead and shallow as he looked to the right and glanced back at her.
                "If you would rather sleep in the front of the house, we can move everything, I just..."
                "Christ! It's fucking fine, all right?" He snapped at her and stepped across the hall into his bedroom. "Holy shit." It was an expression of astonishment rather than an outburst. Carefully, Eva inched her way down the hall, stopping at the doorway to find Kevin, mouth agape at the room in front of him.
                "You kept everything?" The layout of the room was exactly the same as it had been at home. What few possessions he had were precisely where he had left them, how he had left them. It was as if Eva had magically lifted his bedroom from one house and carefully placed it in another. It was even the same shape and size room as it was before. Like he never left. "Fuck." Kevin whispered, pulling open a few of the drawers to find all of his old clothing exactly where it had been when he left for school that morning.
                "Yes." Eva nodded nervously. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing, but something had told her if he could at least come home to familiar surroundings he might have a chance. "Everything is here, just as you left it."
                "You know you could have sold a lot of this stuff and made a shit-ton of money, right?" He closed the last drawer and turned back to face her, forcing her gaze to the floor again. Why couldn't she look at him?
                "I..." She searched for words where there were none.
                "I'm just saying you could have." He shrugged, standing only a few inches from her now. "Thanks for keeping it." His voice was unusually gentle again and for a moment she was able to look up at him. And there was the piercing stare that had always cut through her and she was forced to look away again.
                "I bought you a new laptop; the police never gave yours back..." She turned and walked across the hall to show him the other room.
                "There wasn't anything left on it to keep." He snickered, sauntering behind her, "I fried the hard drive before I left that morning."
                "Yes, that's what the police said, too." She smiled for some reason then but quickly caught herself and stifled it. Was she actually pleased that her son had been so cunning?
                "Is this the same bed from home? Same mattress, I mean?" Kevin asked, going to the foot and peeling back the covers.
                "Yes, why?" Eva cocked her head, curious to see a spark in Kevin's eyes.
                "When the cops tossed my room, did they search the bed?" He ran his fingers along the seam slowly, back and forth, until it seemed that he located whatever he was searching for.
                "No. I mean, they looked between the mattress and the box spring, but..."
                "Got some scissors handy?" He asked, kneeling down.
                "S-sure." She walked to the desk in the other room and returned with a pair of scissors, handing them to him without a thought. "Here."
                "Thanks." He glanced up at her as he took the scissors and saw the unusual expression of interest on her face.
                "Strange. I seem to have your attention." Kevin said it knowing full well it would sting her, and he meant it to. "For once." He glared at her and then returned to his work at the foot of the bed. Eva stood quietly behind him as he pinched a string between his thumb and finger. Carefully he ran the scissors down the seam, opening the mattress just slightly and began to pull the string. After a moment, a tiny plastic box, no bigger than a matchbox, appeared. Kevin smiled as he looked up at her.
                "What is it?" She asked, interested indeed.
                "Only the important stuff." Kevin handed back the scissors- handle first- as he stood up. He snapped open the case and flipped it over, dropping a miniscule piece of black plastic into his palm. "Anything I wanted to save from my old computer before I killed it is on here. I just made sure there was nothing incriminating in case they found it."
                "What else do you have hidden that I don't know about?" She said it without thinking.
                "Well, if I wanted you to know that," He walked toward her until their chests were very nearly touching. "I wouldn't have hidden it, would I?"
                "No," Eva's throat clamped down and her voice just barely squeaked out. "No, I suppose not." She shook her head and dropped her gaze to the floor.
                "I'm kidding, you know." He took a step around her and walked to the room across the hall. "This is the only thing I really felt like I needed to keep. I took the chance that you wouldn't get rid of the bed, or that the cops wouldn't find it. Not that it mattered; like I said, it's just personal stuff I wanted to keep."
                "Like what?" What could he have that was important enough to hide that way?
                "Hidden for a reason, remember?" He glanced at her over his shoulder as he sat down at the desk and looked the laptop over. Kevin picked up some of the paperwork for the computer and glanced at the specs. "Nice system. Thanks for picking it up." His approval means everything.
                "Sure." She nodded, happy to have pleased him. But why?
                "Do you mind if I just hang out here for a while?" He asked.
                "Sure, that's fine." She turned and headed toward the door. "I have a few things I want to get done anyway. Can I get you anything? Would you like a soda or something?"
                "No, thanks." He smiled at her again. It was not necessarily a kind smile, nor was it the vile leer that he most delivered her way. "If I want something I'm pretty sure I can find the kitchen."
                "Okay." Eva nodded and went to the door and then stopped, turning to look at him for another moment.
                "Can you just leave me alone for a while? Please?" He wasn't nasty when he said it. To him it was a request like any other.
                "Sure." Eva left him alone then. She didn't bother to remind him of the provisions of his probation and the things he was told he better not get caught doing when it came to being on the computer. He knew it all well enough and it was up to him to make the choice. Or to be smart enough to not get caught.
                The rest of the evening was uneventful. They sat together and ate dinner without a word. Kevin more or less picked at his food only eating a miniscule amount. She was tempted to ask him if he wanted her to prepare something else, but that would have been too much fawning over him and likely would have set him off. After dinner they both went their own way; Kevin went back to his room and Eva sat on the sofa reading. Later that night, before heading to bed, Eva crept up the stairs quietly.
                "Kevin?" She called to him from the stairs but got no response. All of the times she had walked in on him masturbating came back to her and she was nervous to walk into his room unannounced. "Kevin?" She called out again and then listened for a moment. Peaceful breathing could be heard from the room to the left. She walked quietly to the door of his room and found him sleeping with a book open on his chest. Deciding it was safer to just leave him as he was, she went to her room and laid her exhausted body down to sleep.
***                                                                                  ***                                                                                      ***
                Pressure? Not pain or even discomfort, but pressure. Her arms and her shoulders seemed to ache as she roused from sleep. As she became more awake, she felt the warmth and weight of him. It had been so long since she had felt him on top of her...she missed the feeling of his body on hers.
                "Franklin." She whispered with a smile, attempting to reach out and put her arms around him. Panic struck her then as everything became real. She couldn't put her arms around him because they were pinned to the bed. Strong hands held her upper arms down, applying just enough of a squeeze to wake her. Franklin had never restrained her and these were not his hands; they were much more lithe and slender. At once her eyes bounced open and she was met with that horrifying gaze in front of her. Immediately she averted her eyes to the ceiling above him.
                "Why can't you look at me, Eva?" Kevin hissed.
                "Kevin." Why am I not fighting him off? 
                "Look at me, Eva." He moved to release one of her arms only to grasp both of her wrists in one hand. With his free hand, he gripped her chin, turning her face toward his. "Look me in the face, Eva." He held her there, firmly rather than painfully, until her wandering eyes looked into his.
                "Kevin, please..." She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of tears or fear, and steeled herself against his gaze, keeping her voice even.
                "Please what? What is it you want from me, Eva?" He was seething now. "Why did you bring me here?" His expression was unusually pained like she had never seen before. And now that he had asked the question, she had no choice but to face the reality of her own actions. It was that moment when she realized he wasn't straddling her as she originally thought. He was laying down on top of her, both of their bodies stretched out in their entirety. With their pelvises pressed together, she couldn't help but feel him- though he wasn't in an excited state at the moment.
                "I...I needed you here with me." Admitting it hurt her, especially when she saw the confusion it caused in him.
                "Why?" He spoke with his teeth clenched and his jaw set hard. "What for?"
                "I'm lonely." Her voice began to waiver then. Damn. "And you're the only one that can possibly understand what any of this feels like."
                "You're telling me that you stood in that courtroom, crying and making a mess of yourself because...because you missed me?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Bullshit!"
"Yes." Her eyes searched his, wanting to know how he was feeling now. Does he understand? Is he going to force me to say the words? "And I..."
"What? Fucking say it, Eva!" He inadvertently spit in her face as he spoke, the rage rising in his throat spilling out. "Tell me why you got me out!" He screamed it at her as his eyes showed fire.
"Because I love you." Her words were soft and sincere. "I miss you and I love you. I need my own son, I missed you, is it a crime not love your own flesh and blood, your own son" If her hands had been free she would have touched his face then, taking the chance that the affection along with the confession would send him into a complete rage. His expression twisted into anguish as he processed what she had said. While catching him off guard she quickly got up and hugged him. In total shock, Kevin just sat there shocked at Eva's sudden actions, being held in the arms of his mumziiy~😂🤣

(For once......
Feeling loved ❤️ )


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