Foes, Rivals, Or Something Mo...

By JewelzLibrary

6.5K 404 59

Sollux moves back to Florida with his brother and father away from the northern cities of New York. But when... More

Ch.1 What the hell?!
Ch.2 Double the trouble
Ch. 3 Never yours
I don't want your pity
Last Day and ultimate decision
Week #1
Sudden Attack
Weekend visit
Confusion and Rebellion
Long silence
Break in
Accept or Deny
Welcome home
Answered questions
Some Ex's can hurt
Temper temper
Truth and sudden proposal?!
Caught in one's web
Villain now turned victim?!
Close but far away
The End?

Warning, Damsel in distress

175 9 2
By JewelzLibrary

A tough call to make, but with Eridan's way of persuasion no one could say no. As their group makes their way to the wedding dressed in fancy suits and dresses , that were all designed by Kanaya, only one out of the lot of them was feeling completely unsure and hateful of the situation. Sollux sat beside Eridan with his arms folded, and his head leaning back against his seat. His cold was not completely gone,  and he has no medicine on him, therefore if he should get worse, it will atleast give him the opportunity to leave the area during or after the entire fiasco.

"Sol...are you really okay? You could have stayed at home,"

"And leave you surrounded by assholes who would likely go after you considering we are dealing with psycho bitch and fucking lunatic private boy. Yeah no fucking chance,"

"Sollux shut up we are all here too ya know?! And whats worse is we had to bring along the older offsprings within each of our god damn families! Mind you that mt older sibling is Kankri of all people! And then there's Aradias' overly perverted sister who for some reason acts like she can't speakcenglish to save her ducking life!"Karkat shouts.

"Karkat calm down," Kanaya says ass she pats his head lightly, "Now I do believe he is right though Sollux we are all here and can completely destroy anyone who would dare come near Eridan or any of us there's nothing to fear. You should have stayed home,"

"Okay no, second of all no, and third of all no." He says with a hiss.
"Oh my god just let the dumb bumble bee be alright? He's an idiot, let him get sick!" Vriska shouts.

"Vriska don't get caught in it Vriska I smell some great issues in this conversation," Terezi says with a cringe.

"I need a towel..." Equius says nervously.

"Meow meout we just wait and see?! We're all letting our furr go friskly!" Nepeta shouts with glee. The others stop their bickering as they get caught in her complete adorable cat puns that were also a bit weird.

Once they arrived to the massive church, they were greeted by the guard and the servants from both households. As they walked along the carpet that flashed in silk material and a color of ocean blue, they spot Rachelle dressed in a long flowing ruffled blue gown with sleeves cut along the sides and giving off a shining image that glowed in the light. Her hair curled up into a bun with small strands left out and a twisted ponytail over her shoulder. She held a bouquet of blue lillies and white roses and wore a clear blue veil in her bun. She turns to them and immediately runs over with a large smile.

"Oh my cod thank you for coming! This means a lot of you all to do this,"

"Not like we really wanted to. We hate you," Vriska states with a snort.

"I know that..." she says with a bow of her head.

"Please excuse Vriska's rude commentary, however we mainly understand your situation since we have lived with similar issues but to the less extreme," Kanaya says.

"Thank we need to get you to your seats quickly before Densil spots you, if he does we whale have some fishues so please just follow me," she carefully leads them through the crowd of people and seats them.

"Hold on..." Eridan glances up and sees his father standing in a perfectly clean suit, his hair combed back just as perfectly as always, and his eyes filled with a daek void of uncertainty. He stared and stared. "Why is my father here...?"

"Eh?" She looks over and gasps. " he here. ...? I saw the guest lists beforehand and had added you all..but his name was never placed on it.....unless..unless Densil or my father changed it..."

"Doesn't matter, but I hope he doesn't say anything...I'm already uncomfortable enough here....there's so many people many unfamiliar faces...." Eridan says quietly as he rubs his arm. Sollux holds his hand tightly yet rubs it with his thumb gently.

"Oh..I got to go....try to not make yourselves too recognizable..okay? Enjoy any food or drinks if you like though I'll await the objections....!" She whispers and runs off.

They nod, but keep their eyes open as they look around at the crowd. Eridan's eyes glance all around to each faxe, each body that walked by, each presence that was made clear ro him in fhat moment just as more began to add to ghe amount currently there. He breathes and allows his grip to tighten on Sollux's hand, as the others talk amongst themselves. Cronus stares at his younger brother with worry from behind, but he glances slowly up to his father who notices them and stares with wide eyes. Cronus' s eyes drop in sadness and disappointment not wanting to be reminded of the horrible bond he has with his father. Kankri takes note and frowns. He lightly whispers into his ear, and rubs his back gently as he tries to calm him down. Cronus sighs.

"Why is he here....?" He whispers.

As all the guests arrive according to plan, the wedding ceremony continues and all the while the group manages to hide their identities and keep their faces covered by huddling to talk.

Silence befalls the room as music begins to be played and the bridesmaids walk down the isle with fheir men. Eridan watches and when he does he notices the faces of the two boys that were Densil's companions in school. He takes a deep breath in and whispers to Sollux with a quivering breath.

"You were right....we shouldn't have came here...."

Sollux looks at him and frowns, "Do you think you can last...?" He asks but notices his boyfriend's complete laxk of control as his breathing becomes heavy and hitched. His other hand clings to his sleeve tightly. He felt completely devoured by the crowd that was around them, seated so close, and in a quiet scenefy with only one person speakkng. Eridan closes his eyes tightly and breathes, but just as he looks up again Densil's companions look over and their eyes widen. One of them quietly whispers to the other. They nod and look over to Eridan with piercing glares. Eridan feels his body freeze in place as his anxiety starts to increase. Sollux looks over and glares at the two and just as he does everyone in their group takes note and glare as well. He mouths words to them.

'You mess with him, you mess with us,'

The two flinch a bit and glance back at the couple that lied before them with their hands entangled.

As the words continue on and on by the priest finally their time has come.

"Is there any reason as to why these two should not be wed?"

They all immediately stand up. Eridan breathes and sighs in relief, he steps forward.

"We object to this whole thing!" The crowd beings to mutter which latch onto his ears, but for the moment he had no desire to get caught up by the flapping fishes of this sea of people. His focus now was to make the wealthy know that their children are free to do what they wish. And that they should not enforce anything like marriage onto their child.

"I..object as well...." Rachelle says quietly.

"Rachelle...?" Densil questions.

"I don't want to marry you....and these classmates..are here to help me object..that is the reason they are here..."

"You're still clinging to the Ampora aren't you?!"

"No she's not!" Eridan shouts as he walks forward. Meanwhile, his father watches from afar unable to step out himself and speak up against his son. A shame he could not display out in the open as much as he wanted to. But that desire has faded.

"She has respected my own feelings after all the drama that had went down which I know you have heard of, she's also apologized about it to all of us respectively, " he says.

"Ever since you stepped into my life you ruined everything I have had!" Densil lifts his hand and snaps as his two friends, Chase and Edward step down. "I'll make you regret even living!!!!"

"Densil enough!" Everyone's gazes befall his father, a well dressed man who looked younger than his legitimate age. He steps forward as he does another pair steps up as well. Rachelle's parents.

"Rachelle why would you invite all of this drama? Aren't you happy to marry someone with good looks, money, and a gentleman at heart?" Her mother asks.

"I never asked to marry! I don't want to be trapped in a net and be tossed to a man just because his family is a close partner of yours! I don't want the family business! I don't want to be the same as you! Confused and complete liars to everyone! You haven't even told everyone of your divorce!!!!!!" The crowd gasps in confusion whilw family members begin rising in rage. The couple remain silent. "I don't want be sad and depressed like you! Money doesn't make you happy! And doing something you don't love to do doesn't make you happy or rich! I brought this drama because I needed support...from people I know understand me and what I want! That's why I liked Eridan before...because he didn't want what his father wanted for him...and it made me realize just how much i'm missing out on my life! I just can't do it...!

"I can only sympathize with her now...." Kanaya says to the others.

"I get why fish head wanted to come now..." Karkat says.

"What you adults don't realize, is that you need to listen to your their their needs and can't ignore them otherwise hou lose them in the end....and when you grow old you will feel the regret...of not having your joy around you anymore," Eridan says. "We don't want to follow your foot steps in the way you would want us to. We want to be successful, yes but by making our own choices and choosing our own lovers our own cuddle fish,"

"You're all just misunderstanding what these adults do," Densil says with a laugh. "They just completely want whats best for us hahaha and you act like miserable pawns who destroy everything in a family! And you...I despise you! And you think you can just come here and ruin my big day with someone I actually love?! You stole her away along with her mentality!" He shouts and runs for him despite thw group's baricade.

"Don't lay a hand on him!!!!" A voice shouts over the screams of Rachelle and the ofhers amonv the crowd. And ths Ampora brothers recognized that voice well. They turned to see their father standing with anger built into his eyes. He walks forward and stands before Eridan with his arms folded. "If you lay another finger on him....after you had attempted murder already...don't think your family will save you again.....and I mean it. You'll be a dead fish in prison...and some I ne will claim you as their little mermaid of despair. So please I dare you to try to touch him again," these words and actions surprised the brothers.

'He never....uses those puns unless he was happy or angered.' Cronus thinks. The man turns to his son and looks down at him. Eridan looks up at him with one hand in a fist, and the other tightly held in his boyfriend's.

"Eridan....." he lifts a hand making him flinch a bit, but when his hand lowers itself to his head his eyes widen as he stares at his father. "I am sorry...I was wrong....I was blinded....and lost....a fish stuxk in the darkest depths of the sea....just a bottom feeder...and I never meant to drive you or hour brother away....watching you stand up to people who have humiliated you and your friends in drastic ways and with pride...I'm proud of the brave son you turned out to be..."

"Well said..." everyone turns to the entrance this time and rises with amazement as the parents of their group walk through the doors. Their presence filling the room with power and also a sense of total cool.

"What in the ever loving fuck?!" Karkat shouts. His father chuckles.

"We had ro come for ourselves to make sure things turned out smoothly,"

"Well you're fucking late dad, because it's all peachy now," he says pointing to Eridan and his brother who were being embraced by a very emotional Dualscar.

"Come home....please?" The man begs. Eridan nods immediately and hugs his father tightly while his older brother just cries unable to give his reponse. But as it seemed it was a definite yes. Rachelle watches and smiles. She's learned her lesson and refuses to be the drama queen again. One day she will repay them all. And when that day comes she hopes to find the Ampora and Captor together and possibly engaged themselves.

The end of this chapter! This was the longest one yet! I had planned to separate it into two parts but I just couldn't do it! I'm sorry im a bit late! But this is your reward!!!!!! Thank you for reading!!!!!!!

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