Hi, I'm Harry's Cousin (Ziall)

By ziallstan

385K 17.8K 11.4K

Traumatic incidents happen. This one being Niall's mother passing away. Now he has to go live with his Auntie... More

Chappie 1
Chappie 2
Chappie 3
Chappie 4
Chappie 5
Chappie 6
Chappie 7
Chappie 8
Chappie 9
Chappie 10
Chappie 12
Chappie 13
Chappie 14
Chappie 15
Chappie 16
Chappie 17
Chappie 18
Chappie 19
Chappie 20
Chappie 21
Chappie 22
Chappie 23
Chappie 24
Chapter 25
Chappie 26
Chappie 27
Chappie 28
Chappie 29
Gay Marriage
Chappie 30
Chappie 31
Chappie 32
Chappie 33
Character Ask!
Questions Answered
Chappie 34
Chappie 35
Chappie 36
Chappie 37
Bromance Awards
Chappie 38
Bromance awards. Again
Chappie 39
Chappie 40
Chappie 41
Chappie 42
Chappie 45

Chappie 43

2.7K 85 80
By ziallstan

[not edited]

*Harry's POV*

"Louis." I said to him before grabbing him.

"Can we not?" I said.

"I just sat here and cleaned out this pool for nothing? Your pool might I add." He said

"Don't you wanna just relax in the bed?" I asked him.

"I wanna get wet." He said.

"And we can do that in my bed." I said smiling at him trying not to laugh.

"Come on now Harry." He said and he took off his shirt and slid off his pants.

I don't care how many times I see Louis naked, half naked or whatever he still looks so beautiful and it just really turns me on honestly.

I took off my clothes and got in with him.

He jumped in and I followed after. I swam close to him and I just kissed him softly on his lips and he pulled away winking at me before going under the water. I soon felt like I was being picked up and he dunked me.

I swam to the surface and flipped my hair out of my face. And smiled at him. "Oh that's the game you want to play?" I said.

"It's only fun when I play. You are so ready to drown me." Louis said and I laughed.

"What? Sorry I'm unaware as to what you're talking about." I said and I went under the water and I grabbed him and went to the surface before dunking me.

I laughed coming up and he didn't come up. For a while so I went down and brought him up and as soon as I did he splashed me in the face.

"That was me almost drowning." He said.

"No. That was you pretending to drown." I said and he rolled his eyes flipping his hair out his face.

"This why I don't want to kiss you now." He said.

I swam near him and smiled at him. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I tried to kiss him and he pulled his face away.

"I told you I wasn't kissing you." Louis said.

"Alright, alright." I said and he was still looking away and I cupped the nape of his neck.

"I don't know why you're doing that. I'm not going to kiss you." He said.

"I understand that. You're not going to kiss me. But I'm still going to kiss you where I don't need your lips to kiss me back." I said and I leaned into his neck and began kissing and sucking.

"You're so cute when you're fake upset and you're funny when you think I'm not actually about to kiss you. And you're so crazy if you think I'm going to keep my hands off of you when you're this naked in front of me." I said biting down on his neck and he moaned and I felt his legs come up and wrap around my waist.

"Let's go to your room." He moaned.

"That's my boy." I said pulling away from him and began walking up the pool stairs grabbing our clothes and going into the house.

*Niall 's POV*

"Niall." Zayn whined.

I smirked not looking at him. I was trying to find out the suit I was going to wear for prom and when we were in the dressing room I might have made him horny. But more or less he was bothering me now and he wasn't even looking for a suit for me anymore.

"What about this navy blue one?" I asked him.

He wrapped hi arms around the back of me. "You would look good in any color." He said his lips brushing my ear.

"I would wouldn't I?" I said and his hands that were sitting on my waist went under my shirt before dipping under my pants.

"We're still in public now." I said and so his hands stayed just at the band of my underwear.

"Bit no really Zayn, answer me damnit." I said.

"Let's go try it on." He said.

"No, how about I try it on and you wait for me?" I said.

"No I want to see you try it on." He said and I smiled.

"No, I'm going to go try it on by myself." I said and he whined.

"Niall." He said.

"We're not having sex in public. I hope you know that. Because I have a feeling that that is what you want to do. We're not doing anything sexual in public. And I think if we both go in that dressing room something like that will happen." I said.

"Okay fine, but if I'm wearing black I also want you to be wearing black." He said and put the hanger back moving his hands.

Now he's irritated with me.

He walked around looking for stuff without me. Oh brother. I looked at this black suit. Oooo.

I pulled it out and I went looking for Zayn and I couldn't find him. I groaned. I got out my phone and called him.

He didn't answer. Okay you know what? I don't have to deal with this. He's made because I don't want to have sex with him in the dressing room. But I did make him horny.

I sighed. I went into the dressing room and tried on the suit. I looked pretty nice in it. I walked out so that I was in the dressing room so I could see myself in the bigger mirror and I saw Zayn with two suits in his hand.

"My god." He said before pushing me back into the changing room with the suits in hand.

He sat down and looked at me and I did a twirl.

"I probably won't be able to keep my hands off of you. I'm legitimately being serious. Please take it off. Save it for prom. Don't even try this on. That velvet jacket makes me want to feel all over your body. I'd literally rather see you naked than in that. I take that back you look as good as you do naked with this suit on." He said and I smiled beginning to take it off and when I was just in my underwear I straddled his waist.

"You're not irritated with me anymore?" I asked him.

"Still very much so." He said rolling his eyes.

I leaned in to kiss him. They were only pecks but he of course turned it into a nasty snog.

"No get off me. You said nothing sexual in public and I'm really trying hard to contain myself." He said.

"When we get home I want to..." I said and began whispering so much nasty stuff into his ear.

"Still mad at me?" I asked pulling away from my ear to look at him.

My eyes were low and I was biting my lip.

"Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. We're getting the suit. So come on hurry." He said and pushed me off his lap. He grabbed the suit and left the dressing room.

I laughed and started pulling on my clothes. I guess I was taking too long because by the time I know it Zayn had came back with card and receipt in hand holding the suit that was not in a clear garment bag.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked me.

I smiled sliding on my shoes and going with him.


"Pictures!" Anne finally yelled after trying to get us to take them for the last ten minutes.

"Together. Scoot into each other." She said and we all did.

We were all wearing black. Such a classy color to me. It just says elegance y'know? But me and Zayn's accent color was black and Harry and Louis' was pink.

We all smiled for the picture. "Okay another. Then we're busting out the corsages." She said and I smiled.

I loved her so much.

We all smiled again and she grabbed all the boxes of corsages and gave Zayn the dark red rose.

"Okay you guys first." She said and he took it out the box and began putting it where it goes on the suit and I smiled at him doing so.

"Okay got it. Now you Niall." She said giving me the box so I can take it out and put his corsage on.

Then the same for Harry and Louis.

"Oh, you guys look so good. Ok another one because now you all have it on. Back together." She said making hands so that Larry can stand by us.

"Okay. Eh that one was blurry. Another one." She said and snapped it.

"Okay how-"

"Mom can we go?" Harry said.

"Yeah auntie Anne. We've taken like 40 pictures." I said.

"Okay just a few more." She said.

We stood there and did every pose in the book. Yeah I was tired.

"Don't fall asleep on our way there." Zayn said and I smiled at him.

"Taking pictures is strenuous." I said and we said our byes to Anne and her husbands name I still don't know. I sighed.

We got in the car. The car was so nice. We rented it just for the night but I really wanted to drive. But Zayn wanted to more. His hidden love was for cars. I just about swoon when he just talks about them. Cause nothing is sexier than a Zayn that knows what he's talking about.

"This car is so sexy. Let's have sex in this car before we give I back." I said and he laughed at me.

"No. It's so cliche to have sex on your prom night. I was going to take you somewhere to eat since they said food on your prom day is always trash at the venue and then just stay out all night." He said.

"Oh so you had this all planned out?" I asked him.

"What type of date would I be if I didn't?" He said and I smiled and he took off.

It took about a good 45 minutes to get there. Apartment my it was a really nice venue as far as looks go.

We walked in and it was beautiful. Zayn immediately pulled me over to the professional photographer and I groaned.

"The line is shorter and we look really nice. We better take them while the night is still young." He said.

"You're right. But still. Pictures this, pictures that." I said.

"I mean it is prom. You're looking this good and you don't want to take pictures what a waste." He said wrapping his arms around my waist standing behind me.

"Mmmm don't start anything sexual with me. I don't have the energy. You know what happened when we had sex last time." I said and he laughed.

"Yeah you started riding me and got tired so you made me do the rest of the work." Zayn said and kissed underneath my ear.

"Yeah I didn't have the energy. Man I must be pregnant or something. I'm so tired now and days. We've always had sex with a condom but I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant." I said and he laughed.

"You're not pregnant. But it is our turn." He said and pushing me a bit.

We sat there and took pictures. "Thanks." We said to the photographer and we went to find a seat.

We saw Harry and Louis already sitting down so we joined them.

"Louis do you ever think to yourself 'I'm pregnant?'" I said and Harry looked at Zayn.

Zayn put his hands up defensively.

"Yes, like I feel bloated sometimes too and super tired out of no where. Like during sex sometimes. It's so strange." Louis said.

"Really because the same thing happened to me in the midd- really I'm giving myself too much credit. More like the beginning of sex. I was putting in the work. And boom a wave of tiredness washed over me and I'm like Zayn take over." I said and niall clapped.

"Exactly. Like-" Louis began and Zayn cut him off.

"Were really not about to have this conversation." Zayn said and I rolled my eyes and he pulled my chair near his and got close to my ear.

"I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Can I marry you when we get older please?" He asked me and I turned to look at him and I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You make me want to suffocate you with all the love I have in me." I said and he rubbed my back. "Of course ill marry you in the future. Shit I'll marry you right now." I said.


Once it was about 12 o'clock the prom ended. It was such a fun experience. We danced and talked to everyone and it was so nice. Everyone looked so good except for Josh because fuck that bastard.

Anyways me and Zayn got into the car and Harry and Lou followed us to the diner and we got some real food.

That venue food did fucking suck. So I got me a burger and fries.

Me, Harry, Louis, and Zayn were all just talking.

"I can't wait till graduation. I'm so tired of school. And then I get a few months and I go back to school." I said and leaned against Zayn.

Zayn put his arm around my waist and pulled me really close to him so I put my left leg over his right and we sat there all cozy.

"Where are you guys going after this?" Louis asked.

"The London bridge. I'm going to keep him up all night so we can see the sunrise in the morning." Zayn said and I swooned.

I leaned up and kissed his cheek smiling at him.

"That's so romantic. I think me and Harry will just be knocking the boots." Louis said.

"You do that every night. Be different. Come with us. Just don't be with us." Zayn said.

"Harry can you get with that." Louis said looking up at Harry lovingly.

"Yes. I can." He said.

Woo. Let's get into some trouble tonight.

After our food came we wasted no time and began scarfing it down.

Zayn laughed at me. He had gotten chicken fried steak with biscuits and gravy. Harry had gotten chicken hash and Louis chicken and waffles. And they all let me take a little of their food and I was so over joyed.

"Slow down before you choke." Harry said laughing.

I took it easy but after that we split the bill and left. We took the car to near the pier. I looked at all the boats and I smiled.

I saw a little police boat. It was too cute.

Louis got out the car and walked near the boats and he saw a policeman and I got out the car too and Harry and Zayn eventually followed.

"Hi sir." I said and I began talking to him while the guys walked pass me.

I smiled. "Yeah it is a lovely day. My name is Shaun and I just came from a fancy dinner with my girlfriend. But I love coming and looking out at the lake you know. So peaceful. You know how sometimes you have to get away from the Mrs." I said and he laughed nodding.

"Yeah that's why I love this job so much." The man said and I saw the boys signaling for me to get on the police boat and I smiled.

"Well it was so nice talking to you sir." I said and ran down the pier and took the big leap onto the boat before they pulled off completely. And the police officer looked so upset.

We'll bring it back.

Louis drove it. I don't know how he knew how but I loved it. Zayn was sitting next to me and I was touching out on the water.

He kissed my temple and I smiled.

"These are the memories I need before our group splits." I said.

"Midnight memories." He said.

We drove around a few more times and we returned it back and the man was still right there.

"Our bad." I said.

"I would've did the same thing." He said hunching.

Well that was cool. It was about 1 in the morning now and we decided to drive to the bridge. We got out the cars and me and Zayn found a spot and Louis and Harry did too no where near us though.

Me and Zayn sat and we talked. We talked forever about any and everything.

He held me so close to him. We enjoyed the cold breeze from the water we were getting. It wasn't bad.

When the sun started to rise Zayn leaned his head against mine.

"You are my sunshine." Zayn said.

"You make me happy when skies are grey." I said and I knew he smiled.

And just like that we sat there and spent the rest of the time waiting for the sun to come up.

I think this is trash. One more chapter to go. Sorry but my creativity for this book is at a all time low.

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