I never really gave up on you...

By Harryhp7

20.9K 376 238

Basically some cringey story about amd what would have happened between Harry and Ginny if Harry hadn't broke... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

1.6K 34 3
By Harryhp7

Disclaimer: I doubt anyone will read this but like I don't own Harry Potter :(

Third person POV

After they finish eating breakfast, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George and Harry head outside with their broomsticks.

"Well let's divide into teams" says George once they were all outside.

"Yeah" agrees Ron distractedly, looking at the bench where Hermione sat reading a gigantic book.

"Um.. slight problem. There's five of us. That means one team will have one more player than the other." Stated Ginny

"Not unless Hermione plays with us." says Ron

"Well she already said she wouldn't play" jeers Ginny

"How about we have one beater, one keeper, and three chasers? There's too little of us to have a seeker." Suggests Fred

"That sounds pretty good." Says Harry

"Yeah. In that case can I be keeper?" Asks Ron.

"Sure. And I'll be beater" says Fred.

Now that everything is settled, the 4 Weasley's and Harry mount their broomsticks and are in the air. Being the amazing Quiddicth player that she is, it doesn't take long for Ginny to gain possession of the quaffel. And once she does, she soars past Fred, George and Harry and scores on the hoop that Ron neglected to guard.

"Good one Gin!" shouts someone behind her. Ginny turns her head to see who said that and discovered that it was none other than Harry Potter. She hastily nods her head in order to show her thanks and then quickly returns her focus to the game.

They continue playing until dark, only pausing for lunch and dinner breaks in between. Since they finish so late, they all decide to go to bed.

When Ginny returns to her room, all she could do was lay in bed and think about the compliment Harry gave her. I mean it wasn't a profession of love but it was something.

HE had noticed her.

HE thought she was good.

HE called her Gin.

Since when did he call her Gin?!?

Stop, she told herself. You're thinking about him again. He's not your boyfriend. Stop. You can do this. Get over him!!

Convincing herself that she has gotten the thoughts of Harry out of her brain, Ginny "noxed" out the lights and falls asleep. 

Author's Note: So that was the end of the chapter (if u hadn't already noticed). I hope you enjoyed it. I kinda struggled with the ending so I might edit it or change it later. Anyway... let me know what u think!!
With love

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