My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Thro...

By s0undtrack

13.7K 134 46


My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
(2) My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
(3) My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
(4) My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
(6)My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
(7)My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
(8) My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
(9)My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
[10] My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
[11]My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?
[12]My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?

(5) My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?

1K 11 4
By s0undtrack

((Well, here's chapter FIVE! Hope you enjoy! And remember to comment, vote, and BECOME A FAN! Please and thank you!!!))


When I got up I immediately looked at the clock. It was 10: 47 AM. Good, I got to sleep in, I thought. I usually never get to sleep in around here. My mom and Dad always stayed up really late watching loud horror movies on the weekends and I had no choice but to listen, and then most of the time I got nightmares. And I would wake up really early from the nightmares. Lucky me, eh? Haha, but since Dad moved out, I don't think Mom would be in a good mood to watch a horror movie or whatever. Yawn, I was still tired but figured that I had gotten enough sleep so I dragged myself out of bed to see what I looked like in the mirror. Yikes. I really should of dried my hair last night. My hair was all over the place.

I went and straightened my hair until it was as straight as it could be. That took about a half an hour. I walked downstairs to get breakfast. When I got down there I saw my mom sleeping on the couch. She must have been so tired she fell asleep down here. Hm . . . I feel bad for her, but my dad really didn't deserve her if he wanted to act like that. She'll find someone better, I reassured myself. I went to the kicthen, got a bowl, some milk, a spoon and the box of Life down from the top of the fridge. I poured myself some and started eating. It got boring after a while, so I brought my bowl into the living room and turned on the TV. I sat on the chair instead of the couch, because Mom was on there, and I didn't feel like waking her up. She probably wanted to rest. I didn't know if she had to work today. She only works part-time at the gas station by the airport. She probably has to work because she didn't work for the past two days. She didn't have to be to work untill 2, though.

I went to On Demand and watched an episode of Sponge Bob. What? I can watch Sponge Bob! He's awesome. After I was done with my cerial I put it in the sink and went upstairs in time to hear my phone ringing. I wonder who it could be? I looked at my phone and saw that it was Austie. Huh. She hasn't called me in a while. I answered.


"Hey, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing. Just got done eating breakfast."

"Oh, cool . . . "

"Yep. Guess what?"


"My dad moved out last night."


"You heard me."

"Yeah, I did. Why?"

"He came home drunk last night with some ho. And he said some crap that led to some other crap and he packed up all his stuff and left."


"Yes, I know that."

"So . . . I was wondering if you'd wanna hang out?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. When?"

"In a few minutes. Me and Amanda are going up to the elementary school to hang out and such." (Amanda's her older sister.)

"Oh, cool. Do you want me to come to your house or you come here?"

"Uh, we'll pick you up in Manda's car. She got a new one. It's awesome. Ahha, but yeah, we'll be there in about 20 minutes."

"Mmkay, well, I'mma go get ready. See you then."

"Okay, bye."

Then we both hung up.

Amanda and Austie live together since their dad moved out when Austie was born and Amanda doesn't really remember him. Their mom died when Austie was 9 because she fell asleep at the wheel while driving home from her work. Austie's grandma watched them until Amanda was 18 and then moved out. Now Amanda is like a mom a sister and a best friend to Austie. They got along most of the time but sometimes argued about stupid sister and girl stuff. You know.

I put on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and an Oh, The Ocean V-neck T-shirt that said Free Hugs. I put some eye liner on and I was done with my make-up. Yes, that's all I put on. Then put on my blue hoop earrings.

When I got downstairs my mom was up and watching the news. "Hey, mom. I'm going to hang out with Austie for a while. Amanda's gonna be here in a few minutes."

"Okay. . . . " was all she said back.

I put on my black converse and sat down on the couch next to her. "How're you doing?" I asked her.

"Oh, fine. You?"

"The same." You know what I just realized? We both lost the guy that we loved, but it was more complicated than that. Hers was a guy that didn't deserve her and mine came back from the dead. Weird.

"It's supposed to be cloudy all day. And it's supposed to rain later. There's barely no sun out. It's weird."

"Oh?" I said and looked out the window. She was right. It was cloudy. It wasn't raining, so that was good, though. "Hmm. . . " I said, turning back around. "Well, I'm going to the bathroom, tell me when they get here, will ya?" I asked her. She said she would. I went upstairs and went the bathroom and got my phone. I took and random picture with my phone and it was a good one. "That's going on the MySpace," I said to myself.

"Kailynn! They're here!"

"Okay!" I ran downstairs and put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed a jacket off the couch because the news said it was going to rain later and I didn't want my hair to get soaked. "Love you," I said over my shoulder as I left. I heard her say "Love you, too," from behind the shut door.

Whoa, that's an awesome car, I thought as I saw it. I got into the car, put my seatbelt on, and Amanda and Austie greeted me. As did a cute puppy. "Aww, who's this?" I said petting the puppy. It was so cute. It was all white except for around her eyes and ears and also had a spot near her tail.

"Her name's Affinity," Austie said from the front seat.

"That's a cute name."

"I know. You named it."

"Huh?" Now I know I'm out of it, but I know for sure that I've never seen this puppy before in my life.

"Remember when we were in fifth grade and we saw that puppy and you called it Affinity. Well, when Amanda brought this home it reminded me of that puppy so I named it Affinity."

Ooooh, now I remember that. "Oh. That's cool. When did you get her?"

"Today," Amanda informed me.

"How old is she?" I asked. She told me about four months. I kept asking questions. By the time we got to the elementary school, they were tired of answering questions. Well, at least I knew a lot about the dog. She was a girl, they didn't know what type of dog it was, but it was a mutt and had a lot of types of dogs in it. They also found it in the middle of a busy street about to get hit by cars and they picked it up. There wasn't a collar on it, so they didn't know where to take it. They don't know if she's had her shots yet, so they're going to take her to the vet tomorrow. They said that if they didn't find out who Affinity belonged to or see any 'Lost Dog' posters anywhere, they were going to keep her. Amanda's friend, Tracey, came by and dropped off some dog food this morning. She told them that they could go up to the Humane Society and they would give you free dog food and treats. They didn't go yet, but they were going to go soon. Tracey offered to take Affinity to find her a home since they never had a dog before, but they wanted to keep her and Tracey was kind of an airhead, so they didn't really want to trust her. I think she's stupid because she gave up her awesome dog that knew so many tricks and was so cute because it was whining so much (because her boyfriend always abused it, by the way) and thought it wasn't cute anymore because it's not a puppy, and she got a ugly puppy that was all brown and had shaggy fur and was dumb as a do-do. Tracey gave the dog to one of her friends and they say that Coda (Tracey's old dog) is the best dog ever and it never whines and knows a lot of tricks. Yeah, Tracey's stupid.

When we got up to the elementary school, there was barely anyone there. Just a few kids and middle schoolers. We walked around the school with Affinity (who just wandered around and barely ever left our sides; we had a leash, but we didn't think we would need it) and played music on our phones really loud. Austie played Fireflies by Owl City and we all sang along to it really loudly so we would get strange glances from the kids hanging out. We just laughed. We went up to the front of the school and talked. Amanda talked about her boyfriend. Austie talked about her grades in school. I talked about what happened last night with my mom and dad.

Before I knew it, it was 4: 15 PM and I had nothing else to talk about. No one ever said a word about Ethan, but I knew they were thinking about him.

"Hey, I need to go up to CVS and get some shampoo, is that all right, Lynn?" Amanda asked me.

Uh, hell yes! I almost forgot I had to meet Ethan up there! "Sure!" I said happily. Good thing they had to go, or else I would've stood Ethan up. That would have been bad. Because I wouldn't have seen Ethan and I really didn't want to get him mad, considering that he overreacted last time. . . .

We got into the car and started driving. The radio was turned on, but there was only commercials so I told them I would play some good music on my phone. I played December by Oh, The Ocean(MySpace.Com/OhTheOceanMusic). I sang quietly along. It was oddly accurate, considering my situation. Especially the part where it's like "I've been through hell and back. I lost my bestfriend. My family's broken up, my life's change so much since then." Because I thought I lost Ethan and my parents split up. Huh.

Amanda and Austie glanced at each other and I guess they noticed it, too. "Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. Alex did not make this song for me, though. As sad as that is. . . ." I said. They all laughed. I did, too. I put on Cute by Stephen Jerzak on next. When it was over, we were at CVS. I didn't know if Ethan was here, but it was two minutes to five and I was getting hyper, just the thought of seeing Ethan made me that way. Especially since I value his life more than ever now that I had thought he had left me and was gone forever. Wow, I sounded very mature there . . . .

I walked in and Austie and Amanda said that I could look around while they picked out some shampoo if I wanted. I did. I walked around for a few until I saw a guy that was in a black hoodie over his face so I couldn't see who it was in the food aisle. That must be Ethan, I thought. I came up to him and looked at what he was looking at. He was looking at some cerial. Hmm . . . I stood next to him and pretended that I was looking at some cerial, too, just in case it was just a random person and I didn't want to get embarrassed because I came up to a dude and acted like I knew him. I slowly looked up at him. I sighed when I saw that it was Ethan. He was staring at me.

"Why are you so relieved?" he asked.

"Because I thought you were some random dude."



"Well, I'm not." He said, giving my a bear hug.

"Why're you wearing your hood?"

"Do you WANT people to recognize me and realize that I'm supposed to be dead?"

"Oh . . . yeah . . . Forgot about that." I smiled sheepishly.

He laughed. "Man I wish I could eat some of this damn cerial. . . . " he said, looking longingly at the cerial.

"You CAN . . . ?"

"No. I can't eat. . . . Human food."

Huh? "What?" That didn't make sense?

"The guy said that I couldn't eat human food for about a week after I'm changed."


"Oh . . . yeah, I forgot you don't know. I'm a vampire."

I blinked. "A vampire? A VAMPIRE? This is a joke, right?"


"How can you be a vampire?! They don't even exsist!"

"How else can you explain it? I'm dead, but alive. I'm fast and I'm strong. I can't go in the sun, as I told you. My eyes were glowing red."

"I don't know. I just thought you . . . randomly . . . came back from the . . . dead . . .?" Damn, that sounded smarter in my head. Gee, my boyfriend's a vampire? I thought that only happened in movies and books. FICTIONAL movies and books. I started to feel light-headed and I felt my knees give out and I fell. Strong hands caught me, Ethans' hands.

"Well . . . I'm a vampire," he said matter-of-factly, setting me on the ground, him sitting down, too.

"Explain, please," I whispered.

"This may take a while."

"Okay." I peeked around the corner and saw that Amanda and Austie were still trying to decide which shampoo to get. There were such girlie-girls.

"Don't worry, I'll know when they come here. I can hear them. They're debating whether to get Coconut or Apple."

"Oh, jeez, that's gonna take a LONG time."

He laughed. "Okay. . . .Well, the last thing I remembered was a bright light coming towards me and then I felt extreme pain and then . . . nothing. When I woke up my neck hurt like hell and I remember this really pale guy with golden eyes, turning red, looking down at me." Oh, God, is that the guy I saw at the hospital?! "I thought I was dead and the man answered no like he could read my mind. He said he had to take me to a cemetary to help me. I couldn't move or talk but I had a hunch so I thought the word 'Okay' and he picked me up. My eyes were the only thing that could move. I didn't know what was happening next and I felt like I was moving really super fast. Turns out he jumped out the window, scary I know," he said when he saw my horrified expression, "and was running at a supernatural speed. When we got to the cemetary, which took only about a half a minute, he layed me on the ground bit my neck again and sucked a lot of blood out. I was really dizzy and the world was spinning and I was about to pass back out again when he stopped. He bit his hand and put it in my mouth. I didn't know how, but I guess I sucked, even though I couldn't move. Then after about a minute or two, I felt my heart beat speed up and then came to a halt. Then I felt this excruciating pain throughout my body that lasted what seemed like forever, but was only a few minutes. After that he said he was sorry about the pain but it was the only thing that could save me. He got up and held his hand out for me to get up. I realized I could move so I grabbed his hand and got up. I looked around and I realized I could hear a conversation. I thought it was near by so I told him we should leave. He said it was miles away, and that my hearing was just inhanced now. He said my strength and speed was, too. He said I was a vampire and that I needed human blood within the next hour to complete the change or else I would die . . . for good. I didn't want to die because I knew it meant losing you and I couldn't do that. So I agreed."

Aww! Then he continued after a short pause. "He . . . told me that he saw you and you looked so sad that he wanted to help you out and save me. He said you had this . . . I don't know what . . . he didn't know how to explain it. Like he could tell that you cared alot about me and such."

"Oh . . . Yeah, I saw him at the hospital. He kept staring at me with this weird expression, like he was trying to read my soul. But I guess he was reading my mind. . . . " I thought aloud. I realized that I was talking so I told him to continue.

"Well, it was night so he said I didn't have to worry about getting burnt. He said that new vampires couldn't walk out in the sun or else they would burst into flames. But after a couple of weeks you could go out in the sun, but for no more than an hour and it's extremely uncomfortable. I realized he was right and we could go really fast. He found a hobo that was sleeping and he told me to 'drink up,' after he cut the guys throat. I didn't know how to do it so he told me to lean in and as soon as my body smells fresh human blood my fangs will come out and that it might be painful at first, but after then I could choose when they come out. So I leaned in and I felt a sharp pain in my gums and starting drinking. It tasted really good. I don't really remember drinking after that. It was like I was an animal. Before I knew it, I felt hands go around my arms and pull me back. He said I didn't have to kill him and he wouldn't remember any of this. I asked how and he said that he has this kind of mind control thing. It was one of his special powers. His other one was reading thoughts. He said that I didn't and that I shouldn't ever try to drink from a human if they're alive because they will remember. He told me about how most vampires live off of feeding on humans. I was shocked, because I didn't even knew vampire's existed. I mean, he was really just packing on the information. Then he told me how he feeds, off of animals. And that I should feed that way because this is a small town and they didn't need people going around saying that a vampire bit them. I agreed because I knew it would be ALL over the news and because I was feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of me having to drink human's blood for a living . . . " he shuttered. "Then I came to your house. I realized that I had red eyes because I just drank human blood. And they're getting duller now and soon--" he was cut off by a scream. "Shit!" I heard him mutter.

I looked around the corner and saw that it was Amanda. She cut herself. There was blood everywhere. I didn't know what she cut herself on but I knew it wasn't good. My boyfriend's a vampire for crying out loud! This wasn't the time to be just cutting yourself randomly! Jeez! I jumped up and looked around. Ethan was no where to be seen. I looked in the next aisle and saw that the door was swinging shut and I thought that that must be him. At least he didn't attack her! That would have been a nightmare . . . And there's no sun out, so I don't think I need to worry about him getting burnt . . . to a crisp. . . or burst into flames . . . And I really shouldn't be think that at a time like this!

I quickly rushed over to Amanda and asked her what happened. She was crying and she didn't get to tell me. An employee came up to her and gave her some paper towels. Amanda wraps the towel around her hand. I looked over and saw that a grown man in the corner was throwing up into the trash can. Wimp. I'm a teenager and I'm not even that much of a baby.

Austie and I rushed her to Amanda's car and she was saying that she didn't want blood all over her new car. She was crying because it hurt so bad. We headed towards the hospital.

The last thing I remembered was me getting into the hospital doors and thinking that this is the second time in a week that I've been here. Talk about Déjà vu. . . . And then I fainted.

Well, what else did you expect? I mean, I was just told that my boyfriend was a vampire! I'd like to see you in my shoes right then! You would've fainted WAY before I did. Trust me. Well, actually, don't trust me because I don't know you . . . .

((Well, yeah. It's kind of boring. But just so you know, some of this really happened in real life! But I really just made most of it up . . . . . :D LOL, but yeah, remember to VOTE::COMMENT::&+ BECOME A FAN!!

Do those things I just told you!!!!!))♪♫

I need some votes or new fans or comments

or all of the above

for me to post chapter six!


I'll be posting soon if you do!

And if not . . . well, we'll see what happeneds . . . .Muahaha. :P

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