Our life | Cameron Dallas

By atshae

48.2K 905 156

Friends, marriage and babies There's two other books to this one. Make sure you check them out first x More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.

Chapter 5.

2.1K 42 10
By atshae

Ali's P.O.V

It was Saturday morning and I was at the mall shopping with Mia and lea. I decided to spend some much needed time with lea and talk to her about the conversation Mia told be about with Kian.

We were in forever 21 and Mia had ran ahead of us to go and look at the shoes and accessories.

"So how are things with you and Derrick" I asked as we looked through some clothes while keeping an eye on Mia

"We actually broke up about 3 weeks ago" she sighed

"What! Why" I asked shocked. I can't believe lea didn't tell me this, I mean I know things have been different since cam and I got married and had the kids but we're still best friends

"I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Derrick is an amazing guy but I just didn't see it going anywhere" she admitted while shrugging her shoulders

"So your actually looking for someone to settle down with? Maybe start a family" I asked hoping he she'd open up

"Well yeah, I mean I'm 27 Ali I want to finally grow up and have a family. I want what you have with Cameron" she sighed smiling slightly at the thought

"You will get it lea, you just need the find the right person to have it with. And you will, don't worry" I smiled

Lea mouthed a 'thank you' to me and looked over towards Mia and started laughing. I looked over and seen Mia had taken all the jewellery off of the stand and had put it on.

I couldn't not smile and laugh at her. She had maybe 10 different necklaces on and multiple rings and bracelets on her wrists and fingers and she was also carry 4 different handbags over her shoulder.

"Mia you look so gorgeous but could you please take that stuff off we're leaving now" I smiled as I walked over to her taking the bags from her

"But mommy look at how pretty these are" she smiled holding up the necklaces in her small hands

"I know they're very pretty but we have to put them back because they don't belong to us" I laughed as I began taking off the rings and bracelets

"Can you pleeeeease buy me this one mommy please" she pleaded as she looked up at me gripping a red beaded necklace in her hands

"Baby it's too big for you" I sighed as I knelt down to her level

"But it's pretty mommy please. You won't have to get me a birthday present" she pleaded

I laughed at her negotiations and nodded my head. It was only a cheap necklace and she loves any sort of jewellery.

Mia smiled and repeatedly thanked me as she jumped up and down. I walked over to the check out with Mia and paid for the item and we left the store.

After leaving forever 21, we shopped for another few hours and had some lunch together. Mia soon began to get sleepy so I decided it was time to take her home before she got cranky

"Thanks for coming out with us today. We need to do stuff like this more often" I smiled to lea as we stood in front of her car

"I know, it's been far too long and we hardly ever get to spend time together. I'll see you next Friday for this littles ones birthday party" lea smiled as she stroked Mia's hair

"Are you coming to my party auntie lea" Mia smiled as she looked up at her

"Of course I am! I wouldn't miss it for the world" lea cheered

We said our goodbyes and Mia and I walked to my car. After strapping Mia in, I began the drive home.

"Daddy look what I got today" Mia skipped through the door and to Cameron holding her new necklace in her hand

"Wow they're pretty. Did mommy buy you these" Cameron smiled as he knelt down beside Mia

"Yep and I'm going to wear them all the time" Mia smiled and skipped off to the bedroom

"Daddy look what I got today" I whispered to Cameron with a smirk as I held up a Victoria's Secret bag

"Wanna show me now" Cam suggested

"Nah maybe later" I smirked and kissed his lips softly

"How was shopping and lea" cam asked as he continued cleaning

"Both good. I tried to bring up the whole Kian conversation but lea being lea she expertly avoided it" I sighed as I placed the shopping bags on the dining table

"She'll tell you if she needs to" Cameron nodded his head and brought some dirty clothes to the laundry room

"I know I just miss the closeness we had when we were younger" I shrugged as I followed him

"I know baby things are just different now, it could be worse, you could not be talking to her at all" Cameron explained as he stepped closer to me

"I know. We grew up, got married, had babies" I smiled while leaning my head to the side

"Mommy can I put on my party dress to show daddy" Mia asked as she poked her head around the door

"Of course you can its on the dining table" I smiled as I turned around to her. Mia smiled and ran off to get her dress

"I can't believe she's going to be five" Cameron whispered as he placed his head on my shoulder and his arms around my stomach

"I know. Where has the time gone" I breathed as I leaned my head back

"Soon enough Connor will be walking and talking" Cameron spoke

"No. Stop. I want them to stay babies forever" I fake cried

"We could just keep popping them out so you'll always have a baby" cam suggested jokingly

"Not happening Dallas" I slapped his hand lightly and got out of his grip walking in to find Mia dressed in her party outfit

"Ah your so pretty baby" I cooed smiling as I looked at her

"The most beautiful princess" Cameron smiled as he knelt down and pecked her cheek repeatedly

"What about mommy" Mia smirked

"Mommy is the most beautiful queen" Cameron smiled as he looked up at me.

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