Year 1972

By thundercat2016

26.9K 578 116

It was like any other day, people out riding their bikes, fishing and just having a great time. But that all... More

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Ch 10

1K 18 0
By thundercat2016

As they walked into the room they were greeted by their mothers boyfriend "hey guys, I hope you guys are hungry" he said looking over at them with a warm smile on his face. "Oh don't worry we are" Blake replied walking over to the kitchen table, "umm Blake before you sit down we need to go check something first" Tony replied giving his brother the look. After a bit Blake finally realized what his brother was taking about "oh yeah" Blake replied as he took off running towards the stairs with his twin brother close behind. "What's up with them" Mrs. Black's boyfriend asked as he looks at her with confusion, "to be honest I have no idea" Mrs. Black replied.

Once in their rooms Tony quickly pulled out Riley "ok you stay here, and later we we'll bring you up some food" Tony said placing her down onto his pillow. "What are yo guys going to do with me?" Riley asked as she slowly started to back away from them causing Blake to frown. "To be honest we don't known yet, but don't worry he won't hurt you" Tony replied giving the tiny human a reassuring smile. Just as Riley was about to complain she heard a mans voice yelling from down stairs "are you boys coming!? Your supper is getting cold."

"Ok we're coming!" Blake replied as he rushes over to the door than stops to look back at the small human "remember stay here" Blake said giving the human on last smile as he exited the room. As they left the room Riley lets out a sight of relief "all I have to do is escape from them, then all I have to do is find my daddy" Riley said to herself as she laid down on the pillow and lets out a long yawn.

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