Hurry Up And Save Me (Finn ×...

By SquishySmithIII

29.3K 845 555

You, Y/N, are a wizard of sorts. You have the power to heal or destroy, but your services come at a price. Fo... More

"Miss Healing Colors."
"Me? Jealous Of A Mortal?"
"That's Marcus?!?"
"Harness The Darkness."
"A Dark Road, Indeed."
"Marcus's Backstory."
"For Y/N."
"A Second Nature."
"I Will, F/N."
"I'll Save You."
"Flip The Next Page."
"It's An Internal Injury."
"I'll Be Home Before Dark."
"I Love You, My Hero."

"Is It Y/N!?!"

2.8K 84 109
By SquishySmithIII

Finn woke up with Jake staring right at him. He screamed and bolted up. "W-what happened? Where am I? Who am I? When-" Jake shushed him and tried to calm him down.

"Dude, your fine. Your name is Finn the Human, you got sliced in the chest by a large venomous scorpion, I took you back to the Candy Kingdom, where Princess Bubblegum kept you stable until Y/N healed you," he explained.

Finn's breath returned to its normal pace and he ran his hand through his blonde hair. Princess Bubblegum came through the door with Marceline right behind her. "Oh, you're awake," she smiled.

"Yeah," Finn smiled back. "Sorry for the scare."

"You're fine. It's not like it's the first time it happened. Just be happy that Y/N got here when she did. You were almost a goner, Finn," she said very seriously. "Try to look out for yourself better, okay? Y/N doesn't have time to be running out here everytime you get hurt. Other people need her too."

"I know," he said, looking down. "Where'd she go, anyway?"

"She went back home a while ago," Marceline answered. "You were out for a good hour and a half."

"Oh," he said, disappointed.

"She told us to tell you that you need to take it easy for a while, man," Jake spoke. "Don't need you getting hurt again."

"Okay, I guess we should head home then," Finn took his hat from the nightstand and tugged it on his head. Looking down, he realized that his shirt was missing. "Um, where's my shirt?"

"We had to burn it because of the demon venom on it," PB laughed. "But, don't worry, we got you another one." She handed him a light pink tank top. He held it up and raised an eyebrow at her. "Sorry, it was the only one I could find that might fit you."

He pulled it on over his head and smoothed it out. Perfect fit. "It's actually very comfortable. Thanks, Peebs."

"My pleasure, Finn. You two should get going, the rain's coming down like cats and dogs."

"Was that supposed to be a dog joke?" Jake accused.

"It was supposed to be a simile," she said.

Marceline helped Finn down the stairs and onto Jake as they made their way to the castle doors. The two banana guards opened the door for the two and they were met with a soaking wet kingdom. "Wow, you weren't kidding."

"Be careful on your way back home," PB warned.

"Bye, guys," Marceline called.

Back home at the treehouse

Finn sighed and looked out at the storm. The only sounds audible was the rain hitting the window and Jake's soft whistles while he made lunch. He placed a sandwhich in front of Finn and sat next to him. Finn took a bite and smiled. "Thanks, Jake," he said.

"You're welcome," he replied. "So what's with you lately?"

"Hmmm?" He looked over with crumbs on his lips. "What do you mean?"

"You've been getting hurt more often than usual. Something distracting you?" Jake asked.

"Oh... uh, just got a lot on my mind, lately... I guess," Finn avoided eye contact.

"Mind telling me what?" Jake asked.

"A girl..." Finn mumbled, just loud enough for Jake to hear.

"Oooh, you got a crush or something," he poked Finn's side. "Tell me! You know I won't tell anyone."

"There's no point. She's already taken," he frowned.

Jake's eyes widened. "It's not the princess, is it? Dude, I thought you were over that! She's way out of your league-"

"Jake! It's not Princess Bubblegum! I'm over her completely," Finn shouted.

"Okay, then. Is it... Marceline?"

"No! Jake, quit guessing!"

"[Gasp]! Is it Flame princess? Because I thought for sure she was still single-"

"Jake! It's not her either! Quit guessing! I'm not telling you!"

"C'mon, man! You tell me everything! We're like, best bros! You gotta trust your bro!" Jake pleaded.

"No," Finn wiped his hands on his pants and stood up. "I'm gonna go change out of this tank top."

Jake glared at the human as he climbed the ladder. Then, sudden realization came upon him. "Is it Y/N!?!" Finn stopped mid climb and his eyes widened. He quickly scurried up the ladder and Jake gasped again. "It is Y/N, isn't it! Isn't it!" He chased Finn up the latter and into their room. "Dude, she's taken. She's dating that Marcus guy-"

"I know, Jake!" Finn snapped. He had gotten the tank top off and was now half naked screaming at his talking dog. "I know Y/N's taken, I know that she's dating that Marcus guy, and I know that I'll never have a chance with her," he turned around and pulled a new blue shirt on.

"I'm sorry, Finn. I shouldn't have pushed the subject. But, I have one more question," Jake made his way cautiously to the human. "Why do you hurt yourself to get her attention?"

Finn exhaled that ended in a groan and fell on his bed. "I just want her hands on me. The feeling of her power seeping through me, that rush of warm magic going through my veins. It's amazing, Jake," he sighed.

Jake sat down right next to him. "I know, man. I remember when I got hurt and she healed me. But you can't keep putting yourself in the line of danger just to have her touch you. There might be a day where it's too late and she won't be able to save you. And you wouldn't want that burden on her; that she couldn't save you."

"You're right," Finn sat up and hung his head low. "I'll take better care of myself. For her."

"Good, because I'm also tired of rushing you to the hospital." Jake scolded him. "Are you gonna be okay here for a while?"

"Yeah, sure. Why?"

"I'm gonna go see Lady," Jake got his bag and started climbing down the ladder.

"In this storm?" Finn followed him. "You're crazy."

"No, I'm a good husband."

"Whatever you say," Jake pulled on his cloak and opened the door. Thunder boomed lightning flashed as he walked out. "Be home in time for dinner?"

"Yup. See ya, Finn."

"Bye, Jake."

Finn closed the door and slid down it, burrying his head in his knees. He better not say anything about Y/N to Lady, he mentally scolded. He got back up and climbed up the ladder to go play with BMO.

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