|~Tracked~| {|Aphmau Fanfic|}

By StoriesBySkarlet_xx

144 3 19

A girl in an ordenary high school. With an ordenary crush is acctually skilled. She and her sister and brothe... More

{|The Last Unknow Survivors|}
{|Forming an Escape|}
{|Trust me|}
{|Safety Is Key|}
{|Mr and Mrs Ro'Meave|}
{|Her Secrets|}
{|The Place She Calls Home|}
{|Meeting His Dad|}
{|Making A Scene|}
{|First Kiss|}
{|My Crib|}
{|Jessy Go Bye~Bye|}
{|Love Triangle|}
{|An Emergency|}
{An Escape Route}
bitch pls
{Too Many Chances}
{An Unexpected Surprise}
{Awkward Feelings}
Next Book is now released!!

{|Zanes Grudge|}

8 0 0
By StoriesBySkarlet_xx

Page 11

Morning arrives. I roll and move around as the curtains are flashed open.

"...MmmMmm.." I murmured

"Come on sleepy heads. Time for breakfast!" Mrs Ro'Meave said.

I rolled around as I heard Garroth yawn. I spread across the bed. The duvet curves over me.

"Ugghh...mornings are a pain. Sleep well?" He asks.

"...muurrr...." I moan.

"C'mon Laura we have to go downstairs." He said.

I fling myself up. My hair was in a bun clipped at the back. I get up and look in the mirror.

"...OH GOD NO!!.. I just cracked your mirror.." I exlaimed.

Garroth laughs. My hair was a spitting image of the end of a broomstick. I go to my bag and take out my hair brush and hair band.

"So how'd you sleep?" He asks as he sits on the bed.

"..meh.. I did wake up.." I said.

I take out my bun and start to brush my hair. The pain of morning hair.

"What'd you do when you woke up?" He said.

"..u-uh I went to Vlads room and talked. I talked about the dinner table scene..-and that was it!!" I blush red.

"Ok then. Im gonna go brush my teeth ok? See ya." He says and leaves the room.

I fnish brushing my hair. I push it back with my cat ear head band. I let my bangs fall out at front.

I put away my brush and go to the bathroom. I open the door. It wasn't locked. I stop and knock.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Busy!!" Garroth says.

I wait outside with my brush and paste in hand. I see Vlad come out of his room. His hair was messy, his top was slanted on his shoulder. I blush red.

"Morning Laura." Vlad says.

"Morning Vlad- don't go in." I say.

He nods and waits by the door. Akward silence falls.

"....L-Laura.. s-sorry 'bout last night. I don't know what came over me.." Vlad says.

I go beat red. "..n-n-no no its..its okay!!" I say nervously.

"No seriously, im sorry. Can it not affect out friendship?" He says.

I look to him. A stream of blush covers his cheeks.

"Okay. We're good Vlad." I say.

"You know when you asked if you could get some defence training? If its safe to go out, how about today?" I said.

"Yeah sure." He smiles.

Just then Garroth opens the door. He looks at us confused.

"What happened last night between you two?" He says.

I blush and stutter. I think of an excuse. I look at Vlad and back to Garroth.

"..w-we u-uh..had an..an argument!! Yes we argued!! Nothing els went on!!" I say.

"Oh y-yes!! We had an arguement..about..uh..about the.. uh.. dinner..table..scene...yeah.." Vlad backs me up.

"Okay then.. see you downtairs." Garroth says.

He leaves to go downstairs. Me and Vlad enter to brush our teeth. It was very awkward at first till he struck up a conversation.

After we where done we head downstairs. Mrs Ro'Meave is setting out the bowls and food. I sit down next to Garroth. Infront of me sat Vlad and Zane next to him.

"I made you all breakfast hope you enjoy." She said.

I grab the cereal and pour some in my bowl. I put it back down and take the milk. I pour it in my bowl carefully and set it back down.

I take a spoon and start eating. I can see Zanes evil, sharp eyes looking my way.

"So Laura? Have you enjoyed your night? Anything come up?" Zane asks with a evil smirk.

I cough and put my spoon down. A grin plastered on.

"Well, infact Zane. I did sleep well and I did enjoy my chat with Vlad. And I know your trying to get under my skin." I say.

"Oh a chat with Vlad? What happened?" Zane asks.

"For your information, I explained the attack at school, the reason of the dinner table incident... and my dead sister." I tell him.

A serious expression covers my grin. He was frozen. I guess he didn't know about Alex.

"..your joking me, right?" Zane says.

"Do you think she's joking? I saw the body with my own eyes, baby brother. And even worse she was marked by an enemy of hers. Now is that sounding like a joke?" Garroth backs me up.

Zane was speechless. He stutters.

"..u-uh I-I I didn't know Laura im so-"Zane trys to speak.

"Zane, you need to be carefull around me. You don't know what im capeable of and im sure you wouldn't like to know." I threaten him.

"Laura im sorry I didn't know!!" He exlaims.

"...*sigh* apology excepted but think before you say Zane.." I say.

The table goes silent once again. A tear builds up in my eye.

"Im sorry guys. I didn't mean to cause such negative ora. Im bad with social skills since I only hang out with one girl." I said.

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