You took my heart, could I pl...

By TheCookieMonster

649K 6.4K 1.6K

16-year-old Elizabeth Johnson is far from your average teenager. Fighting depression, she has to get through... More

[1] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[2] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[3] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[4] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[5] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[6] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[7] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[8] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[9] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[10] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[11] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[12] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[13] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[14] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[15] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[16] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[17] You took my heart, could I please have it back? SPECIAL: The Gig
[18] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[19] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[20] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[21] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[22] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[23] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[24] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[25] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[26] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[27] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[28] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[29] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[30] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[31] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[32] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[33] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[34] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[35] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[36] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[37] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[38] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[39] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[40] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[41] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[42] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[43] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[44] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[45] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[46] You took my heart, could I please have it back? SPECIAL: London
[47] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[48] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[49] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[51] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[52] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[53] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[54] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[55] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[56] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[57] You took my heart, could I please have it back?
[58] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

[50] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

8K 70 15
By TheCookieMonster


March arrived and with it, the warmest day yet. The sun shone on the town on a Sunday afternoon, but I was cooped up in my room, doing homework. It was kind of irritating; the days I was out with my friends, it would be grey and gloomy, and today it was nice and sunny and I couldn't go out because I had so much homework.

Mind you, at least I had friends to go out with now. And of course I was eternally thankful for that. Things were perfect. Everything was alright.

Other than this English essay, I thought, sighing dismally. Who cared about poets of the 16th century? I scribbled a bit more rubbish down and then threw my pen down, groaning as I face planted the desk. I was not in the mood, I just wanted to get out there and spend time with my friends, as usual.

I still texted the Baker family on a regular basis and they would tell me random stories of their school, and I would tell them random stories of mine. We kept a good friendship although we never saw each other anymore.

I picked up the pen again, knowing I had to get this finished today otherwise I never would. I referred to all my notes and shit and finally I got a decent three pages down of waffle, mostly, but I did my best.

My phone buzzed on the desk and my face lit up as I saw it was Alex.

Hey sweetheart :) Do you want to come round later? x

I'd love to :D

We arranged a time and suddenly I was buzzing; I really wanted to go to Alex's house. I finished off the last couple of questions on my music homework then went downstairs, grabbing an apple from the kitchen before going up into the attic.

I sat on the sofa and my eyes scanned the bookshelves that lined the walls nearest me. I found one I was particularly fond of and picked it off the shelf, getting comfortable on the sofa as I began to immerse myself in the book.

I lost track of time as I was so absorbed in the story. The characters were so fantastically formed, and the plot was so thrilling and hooking that I couldn't put it down. It was intriguing and exciting and I just totally lost myself in this fantasy world.

I ignored my surroundings as I let myself become one with the character; everything they touched, smelt, heard, saw, I could too, and it was just so real. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to read a good book; I was glad I picked this one up. I missed books.

Just as I was getting worked up over the attitude of a character in the fourth chapter, I leaped out of my skin, my heart jolting as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed shortly and dropped my book, staring wide eyed at the intruder.

Alex sat there clutching his stomach in hysterical laughter and I scowled, folding my arms.

"You made me lose my page you moron," I grumbled, picking my book up and flicking through as I listened to him laugh. Secretly I loved hearing him laugh; if he was happy, then I was happy.

Once I found my page I purposefully ignored him for making me jump and laughing at me. He sobered up after a minute as I continued reading, and he wrapped his arms round my waist.

"Aw, come on Liz, don't be like that," he said, resting a chin on my shoulder as he stared up at me. I glanced down at him.

"Why?" I replied, pretending to sound offended.

"Because I love you," he replied with a grin and I smiled.

"I love you too, but you made me lose my page," I replied, turning back to my book.

"Lizzy," he whined, but I ignored him, even as his soft lips pressed against my cheeks. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, brushing his nose against my jaw. I wavered, but didn't give in. You did not disrupt me from my reading!

He gently pulled the book out of my hands and as I turned to glare at him, he smiled at me angelically. He hid it behind his back and I lunged for it but he laughed, sliding off the sofa. I chased him across the attic for it but he wouldn't give it to me until I'd forgiven him.

"Bribery," I sulked as I gave him a light kiss on the lips and he handed it back with a cheeky grin.

"Always wins," he winked and I marked my place in the book before putting it down, taking both his hands in mine.

"Shall we go to your house or just stay?"

"I'm feeling lazy...let's just stay," he smiled and we sat on the sofa, me leaning against him with his arm around my shoulder.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while, me listening to the steady rhythm of this heart. The heart that belonged to me; as mine did him. Then Alex just had to go break the romantic moment between us, with a usual obsession for boys.

"I'm hungry,"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Then let's go downstairs and get some food," I said, standing up and pulling him up with me. I climbed down the ladder first, and he followed shortly after, taking my hand as we went into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and raised a grim eyebrow at the emptiness, sighing as I chucked him one of my precious apples. He caught it with a grin and kissed my cheek, taking a bite out of it.

"You not hungry?"

"Just had one," I gestured at the Braeburn in his hand.

The silence that followed was not awkward but it looked like it was going to be that way when dad entered, so Alex started a conversation that soon led to them arguing playfully over some sport or other. I decided men would be men and left them to it, in no mood to decipher their sporting language.

Then dad suddenly remembered that the football was on or something so he dashed into the living room. Alex looked like he wanted to follow but I grabbed his hand before he could, reached up, and kissed him.

He lifted me up as we got more into the kiss, setting me on the counter so I didn't have to stretch. My hands entangled themselves in his hair as he hugged me close, his warm lips suffocating mine; but a good, very good suffocation.

I got that usual sensation of my heart somehow filling up with some invisible substance; love. It was usual but every time it was magical and I never wanted it to end. I never wanted to part from Alex; this perfect boy who had changed my life, much for the better.

Our bodies were pressed against each other as our lips moved frantically, as though trying to devour the other, and I slipped my hand under his shirt, my fingers touching his warm, smooth back. His own fingers touched my waist gently as though asking permission and I smile against his lips at how sweet he was.

Once he figured I wasn't going to slap him, he tentatively brushed his fingers against my waist, under my top, not going any further than that though. I found it sweet how he didn't want to take it too far.

"Hey!" there was a sudden exclamation and Alex and I pulled apart, breathless, our hands instantly by our sides as we turned to face the intruder, wide eyed. Dad was standing at the doorframe with a scowl on his face. "If you were touching my daughter inappropriately..."

I rolled my eyes exasperatedly. "He wasn't, dad," I said with a hint of impatience, hoping he'd go back to the TV.

"Well still," his gaze turned to face Alex with a glare. "Don't you dare mishandle her," he threatened. Alex opened his mouth and replied, the words tumbling out of his mouth seemingly with a mind of their own, and then his mouth clamped shut as he realised what he'd said.

"That's rich, coming from you,"

I held my breath, my heart thumping loudly as I took in their expressions; Alex, with his top teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he stared at my dad in dread, and then my dad himself, looking speechless; hurt and angry at the same time.

"And this is me being a better dad," he said levelly, although I could tell he was straining not to shout. This had angered him; he didn’t like being reminded of what he had done to me, and would forever feel guilty for it.

Alex didn't reply, but then dad spoke again. "I would appreciate if you didn't come over for a few days," he said between clenched teeth.

"Dad!" I exclaimed. "You can't do that,"

"Yes, I can," he replied, then looked pointedly at Alex who huffed, gave me a lingering kiss as though to rub it in dad's face, then left, looking hurt.

"Dad, look at him, you've upset him now," I scowled. "Just because you know he's making a fairly good point. You do kinda need to be reminded sometimes," I defended Alex, and his teeth clenched.

"Really? You think I don't remember every day, every five minutes of my life what I've done to you?"

"I'm surprised you remember it, you were drunk most of the time," I muttered, folding my arms. I was still seated on the counter, at eye level with my dad.

We had a standoff for a minute, both glaring at each other, until he finally sighed. "I know Liz, I know, but...he didn't need to say it like that,"

"Let him come back," I pleaded, and he hesitated.

"I think you spend too much time around him," he replied carefully. I frowned.

"What?" I said incredulously.

"I spend all of your time with him at school and he comes over every day, either that or you go to his, and you're always having sleepovers...maybe you ought to cool it down a little. Invite some other friends; how much time do you spend with James? Maybe he and Lily could come over. I just feel like something might happen to tear you apart from each other, even something like a holiday, and you would find it difficult to cope. I don't want you to get hurt, Lizzy,"

I was too blinded by irritation to see how much he really cared.

"Stop interfering!" I snapped. "Alex and I are perfectly fine, I don't need you sticking your nose in it and dictating how much time I spend with my own boyfriend," I hissed, glaring at him angrily.

"I'm only trying to help, there's no need for that tone,"

"Yes there is, you're doing more harm than help. I can decide myself when I want to hang out with my boyfriend, I'm not five anymore," I argued, scowling.

"Remember who you're talking to here," he growled.

"The prime minister," I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "How am I supposed to forget?"

"You're grounded,"

My jaw dropped and I was momentarily speechless.

"You - I - what?" I sputtered.

"You're grounded," he said again simply. "No friends round or band practices for the next week. Obviously you can't see what's good for you, and you need to learn more respect for me,"

His tone was final. I clamped my jaw shut firmly, gave him one last glare and slipped off the counter, storming out of the kitchen and upstairs irritably.

How could he ground me?!! First he doesn't let Alex come over, then he claims I'm spending too much time around him and not enough with my friends, and now he's freaking grounding me!

I was perfectly happy with the amount of time I spent with Alex, thank you very much, I didn't need restrictions on it at all and now I couldn't spend time with anyone outside of school. I growled at the wall, frustration and anger simmering in my system.

I realised he hadn't taken my phone away so I picked it up quickly and texted Alex.

I am so so so so so sorry about my dad! He's such a dick, he's grounded me for yelling at him so I can't see you at all outside school for the next week :( I'm really, really sorry! I love you <3<3

It's okay Lizzy :) I still love you, besides it was kinda my fault he kicked me out...xx

I breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn’t mad and exchanged a few more texts with him before the door opened. I glanced up from my bed to see me dad, his face expressionless.

"Phone, please," he said and I scowled darkly, standing up and giving it to him, worried Alex would think I was ignoring him.

Just seven more days...


The next morning, I woke up at seven and yawned widely, not wanting to get up. Then I remembered that I had school and sighed, slipping out of bed, although I was anxious to see my friends again. And explain my mysterious texting absence to Alex...

I went downstairs and thankfully my dad was in the shower so I didn't have to see him any longer than I wanted to. Call me childish but I was irritated with how he was dictating how I spent time with my friends.

Once I was done eating my toast (I'd never broken the habit of having toast for breakfast since Neil died) I went upstairs and showered, then got dressed in the usual jeans, t-shirt and black hoodie.

Upon finishing all that I dried my hair, brushed it, bunged it into a messy ponytail and shoved various books into my bag before hanging round in my room with my guitar until it was time to go.

I put my trainers on and went downstairs, not even looking at my dad as I stepped out of the door. He unlocked the car and I got in, shortly before he did, and the ride was tense and silent.

We pulled up outside the school and I muttered a quick, "Bye," to my dad to which he replied with a sigh of the same, dull word and then I got out of the car, locating my friends quickly.

I ran up to Alex and wrapped my arms around his waist, and he turned in surprise before smiling and hugging me.

"Hey," he said, kissing the top of my head as I greeted everyone in turn. "So what happened to your texting yesterday?" he joked and I grimaced.

"Dad's grounded me for the whole week and I don't have my phone either," I scowled irritably to which there were sighs of sympathy.

"What?! So no band practise?!" exclaimed Landon and I smiled.

"You guys are fine without me," I replied, flapping a hand at them, while James scoffed. I rolled my eyes at him as engulfed me in a hug. As she'd only just arrived I let her know the news. She frowned sympathetically and hugged me again but I remained in Alex's arms until the bell went.

Then I walked with James and Tom to school, as usual. We sat at the front of the class in the middle (according to them I was being unsociable by sitting at the back so they made me sit with them). James and Tom bantered on while I leaned on my elbow, quite content just to listen.

As our form tutor took the register I briefly remembered my first day of sixth form, and my reaction to James. When he had looked at me full of sympathy and outrage, which had totally confused me, and then got excited when I heard his name being called out because now I knew his name I might be able to make friends with him.

I shook my head to rid myself of these thoughts. Of course I would forever have the memories of the last few months but I had to ignore them now and keep on with what I had. The drama had ended two months ago (despite Nicola still harassing me from time to time, between lessons, when I was alone) and I wasn't going to bring it back with dark thoughts.

The bell went shortly afterwards and the three of us headed to music. Music, which had been so constant throughout my life. I smiled a little and we stepped inside the classroom. Our topic of the term was to compose a piece of music based on the artists we'd been listening to and it was challenging but fun.

It was kind of a given that the five of us worked together in everything. We were a band; a team. Even, I reflected, when they didn't like me they still let me work with them. I smiled at that. They'd had grudging respect for my musical skills right from the start, even if they hadn't liked me.

We sat now in MU2, Tom and James arguing (not seriously) over lyrics, while Kyle, Landon and I worked out the tempo of the bridge of the song so Landon could play the drums in time. It was a good system and we got far in a short space of time.

Unfortunately the bell came all too soon and we had to go; to English Lit. Fun. We all shared it so we went there together, talking, laughing, making jokes about each other. I was cheesed off that I couldn't go to band practise this week.

English was boring and uneventful, although we were studying poetry again which I had found I was quite good at. That passed slowly though and it was quite boring so I was relieved when break time came.

We sat outside, as usual, under our tree. I sat on Alex's lap - mandatory, according to him, not that I minded - and Lily sat beside us with James on the other side of her. I think she likes sitting next to me.

Break passed too quickly and soon we were thrown into lessons again; French then history, with Kyle and James respectively. They weren't too bad, I guess, French was okay - I wasn't exactly good at it but I got a laugh out of seeing Kyle suffer because the teacher didn't like him, plus I got to talk to James in history.

We sat down in French and I was 'treated' to an hour of complex sentence structures and verbs which went where they shouldn't normally go and too many complicated syllables that I couldn't comprehend. Although, the highlight was when Kyle got picked to do the speaking exercise.

Another hour followed, of history this time, but this time it was okay because I had a decent chat with James about stuff. Nothing in particular, just a casual conversation with a friend. My feelings for him had dissipated much quicker than they had come; I think my realisation was so sudden that it somehow helped me get over him quicker.

Finally, lunch came, my second favourite part of the day, music being the first. I joked around and laughed with my friends as usual; Lily teased Alex when he fed me some of his lunch, Kyle, James and Landon started a food fight, Tom started singing loudly to his iPod (thankfully he was a good singer)...all in all, a usual lunchtime for us.

Then food time was over and the last lesson of the day dragged irritatingly slowly, as it usually does, and I had great pleasure in tickling Alex awake when he almost dropped off, which I found very amusing.

But then school ended and I was dismally reminded that I wasn't allowed to see him or contact him - or any of my friends - in any way until tomorrow. Obviously it wasn’t that long but it still irritated me, especially as the guys had band practise tonight.

I scowled as the bell went, which made Alex laugh and kiss my cheek.

"It's not that bad, I'll sneak in your window like the rebel boyfriends in the movies if you want me to,"

This made me laugh and he smiled, taking my hand as we walked through the corridors. I tried to walk as slowly as possible, which again made him laugh but he didn't complain or argue. I hugged goodbye to the various friends I saw on the way out and then Alex and I began the slow walk home.

Unfortunately after just twenty minutes I was forced to part from him and I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissed him. He kissed me back with a smile on his lips, pressing me to him warmly, for about a minute before he pulled away.

"Love you," he said, kissing my nose.

"Love you too," I replied, waving him goodbye as we went down different streets to get home.

The last couple of streets went quickly and soon I was unlocking the door to my house. I noticed in confusion that dad's car was still there, and frowned. He was home early, I wondered what had brought this on. Maybe he was going to the extreme of making sure I didn't bring Alex home before he got home.

This seemed unlikely though so I entered the house and called out a curious,


I'm not really sure why I made it sound like a question - he was obviously home - but there was just something about the quietness of the house that seemed off. This was doubled as there was no reply, and my heart started to beat a little faster.

Frowning, I walked into the living room and the TV was off and he wasn't in there, so I walked upstairs, dumped my stuff and went down the hall, cautiously poking my head round my dad's bedroom door, checking to see if he was asleep on his bed.

He wasn't.

I ran a hand through my fringe, now seriously confused.

"Dad?" I called out, louder as I descended the stairs again. The house was too quiet for him not to have heard me. I went back into the hall and opened the kitchen door, the only other place he would be (the bathroom was empty).

I took one step in and then stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes widening, my heart hammering furiously against my ribcage, and I opened my mouth but I was unable to make any noise.

My dad lay on the floor with a large pool of blood surrounding him and soaking his clothes, with a knife sticking out of his stomach.


Cliffhanger because everyone loves them so much.

Sorry again for the long wait, I love you all!

Vote, Comment, Fan? <3

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