By clumsylouhaz

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Its started with a short of introduced self in a letter and Louis find the letter by faith , then started to... More

20 (part 1)
20 ( part 2 )
25 ( part 2 )
epilogue ?
The End
Alternate Ending


49 3 0
By clumsylouhaz

The documentary . / third PoV

Louis and Harry decided to watch the documentary that was edited by Harry . Louis head was on harry chest while harry had his chin above Louis hair . They just cuddle and watch the documentary because they were on their lazy Sunday afternoon.

Importance Person in My Life
Life Is Vulnerable

The title appear on the screen.

Day 1 , tape 1 out of 25

Harry : hello everyone . This is the person that important in my life . He's my boyfriend and his name is Louis William Tomlinson , aged 23 . You ready lou ?

Louis : yes .

Harry : what's on your bucket list today ?

Louis : uh . Urm.

Harry : let's just say you only have a year to live your life . So what would you do before you gone ?

Louis : a year seem too long . How about 6 month ?

Harry : oh . right . Sure. What will you do then ?

Louis : I want to make people that know me live happily before I go .

Harry : and why is that ?

Louis : I don't want them to waste their times crying over my death body .

Harry : lou ? Are you being serious ?

Louis : yes hazza . I'm not saying that they shouldn't cry over my death body but I do hope they will move on with their life . Continue to find their happiness. Make their life time worth . Not wasting their time crying and become depressed . Like I'm not going to live happily up there when knowing my lover and my friends becomes depressed because of me . I don't want that .

Harry : and how do you make people around you happy then ?

Louis : well , I do talk some shit sometimes but I did make them laugh over it . I will try my best to make them happy .

Harry : alright . Do you have anything to say to the viewer ?

Louis : um , do whatever makes you happy. Don't give up yet . It's too early to give up . There are a lot of things to do before you upset about it . If you got a bad grade , then don't blame yourself for failing . Maybe you aren't great at studying but something else . Try to explore what makes you happy . If you good at singing so go audition for it . If you're pretty and handsome , try to get a job on modelling . If you're rich , open your own business. If you have nothing , then try to make yourself have something to do with your life happily . Don't ever give up love . That's rule of life. Never give up and be who you are . Thank you. .

What did Louis do in his daily days when he is in the bedroom, kitchen , living room and backyard? Let's see . . .

Places : bedroom

Louis was sleeping on the bed while hugging his teddy that he got from harry. He woke up at sharp 8 am everyday or even early than harry . He will take shower first and then goes to the windows seat to read his favourite book that he borrow from the library. He loves to read book when he is in his free time .

Places : kitchen

Louis will makes his tea without sugar everyday . Unless he's running out of tea . He couldn't live without his plain tea. Fun fact , the tea taste horrible without sugar . Trust me , I've tried it before . He doesn't eat unless I cook something for his breakfast. He's allergic to seafood but he love to eat shrimp . He's stubborn but well, he kind of obey me when I said no .

Places : Living Room

Louis lays down on the sofa with his hand resting under his chin . His hand holding a small remote but with his small hand , everything seem bigger than his hand . He doesn't like to watch horror movie alone because he just don't like it. He won't admit tho that he's afraid .

Places : Backyard

Louis played with Larry at the backyard . He's running around with a skipping rope on his hand to let Larry to catch it . Skipping rope is for jumping for gods sake Louis !

Places : In front of the door

Well , here shows nothing actually. But the reason why I put the cctv there was for safety . But we kind of get in and out everyday from that door ..

Day 2 , Tape 2 out of 25

Harry : what is on your bucket list today ?

Louis : to play piano but apparently we don't have one . *pouts*

Harry : what ? You can play piano ?

Louis : of course I can . I'm the best pianist at my school hazza! I always the one kid that play the song when it's come to music classes , competitions and for any ceremony!

Harry : oh I never knew of that cause you never told me !

Louis : well , you never ask me about it so ....

Harry : wanna tell us about it more?

Louis : yea. My grandpa teach me how to play piano when I was 7 years old . He's good pianist as well . You should see him plays but it's too late, he's gone when I was 11 or something. Anyway , he teach me a song , kid song , kinda forgot what the title was . . . So yea he's the reason why I love to play piano . He always have this little smile of proud when he sees me playing . I never forget the way he looking at me . Urm. That's all I guess ...

Harry : seem good. Well , we should buy one since I'm curious how good you were !

Louis : really hazza ? We can buy one ? Oh my god !! Thanks harry !

Harry : your welcome. Do you have anything to say to the viewer ?

Louis : yup . If you are sad , listen to the song that is rock and pop. It will make you forget why you are sad and make you dance instead. Try to dance or sing along to it. Or scream the lyric to let out your sadness. Trust me it's work . You will be smiling when you do this method ! Stay happy love ! Thank you .

Harry : that's the good one !

Cctv tape

Places : backyard

We played water balloon today . It was fun ! It's childish but we don't care . We do what makes us happy without worrying how childish it is . Fun fact : Louis fell on his bum when he tried to catch the big balloon over his head. That was the funniest thing to watch ! Aha sorry lou !

Day 3 , Tape 3 out of 25

Harry : what's on your bucket list today Louis ?

Louis : To have double dates with Niam Horayne!

Harry : who is ni- oh .. alright . Why is that ?

Louis : well , we never done that before. Besides , that was a thing nowdays to have a double date with our best friend. It's like to know more bout each other !

Harry : but we do hangout sometime.

Louis : that's hangout not a dates . It's different harry !

Harry : enlightened me then !

Louis : hangout is like we didn't do something romantic. We just hangout and talk shit sometime ! On a date , we do things in romantic way. Like we gave flowers that day , ate dinner with candle ons , wear something nice and talking about something instead of random topic .

Harry : oh right. Well , we will do that later , okay ?

Louis : okay .

Harry : do you have anything to say to the viewer ?

Louis : well , if I said I don't have any , what will you do then ?

Harry : I do nothing . It's alright i guess but make sure next time , you do know what to talk . Okay ?

Louis : aye sir !

Cctv tape

Places : Kitchen

Louis tries to cook something today. It was chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash potatoes . He do all of that by himself. It was the first biggest meal he ever done by himself. It turns out good . The best meal ever indeed . Fun fact : Louis burn some mash potatoes on the first try then he gave Larry to eat it and the cat just look and leave as soon as the mash potatoes hit his plate . Not a very good cat !

Day 4 , tape 4 out of 25

Harry : Louis , what is on your bucket list today ?

Louis : to make harry stopped mad at me .

Harry : care to tell me why is that ?

Louis : because I forgot to. . Do I really have to tell ? You know about it !

Harry : well , the viewers don't . So come on, tell us.

Louis : I hate you haz ! I forgot to do the laundry!

Harry : yea you did that . What happen when you do the laundry?

Louis : *groan* I accidentally put too much of detergent on the machine .

Harry : Louis , don't lie if you want me to forgive you !

Louis : ugh . Alright. I put too much of detergent on the washing machine because I want to make our cloths smell good . .

Harry : and what happened next ?

Louis : the bubbles come out of the washing machine, along with plenty of water that causes our laundry room flooded .....

Harry : and ?

Louis : I ran without helping harry cleans it .. that's it . I already tell the viewers so please forgive me

Harry : why should I ?

Louis : you ignoring me , I don't like it .

Harry : whatever, do you have anything to say to the viewer ?

Louis : yup ! People should forgive people who did wrong. Don't fight for too long cause it will break the other person heart .

Harry : are you referring that to me ?

Louis : *grins* nope . I'm referring to anyone who is fighting with their friend , lover and family . Forgive them for what they done wrong . It's not that hard to do so . Just said I'm sorry in sincerely way , and show them how sorry you are . Thank you.

Cctv tape

Places : Living room

Louis was laying down on the sofa with Larry over his chest . He didn't watch the TV but the TV watch him . He was on his phone , playing temple run(am I right ? ) , sometimes he will play candy crush but sometimes he play finding word on his phone . I love to see how concentrate he was when he played games. .

Day 5 , tape 5 out of 25

Harry : you ready love ?

Louis : yep . *winks*

Harry : cute . Alright . Tape 5 . Louis what is your bucket list for today ?

Louis : urm. I want to go to Doncaster, but my hazza here don't want to follow me ! *pout*

Harry : I want to follow lou , but we have a busy day . We will go there when we achieve tape 25 .

Louis : I'm afraid I won't make it . *murmurs*

Harry : pardon ? What was it ?

Louis : nothing hazza. Pinky promise to go there after tape 25 ?

Harry : promise ! Now what is in your bucket list today ?

Louis : I just told you .

Harry : what is it ? *annoyed*

Louis : making harry promise to bring me to Doncaster * smile proudly*

Harry : uh . That was okay I guess. Anything else you want to say ?

Louis : no .. but .. um .. I think .. people should stop bullying people who is .... uh . Nothing.

Harry : lou . . . Continue what you want to say. It's perfectly okay .

Louis . Okay . People should stop bullying and looking down at people who is different. Accept who they are . What if one day when the person that you bullied , kill themselves ? You don't want right to be the reason why they kill themselves ? Everyone is the same at the end . You just need to accept the truth and move on . That's all . Thank you .

Harry : alright. We're done !

Cctv tape

Places : In front of the house

Louis love rains soo much . When there was rainy day, he will go out of the house and play with the rain. He will soaked and refused to go inside the house before he catches flu . What will he do when he's under the rain ? He will dancing , or sat down on the ground just to enjoy the rain that pour heavily over his body , over the world .

Harry asked him why he love rain soo much that makes him go out and play ? He said ' life is once so enjoy everything before its too late '

Day 6 , tape 6 out of the 25

Harry : hey guys , Louis catches a cold , so please ignore the way he dressed, his voice change and the beg under his eyes. So , what is in your bucket list today Louis ?

Louis : achoo! Uh sorry . My bucket list *coughing* um was to create a heart machine .

Harry : why is that ? There was plenty at hospital!

Louis : no , not that . That was a heart monitor *cough* . I want to build a heart machine so people who has cancer , *cough* terminal illness or whatever that will died soon will be able to live more longer.

Harry : okay ... that was unexpected ....

Louis : yea . You see , people when they are dying , will try to *cough* makes their time worth . They will regret for not doing something that they never done when they have time cause life is like a journey on a train with its stations with changes of routes and with accidents. *cough* Then people who can live more longer wasted their life with killing themselves over something that can be solved. It's unfair you know . They should make their life , time more worth before its too late . Find help if you're depressed. Make yourself better . * cough*

Harry : lou, you okay ?

Louis : it's just sad to see at the news they kill themselves because broke up with their lover like what? I know how it is feel when *cough* broke up with someone and I do want to kill myself too but I told myself there's billion guy out there that I could find. We just have to move on and it's takes some time but it's worth waiting for it . If I can do it, you guys can do too. Stay strong and stay po-achhoo-tive . Thank you

Cctv tape

Places : living room

Louis was laying down on the floor with a thick blanket under him and top of him . He exclaims that he more comfy sleeping on the floor than on the bed .

Day 7 , tape 7 out of 25

Inside the car ,

Harry : where are we now lou?

Louis : we are at the Doncaster

Harry : what do we do here ?

Louis : to visit my old house

Harry : *pout* why you seem not excited at all ?

Louis : I'm just nervous .

Harry : of ?

Louis : it's complicated hazza .

Harry : alright . We will talk about this later . Anyway , what is your bucket list for today? 

Louis : to see all the things that my family left behind in the house .

Harry : such as ?

Louis : um pictures , the girls girly room , and a lot more. Kinda miss being there. 

Harry : alright.  We will do house tour once we arrive.  See ya !

Vlog : Tomlinson's house

Harry : Hey guys ! We are in front of Tomlinson's house right now . *camera was at Louis nervous face , he looks like he wants to cry !* hey , you alright ? *put an arm over Louis shoulder*

Louis : *fakes smile* I'm alright . Let's get in then ! * pull the house keys out of his hoodie pocket. *

Louis shakily put the right keys into the hole while harry filming around the corner of the house and waves at the neighbours who is grinning at him while looking at the camera . " is that Louis ? As in Louis Tomlinson ? " the neighbour asked harry while pointing at Louis who is still struggle to open the door. 

Louis turn around when he heard his name called out . " hi Steven!  " Louis waved at him and smile politely ! The guy ran out of his house and start hugging Louis . Louis shocked at the sudden gesture but immediately being comfortable at the hugs .

Meanwhile harry on the behind the camera worried as fvck didn't notice he was groaning.  " chill hazza ! He already married!  He have a daughter who is  5 or 6 years old ! " Louis chuckle and Steven laugh too .

" she is 7 , Tommo!  What happened to your urm family ? I just heard about the accident and I thought it just a rumours or urm " Steven asked Louis uncomfortably as he talk about sensitive subject.  Louis smiled dryly at that and hold harry hand for a support . 

" uh yea . It's happened on November. . my dad and my sister urm .. died ..  so I just left with my mom and being paralysed but ... my mom got killed by a robber 6 month ago  . . . I - " " Tommo , you don't have to tell everything to me cause I know it is hard to do so.  I'm sorry for asking.  Stay strong lou ! " Steven hugged Louis tightly and whisper something into Louis ear that harry didn't catch up . But the whisper make Louis slightly smile and that makes harry feel relief .

Steven left after he heard his daughter crying.  Harry helped Louis to open the door and it's finally open . Louis slowly walk inside and stopped and look at the camera

" uh yea it's my family house. 
We are standing at the living room.  This is the place where we were fighting over the remote control . " Louis sat down on the sofa beans then pulled out something under the table " here the cds that we loved to play . There are more in my room , I'll show it later tho . Urm , ha gotcha ! This is the movie we play the most " Louis hold up a cds called Grease " then this one also " the title was Titanic . " lottie cried a lot over this even tho we played it every day " Louis smiled as he flashbacks the moment. 

" then when we are bored , we will watch this !  Teletubbies! " Louis laugh , following with harry . " I'm the red ones , lot is the yellow ones and fizzy is the purple ones. We love to watch this on our free times . " Louis said while putting all the cd back to the place .

" now , let's go upstairs ! You're lucky that I can walk now , if not you will have to to carry me haz ! " Louis chuckle while walking towards the upstairs . Harry giggle and follow Louis , the camera was only recorded  lou bums (#sorrynotsorrylou)

" we have 4 bedroom here.  This is my mom rooms " he showed the door wit written ' mummy & dadddy ' Louis open the room door and he walked inside and stopped at his mom make up table .. He took the frames and show it to the camera " mom and dad when they married . I miss them " he said slowly then kiss the frames

He put it back down and take another frame then show it to the camera " this is me when I was 14.  This is lottie and fizzy . My mom and my dad . This picture was taken at some festival , I think it was night of New Years Eve celebration.  We will always go to this kind of festivals, just wanted to see fireworks.  That's all . " he said blankly and put the picture down.

He then put a fake smile and said " I won't cry in front of you guys so don't worry. Haha " he chuckle and Harry did the same , "now , let's go to my sisters room ! Prepare your eyes for adjust the brightness of pink " he giggles and walk out the door when Harry also out of the door , Louis closed the door carefully.

He walk to another room and stopped in front the door with a grins " even their door a bit pinkish here " he showed the wooden that was pink that hanging on top of the door ' welcome to our room! ' that was written on the wooden !

" are you ready ? Don't worry it's not messy like usual , my mom already clean it up before we move to Holmes . " Louis said with a smiled and open the door and let Harry records it first .

" omg Lou ! " Harry said as he sees the room . The room was painted with bright pink , their bed cover was pink , their makeup table was also pink , the carpet pink , the cabinet was pink and almost everything is pink !

" how the heck they manage to get all of this pink ! " Harry said disbelief of what he sees ! Louis chuckle and shake his head " They literally asked my dad to find them all pink , so my dad had people looks for it and yea it takes a lot of time to do but he manage to done it " Louis said as he sat down on the bed .

" my eyes is already hurting when scanning around! "  Harry chuckle and film around again . He then saw a picture of Louis and two girls . On top of the pictures was written " with our boobear! " "boobear? " Harry smirked and Louis blushed..

" yea , they call me that . " Louis said simply ,


" are you tired bby? " Harry asked Louis when Louis yawning , " yea ! Do you still want to watch? " Louis said as he make himself comfortable and put his head on Harry chest , " nah , sleep then , I will wake you up when it's time for dinner " Harry said while rubbing Louis back , he didn't get response but a small snore coming out from Louis .

Harry smiled at how adorable his fiancé , Harry couldn't help when he was reminded by his brain that Louis will be gone soon and Harry wasn't ready to let him go . Harry was thinking what he suppose to do when Louis gone .

Maybe miracles might happen and Louis  will be able to stay alive , Harry cried silently and wipe his tear quickly to not let it fall on Louis . Harry was sad and he fakes his feeling around Louis . Whenever Louis wasn't around ,  Harry will broke down crying , and screaming and punching the wall and sometimes he even smokes .

Yes he smoke . Because smoke can let out the stress , but no it didn't , it will blacken the lungs and whatsoever.

So , he tried to stop smoking but it's hard to do so when he already addicted to that thing . But lucky you didn't take drug Harry ! Harry thought said that .

Harry watched Louis sleeps and he slowly kissed Louis forehead .  " Lou , please don't leave me alone  ! " he whispered and try not to cry .

He is broken , mad , sad , and all that , he was afraid if Louis died , he will try to kill himself eventho he promised Louis not to ... He just couldn't find the light of happiness anymore , he slowly giving up ......

It's been a long day , I didn't update and yea I'm updating right now ! Lol ! Lots of love Az ❤️

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