Stars (Thalianca Fanfiction) ✅

By BridgetDiAngelo

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Note: THIS WAS MADE A YEAR AGO WHEN I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE!! BEWARE!!!! Thalia looked up at the stars in... More

Stars: Chapter 1
Stars: Chapter 2
Stars: Chapter 3
Stars: Chapter 4
Stars: Chapter 5
Stars: Chapter 7
Stars: Chapter 8
Stars: Chapter 9
Stars: Chapter 10
Stars: Chapter 11
Stars: Chapter 12
Stars: Chapter 13
Stars: Note

Stars: Chapter 6

301 12 3
By BridgetDiAngelo

The demigods bickering quickly stopped as the memory started. In caps it showed 5 months later at the top of the screen. It showed several clips of Brooklyn giving Thalia new clothes and a note on each pile. However it also showed Thalia ignoring the notes and usually throwing them away. Finally it started up again.

Thalia woke up, tired and groggily, but she couldn't sleep. She yawned, and shook her hair like a dog before getting out of bed. She looked disgusted at her nightgown, "I hate dresses." She muttered angrily, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes.

Then, she noticed a note. She remembered that it had fallen out of the bag, but she never thought to read it. It was probably just some stupid business card- but she still looked. The Memory zoomed in, the card was in Greek, and Latin. (I put it in English)

'Dear Thalia,
I have given you clothes and other necessary items you may need on your mission. Keep in mind that you are not to speak to the Di Angelo's- only stalk and keep tabs. You are like a Satyr, again, you shall only stalk them and keep tabs. Any interaction may lead to attachment. Finally, I have also boosted the Hades scums' ages. Bianca is now 14, and Nico is 12. This will change at the time they get out of the Casino- and they won't remember anything about skipping ages. You may need to explain somethings to Bianca, and there is a book for Nico. Please only interact with them at that cost- never tell your actual name, or any information. After all you are stalking and keeping tabs shortly after.By the way- before I forget- I have given them extra clothes and everything that is needed, remember my words.


She looked up at the ceiling hastily. "Seriously dad? New ages? They are going to freak." She muttered, still she sighed, and took her clothes to the bathroom. She had quickly changed, and did all she could for maximum effect on herself- and headed out.

Their Bianca was, wide eyed, and looking at herself. Her flat chest wasn't so flat, and she terrified. Thalia nodded, she was right, her lips pursed together. "You okay?" She asked, feeling a bit sorry for the girl. "U-uh. I- um. Help." She whispered, her voice high pitched and almost static. Thalia took a deep breath. "So what would you say if I told you my dad was a god. And he changed your guys ages to 2 years older, and was telling me to tell you everything about your new body?" Thalia asked, making the whole situation awkward.

"Well, I'd say your a young version of a sot." She told her, Thalia avoided Bianca's glance. "Well. I'm pretty sure I'm not a 'young sot' but I am a demigod. And so are you." She told her, Bianca gave her a weird look. "You are crazy." She stated, Thalia smiled softly.

"No I'm just. . . Creatively minded." Thalia told her. Bianca rolled her eyes, "What if I'm not crazy?" Thalia asked, Bianca looked at her again. "Then I would sit in that corner." She pointed to the farthest corner away from the bed. "And cry." She stated, "Better get crying kid." Thalia told her, Bianca's eyes widened. "May you repeat that?" Bianca asked her, "Well-" Bianca interrupted her. "You said I was a demigod. As in half god? T-then why don't they take Nico and I to them. . . If they do exist." She whispered, Thalia sighed.

"That's the thing with gods kid. They give you life, then leave you. Leave your mom- or dad. And then they eat food up on Olympus as we struggle to survive in the real world." Thalia said, her voice slightly angry and annoyed. "Is that why I've never heard of them existing?" She asked, Thalia was about to answer but Nico had woken up with a scream.

His voice was deeper, the high pitch quickly was less soprano sounding. He had shot up in height, well just enough that his shirt didn't go to his knees, just to his mid upper thigh. "What the he-" "Nico!" Bianca screamed at him, before he could use very. . . creative language. "M-my voice! I- tall- wha-" He took a deep breath. Attempting to calm down. Thalia then noticed the book at the side of his bed.

"Listen Nico. You kind of. . . aged 2 years. And there is a book on the corner of your bed explaining what's happening to your. . . body. Gods this is awkward. A-And Greek gods may exist? Good morning by the way." Thalia told him, his eyes where bulging out of his head, and he looked like he was about to pass out any minute. "Greek gods exist!?" He yelled, adding a few curses. Bianca flinched. "Nicolas Anthony (I just made up his middle name- yeah) Di Angelo! You will watch your mouth!" Bianca shouted at him, he got out from the bed. "Yes Bianca." He said, looking at his feet. "Nico. With all due demands- get on some pants, I don't want to look at your underwear."

Thalia stated, throwing one of the backpacks she found at the edge of his bed at him. "Ow!" Nico complained, the backpack hitting his head. "Get over it. You're a big boy." Thalia teased, Nico rolled his eyes. Bianca smiled slightly. Almost laughing.

"Wait. You said you'd have to explain things to me. What's for me to be taught?" Bianca asked Thalia. Thalia blushed, she hated this. "Well, basically we girls get balloons on our chest and other crap happens. The end. Then you die." Thalia told her, Bianca blushed. "You know what. . . I'll just. . . Let's never talk about what just happened here ever again." Bianca said, "Amen sister." Thalia mumbled.

"So. I'm still in my pajamas." And at that moment Nico screamed. "Oh my gosh golly f-sh-holy s- cra- what the he- ah!" He screamed, looking at the book he held in horror. His eyes were widened, and his mouth wide open as well. Thalia winced, squinting at the book. "Close it!" Bianca screamed, closing her eyes and hitting the book out of Nico's hands. The book fell to the floor, its pages bent, and the disturbing images quickly blurred out and covered by the tan carpet.

"Is it gone?" Bianca asked, Thalia opened her eyes slowly. "Yeah." She told the Di Angelo's as she saw the book. "Never opening that again." Nico said, Bianca rolled her eyes. She smirked but then turned serious. "As I was saying," She glared at Nico. He blushed and smiled at her sheepishly.

"We have no clothes. Well, that will fit our. . . New bodies." Bianca said, Thalia nodded. Her eyes avoiding everywhere, but always leading back to Bianca. Her lips, chest, slender legs, and the newly long ringlets or dark hair. Her olive skin shined and her eyes were a slightly deeper brown. Making it look like a dove chocolate more than a bears fur.

Bianca blushed, seeing Thalia's glance was on her. Thalia then snapped out of the trance. Nico standing there, smirking, looking at the newly blossoming romance. The Memory showed his lips moving. But it was so quiet that they needed captions.

'I promise that I won't let anyone kill you girls at night when you're sleeping. After all, I'm attracted to the same sex to.'

"Aw Nico!" Bianca said, reading the caption. She kissed her brother's cheek and ruffled his hair. "Ah Bianca! Stop!" I said, a smiled graced his lips, and his laugh was like an angels voice. Percy was tearing up a bit, "We have our Nico back." He whispered to himself. AnnaBeth, nodding, smiled at the brother and sister. Jason was looking at Apollo.

Apollo had his hands running through his swept back, beach blonde hair. His lip was being bitten so hard, that it drew incor (Is that what godly blood is called). Artemis looked at her brother, whispering so she didn't draw much attention. "Apollo. What is wrong?" She whispered, Apollo but his lip harder.

"Bianca and Thalia's heart are slowing down. Bianca because she's dead- but Thalia because of a broken heart. If we watch more than 7 more memories. Well, her heart will stop." Apollo whispered, Artemis looked at the group of demigods. She then put her eyes on Bianca. She saw something that only Aphrodite could point out easily, love. There was that one look in her eyes- Aphrodite called it love. Artemis preferred to call it betrayal. But either worked.

"4 more memories. Please. You're making my hunter so happy. She's still a kid. And she's dead. She needs this." Artemis whispered to her brother. He nodded, and quickly bent his fingers. His hand was in a fist, and his eyes were glowing an Arctic blue for a few seconds. He paused, his normal eye color returning.

"Done. We have 6 more memories. I think." He told Artemis. She nodded, and they returned their attention to the Memory. It was paused, the demigods still were chatting.

"Nico. I see that was sweet and all. I just don't get how." Percy said, Nico sighed. "In our time. Gays and Lesbians. Well they'd get killed in their sleep and stuff for liking the same sex." Bianca explained sadly. "I personally am gay. But that's my attraction. It still makes me a person. And it makes me well. Me!" Nico said, his small speech earning a few claps from Jason.

"Loud and proud Nico!" He cheered, Nico looked at him. "Seriously Jason?" He asked, Jason then blushed. Noticing all the unwanted attention. "How long do you think it's past?" Nico asked AnnaBeth. She shrugged, "Let's ask Artemis." She suggested. Percy nodded, joining the conversation.

"Artemisss! How long has it been? Actually- what's the date?" Jason whined, Artemis whined. "It's seemed to pass 3 days. Making today December 22nd." She told the demigods. Nico and Bianca froze. "Thalia's birthday." They whispered in sync. The others shrugged, thinking Thalia's birthday was after Christmas. Due to a calandra mix up with the Athena Cabin.

Soon, the talking grew quiet. And it was an awkward silence. As if in cue the memories started back up.

"U-um. I have a backpack for you." Thalia said, cursing at her stuttering. Bianca nodded, her teeth gently touching her soft, kissable, lips. Thalia almost slapped herself. This was no way to be thinking!

Thalia quickly grabbed the backpack, her eyebrow twitched. Her face was still red, and she handed her the bag. Bianca cautiously opened it. As if Zeus wanted to make Thalia more annoyed- a note fell out.

'Dear Bianca. Or Nico.
One of you Hades children,

Hello dears! I am Aphrodite! And with the help of my godly powers- I have made you each backpacks with all the clothes you'd want. Any timer period! And any type! (Don't worry as soon as you open them you will get a small device that will act as a closet space. Where you can store your favorite outfits). Have an awesome shopping trip!

-Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty ;)'

Present Bianca blushed, remembering what she did with that bag. She lost it a while back, before her death. But that didn't mean she didn't use it.

The Memory Bianca looked at the bag questionably. "What's the word awesome mean?" She asked Thalia. "It means. Amazing." Bianca nodded, Thalia trying to explain it the best she could.

"I'm going to go change." Bianca said, Nico was already changed. He had a dark blue shirt on, complete with brown pants. Ropes tied around them, making it stop mid-calf. The shirt had long sleeves, and a good in back. It was see through. So you could see the slight peeks of the white undershirt he was wearing. His black hair in his face, unbrushed , and wild.

"What are you wearing?!" Thalia exclaimed, staring at Nico's. . . outfit. He looked over himself, he sighed. "Not what I even thought of." He muttered, then reached into the bag again, pulling out a small device. It looked like an IPod. Silver, camera lends, home button, and screen. He tapped the button, and the screen lit up.

Nico's eyes wondered around. "How are you not scared of this. You were scared of my earrings." Thalia reminded him, both Nico's blushed at this. "Y-you just stabbed h-holes in y-your flesh. And they were just a spiked! Sitting there! How could I not be scared?" Nico defended. Thalia sighed, rolled her eyes, and smiled.

"Just get dressed Mr. Trypophobia." She muttered sarcastically. Nico looked at her annoyed, and confused. "What does that even mean?" He asked, Thalia smiled. "I won't tell you until you stop looking like a guy who was neglected for 314 years." Thalia told him, this time Nico rolled his eyes.

"Oh my gods! Thalia why!?" Percy shouted, the memory paused again. AnnaBeth sighed, "Percy it was just a kids movie." Jason gasped dramatically. "It wasn't just a kids movie to us!" He shouted, Artemis rolled her eyes. Apollo smiled, amused by the demigods fight.

"ROTG is our fandom!" Both boys shouted. Bianca looked at Nico confused. "It was a. . . I don't even know what this is." Nico told her, looking at the boys. "Jack was abandoned!" Jason wailed. "300 years!" Percy screamed, "He saved her!" Both of them screamed in sync. "You really have to stop doing that." AnnaBeth muttered.

"That's enough! My hunter only has a few memories left! We have to get through these!" Artemis yelled, annoyed and outraged by now. The argument stopped, t had lasted for almost 20 minutes, and it stopped within seconds.

"Yes Artemis." Everyone but Bianca muttered. Bianca, she stayed silent.

'A few memories left. They'll find out soon. And I'll have to go through that again.'

She thought, tears stinging her eyes. Nico noticed this. "Bianca. Bia, are you okay?" He asked softly, Bianca quickly blinked the tears away. She nodded quickly, to quickly for Nico's taste.

"No your not. I know my sister." He insisted. "I'm fine Nico." Bianca said, avoiding his eyes. Nico glared harshly at her head. "Then why are you crying?" He whispered, Bianca then noticed a few tears falling down her face. She was about to lie, but AnnaBeth interrupted her.

"Guys shut up the memory's continuing!" She screamed, everyone was silent. But Nico still glanced at Bianca, who still had a few tears going down her cheeks.

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